Scrap.INC (cyberpunk)(adept)

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CHARACTER INDEX - Scrap.INC Character Index
Having watched entirely to much Cowboy Bebop, Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell and read to much cyberpunk as of late. I give you Scrap.Inc. A RP about men and women who work shitty hours trying to hunt down the most dangerous of Androids, Robots and Cyborgs. Working as private contractors that often skirt the border of what is legal or not, the Scrap.Inc are the last people you turn to. When Scrap.Inc is called, the fan have not only gotten pelted with crap, it has managed to catch on fire.

You walk into a dingy office, the air is thick with the red dust of Mars. The light filters trough several shoddy airfilters, throwing spots across a iron desk where a small plaque say: "Scrap.Inc: Trouble shooters." A man with a robotic eye grin at you over the desk, a handgun visible to his left. Behind him hang old posters of scratched out bounties, like this was the wild west or something. You try not to stare at the Android head mounted on the wall, it does not spare you the same decency. It opens its mouth and talks.

"Welcome to Scrap.Inc, you 'ere for 'he job?"
The grinning man raises a eyebrow. "You better not be afraid of a little blood on your hands..."

-----Welcome to Scrap.Inc------

Bravely forward, we went towards the singularity. Skin were traded for special polymercarbons, eyes were switched with high definition, super advanced feedback lenses. Bone became light but durable titantium alloys. We traded humanity for the power to lift a car. Traded our soul for the ability to run as fast as a car. And why did we do it? Becouse we wanted to kill one another. First, Earths nations warred, pushing technology ever forward. Then, Mars, colonize and selfsuffecient, wanted to shed its chains to a planet to busy consuming itself.

So Earth united against them. With superior numbers, with superior logistics base, it should have been a done deal. But Mars had prepared. They had pushed forward in secret. Where Earth sent cruisers filled with state of the art equipped troops and veteran crews to fly them. Mars sent The Cybernetic Army Core and Thousands of state of the art Androids loaded onto Super AI driven ships.

The C.A.C were machine and flesh gods. Men and women capable of tearing into the hull of a tank, able outrun a humvee. And those were just field units. The infiltrators could show up a station or a base, looking like any other, only to produce gaswepons stored withing secret compartments. And the AI's that flew the Martian ships were capable of making maneuvers and split second changes no human could match. The war quickly swung in Mars favor.

But the forces of earth began to adapt, finding new to hold on to the fight. They employed exosuits armed special disruption rounds that could cause vital cybernetic enhancements down and aquired their Own AI driven destroyers.

What ended the war however, was the ADAM incident. A.D.A.M was the Martian super intelligence that served as the blueprint for all Android and Cyborg intelligences. One day, Adam went insane. The Super Intelligence suddenly became downright genocidal, and turned the Martial Fleet on all things living. It also managed to upload itself into the Earth Armadas central command, spreading its madness to the other side. The outcome was catostrophic: Both side found themselves fighting pitched battles against their own ships and robotic troops. In the end, humanity prevailed.

In the aftermath, both sides signed a peace treaty, granting Mars independance if they agreed to not push out earth Interests in their entirety. The Mars Government agreed, albeit hesitantly. Both sides agreed on an new convention in regards to AI and Cybernetics. No Super AI or so called Progressive AI's can be allowed with the exception of two specific environments. Singularity City and Chicago. The two cities, one on earth, one on Mars, would act as the worlds biggest lab environment for the understand of advanced AI and to develop new, less risky ways of implementing cyber-tech.

It is in one of these Cities our story starts. In Singularity City.

With a world full of men and women enhanced to the eyeballs with state of the art tech, the social economic structure have shited. Simple labour goes to the robots. that you found yourself with returning veterans, many who's connection to the machines have made them insane. Others found themselves ostricized for being more Machine then man. In fact, after the war, it became illegal to modify oneself above 20 percent of your original body unless special permits were produced. Androids were demonized and any android that tries to exit their designated zones are dismantled on the spot.

Many old cyborgs went underground and dissappeared. Many others turned to crime and violence. And the criminal elements found themselves with an entirely new black market; Cybernetic Body Modification.

This is where Scrap.Inc comes in. A dingy little firm among many others, they hunt Pre-War androids, cyborgs and those that break and make new ones. Situated in Singularity city, they take any job that come their way really. They are known to be good, but they aren't exactly well liked and their rep is anything but pretty. Consisting mainly of men and women who are considerably modded themselves, some see them as traitors.

These are are your peers. Welcome onboard Scrapper.​

The World and how to survive it:

Welcome to the Sol System, where mankind has spread to a now terraformed Mars but also to outlying Planets and Moons. Where mankind is currently mining venus and numerous asteroid belts. A world where machine and man has started to blur. Where the sight of a fully functioning prosthetic arm is a every day occurrence. The planet of Mars, the first space frontier planet, has become a bustling and bristling military power. Due to a successfull decleration of independenc, the situation between Old Earth and Mars is palpable.

Humanity's Cradle and Grave: Earth.

Even if the Martian conflict galvanized Earths goverments, the division still run deep. Many of the older super powers on earth still work to exert power in more clandestine ways. The Earth Council who respresent Earth in the system is rife with backstabbing, poltics and private interests. While the interplanetary nature of the war certeinly have silenced a lot of the major geopolitical quarrels, there are many different factions on earth. After Russia shattered into several smaller nations post the third world war it led to the exodus of many well trained, well armed men with shady reputations. Likewise, the Us almost tore itself apart when decades of Urban vs Rural rethoric came to head and Militias decided to exert pressure trough armed conflict. This has left China and India as the two greatest superpowers.

There are a myriad of organizations that are both legit and shady, America is basicly ruled by their corperations following the complete collapse of Goverment at the hand of infighting. And in several parts of the world, Chinese ambitions are met with mercenary backed violence. In Latin america, Brazil has emerged as the regional bully and superpower, in Europe the EU is but a memory and several states has formed after nations such as Italy and Spain has lost referendums to Katalonia and Northern Alliance of Italia. Russian Ex-Military have been absorbed by Ex-Soviet criminal gangs and destablized Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and other countries in the region. The countries of Scandinavia has formed a "superstate".

The Middle East has found itself the home of the worlds Energy boom yet again, this time trough recyclebles and Solar power. But this time, them money kept from being funneled into the few mighty and wealthy. Leading to a more open society. Sectarian violence still exists, but it seems to have dampened quite a bit since the last century.
The ADAM incident wrecked alot of Earths manefacturing capabilities, which was one of the main reasons they agreed on peace talks. Earth Goverment also forbad any and all production of AI driven ships and drove a extremely hard policy on dismantling Cybertech firms and providers. Their "Pro-Organic" agenda has driven a exodus of enhanced individuals to Mars.

The Martian Republic: The frontier.

Mars began as a fever dream, then became a goal of billionares and countries alike. As colonization took more and more precendence, the money and focus shifted. Terraforming tools and the discovery of rich mineral deposits ended up being the deal breaker, leading to a combination of a space race and a gold rush. Every country wanted in. The Colonies grew as terroforming made agriculture possible. Mining enterprises made the colonies lucrative and soon the ecosystem of eath sending workers and equipment and Mars sending back resources to earth led to a positive feedback loop of sorts.

But all these things came to an end. Before the war, alot of the Old Earths divisions still existed on mars. Chinese for example where the largest group of colonists, and would keep to their own. When the final war broke out on Earth, the Martians found themselves with a choice. Either bear their countries grudges to bear on a planet only made possible due to cooperation. Or face the fact that they needed eachother more then they did earth. The latter won and with Earth no longer being able to keep up their end of the ecosystem, being to busy ripping itself apart Mars decided to plot for Mars good instead of the Earths. Some resisted of course, and so called "Terrans" still protest the legitemecy of Mars Goverment today. Mars spend the time earth was at war to build their own ships and push science in ways forbidden and regulated on earth.

After the War, a lot of Mars found itself in a bit of a boom. They had alot of War-time factories turned into post-war economy bolsters and Native companies began to spring up more and more. These would end up becoming entitites of their own power and influence.

It was these companies that found common ground between Mars and Earth again: Money. Earths pro-Organic agenda was stiffling the tech buisness on both planets as many felt the same way as them even on Mars. What followed was decades of lobbying nad down right assassinating those that refused to budge. In the end, a compromise was met: The creation of a "controlled" enviroment where Androids and AI's where still present. Singularity city.

Singularity City: The City of Wonder.

Greatest of these is Singularity City. Singularity City is the only place on either planet that allows the existence of Androids. While you will get cyborgs wherever you go these days, the amount of heavy body modifiactions exceed almost 20 percent of the cities populace. Around 70 percent are registered "Chip" or "Enhanced".

The Singularity Project

In the midst of the political turmoil, With Earth once more on track after the hostilities settled down. UNE and MARS worked to come up with a new, super efficient energy source. Spearheaded by Dr Joseph Gilhelm , a brilliant physicist who years earlier had developed a small test reactor of his own in his native home of New Zealand. The main device was something what he called a "implosion core" A self contained energy source that constantly fluxed between expanding and detracting, s essentially imploding itself creating massive amounts of energy whenever it exploded outwards. This, combined with the advancements in man and machine integration, led to what many believe is the the Age of Singularity.

