Seas of Silent Hope

The people around there was left agape, well, all of them except for Kestreel, who vanished in the air the same instant she rose the guard in the air. Not a single second before he appeared behind her and pushed her towards the floor, putting his weight on her and holding her neck tight. "You move a single muscle and I will make sure you go meet your dear brother right now, right here." Muttered him.
Ri closed her eyes and focused on the air around her. She imagined it forming into a large hand-like object. Next she imagined it lifting Kestreel off of her and flinging him back into the wall. When she opened her eyes she noticed that it had actually worked.
"Secure the main lobby, we got wild anomaly on the loose." Said one of the wuards thorugh the comms and not a single second later iron doors started to seal the building. "So, the little kitty want to play?" Said Kestreel getting up, his two arms surounded by millions of tiny dark blue dots that were appearing from all parts of the lobby. "Sure, why not." Said him with a smile.
Ri could feel the power surging through her body. She got up as well from her position on the floor. The blue glow coming from her hands amazed Rose but she didn't have time to stop. The battle was just beginning. If anyone is up there please give me strength she prayed. Rose turned to face Kestreel. "Shall we?" she said smirking.
Kestreel smiled and rose his arms in the air. The time itself felt thicker, somewhat more heavy than it should be. The air became hard to breathe and the light blurred when the sight was put directly over him. "Bring the biotic containment teams to the lobby right now! We have a situation here." Said one of the guards thorugh the comms.
Ri watched as Kestreel raised his arms. She had no idea what he was doing. Although, she could feel the air around her getting heavier and making it harder to breathe. She heard one of the guards call for more back up and prepared for a huge fight.
Kestreel smiled and not even moving a single muscle he disappeared and, instanly, the time slowed down to almost no exsitence, the space became as thicker as butter and then a single line appeared from the place Kestreel was to just a few inches from Ri. The space and time returned to it's usual state, but the huge excess of energy used in all that process became unusable, still, being able to control that entropy, Kestreel collected all that theoretically unavailable energy and re-used it to generate an accretion of just a few hydrogen particles on his suroundings, thus creating a really, really tiny reprodiction of a nova and sending Ri violently against the wall on the other side of the lobby.
Ri hit the wall with so much force that she blacked out for a few seconds. Coming back to reality Ri picked herself up off the ground. Her head was now killing her. I'm pretty sure I have a small concussion she thought to herself. Ri flexed her fingers and several small, sharp shards of ground flew up around her. She aimed them towards Kestreel.
Kestreel rose his right arm and the shards slowed down in front of him until they stopped enough to fall to the ground. "That's all you can do, girl?" Said him as the reinforcements appeared. Three groups of armed men, some of them covering themselves and the goup with heavy shields and some otherss with special armors and their arms glowing in dark purple colors. "Get her!" Yelled Kestreel, and doing as the said the armed men stood behind the shields covering the other men with powers who moved their hands towards Ri and draw thick purple lines towards her which grabbed her by the arms, immobilizing her.
Ri saw the purple lines coming towards her but it was too late. They had gotten to her before she could move out of the way. Ri felt them grab her and it was like the hands of death. Her body was frozen even though she tried to wiggle away from them. Ri thought for a second. Since I could conjure up air by thinking of it what else can I do? she thought. In her mind Ri pictured a flame burning away the purple lines around her.
Some of the lines weakened, but most of them kept holding her pretty tight. Kestreel smiled and walked to one of the containment teams and some of the soldiers give him a injector. "Ooooookay.... We had fun..." Said him as he walked towards her loading the injector. "But the party is over now."
Ri still tried to struggle. The fire she had produced burned through some of the purple lines but not all. After a few more minutes Ri hung her head in defeat. She watched as Kestreel walked over to her loading what looked like a large needle. She cringed at the thought but said nothing.Needles always made her nervous. Ri closed her eyes and waited for whatever was to come.
Kestreel got close to her and grabed her chin. "No more struggling? Shame..." Then he injected her the liquid on the injector and just a few seconds later the liquid made her fall into a deep and chemicaly induced sleep. "Take her to containment zone alpha omega two." Ordered Kestreel and some of the men of the other security teams took her away.

