Searching for...something...

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Keeping it Clean
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
10pm-5am EST
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Romance, Fantasy, Horror, uhhh...
I need something to fill my time. I want to make something beautiful, without having it be confining. Let's build an RP together.

I guess I might as well narrow the crowd a bit. I like romance. I also like girls, not guys. I always play a male, and I generally expect my partner to play female. I don't do libertine anything though.

I also like action, although I don't need it. I can be a pacifist as easily as a cold-blooded killer.

Lastly, I like talking. To you. My friend. When I hang out here on Iwaku, I submerge myself to a crowd I'm not used to. My comfort level falls short of, well...comfortable. I like hearing reactions, ideas, how your day went, etc. Stay in touch, and I'll do the same.

Don't expect a solid schedule from me for this RP. Usually I'll post a few times a day, but this time is different. I want something I can come back to in a month or two (if it ever comes to that [which it shouldn't...ever]), and still find my partner willing to continue. If I ever plan on leaving an RP for good, I'll let you know. You have my word.

Feel free to respond to this thread or leave me a PM.


Bringing this back for reasons.

Also, I'm digging fandom RP's right now. A few examples are Halo, Kingdom Hearts, and other stuff. More info in one of my blogs, yada yada yada.

Also also! I can't say I won't be picky with who I chose, so please don't be disappointed if I don't RP with you. I know that sounds very stuck-up, but I just want to forewarn. :P

Love you guys.
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We should so rp X)
We have the same expectations and everything XD
Minor bump for minor edit.
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