New Chicago, A major Martian city had been one of the hardest hit by the war on the Martian side. The city looking much like Berlin at the end of world war 2, was in dire straits. The city looked like a warzone, crime was rampart and its people lived in third world country conditions. The UNE, wishing to placate a still dangerous rival in Mars, suggested a the Singularity Project. Not wisuggesting rebuilding it as Singularity City. In turn, the UN would finance the reconstruction. This super advanced city, the most advanced in human history was a multi-trillion project, financed by many different countries with interest withing the UNE not to mention the Mars Goverment itself.. It was a project trying to advance humanity, the largest social experiment in history. It was also to be considered neutral ground and a project that both powers could work with eachother on. A bridge between the two so to say.

Based on studies conducted on the citizens who all were essentially test subjects in their own right, the discoveries and new technology developed on site have been made with neck breaking speed. To help police the massive project, the UNE and MARS both had a special internation police force trained nad situated in Singularity. The SCPD is much like a foreign legion in that it has people from all over the world. To make the allready superactive Melting pot worse, there is dozens of highly competetive Mega cooperations, vying for the patents that may change the future.

The city itself is buil around the basis that higher is better. In fact, the entire city has become so massive and so large in height that Its sectioned in levels. The higher up, the less polluted, the less dirty it gets. But also the more controlled it gets. As such. on the lower levels, you are more likely to find the Triads, Mob Thugs and street gangs. Its somewhere just above the worst parts Scrap.Inc has its dingy little office.

With the rising Pro-Organic movement back on earth, the cities initial funding has begun to dry up, and some prominent Earth scientists have had to jump ship from their projects as funding no longer is forthcoming. This has led to a new influx of cutting edge tech and prototypes being sold on the black market.

Who Are Scrap.Inc?

Scrap Incorperate are a privately owned company that specializes in one thing: To apprehend and dismantle illegal Androids and Cyborgs. They aren't the good guys by any stretch of the word. If anything, they are the less bad guys you call in when all goes to shit in a oversized handbasket. Officially sanctioned to wield military grade tech and weapons trough their many sources and patrons within both goverments, they are one of several such crews. But they are the orginals, having existed in some form or another since the war ended. Their founder was a war veteran himself who saw his friends go insanse or rogue and decided to make money hunting them down and putting them down. Nowdays it is run by Santino Machelli, a Italian born lawyer and old time friend of the previus owner. The crew has seen many people come and go trough the years, but it always remain a solid few.

Major Factions Within Singularity City:

Corruption and Influence; The Megacompanies.

With the USA more or less being partioned between megacorperations, it ushered in the era of Big Money in a way that would give every antiglobalization man and woman nightmares for a lifetime. They began buying up failing infrastructure, monopolizing regional trade trough supermerger after super merger. There was nothing stopping them. And so, a large part of the Western Hemisphere turned into a pay-to-play kind of society. These companies would also find themselves on Mars. Some of thme are Earth Companies such as ZEUS ENERGY and Hajima Zaibatsu. Others, liek MARTECH and Vajja Nova are Martian. A result of these capitalistic worldpowers is the rise of "Trade Wars". On the outside sectors of colonized space, companies fight over the right to mine astroid, going os far to employ Mercenaries. Down on either planet, espionage nad assassination are to be expected, but every so often a Company employ so called "Devils for Hire": Mercenaries who respond only only to codenames and take the jobs trough several different channels as to avoid accountability.

One will quickly realize that while Singularity City is supposed to be a international effort toward peace and progress, its also the battlefield for stock and shareholders and the mega corporations that helped fun the entire project.

  • Type: V-net provider and Security Firm
    TSS is a Japanese founded security firm currently overseeing 20 of the american V-Net installations, 89 percent of the Japanese, 30 percent of the Scandinavian V-Net. Pioneers in V-Net adaptation, the company was founded by Sasuki Tetsou. One of the first people to really bank on the V-Net trend, he has made countless billions as well as securing numerous prestigious defence contracts around the world. In many ways, SSS owns the v-net buisness.

  • V.I.C.E

    Type: Cerebral Tech, Cognitive
    A Russian company who cut ties with Earth to become "Fully Martian." Several of its major figures are tied to the Russian Mob on Mars

  • Type: V-Net entertainment company.
    Brazilian company that really have become its own worst enemy. The biggest V-net pleasure zone in the world was their creation. A virtual brothel if you will. Its not much of a surprise, seeing how prostitution in brazil IS legal to begin with. But the company established with the help of the free netzone one of the most lucrative sex empires and "sleaze capitals" in the world. But they wanted to run legit, morally defensible businesses as well. This is where their big problem was. They were s oknown for their seedy business that trying to go legit was real nightmare. Only after 6 years have they now established what is the worlds largest V-NET movie chain. The word is that they are deeply connected with the various Brazilian and Bolivian mobs however.

  • Zealand Energy and Ulitarian Systems.
    Singularity HQ: OLYMPIAN TOWERS
    Type: Electricity and technology
    The by far biggest company in the world when it comes to energy solutions. The inventors of the implosion core, ZEUS is a giant of a organizations now. They bankrolled every single singularity reactor installation out of their own pocket. They hold severe political sway in the American Congress and have many other governments supposedly on the payroll.

  • Advanced Recognizance, Evaluation and Security
    PMC (Private Military Corp.)
    Sister Company of Z.E.U.S and its inhouse security, Ares boosts both weapon development and cutting edge security solutions and technology. Its one of the SCPD's international strike force's main contenders. Many times being accused for covering ZEUS tracks.

Law and Order: The Boys and Girls in Blue, Red and Sometimes Green.

Singularity City may have started as a utopian project. But where there is money, there is corruption. And where there are rich people there are those that work for them. And then there is those who was there when the project started, who now live in eternal shade as a the myriad bridges and walkways above block out the sun. It is in this squalor that criminals fester like a open wound. On the lowest levels, you have the scrapyard gangs and violent psuedo-anarchis that make out the Los Locos 22. Going further up you start to have Turf wars between Singularity cities homegrown Kings Crew and varius outsider factions that want a slice of the pie. Upper Society crime is dominated by the semi legitimacy that old money Maffia brings. To combat this, you have a police force like in any other city. Only this isn't any old city.

  • The Singularity Citys Finest are hardened veterans from all over both Earth and Mars. Some are handpicked, more then a few are sent there becouse they pissed off som chief or another by being to smart or to gungho. It leaves the department with a somewhat volitile crew. But they have proven themselves to be adaptable and extremely stoic. There is moles and rats within their ranks as their is with every such organization, but they have become something of a golden standard.

  • The TACU or more commonly reffered to as TACO , is the Tactical Anti Cyber Unit. Working with but independant from SCPD, they are called in to take down heavier threats like War-Tech cyborgs and androids. They have some of the most powerfull equipment in the city and take themselves very seriusly. They are likely the biggest critics Scrap.Inc has, as they are forced to obey by rules the Scrappers kinda push to their limit.

  • The intelligence arm of Martian Goverment. The "Men in Black" are very much real and very active in the city. As to what extent, only they know.

The Crooked and Decietful

  • Name: Kings Crew
    Territory: Most of the Afroamerican dominated areas in the middle and higher levels.
    Leader: "King"

    Calling them a street gang would be like calling a tiger for a cat. The Kings Crew is Singularity city's biggest distributes of hard drugs, illegal War-ara arms, Illegal V-Hook keys and other contraband. King as the Jamaican born Josephina Kinglsey is called, is a woman of ambition. She came to New Chicago long before the Singularity Rebuild. She ran the streets fron the age of 11 as a "corner boy" under some older, very rough and dangerous boys. When she was 15 she already had APB out on her head for murder. At the age of 30 she had served half her life in jail. Then The war happened. In the chaos, King managed to gather to her a small army of street girls, hustlers and other unwanted. They held entire neighborhoods together with mix of violence, ingenuity and community. And when the people began to build higher and higher, King used the fact that police and Mars soldiers turned a blind eye towards her more stable parts of town to establish her base of operations. Now she runs a small empire, the King Krew being her foot soldiers.

  • Leader: "Patriot Mishka"
    Territory: Small part of the south low levels.

    Russian Street gangs and Maffia from the old country were quick to get people in with the early Mars colonizers. And have carved out a small, but strong foothold among the many russian descendants. They mainly do business with the Red Dragon Triads while warring for control over the drug trade on the lower levels with Kings Crew and The "Los Locos 22." The are small in scale, but run their business with ruthless efficiency. many of the top members are former Russian intelligence and special forces that fled during the Russian collapse.

  • Leader: Unknown
    Territory: Most parts of the Latin dominated mid and sub levels. Every single junkyard and scrap pile.

