Searching For Home

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Mila nodded. She crouched down, slowly walking towards the two dogs on the left. She suddenly leapt forward, tackling one of them to the ground. She snarled at it, the dog doing the same to her.
Har perked up, ears swiveling to catch... something. "Hear that?" he asked as he turned to face the direction in which Lynn, Ross, and Mila had vanished off to.

Tomek followed Har's gaze, his upper lip lifting to show teeth as the scent came in. "Mutts. Mutts mean humans." Hunters were the most likely suspects, with their vicious but dull hunting dogs and fire sticks. He took note of the missing members of the pack and growled low in his throat. They could handle themselves, but humans were versatile, as were their pets.
Norah perked her ears and angled them in the direction that Har had pointed out. Ugh, she hated dogs. Mindless, slathering beasts who would gladly follow hairless monsters and chase after their obvious relatives! They were revolting.

"What should we do?" She asked, turning to Tomek.
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