Seeking RP Partners



Original poster

I am new to the site and figured I would put something here as a more official posting that I am seeking partners for rp. I have two characters currently created and added to the site for specific ideas; which will be down below; but I am more than willing to make a character for other ideas. I can work in multiple settings and genres, having created and partaken in everything from low-high fantasy to hard-soft sci-fi. I've been watching a ridiculous amount of anime lately though so I do have a bit of an itch for something with an anime like feel or even something in a specific anime setting.

Below here I will have my two specific ideas outlined.

This would take place in the Code Geass universe, an anime I think pretty highly of. The setting would be that after the end of R2 the new Empress Nunnally would eventually change the Empire into the United States of Bretonnia. My character will be a disaffected prince in exile who will seek to return the Britannian Empire to it's rightful glory. Here is a link to my character for this specific rp.

Welcome to Akashic Academy! To be accepted into this prestigious place of learning is something to be truly proud of. We have taught and trained the movers of the world for over two hundred years and look forward to bringing out your fullest potential. The Academy Grounds are quite extensive with multiple buildings where you will also find our extremely elegant dormitories for our students. Separated first by gender and then by year group you will always find yourself around your peers. Travel just a bit off the Academy Grounds and you will find yourself in what is known as Aka City where you will find restaurants, entertainment and places to work for Prestige. Yes, Prestige. Here at Akashic Academy students do not pay for their items or services with money. They must earn what is known as Prestige by performing different acts; whether it be working a job to show determination; working hard at a club to prove yourself, doing well enough to put yourself at the top of your classes or the most popular. Challenge others to duels to take their Prestige and make it your own. Some may think that allowing duels is archaic but our staff always make sure to keep watch over the students at all times and we believe that adversity can create growth.

So once again, Welcome to Akashic Academy! Your future awaits!

This setting is a supernatural school that you will see in many animes. Here is the link to my character to be used for this.

And here is a bit more information as this idea seems popular.

Akashic Academy itself is a school for the elite of the world. Either the very wealthy, powerful or supremely talented. It fronts as being the premier place to send the best of the best when it comes to children. Its true purpose is a place to house and train those that have special abilities. Whether they be from their bloodline, some kind of supernatural ability or the ability to interact with magic usually the child will end up in Akashic Academy.

If you are you become one of the Ranked. The rankings go from Class E which are barely above normal human students. Class D which are those with some form of latent ability that gives them an advantage. Class C where their ability or power is actually considered in some way dangerous. Class B who are usually talented magi or someone with abilities or powers that can be trained to be much more dangerous. Class A that are considered dangerous but still easily controllable and not an active threat. Class S who are dangerous, hard to control or hard to predict and only allowed freedom depending on their background. Then the top is the Class SS who are too dangerous usually because they can't control their own dangerous powers. They are usually kept in the prison labs beneath the school for the rest of their lives.

Anyways, I think that will finish this for now. I am willing to work and brainstorm to create new settings and plots. Feel free to message me privately if that is more your inclination, I won't bite too much. Thank you for reading.
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