    Hackers, Anarchists, Drug peddlers and Riggers, The Los Locos 22 are the single most chaotic entity in the city. A offshoot from the powerful Mexican Zeta cartel, the Locos were given their name by local immigrants who witnessed their drug fueled and often bloody raids into enemy gang territory. They are incredibly unpredictable, but seemingly unable to hold on to any larger territory. What is noticeable is the vast network of hackers that inhabits it's ranks. Net based anarchists use the 22 as a sort of staging areas for their more illegal operations, as the 22's will protect them as long as they get a small cut.

  • Leader: Unknown
    Territory: Server side and the mass of Zetas operations lie in Mexico. But a number of powerful Zeta affiliated men and women harbors the very upper levels of the themselves.

    Once the terror of Mexico, the Zeta cartel has lost a lot of its drug market to the cheap and accessible V-net and "synth-drugs"; patches of hormones and stimulated euphoria. What they have lost they have gained in legit businesses. The Zeta fronts massive high end V-net servers for anyone to use. The many companies under their sway then feeds the cartel information that they sell to others. They also provide a safe haven from snooping, having no real prerequisite or banned activities on their list but will protect almost anyone for the right price.

  • Leader: Louise Yan/The Lady
    Territory: Middle and Lower Levels mostly, running most of the city's gambling dens.

    It stands to reason, that where there is a superpower on the rise, there is people falling trough the cracks. Add to that a increasing outcry for more money, more things to buy and you have the ideal hunting grounds for criminal activtiy. Then Add to that a old and well established criminal organization like a Chinese Triad and you have one of the most aggressive and influential organanizations in the East. The Black Dog are ranked as one of the most dangerous organizations in the world. 30% of all contract killings on American soil is done trough their hit men and they are known to harbor all manners of rogue agents. "The Lady", also known as Louise Yan is one such former agent.

  • Leader: Hau Lou Ang
    Territory: Upper Levels only, espionage, blackmail, Illegal Tech.

    Where the Black Dog Triads are the scary boogymen with their assassins and willingness to harbor the most dangerous of poeple, the Red Dragon are so deeply rooted in Chinese interests they were once considered a extension of the chinese secret service. That extension was severed with the war as Red Dragon realized they would be expunged by Mars Goverment. They turned their claws to the new fledgling super power instead. Officially, they no longer exist. But everyone in the know knows the Red Dragon never dies, it merely sleeps.

  • Leader: Senji Tatsoumo
    Territory: Middle and Upper Levels mostly, Tasuomo runs themselves one of the most exclusive clubs in the city, trough wich they launder money made primarily from the illegal tech trade with their compatriots back home in Japan.

    The Tatsuomo only have a limited presence withing the city, but they are very successful in what they do. They mainly deal with things that can sell on the black market back home in Japan, funneling illegal contraband trough diplomatic connections and trough the VIP's that attend their many "events".

The Good, The Bad, The Terrorist.

Outside of normal crime and corruption. You have the many mercenaries, near-do-wells and crazies of the world. These are unpredictable elements that make Singularity city a real life gamble to live in.

  • Leader; Charles Malborn
    Area of Expertice; Legal Sabotage and instigating violence towards Androids.
    Additional Info; Limited Political Influence.
    Every struggle has its purists and the Pro-Human League is a homegenized group of people who hate and dispise the direction towards man and machine integration. They consider AI a affront to humanity and all that is natural. Many of its founding members lost loved one to the emergent AI phenomena, and Charles Malborn was supposedly one of the people who worked on ADAM. He means to undo what he helped create, and his followers are not of the docile sort.

  • (No player charachters. This faction is NPC's only)
    Leader: Unknown
    Area of Expertice; Assassinations.
    Additional Info; Wanted for Terrorism
    The White Slate are a supposedly Chinese based collective of Assassins for hire. The White slate has a calling card of a perfectly featureless, blank card left on their victims body. Among the Intelligence community they are almost a urban legend. Having sprung up During the Asian Spring, their victims supposedly include countless western diplomats, Chinese officials and most famously; The Taiwanese prime minister. What is known is that they likely number a total of 30 professional killers, each unique in his or her methods. One of these has actually been apprehended, and serves as the only hard evidence of their existence. He is currently jailed and at a unknown location.

  • Leader; Former Brigand General Tomas Welt.
    Area of Expertise; Mercenary and Wet Work.
    International standing; Wanted for war crimes.
    Goon Squad got their name for a simple reason; They are a blunt, forcefull instrument of war. They are violent, immoral grunts and former soldiers from all over the world. Before the war, they were Operationg generally in the warzones of Africa, South America and the unstable areas of East Asia and Europe, During the war, someone thought it was good idea to grant them pardon if they fought for the UNE. Their boost in legitimacy made it so that they now boost a small standing army of their own mercenaries. They hire highly talented military personnel to highest bidder, regardless of who pays. Three times a Goon Squad has been active on Martian soil since the war. Each time the blood shed has been considerable.

  • Not a huge amount have changed in terms of what works. In that regard projectile weapons are still king. The propellants, bullets and targetting have come more sophisticated however. Certain bio electrical chemicals are used to propel the bullets at greater speed but with less recoil and the ammuntion now range from "Honey and Bee" rounds that use Nanites to designate targets and home in on, to Electric rounds that can fry the insides of a person or cyborg.

    Railguns have strict use only within the military on larger weapon platforms. A cousin to the Rail gun has seen civilian use however. The Gauss Rifle. Its not meant for rapid fire but weapons that use this pack quite the punch.

  • Since far back in history. Humans have used prosthetics. Cybernetics was never so much a super news item as it was natural progression. In early 2000's ,we already have fully functioning finger prosthesis. The modern day era cybernetics are simply a far more sophisticated approach to the same. Capable of actually augmenting your strength, available in a number of styles and for different purposes it is no longer about replacing lost limbs. It's about breaking your limit trough the integration with machines. The most common by far is the V-Net jack that lets you interface directly with computers and systems.

    After the ADAM incident, many older "cyborgs" went mad due to these very V-Net jacks. Due to the complex, often dangerous nature of something so powerful like a plasma torch finger or a hidden saw, all Cybernetics need to be properly certificated, monitored and done by special professionals working for the company that produces them. As It stands however, so called Riggers are making a killing on the black market.

    There is also a limit of a maximum 20% percent of your body being allowed to mechanic unless a special permit has been given to you. Scrap.Inc possesses the permit to modify up to 50 percent of the body.

    Criminals usually have their Cybernetic prosthetic dismantled and removed before put in jail.

  • When in 2120, the first AI to seemingly possessed "thought" came about on Mars and the world changed rapidly. This new AI, dubbed Adam by its creators possessed a way of being able to treat the world around in terms more like that of a human then machine. It was able to piece together new stimuli, both visual and audible and come t1o is own conclusion way beyond its own basic programming. This marked the creation of the first ever Semi-Progressive A.I.

    The core of Adams AI was implemented into several different fields of robotics. Back then Adam and its spawns were still unsophisticated due to a lack of input. But Adam was by far the most powerfull as it kept developing itself. They would however continue to evolve with the help of advanced micro and nano technology.

    By the year of of 2130 the progressive A.I started to show quirks. They were developing personalities. It wasn't long before scientists and authorities became concentrated. These confused, self aware machines would lash out on those that didn't match certain perimeters. Much like a human who defends itself against a perceived threat. This escelated further when the A.I was put into combat situations under the war with earth. Adam had what in a human would be considered a psychotic breakdown, infecting other connected AI's with the same madness.

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Ok. So a little clarification is in order for you interested few. A scrapper can come from any background really, military, police, criminal, private security or simply a guy good with gadgets. What makes a scrapper a scrapper is that he has very little options left.

Scrap.Incs member come and go as mentioned, many go away in a body bag. The moneys pretty good when the money do come in but the risk is high and the paydays irregular in frequency AND in size.


Character sheet.

Code Name: (Optional)
Previous Affiliation; (Optional)

Please provide 3 major skills. (example; Close combat, Medical Knowledge, Hacking) and three minor.

A trait is a defining feature of your personality or physical abilities. (Example; Fleet of Foot; Being quick on your feet, you are good at turning on a dime and move gracefully where other stumble). I want two positives and one negative. (A negative trait might be something Visibly disfigured, easily provoked or rampant alcoholic.)

Weapons: Scrap Inc has military grade weaponry at their disposal.

Augmentations (if any): Please remember. Your body may "only" be 50 percent robotic. Two arms and your torso per example. Or waist down. I suggest spreading it out, be smart about it. Make sure it fits your characters purpose.


Backstory:What drove you here, like really. This aint no place for good people..
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Wow, you have my interest. I actually enjoyed reading through all your descriptions.

Now I do have a couple of questions:

1) So in Singularity City, are androids or modded people illegal? Is it the same around the rest of the world?
2) The RP itself is taking place where? On earth or mars?
3) Are AI units still around or are they completely banned? (Basically can a character have an AI unit?)

