Secrets and Forbidden Love

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When he spoke of the prince, and how different he was from the king, Josephine felt quite bad about what she had said. Her gaze fell to the blanket, tracing her finger tips across the soft fabric. "I would not have dared to speak like that had I known he was your friend. My apologies, I meant not to speak ill of him when I know nothing." With her gaze diverted, she didn't notice any hint of extra emotion he might have hidden. "He seems very kind, merciful. Does his father not allow him away from the castle? I have not heard of any visits to the town from him."
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"I'm assuming he does not like to think about how the townsfolk would think about him." He said crawling over to her and putting a finger under her chin. He made her look up at him gently and said "It does not mater what others think of him, he only care about what he knows about himself and what the girl of his dreams thinks about him, just as I with you." He smiled after that and kissed her then he sat down letting her lean on him as he wrapped an arm around her. "So what do you think about me?" He said with a smile looking down into her eyes.
Josephine didn't wince at his touch, though it surprised her for a moment when he gently raised her head to look him in the eyes. "It does not mater what others think of him, he only care about what he knows about himself and what the girl of his dreams thinks about him, just as I with you." She smiled beneath his kiss as their lips met, returning it with an equal amount of passion and love. Her head lay back against his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her, closing her eyes happily. "So what do you think about me?" "You are the sweetest, most generous male I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. And being around others is a rare occasion, so I cherish my connection with you all the more."
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He smiled when he heard what she thought of him. It was much better than what others said about him and it made him all the more happy to know it was her that said it. "I cherish every second I am with you." He said with a brief smile as he sat with her in his arm. It was a happy moment, just another one that he didn't want to end but he soon realized he was late for the court meeting. "I- i have to go." He said quickly packing up everything "Please forgive my sudden absents." He was in such a hurry that he forgot the blanket and when he realized it down the river he had no time to turn back. He needed to be in court soon and would have to change for that occasion. He was already positive he would have to delay the opening of the court.
Josephine smiled happily at his response, joyful that he enjoyed her company. Being with him was definitely something she cherished more than anything else. His arms around her, gentle and comforting, promising to support her come what may. There was nothing to fear when she was with him. Her thoughts were snapped from their peaceful trance when Mat quickly scrambled away and hurriedly gathered the food. "I- I have to go." The young female shook her head and aided him in cleaning up as well. "Please forgive my sudden absence." "'Tis not your fault. I shall return tomorrow morn, in hopes that you may come." She offered him a smile as he darted off, and only when he was quite a ways away did she realize he had left the blanket. She didn't know what to do with it, as he didn't seem to have time to turn around and fetch it... but if she brought it home, she would be questioned. Her gaze went to the sky, and the sun high in the blue ceiling. If she was quick, perhaps the blanket could be hidden away and returned tomorrow. With that, Josephine got to her feet and gathered up the blanket, hastily folding it over her arm and hurrying off towards her home.
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Mathias ran into the castle and quickly changed... well as quickly as he could while still getting everything perfect. He couldn't walk into court and judge people if he was not looking the best that he could. After he finished changing he rushed downstairs to find a large crowd already at the room. Great, this is going to be a long day. He slipped by them and took his seat before motioning to the others that he was ready. The first couple he didn't even listen to, when they asked for a ruling he just said the higher noble wins and yada yada yada. That's how its supposed to work anyways but the prince was still supposed to look over the case., regardless it didn't mater, neither of them cared at all, they were going to lose anyways. It was turning out to be a boring day... maybe at night he could sneak out again to find her.
((Maybe after court his father calls him to his study to talk, and they end up speaking about Josephine ^^ sorry if I seem to be controlling everything, I just keep getting ideas))

Josephine quickly returned home, locking the back door behind her as she entered. To her luck, no one was in sight, and the house was silent. No one had returned from their work yet. Darting up the stairs, she hid the blanket beneath her bed, keeping it thoroughly out of sight before sitting upon her bed. Laying back, her gaze stared off at the wooden ceiling, her mind still back at the river. Would he return that night? Would she be able to meet with him tomorrow? Perhaps she should check that night, to return the blanket. If he wasn't there, she could leave it for him like she had done with her drawing. Her mind was possessed with thoughts only of her new-found friendship, of her freedom and happiness now. Of Mat, and all of his loving care.
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((Sure, you be the father though, and its ok if you control parts, I'm just hear for the fun and half of that is the twists you put in =] )

Mathias went through the longest court session of his life. It was all small maters didn't change anything and really didn't affect anyone. After that he got up and sighed, two of the servant girls ran out and took either arm "You father wants to speak with you." They said dragging him to his room and pulling out his nice attire. They undressed him and dragged him into a tub of water. "Lady, I can handle this myself." He said but they didn't want to listen, it looked like they were enjoying themselves. He sighed and let them clean and dress him, now feeling like a child...