They put her in a dull room, with just a table, two chairs a bed and a toilet. All painted in white and with a really bright lights always on, making the whole room glow in a clinically annoying way. After being injected again with other many components to override her DNA mutations until they wanted otherwise. The door finally opened again, and Kestreel appeared dressed in his usual suit and trenchcoat, and behind him appeared a couple of scientists dressed with doctor coats. "Hey! Wake up!" Demanded Kestreel. "No need to be rude, Captain." Said one of the scientists clearing his throat.
Ri felt the pain of the injection but as soon as it started it stopped. It felt like she was falling down a well. The darkness swallowed her up and she accepted. It wasn't like she could do anything else. When she finally woke up she was in a bright white room. She tried to use one pf her powers to brake the lights but nothing happened. She tried again and again but still nothing happened. What else did i expect she thought. When Kestreel and the scientists came in she laid back down on the bed and faced the wall. Ri closed her eyes and ignored them.
Kestreel looked at the scientist. "What? Oh, yeah. You expect me to convince her to work with us? This crazy girl say I killed her father or something. So no, I don0t think she is going to comply." Said Kestreel. "You! If it were for me, you would be dead now. but here, doctor Frankenstein want to test some crazy shit in your body." Said Kestreel to Lana. "It's Doctor Kolanstein, Captain." Replied one of the doctors. "Yeah, yeah. Come on, more injections and less talking." Said Kestreel. The doctoor took out a injector and loaded it with some weird colored chemicals. "Turn on the recorder." Asked him and one of the other scientists did. "Component GNS-12, test 42. The last test ended up in complete failure, with the death of the subject. This time, tho, it should be diferent. With the adition of, as the Doctor Ertho said, more 'G' on the component, the GNS-12 should turn the subject... Subject 3-4-9, into a docile and obedient soldier." Explained the Doctor.

"Captain, subdue and suppress the subject." Ordered the doctor.
Ri listened to everything they said. In reply she stayed exactly where she was. She didn't care what they did to her. She had nothing to live for now that her brother was gone. Ri waited for someone to pointlessly hold her down and stick another needle in her. She wondered how much she could take before she went to spend eternity with her brother.
Kestreel walked next to her and set her hair aside. "What, no resistance?" Said him with a smile. Then the doctor got close to her and carefully innjected her the liquid. Then he took a little lantern and examinet her eyes. "Mmmm.... Okay.... Well, at least 3-4-9 is not dead yet... Yes, she seems to be accepting the component." Stated him puting his lantern back to his pocket. "Well, let's keep her under observation, but for now, all we can do is wait. And if all goes according to the plan, she will lose most of her memories and just tun into a loyal soldier for the GDA." Stated him and made a sign to the man holding the recorder. The man stopped the recording and looked at the doctor again. "Come on, Captain. Her body has now to assimilate the component. It has been proved to be really painful and dangerous." Said the doctor leaving the room. "Well, until next time, beauty." Said Kestreel with a smile and left, leaving her closed into the cell.
Ri cringed on the inside when Kestreel walked over and moved her hair. She only stared blankly at the wall when said something to her. The injection itself wasn't all that painful. But about ten minutes after the scientists and Kestreel had left she felt a burning sensation in her body. It felt like she was on fire. Ri screamed and thrashed around on the bed. Nothing would stop the pain. Finally she blacked out unable to withstand the burning feeling any longer.
Almost two days passed until the scientists, Kestreel and two other soldiers came to Ri cell. Everyine looked at each other, not knowing if Ri was still alive or not. Or even if the component had worked. The doctor gave Kestreel a file. "It shold have worked." Muttered him sure of his knowledge. Only one way to figure it put, thought Kestreel looking at the file. "3-4-9! Get up!" Ordered him.
When Ri came back to reality the pain was still there. Her mind felt a little foggy some things weren't as clear in her memory as others. The second day the burning had stopped but her body felt like lead it was way too heavy. What's happening to me she thought. She laid on her bed until some people walked in. She didn't bother to look at them but when one said get up her body acted on its own.