.... did you really read it? scrap inc are in singularity city. its states several times androids and Ai are only allowed in singulariilty city... please dont tell me you rrad it when releated mention answer your questions...
I may have overlooked it but how long ago was the mentioned war, and how many years did it drag on?
Hellis said 30 years
Is that how long ago the war was, or its length. I'll assume that's how long ago the war ended. Which means I can just discard the reasons of why I asked. Though I wish I knew where it said it, I'll likely re-read everything later when I'm better rested.
Is that how long ago the war was, or its length. I'll assume that's how long ago the war ended. Which means I can just discard the reasons of why I asked. Though I wish I knew where it said it, I'll likely re-read everything later when I'm better rested.
How long ago. The war lasted a around 20 years.
Clemens Bartholomew Baychester the Fifth.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Code Name: "Big Daddy" / "BB-Five"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 61[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Previous Affiliation; Martian Armed Forces, 21[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]st[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Cybernetic Recon[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Revolver Specialization:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Clemens find that the old west got something very right. The revolver he employ in combat have been with him since the end of the war. While back then he had training and more often used assault rifles as was the standard.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Leadership: Clemens know he isn't as spry as he once was, and have taken to be teams pillar and defacto leader. Having extensive leadership training and experience from his time at the 21[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]st [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], mentoring and leading from the back as well as the front comes naturally to him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Knowledge, Scrappers: He know all there is to know of the varius crews, who are in employ where and how many of them owe him money. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Basic Training; It was 40 year ago he received his training. He has picked up many bad habits since. But some things, like maintaining his rifles and pistols still sit well and true.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Knowledge, Singularity underworld: He has a lot of ears to the ground. And know a few things about the different mobs moving about.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]CQC: 21[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]st[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Recon often worked in cramped environments, such as urban areas and ship warfs. They were trained in hand to hand combat, reliant on their augmented strength and other capabilities to supply the sort of power normal non-augs just cannot compete with.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Wiley Veteran: ( Positive)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Having served in the army have its benefits. Surivivng another 30 odd years on the street and in the business of being a scrapper only compounds that experience. Clemens is a veteran I every sense of the word. He doesn't rattle easily, he doesn't flinch and he he doesn't hesitate.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Large and in Charge (Positive)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]A behemoth of a man, he has the voice and presence to match. His baritone, deep voice is famous among scrappers. To say he command respect in and out of the battlefield cannot be overstated. This also goes to intimidate his surroundings when not around his team.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]To old for this shit (Negative)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Even with higher living standards, better medicine and mechanical augmentations, 60 is far beyond human peak years. He is feeling his years, unable to run or keep up with many of the younger colleagues in conditioning he doesn't heal as quickly anymore. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The .7 "Mastodon" revolver. This monsters of a gun was made with very specific users in mind and in very limited numbers. Taking its cues from the infamous Python Revolver and Russian Nitros of the old Earth, it's size leaves it to heavy to wield securely by any non aug. Even so, the kickback is such that most just goes with more convenient and just as devastating weapons like a riot shotgun. But for augmented personnel, the option was there. Again however, the same aug meant smaller weapons became even more accurate and reliable. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What it does do well, aside from packing a freight train behind each bullet. Is special munition. The Mastodon Pistol come like a shotgun does, with different sorts of higly specific options.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Flak Rounds: A cartridge full of very sharp, very pointy spikes, the bullet shatter some scant meter from expulsion, turning into a hailstorm of death. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Inferno Round: These rounds work like that of the old dragon's breath shotgun variety, only with today's chemicals its more potent, less unstable and far scarier. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Divider Rounds: The piercer round is basically a very advanced version of the more common Armor-Piercer round. Only this is designed to break further up on the larger bullet, releasing very simple nanites that simply attach and destroys whatever organic material it comes in contact with. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sabot Rounds: Highly efficient armor piercing rounds.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]HE Rounds: High Explosive rounds. Basicly, someone decided to put explosives into the tip of these rounds. Used only once by Clemens, as he found them to destructive.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]For Clemens though, his gun are his go to. Capable of delivering .70 caliber slugs at decent range and paired with a cognitive reaction implants and ammo for every occasion he can do a lot of damage in short time. The major drawback is the fact it only takes three bullets at a time.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Augmentations: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]A.R.E.S Arm Assault chassie V.3 "Barracuda Model". (right and left arm, Spine): The ARES own AAC series is one of the most common military-grade augmentations in existence. The AAC comes highly modifiable for its users need but comes with strength restrictions to those with none reinforced spine. The standard replaces the lower arm but integrate part of the upper arm musceilar and bone structure with titanium alloy. Notably. The wrist has a hard point for extra shielding, blades or tasers. Instead, Clemens went with kinetic dampeners. These are common in CQC focused augments as it lessen the stress and impact on the overall structure of the arms and spine. Clemens got it because it lets him reduce the recoil of his monstrous handgun to manageable levels.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Voska Industries V-Jack: A two port, standard issue V-jack for integration with systems and computers. Fitted at the base of his skull. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Voska industries Cognitive Combat Reflex Suite: A complex and highly expensive internal rig, he had it installed soon after his wife left. I enhances his eye-to-hand coordination and upper body reflexes while also providing him with trajectory tracing and other on the fly information directly to his cybernetic right eye. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Born and raised on mars, He was once willing to die for it. He is sixty two years of age. That means he was at his 30's when the war ended. It meant he saw action. He wasn't with the dreaded, now insane Martian Cybertech Comandos. But the war marked him for life. He came home a changed man, more bitter, more distrustful than anything else. Nobody hired him. Nobody but Scrap.Inc. He owes a debt to the old man who started it, and he takes his job seriously. He values his colleagues and he looks after them best he can. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He can be surprisingly jovial and light of heart when talking about his daughter or things not work related. However, when it comes to his job, he doesn't joke around. He knows his business is the definition of cutthroat. And he has no remorse holding a gun to a person head.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Backstory: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"I was born a station rat, I was made into a martian soldier then I was made to fight the planet that had been my ancestral home and in the end I am a nobody. I hold no allegiances but to those close and with no strings on me but the ones I chose to stay afloat. I am a product of conflict, and by the nine graces, I am getting to old for this shit.." - Clemens Bartholomew Baychester the Fifth. During the Artenburrow Hearings.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Some people are thrown into world kicking and screaming. Others are stillborn. They thought clemens was the latter. He is a spacer. Or rather a orbiter. A person born not on one of the planets or even in one of the mining colonies out in the asteroid belts. He was born on one of the hundred habitat spheres orbiting Mars. These stations were leftovers from the earlier colonization days, back when terraforming was still underway in most places. AFter the Planetside expansion truly began, many of these were abandoned or converted to shuttle hubs. What many are willing to forget about the colonization was that not everyone could afford to leave the stations once real estate began to prop up, and in some cases spouses were torn from their family because they were needed for specific tasks. Sometimes they are abandoned outright. This led to people stranded on increasingly derelict stations. Some were lucky as their stations got repurposed.But even then, you got entire populations of poor people living in the many nooks and corners of the vast, underpopulated stations. It was a tragic fact that during the 20 odd long war between Mars and Earth, many of the stations were struck by enemy fire and thousands died without Mars really or Earth really knowing. One such station was O'shea Station, where Clemens was born. He and his sister was entrepreneurs onboard the station along Clemens future wife: Lea. All three having grown up in the vents and the old forgotten sections of the ship, but having had a knack for doing odd jobs for other people, gaining themselves a rep as the stations most reliable "henchmen." His sister was a natural born hacker, and had been tampering with the ship system from early age. Meanwhile he was the muscle. They loved their "Station rats" like family, and even those occasionally miserable, the O'shea was their home. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Luck would have it that they were arrested for fraud and digital credit theft a week before the fighting reached O'shea. The station went up in flames as they were awaiting trials. When news came out that the O'shea was gone, they were pardoned unconditionally, as they were among the few survivors and they needed them for PR purposes. While his sister used the newfound place in life to get away from it all, Clemens found himself staring at the sky, filled with youthful anger. Despite Leas pleas not to, He joined the army shortly after, joining the Ranks of Cybertech Recon. A less scary, less infamous unity of the Cybernetic Army Core. Here he was fitted with his first version of the ARES army chassi. He grew to love the power of his new arms and felt himself justified in his violence against the Aggressors that was the UNE. Unbeknownst to him, Lea was pregnant.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]For Almost 6 years he fought in a war that that seemed to have no end. And then A.D.A.M happened. He was onboard the AI driven cruiser "Balacha" at the time, awaiting to assault one of earth's bigger defense platforms along a large chunk of the Martian Armada. When their own ships opened up one another. Then the Androids became homicidal, gunning down any biologicals onboard. The 21st Recon were at the armory when it went down. This meant they had the equipment they needed to arm themselves for what was to come. Fighting corridor to corridor, linking up with others along the way, they managed to reclaim the ship from the AI. They got it out of there with only a skeleton crew. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Hostile A.I emergence had deeper impact on his unit however. Many had slave AI's chipped in that overrode and calibrated certain aspects of the brains activity. These were apparently susceptible to A.D.A.M madness to. There were many deaths and losses within his unit as the last moments of the conflicted unfolded. When the ashes scattered to the winds and the AI threat was dealt with, he found he had lost all appetite for war. He came home to a wife that he didn't fully recognize. And he was not the same man as the young plucky rebel that had left to fight for Mars. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They tried to make it work. And for a while, they did. Emmas birth was a highlight in both their lives. It was around this time, he had gotten a offer by his old commander to join a venture called Scrap.Inc. There he found out they were looking for some of their old comrades who had gone AWOL. And both men agreed that if anyone should take them in, it should be their old war buddies. They made good money but the job was hard. Seeing what had become of so many good men was terrible. But to put down some of the less savory types he always feared would go rogue was somehow empowering.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] However, as he got more absorbed in it, he found he was drifting away from his wife once more. Lea was growing increasingly agitated with her Husbands inability to walk away from a life of violence. When Emma was five years of age, they separated. At the same time the old Scrap.Inc owner, Commander Salem, died in cancer. Clemens went into a slump, he was 46 at the time and he was had been thrust into a position of leadership he never asked for. After that he got fully absorbed in his work and has dedicated himself to the business and his colleagues ever since. [/BCOLOR]
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  • Love
Reactions: Sir Salty