When they finally finished they took his hand and rushed him off to a smaller room, well for this castle anyways, which was his fathers study. They pushed him right inside "We fetched him your highness." They said in unison with great smiles on their faces. After that they ran off to where ever they went and he sat down where he always did when he and his father had their 'father son talks'.
The king wasn't pleased in the least when a guard returned earlier that morning, bearing news of his son's whereabouts. Not only had he shirked his morning duties, but was also wasting time with a female of obviously lower status. A female with copper hair and blue eyes: something about the description instantly set him on edge from the moment it left the male's lips. All throughout court, he remained deep in thought, and excused himself early, leaving a pair of servants with the directions to bring Mathias up to the study once court was done with. In the time waiting, he paced the floor, hands clenched behind his back, eyes on the ground. 'Could it be she? The missing heir? The last adversary? No, no doubt it is; no other would trick my son into such frivolous fantasy as sneaking out to meet her alone.' This did not look good at all; for him, or for his son.

When footsteps neared the study, and the doors were flung open, leaving Mathias to enter, the king stopped his pacing and stared straight at the prince. He gave no thanks to the servant girls, barely even a glance or any form of recognition. Once the doors had shut and his son had sat where he typically sat in times like these, he walked forward. "I missed you this morning. By the time I had awoken your servants told me you had left again for another walk. Where exactly do you keep sneaking off to?" His steps stopped in front of where Mathias sat, staring straight at him. "With who do you walk?" THere was a tone in his voice that dared the younger male to lie, to think up a story and claim he had an alibi. "Tell me true, where have you been these morning past?"
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"I always go out into the forest in the mornings and threw out the day whenever I get the chance. It is a good way to relax my mind father, a good way to keep peace of mind, spirit, and body." He said looking at the man with an impassive face. "Why are you all of a sudden so concerned about my walks to the river?" He knew his father new something but he wouldn't show it. If he learned one thing in this castle it was how to hide emotions, even the wise men couldn't tell if he was lying... well not unless they had sources saying he did. Regardless he knew better than to lie so he gave the truth, just not all of it... if his father did know he could just say she was breathtakingly gorgeous so he decided to dine with her. Which wasn't a lie either, so either way he was safe.
The king's eyes narrowed, but he kept his temper. "You say you walk alone then?" Knowing he had never mentioned being alone on these walks, this would prove if Mathias was willing to admit he had been in the company of another that morning. And probably others. "Why are you all of a sudden so concerned about my walks to the river?" For a moment there was no response, but he decided not to wait until his son lied to call it lies. "I was told this morning that you were with a girl this morning by the river. A guard had followed you out after you ran off with that basket of food, and returned once he had seen the pair of you." The father sat down in his chair, never letting his gaze turn away from his son. "Who is she, and where did you meet her? By the way she was described, she was no noble. And definitely not a princess." If Mathias knew of her true identity, he would try to hide that; if he didn't, then it would be kept that way.
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"I met her the other day on one of my strolls, she was doing the same and we decided to have lunch together. I took some pieces of meat that you wouldn't eat and we had a picnic. Honestly I don't see whats wrong with that even if she was a peasant. She is a lower noble, her name is Josephine, she is a beautiful girl, with a warm smile and nice personality. I just like to be around her." He said quite honestly. "Now, I have a question for you, why do you care so much about me eating lunch with company? It is not against some great rule is it?" Slowly Mathias rose from his seat returning the stare his father was giving him, "Or am I mistaken?"
The king listened, taking note that Mathias didn't try to hide the fact that he had been with a girl. That he had snuck out and skipped on his duties to be with this girl, this Josephine... the name should have stirred some kind of memory, but it was really the description of her looks that had unsettled the father. <input id="mac_address" value="undefined" type="hidden"><input id="triggerLogout" type="hidden">"Now, I have a question for you, why do you care so much about me eating lunch with company? It is not against some great rule is it? Or am I mistaken?" "I was curious... the description of her looks that the guard had mentioned sounded familiar is all..." He was quite on edge now, wondering if the sneaky little maiden was already plotting; no doubt it was her, the little escaped princess. "I wasn't always king, you know. There was a family on the throne before, who were tyrants, killing people without reason, starving those who couldn't feed themselves. I had been the one to rescue this kingdom from their clutches; but one little child managed to slip away. A tiny girl with hair the color of copper and eyes as blue as the sea." The king watched his son's expression very carefully, seeing if he would catch on, or say that something was different; prove that she was not the lost princess.