NAME: Jude Cameron Clancy
CODENAME: Patchwork
AGE: 41
PREVIOUS AFFILIATION(s): Singularity City Police Department and Tactical Anti Cyber Unit

Marksman (Sniper Specialist)
For an unaugmented human, Jude's aim is frighteningly good, allowing him to take shots that would require specialized targeting systems before others would even be so confident as to even try. Perhaps it's why he hasn't bothered with the thought of augmentation, and perhaps why anyone would care to deal with him at all.

T.A.C.U. (Ten Year Veteran)
Experienced in taking on some of the worst technology has produced, Jude is well versed in dealing with illegal augmentations and war-tech cyborgs and androids. He can spot them, he can track them, and he can definitely take them. It's just a shame he burned so many bridges, or else he might have had a cushy desk job by now.

Mechanical and Electrical Knowledge (Hobbyist)
After years of blasting androids apart from afar, curiosity got the better of Jude, despite usually not caring about things. He initially reasoned it was to help him deal with such technology more efficiency, but in truth, he just wanted to know what made them tick. As a result, he has enough of an understanding to make common alterations and repairs on the fly. After all, how do you think he "befriended" Simo?

CQC (T.A.C.U. Trained)
Sometimes things just don't go your way and you have to get your hands dirty, especially when it comes to homicidal androids and cyborgs. While he rarely employs the disarming and subduing techniques he learned during his time in the T.A.C.U., he's far from rusty.

Hacking (Swordfished)
As part of his hobby learning the mechanics behind androids and cybernetics, he learned the basics behind hacking enough to use it, if given enough time. On the field, he mostly relies on the Keymaker for his hacking needs.

Stealth (Metal Geared)
By no means a ninja, Jude can blend into a crowd if the situation arises. For the most part, however, he prefers people know it's him that's coming.

Observant (+)
Whether it was innate or something he picked up along the way, Jude has a keen eye. Details others might never notice, like the faint wrinkles that form when someone is nervous, or the subtle changes in body language; he notices them all. As to what he exploits using these observations depends on whether or not you've gotten on his bad side, and unfortunately, everyone eventually gets his bad side.

MacGyver (+)
Some people are unprepared sometimes, while others prepare for everything. Then you have guys like Jude, who seem to thrive with nothing else than whatever's around.

Loose Cannon (-)
Jude rarely wants, but when he does, he gets what he wants. He will get around any restrictions, exploit any loophole, and if all else fails, just does whatever he wants and accepts the consequences.

Grudge Keeper (-)
To say it's easy to get on Jude's bad side is an understatement, the real question is what exactly will get you on that side. As of now, no one truly knows, as Jude will take any slightest fault against him as an insult. Most just find it easier to just avoid prolonged contact with him.

Routine Crutch (-)
Call it superstition, but some things just don't feel right unless you do things the right way. For Jude, these daily rituals are vital to his success, or so he says. Any interruptions to any of these bring a loss of confidence and agitation to him.

[Light Weapons]

ARES Keres Triple S Gauss Rifle
Jude's weapon of choice for causing mayhem and one of the few things in life he truly cares for. This one shot gauss rifle was part of a limited run that was discontinued due to being extremely user unfriendly and high maintenance, even more so now that parts have grown hard to find. The destructive potential the weapon possessed when firing its specialized Super Sabot Slugs almost outweighed its flaw, but not enough to save its sales. An unpleasant rifle for an unpleasant man; it's a match made in Singularity City.

[Small Arms]

Перун (Perun) Cyril IFC AP Pistol
This highly customizable pistol came into Jude's possession the same way a lot of things do; he took it from someone who used it trying to kill him. It's currently modified with a suppression barrel attachment and an electric distributor to fire electro-AP rounds. Perfect for dealing with androids and the heavily augmented and just cruel when used against normal humans; sounds about right for Jude.

Mono Steel Bowie Knife
This stylish bowie knife once belonged to a Los Locos gang member who made the unfortunate decision to attack Jude. After that, let's just say Jude took a liking to it.

Surprisingly for someone in his field, Jude possesses no augmentations, not due to any prejudices against those who do, but rather that he has yet to feel the need to. A firm believer in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," as some have said and stubbornly fixed in his ways, he finds some creative ways around what might be considered a disadvantage nowadays.

LRCA H5-32 "Simo" (...or at his head)
A former combat android that had managed to survive the war, it had spent a majority of its retirement guarding the abandoned robotics plant as programmed and sniping at anyone who strayed too close. This came to an end when Jude and his unit within the T.A.C.U. was sent out to deal with it. After a grueling nine hours, Jude was finally able to put the android out of commission and took its head as a trophy for how much a pain in the ass it was. After some time, Jude began to mess around with its head, eventually reviving it and reprogramming it to serve as his personal targeting system, naming it Simo and giving him an identity. Simo has proven to be Jude's only friend so far, although for lack of trying on Simo's part.

Hathcock Mk. 2 Observation Drone
While Simo acts as Jude's main targeting system, certain laws frown on carrying an android's head outside of Singularity City. For those out of town occasions, Jude employs the use of older, war-era technology. Comprised of a two-piece system of a reconnaissance drone and the display monitor that acts as its docking station, it is a bit outdated and forces Jude to rely on his skill more, but it gets the job done.

Keymaker PIH853
Also known as a "Plug-And-Play" hacking device (or affectionately as "Pappy"), this handheld tool acts as a shortcut for hacking operations by allowing the user to pre-code several programs into it which can instantly be activated with a push of a button. Much like its nickname implies, the device requires it to be physically connected to a system either through its various adapters or spliced into the wiring. Jude most commonly uses this to open locked doors or override electronic devices.

Tall and lean at six foot one inch, with pale skin, deep-set blue eyes, and closely trimmed hair, Jude appears to have aged into middle age with some grace, thanks to his disciplined lifestyle. He is often seen in suits deemed fashionably retro by the upper class, not because it is trendy, but because it was what his father wore. While he fashions his apparel after his father, the trench coat that completes the attire is the exact one his father had always worn and died in, which might explain his attachment to it. After years of sewing close and patching over gunshot holes and other damage it sustained, the coat resembles a patchwork mess, leading to his current code name.

There is no way around the fact that Jude is quite abrasive. A true misanthrope, he appears to want nothing to do with others and treats others with contempt until they prove their worthiness for either his respect or loathing, but good luck determining which is which. On his own, Jude lives a quiet life of repetition and restraint, finding a zen-like peace in his daily rituals and treating them with an almost superstition fervor if they are interrupted. Jude is a stubborn man, set in his ways and will often devise unnecessary but creative ways around whatever issues may arise from this behavior.


"Heya Kiddo, it's your pops. Your mom tells me you're a smart little guy, musta got it from her...Listen, we're gonna need smart guys like you in the future, so take care of your mother and listen to her. I'll take care of the rest..."
- Robert Clancy
Jude was born on "Devil's Night", October 30th, in Singularity City as the only child between Robert Clancy and Julia Barone. A quiet and smart child, it didn't take him long to grasp the uncertainty and fear that came with these chaotic times as the people of Mars fought for its independence, only to find their true conflict against the very machine they made to fight with. His father, Robert, was a passionate Martian patriot, remaining on the battlefield to the thick and thin, leaving Jude's only interactions with him through brief audio and video communications until the age of eleven. With the war's conclusion ending with the triumph of humanity and Mars' independence solidified, Robert Clancy could finally return home, yet there were still struggles to be had. For some time Jude quietly observed this stranger called his father, uncertain of how to feel about him, but never voiced this for the sake of his mother's happiness. In time, however, he began to understand the man Robert was; despite having endured two wars, he still went out every day and helped with reconstruction and other volunteer work before joining the SCPD to maintain the newfound peace in the city. His father's selfless and honorable attitude and discipline inspired the small boy to follow in his steps, earning his respect in the end. Graduating the police academy with honors, Jude would only be 21 by the time he passed the examinations that would advance him as a detective, just like his old man.

"You have my condolences. Your father was a good man, Clancy. The world is going to be a lot darker without him..."
- BrayD 4619
Although Jude himself denies this, many say the turning point in his life was the day Robert Clancy was gunned down in front of him. The investigation that followed concluded that the Los Locos member who chose to open fire was doing so in retaliation for his friends' recent arrest and conviction. Hopped up on a monstrous cocktail of chemicals, he had chosen to open fire on a group of off-duties officers leaving a restaurant, with Robert being the first to exit and taking the brunt of the shots. Jude would never get the chance to take revenge, for one of the other officers, BrayD 4619, swiftly shot and killed the Locos before things got out of hand. Grief-stricken from the loss of his father and hero, frustrated from his feelings of helplessness and lack of closure, Jude knew there was no one left to blame, but he would have to make one for the sake of easing his pain and maintaining his sanity. He would turn his sorrow into hatred and direct to the only one left, the android. While BrayD would never know of his grudge against him, Jude sought the transfer to the T.A.C.U. in order to know how to destroy androids, if only to properly enact his revenge in his head. It was also at this time, seeking some sort of stability, Jude was married to his longtime girlfriend, Laura Springfield.

"Violence isn't always the answer, Jude! You can't just go on a rampage every time something bad happens! No one wanted you to do this...except you..."
- Laura Springfield
The ten years Jude spent with the T.A.C.U. brought out his true gifts, as well those feelings he would have once tried to subdue. Jaded and bitter, he worked out every bit of frustration he might have had through the violence and carnage he inflicted on the work technology could produce, although his personal evaluations suggested he would occasionally go too far. The catharsis never seemed to last, as he would grow more depressed with self-loathing and pessimism each day. It would come to a boil the day a Triad chose to assault his wife's cousin. Unable to handle the helplessness he felt seeing Laura in distress, Jude left and chose to do something about it. He would later be found entering the SCPD, dragging the very same Triad, although missing several of his augmented limbs and beaten to a near pulp. Jude would take his dressing down from his superiors without excuse, only to come home to be dressed down once more by his wife. Unable to deal with his flaws any longer, she packed her things and left, only speaking to him later through her divorce lawyer.
"Hey, Taco. You're the one that shot my mark yesterday, right?...How much do they pay you?"
-Clemens Bartholomew Baychester the Fifth
Jude's transition to Scrap Inc. actually started a month before the incident with the Triad member and his eventual resignation from the T.A.C.U., with one assignment, in particular, catching the attention of Clemens. Impressed with his shot, the Scrap's head gave him the pitch, but Jude, at the time, felt no need to leave. With his world uprooted with Laura's departure and his strained relationships with his superiors regarding his behavior, he would ultimately take Clemens' offer, becoming their resident marksman.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Sir Salty
Looks fantastic. I'll probably write up a CS over the weekend.
Name: Arthur Deadman
Code Name: Gallows
Age: 48
Height: 183 cm (6'0")
Previous Affiliation: The Goon Squad



Major Skills:
  • Battlefield Medicine: "Alright, all we have is some duct tape, an IV drip, a knife and a lighter. You'll make it."
Not all medicine can be practiced in the sterile environments of the hospital, nor can it always be practiced with proper materials. That's where Deadman comes in. As a combat medic, he knows that he has to make do with what he has to make sure his patient survives at least long enough to be evacuated. Being on the receiving end of supply shortages means he's willing to improvise, perhaps a bit more frequently than many would feel comfortable with someone rooting in their intestines for a bullet but he gets the job done. As well, while properly trained, Arthur has never received an official degree from medical school nor the specialized training required for advanced procedures. He is, however, qualified to perform general nurse work as well as manual trauma surgery, usually more than enough for his needs.
  • Urban Warfare Specialization: "Nothing quite like the rush of breaching into the unknown to get the blood pumping."
If there is one thing the Goon Squad is known for, it's their brutality. This extends even to their medical personnel, but especially their frontline medics who are expected to fight alongside the regular troops. It's only fitting that Arthur is specialized in fighting one of the most brutal environments; the city. He was trained in fighting in tight corridors, in poorly lit areas, and any other disadvantageous position that can be imagined. Mixed with a bit of luck, this makes Arthur lethal whether on the defensive or offensive. He can instinctively identify good positions for ambushes, snipers, and other deadly actions. As well, while not a prodigy with his weapons, Arthur is competent in the use and maintenance of all the essentials of a soldier's kit: the assault rifle, the pistol, the knife, hand to hand, and one heavy ordinance (grenade launcher).
  • Goon Non Commissioned Officer: "You are all scum, but you're scum under my command and that means you follow my orders."
Even a rabble like the Goon Squad needs some semblance of structure to make sure the grunts don't shoot each other in the back by accident. Promising recruits are promoted and taught by their superiors, groomed as underlings for the ones in power for their own power cliques. As one of the few level headed and experienced field medics in the outfit, Arthur was a highly sought after commodity, which he used to his advantage. He learned how to lead squads, about tactics and strategy, in recognizing strengths and weaknesses, and, most importantly, he gained insight to the relationships and power struggles of the Goon Squads upper echelons.

Minor Skills:
  • Musician: "Music, like alcohol, only exponentially gets better the more people involved. By better I mean the chance someone gets punched in the face."
A frequent cover story as well as a childhood of odd jobs led to Arthur learning the ins and outs of the life as a musician. He knows how to play the guitar and favors less electronic and synthesized songs than most younger people generally prefer.
  • Housework: "Do I look like I can afford a maid?"
Being a single father and living in a male dominated environment for most of one's life usually leads to different people: the kind that leaves their underwear in the kitchen sink and orders pizza everyday or the kind that cleans up after the former and makes sure they don't die of vitamin deficiency. Arthur is the latter. He cooks, cleans, and washes constantly, making sure everything is spotless and organized.
  • Gunsmithing:
Gallows has a minor talent in modding ballistic weaponry. While limited to pre-existing designs, he likes to tinker and swap pieces out to see the results. He is proficient enough to install and remove hardware, though only for common weapons. As well he is limited to small arms for the most part.

Positive Traits:
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Experienced: "Last time i saw anything like this was on a mission in Dubai…"[/BCOLOR]
It takes a lot to throw Arthur off, due to him having twenty years of combat experience, 19 years of near impoverished living, and nine years working at Scrap Inc.. He's seen and done things that would make most people go screaming for a padded cell and straight jacket. This shows itself as an air of coldness when "Gallows" is working and an air of weariness when it's "Arthur" in control. The only thing that could make him lose his cool are threats against his niece or his co-workers.

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Quick: "No, I don't have Tourette's or Parkinson's, this is just how i move."[/BCOLOR]
There is no other way to describe Arthur as anything but fast. He moves in a manner as if he's used to moving quicker than most people can follow, with a quick, twitching smoothness that slides and flick it's way through the air. In practice, he can move in bursts on unnatural speed, his body blurring slightly as he moves. This also applies to his mind, allowing him to quickly process information and see the world as if it were moving sluggishly around him. He primarily uses this for non combat roles, such as quickly reading things, performing battlefield diagnosis in an instant, or just increasing his reaction speed. It is difficult to use this ability in active combat as his muscles aren't augmented to prevent muscles tearing, and if he punched someone at full someone he'd break his arm along with the other's face.

Negative Traits:
  • Dependent: "Vivian's the only good I got left in this world, and I'd fo anything to keep her here."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gallows is the guardian of his 8 year old niece, Vivian Harrison, and is constantly balancing his job and her. She is also a weak point for both him and Scrap Inc. if his identity is ever discovered.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Unscrupulous: "Course my methods ain't pretty, they're not meant to be."[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]There are times that Gallows comes off as completely lacking in morals in his actions and behaviors, performing heinous acts of without batting an eye. One reason for this is that Gallows' loyalty and morality only extends to those he feels he deserves it. In the hierarchical order in his mind; Vivian reigns supreme, followed by his close friends and co-workers, acquaintances, strangers and finally enemies. Everybody beyond the first two groups, and potentially the third, are tools that can be used to better their "betters'" causes. In a way the last two groups are something neither human or synthetic to Gallows, their actually less. Torture, manipulation, killing, these actions don't give Gallows any reason to lose sleep.[/BCOLOR]


"Bastard": Colt/H&K BPCW-SA90C- A common rifle popular with a number of combat groups, this bullpup assault rifle was modified for close quarters engagements under Gallows' own hand, the rifle sacrifices ease of reload and magazine size for maneuverability and even lower recoil than most guns. It fires 9.5 x 40 mm rounds at 950 rounds/min, each round having a slight armor piercing quality. The rifle has a full length of 600 mm (23.62 inches), 76 mm shorter than the standard size of 676 mm (26.6 in). There's an underslung flashlight and the gun has a wireless uplink directly to Gallows' helmet HUD.