"Well, its almost like her I guess." Mathias said thoughtfully picturing her "That little girl would have had something special to her. It would be undoubtedly the most valuable thing to her, something she wouldn't let anyone touch." He said still thinking. "Though I doubt a little girl would remember ever being a royal I could check and see if she is the same woman." He was serious, he would check to see if she was the lost princess though even if she was he would tell his father she was not. He really liked her and doubted she would ever be worse off than his father. The description of her family, if it was her family, sounded just like his power crazed and hungry father. He stood up "Also, I don't think the people are getting enough food even now. You should look into that." He casually mentioned as he walked out. If he knew his father it wouldn't be taken as an insult but as another way to gain power. He would have them literally eating out of the palms of his hands, so easy to control... maybe it was a bad idea to give his father such a suggestion... his father could worsen the peasants situation more.
<input id="mac_address" value="undefined" type="hidden"><input id="triggerLogout" type="hidden">The king listened patiently, seeing that Mathias was as curious as he was about Josephine's true identity. When his son mentioned asking about that, the father was both thinking he was an idiot (after all the princess wouldn't just give away her secrets to someone she barely even knew) and silently scheming. This could play Josephine right into his trap if it turns out she is the last princess. It would not be hard to convince Mathias to invite her into the castle for a feast, and have her disappear. Sure, the prince may search and be upset over this; but how attached could he possibly be? This was just a premature blossom of friendship, nothing more. Surely the boy would not mourn for more than a week. "Also, I don't think the people are getting enough food even now. You should look into that." The king gave a grateful smile, but behind the look he was grinning with dark intentions. How could he not know the poor little peasants were starving? If they couldn't work hard enough to earn their keep, then why should he do anything to help them? More food could easily be imported; but imported goods are more expensive than home-grown. The king was left to his planning, knowing that his son would do all the dangerous work for him. 'Now, just to wait.'
Mathias headed to his room to think, even if she was the princess it didn't change the fact that he loved her. She couldn't possibly be trying to play him either, he knew that... though she was too good to be true. He laid down on his bed and thought for a while more, now she couldn't have been plotting to use him. She was much too young to remember if he couldn't. They were almost the same age, she might have been a year or two younger. Even if her parents told her she was a princess she didn't know he was the prince. She was locked up so much, couldn't show up to see him most of the time. If she was trying to play him she would have to be clingy and flirt herself in but she was shy and modest. He continued to debate the points he made as he laid there. In the end he figured if could be some elaborate plot or she was true. He would test her tomorrow in such a way that she would never figure it out.
Josephine lay in her bed, having dined through supper and convinced her family she had been inside all day, as she was supposed to be. She was quite tired though, and begrudgingly decided it was not worth sneaking out that night; Alyx would expect her to sneak off, and frankly she was exhausted. She hadn't slept well the past few nights due to a dream that had plagued her mind for quite a while. The meaning of it was still a mystery to her, but it was obviously important for something, as it just pestered her over and over, with different twists and turns. But each dream had one thing in common. The was always a little girl with a sparrow on her shoulder.
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After getting a half nights rest he rose earlier than he usually did. He couldn't stop thinking about her, this time it was not about her elegance, grace, and charm. He couldn't stop thinking about her because he didn't know if this entire time she was out for revenge or if she was true to what she said. He dressed and walked down to find the servants getting ready to serve him. They looked surprised to see him up so early but quickly got into a frenzy of cleaning and cooking and flirting, anything to impress him. When he was served he ate without having any extra salt, the food was fresh anyways, he had no need for spices. After motioning them away as he walked off to meet her in the morning he noticed one of the guards trying to follow him. "I'm fine, I don't need an escort." He said making sure the guard left before continuing to the rock. He waited for her there, he figured she wouldn't show up for another hour or so.
Josephine slept lightly for most of the night, and into the next morning. Even as the morning light rose through her window, she didn't bother getting out of bed. She wouldn't be allowed out of her room until the rest of the household was awake anyways. When the first set of footsteps was heard on the creaking wood outside her door, fumbling down the staircase, she was instantly up and awake though. Breakfast was nothing more than bread, as it typically was, and it made her wish she had asked to save some of the food from her picnic with Mat the day before... then again, her family would have known she had snuck out then, and been given the food; her meager savings could not buy such fine food. Once again, after waiting for her family to leave for work, Josephine quickly changed into a clean gown and scampered from the house in the direction of the river.
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About an hour had passed and he already had fallen asleep on the rock, his last thought before that was him wondering what happened to the blanket. He was still exhausted from not sleeping well the night before. He had his head propped up on a smooth rock that he had placed there for when he sunbathed. He was on his back having a pleasant dream about his beloved girlfriend. The girl that took his breath away within a single glance the first time he saw her.
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