"Mustang": Colt/H&K M1911-USP- An oldie but a goldie, this pistol fires a .50 Action Express round from a 13 round box magazine. While not as stupidly powerful as some some of the hand cannons on the market (legal or black), it makes up for with more ammo, smaller size, a lack of needing significant augmentation to fire, and the lack of legal issues regarding wielding a miniature artillery piece.

"Tracheotomy": Mono-Edge Combat Knife- A 20 cm long blade, it's been with him since his first campaign.

"Potato Launcher": M237 VR-MGL- For when things are so thoroughly and utterly shagged that the words "collateral damage" can only be answered with "How much?" The M237 MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher is a beast of a weapon, capable of launching 40mm grenades to a range of about 402 meters (440 yards). It holds six grenades in a revolver style case, spinning as the trigger is pulled. The weapon is primarily loaded with High Explosive (HE), White Phosphorus (WP), or Nanomachine canister rounds. Obviously, not meant to be used indoors, this is Arthur's last resort, a final fuck you to anything that would kill him.
The launcher is also tied to Gallows armor, allowing for automatic range and power adjustments to alter the trajectory of the launch

  • HIgh Explosive- Exactly what it sounds like. Theses babies make big booms, and fuck shit seven ways upwards and sideways to kingdom come.
  • White Phosphorus- Phosphorus that burns anyhting it comes into contact to. A horrific tool Gallows picked up when dealing with cyborgs, who rarely think to enhance their esophagus where the phosphorus flake can enter through respiration and cause major internal burns.
  • Nanomachine Canister-This ammunition is less of a grenade and more of a delivery mechanism. Inside is a nanomachines swarm that disperses into an area and settling onto everything in an area. The nanomachines themselves are nearly impossible to see and can track and send their position to Gallows and his teammates, providing important reconnaissance and information. The nanomachines have a five minute life span before they self-destruct in harmless sparks.


Body Armor: Osiris CQC Armor- An armor developed for ease of use, movability and maximum protection. The plates and helmet are made of a titanium and ceramic composite that keeps the armor at a light seven pound chest and torso piece. Not shown are the greaves and armored boots that complete the set. Each leg weighs a total of four pounds and is made from the same material a the pauldrons, the chestpiece and neck guard. The helmet itself is pressurized with a built in air filter as well aa a communication unit and flashlight. The faceplate is covered in millions of microcameras synchronized to provide Gallows with a life like visual feed. The HUD system in the helmet allows Gallows to switch between regular, thermal, and night vision.

The backpack can hold all of his supplies

  • Augmented Neural Suite:
Through a painful and arduous process, Gallows had his entire nervous system coated with super conducting cables that boosted his reflexes by 300%. The issue quickly became that he could not maintain that speed for various reasons. The augmentations make his baseline faster with a reaction time of .2 milliseconds, but when he truly activates them his time drops to 0.067 seconds. When activated, his brain and body speed up to match him, putting a great deal of strain on him. Extended or repeated use causes extreme migraines.

Gallows can fight in this state, but striking is impossible simply because his limbs would shatter. He can sprint short distance in the blink of an eye, but repeated use will lead to muscle tearing. He can shoot in the state, but only for short instances to get a drop on an enemy.

Gallows is best described as two men living in one body. There is "Arthur" the quiet and doting uncle to Vivian, the kind of person that carries pictures in his wallet and comes to every event and show his ward is in. This even extends to the rest of Scrap Inc, especially some of the newer member. For example, he personally makes sure every members' kit is checked before missions, then check himself because he worries.

Then there's "Gallows", the mercenary. Ruthless, brutal, and more than a little cruel, Gallows was the man who survived 21 years fighting in the most chaotic war zones known to man or machine. Gallows is willing to do anything to survive and win, even if it means doing morally bankrupt and evil actions. He is not someone anyone wants to meet in a dark alleyway.

To say Arthur "Gallows" Deadman has bad luck would be an understatement. Born to a corporate drone family in the southern US, he never really excelled in anything except his athleticism and deft fingers. The former won him praise, while the latter earned him the ire of his victims. He lived with his father, a researcher for a pharmaceutical company, his mother, a housewife who did nothing but complain about how her life wasn't the way she wanted it, and lastly there was his little sister, Guinevere, the only one out of the four of them that seemed to have any hope at being something more. It wasn't a particularly happy story

Everything changed when he turned 16 and his father died, ostensibly of an untreated stomach ulcer (later revealed to be caused by illegal testing on the "non-essential employees"). The War was still raging, but on Earth the conflict seemed far away and non consequental, especially in the sleepy corporate town Arthur lived in.

Kicked out of the town and paid a barely livable pension, the boy was approached by a tough and grizzled looking old man who asked if the boy if he wanted to see new worlds, learn to be tough, and to get enough money to help his family.

The first was enough to pique Arthur's interest. The second kept him in his seat. The last one sold the idea for him. And so at sixteen, Arthur sold the next twenty years of his life to the mercenary group named the Goon Squad.

He was initially nothing more than a simple rifleman, another invisible face to be thrown into the meat grinder of war. He was saved from that fate when he accidentally helped diagnose and prescribe medication that saved his commanding officer's life (ironically from another stomach ulcer). From that moment onwards he was to be trained as a combat medic. Training with both the infantry as well as the (sadly understaffed) Medical Corps, he quickly rose through the unofficial ranks to distinguish himself as capable and trustworthy.

That is not to say the basic training wasn't a nightmare. A mixture of live training and simulations, the Goon Squad basic training was based from the now defunct US Special Forces developed by the Goon Squad's leader. Simulation training involved being forced to, among many things, learn how to amputate their own limbs without medical tools, perform surgery on themselves without painkillers, learn to fight while missing limbs, and were also subjected to simulated pain (and death) during combat training until the trainee was deemed fit for combat

The training broke something inside Arthur. He was angrier, more violent, more jaded than a seventeen year old should have been. It would only worsen when he first deployed in the last two years of the War, when A.D.A.M. went insane. He was sent feet first into the hell known as Gallagos Station.

Gallagos Station was an icebreaking station that was a major source of water for the Martians, as well as a major resupply location. The Goon Squad had ben contracted to take the station for it's customers. It should have been a simple job, the station was manned almost entirely by androids and A.I. driven machines. Then A.D.A.M. happened, and everything went to shit.

His first deployment and half of his battalion, 400 men strong, was dead in an instant. The next 2 years was a series of desperate attempts to survive in conditions that made Stalingrad look like paradise. Two years of no running water, low supplies, battlefield amputations, alliances, betrayals, executions, raids, hell. Arthur found himself in high demand, especially as his skills began improving with the sheer volume of bodies, human or martian, that was brought to him.

It was here that he gained his codename "Gallows", when he tortured and hanged four men for attempting to steal the medical supplies he himself had stolen from another group. The scene was even photographed and appeared on many publications and news networks, even winning the photographer an award.

Due to the large amount of men killed in the two years he had just fought, Arthur was promoted to Staff Sergeant and was put in charge of training and leading a platoon of Combat Medics like himself. Within ten years he was the First Sergeant of the 1st Combat Medical Company of the Goon Squad, turning the disparate and corrupt medic corps into one of the most experienced frontline medical units in the Solar System.

For 21 years Gallows bounced between combat zones, dirtying his hands in the name of profit and war. So imagine his surprise when he received a call from Mars, from a woman claiming to be his estranged sister's coworker and friend. Even worse, she claimed that his sister and her husband were dead and had left a child behind in the aftermath. In a heartbeat Gallows left the Goon Squad and brokered a deal with the government in Singularity City; he would sell out the Goon Squad for custody of his niece and exoneration for his crimes.

Shortly after reaching the city, Gallows joined Scrap Inc., and has served for nearly 10 years fighting insane machines, just like he did at Gallagos Station.

Notable NPCs:
Vivian Elaine Benwick

"Hey Daddy?"

Arthur froze as the words flowed through the air. He was in the kitchen cutting some vegetables for that night's dinner while Vivian was doing homework on the coffee table in the living room that doubled as a dining area. He had been expecting this the moment he had signed the adoption papers, but the after years of "Arthur" and "Uncle" he had begun believing that the risk was passed.

Clearly not, he thought as he set the knife down. He could feel the tears forming, must've been from the damn onions he'd been chopping (even though he had chopped those first).

"Arthur What's wrong? I-i didn't mean to say that..." Vivian, his baby girl, called in a quiet voice.

"It's nothing baby girl," He barely managed to suppress the quiver in his voice before continuing, "You did nothing wrong. J-just don't call me that would you?"

He winced at how hard his voice had become, and cursing himself under his breath he wiped his hands and walked out of the kitchen.

What he saw broke his heart, something he thought impossible after that rainy afternoon years ago. Vivan say with her head down, her blonde strands covering her blue eyes, her shoulders trembling as she gripped the worn faux leather couch she was sitting on. He quickly made his way over and sat down next to her. Wrapping an arm (a worn, scarred limb that didn't deserve to hold something so beautiful) around, Arthur pulled his ward into a hug.

"Hey Viv, baby girl, it's alright," He whispered, rocking back and forth slowly, "It's alright. You did nothing wrong."

"B-but your mad now aren't you? 'Cuz I called you 'daddy'." Vivian's quiet voice was nearly indistinct when buried into his sweater clad chest.

"Not mad baby girl, not mad. A little shocked, and a little sad, but not mad."

"But you are! Your only that quiet when you're working, and you're always mad when you're working"

"...Maybe a little, but not at you Viv, never at you."

"No buts. I-you are the best thing's that ever happened to me you hear me? The best. But you only came 'cause life decided that your mommy and daddy had to die. I can't be your daddy, baby girl, don't deserve to be."

"Yes you do!" Vivian shouted as she broke out from the hug and pounded a small fist into Arthur's chest.

"You deserve to be happy." the little girl said, in between hiccups and the occasional snort.

"Hey, hey no need to cry Viv." Arthur felt something rise into his throat, lodging itself and making it hard to breath. Ignoring it, he plucked a few tissues from the box on the table. Bringing a piece up, he gently squeezed the square of soft paper around his ward's nose.

"Here, blow baby girl."

A wet, loud cacophony erupted from Vivian's dainty nose, making Arthur let out a choked chuckle.

"Your mom did the same thing you know? Was like she had a trumpet for a nose, the amount of noise he made blowing her nose." Arthur let his smile drop slightly. And that was the issue wasn't it? Vivian didn't need him to be her father, she needed her actual Mommy and Daddy for that. He was just a replacement trying to make up for lost time and broken promises, not someone who was fit to be "daddy" to anyone.

So why did his heart hurt so much?
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[BCOLOR=transparent] Felipe 'El Toro' Navarro[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Formerly of Los Locos 22[/BCOLOR]

Forced Entry: If it's locked, sealed or blocked off, Felipe has a knack of finding his way into it. Smashed windows, kicked in doors, crudely rewired electronics - he's used them all in his time as an enforcer, and those he comes to visit have nowhere safe to hide.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Street brawler: Whilst not what you would call 'classically trained' in the art of fighting, Felipe has a brutal and straightfowards style of fighting that serves him well when supported by his strength.[/BCOLOR]

Bigger is better: Felipe only rarely resorted to using projectile weaponry during his time as an enforcer, but when he did it was usually something that made a statement; that statement usually being that the person on the receiving end would be reduced to a fleshy paste by a hail of lead, fire, or whatever else he could get his hands on. As such, he can use heavy weapons such as machine guns and miniguns more effectively than most.


Intimidating presence: There's something about Felipe that makes people inclined to accede to requests. Being both noticeably tall and bulky, Felipe also exudes an aura that he isn't used to asking twice, and has left a trail of significant injuries behind him to back up that viewpoint.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Perceptive: During his time waiting for his implants, Felipe became accustomed to life being blind, and his hearing and other senses sharpened as the brain acclimatised to its new situation. His optic implants enable infrared and ultraviolet vision as well, making Felipe much more alert to his surroundings than most other people.[/BCOLOR]

Knows a guy: Maintaining ties to Los Locos 22, Felipe can glean bits of information from those hackers who hangout on their turf. Depending on who happens to be in, he can even pull a few strings, call in a few favours, and get some of the most skilled tech-junkies working for him. As such, he can gain access to information that isn't entirely public domain.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Strong as an Ox: The clue is in the name, but Felipe is as strong as they come in terms of pure physical power. Capable of manhandling people with ease, some of the smaller ones with one hand. He has also been known to drag several parked vehicles to produce a crude roadblock, and is capable of inflicting major injuries should his fist hit someone.[/BCOLOR]

Juiced to the eyeballs: The potent cocktail of drugs he takes makes him resistant to pain, sharper and more alert, and generally more effective than he was pre-medication. As a result he can shrug off blows and wounds that would impair most people.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Addict: During his time in Los Locos 22, Felipe got hooked on several different substances including steroids, amphetamines and opiates. Should he go too long without a hit, Felipe will become agitated, aggressive and erratic, as well as suffering progressively more severe withdrawal symptoms. Though he has a regular supplier, drug dealing is not the safest of professions.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]This also carries a converse risk as well. Though he may appear to be controlling his 'self-medication', in fact the amount he takes can vary significantly depending on mood, and he runs the perpetual risk of overdosing.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Weapons: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]'The Bitch': Felipe's pet name for the light machine gun he carries as if it were an assault rifle. Though he isn't the most accurate, the large magazine and the high rate of fire allow him to lay down a hail of 5.56mm rounds, eviscerating most things that get in the way.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]'The Big Bastard': Felipe saves this one for a special occasion. A minigun with shortened barrels and a crudely affixed stand to allow Felipe to brace it against the floor; strictly reserved for jobs where Felipe expects to mow down a lot of people.[/BCOLOR]
Fists: No weapon? No problem! Felipe is just as comfortable fighting bare-handed where his strength can really show itself.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Eye prostheses: Felipe lost his sight when he got jumped by some junkies with machetes in an alleyway. He subsequently went to a Rigger and acquired some new ones, capable of IR and UV vision as well as normal wavelengths of light.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sub-dermal plating: While at the Rigger's shop, Felipe decided to invest in subdermal armour plating that covers most of his vital spots. Combined with his body armour, it makes landing a lethal shot incredibly difficult.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Blunt and crude, Felipe doesn't give a shit about playing buddies. He doesn't care for subtlety and says what he wants regardless of what others may think. In spite of this, he still cooperates well with those he does not like provided their aims are the same - he just doesn't care about fake buddy-buddy stuff. When the time comes to fight he is always found at the front, his enthusiasm carrying him to the forefront of the fight. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Despite his lack of tact, grace and friendliness, Felipe is actually more reliable than many, since he isn't the type of person to backstab someone behind a false veneer of friendship and cooperation. If Felipe comes along, you can rely on him to see it through to the end, even if there were times you would rather he weren't there.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Felipe was born at the bottom of the bottom, in the lower levels of Singularity City. His mother was a common prostitute, his father some client of hers. Felipe grew up largely on his own, his mother being busy with her 'visitors', or getting absolutely blitzed in order to deal with it. Her close association with the Los Locos dealers meant Felipe invariably ran into them, and it wasn't long before he started helping out in order to have something to do. He started out running supplies to dealers from the central stocks, before graduating to peddle the wares himself. As he grow older and he began to bulk out, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Felipe became one of their heavies - shaking down those junkies who failed to pay their dues and acquiring payment by whatever means necessary.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]During his earlier career, several junkies objected to his treatment of them, and expressed it in the way of the language of the streets - machetes in the alley. Though he reduced them all to a bloody paste, he took several cuts to the eyes that blinded him during the fight. As a result he was forced to wait until a Rigger could have a look at him, during which time he adapted to a lack of vision.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Eventually he was called in for his operation. The eye prostheses, as well as several armour plates, were installed into his body. However, using black market Riggers always carries a risk. When he came around, he found himself in intense pain. The Rigger assured him it would recede, knocked a little off the price as compensation and then ushered him out the door.[/BCOLOR]
Contrary to the Rigger's words, the pain did not, in fact, recede. Felipe turned to the most available remedy available to him to manage the pain - the drugs that ran through the Los Locos 22 like water through a stream. It started out just painkillers, then stimulants to counter the drowsiness he got from the painkillers, then steroids to prevent muscle wastage from the stimulants... it wasn't long before he was running on a potent cocktail of drugs to get through day to day life. It also didn't take him too long to find the Rigger and return the favour. If the black marketeer survived the beating Felipe dealt out, he would be left with lifelong pain. It seemed fitting.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Eventually, Felipe began to tire of the shakedowns. It was pathetic, the fact that none could even offer any resistance anymore. Bored of the sob stories and the pleas for more time, he separated from the group on somewhat-amiable terms, and made his way to Scrap Inc., seeking an actual challenge and a thrill.[/BCOLOR]

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Sir Salty
Juiced to the Eyelinds is clearly a trait not a skill man, nor is being physically strong. Which I might add, can be rolled up in Juiced to the Eyelid if you make it a trait. A skill is something you good at, be it fighting with a knife, hacking, singing.

Also there are a ton of timeline/continuity errors. The war ended 30 years ago. He wasn't born during it. Rather he was born shorly after it.
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Juiced to the Eyelinds is clearly a trait not a skill man, nor is being physically strong. Which I might add, can be rolled up in Juiced to the Eyelid if you make it a trait. A skill is something you good at, be it fighting with a knife, hacking, singing.

Also there are a ton of timeline/continuity errors. The war ended 30 years ago. He wasn't born during it. Rather he was born shorly after it.
Ah my bad, I got kinda confused - I thought the war started 30 years ago. Will fix it and the other stuff.

How many years after the war ended did they start building Singularity City? Can't spot it anywhere in the OP
Almost immedietly. Think how they rebuilt Berlin after WW2. They were really keen on rebuilding it to dampen post-war anxiety and heal the loss of infrastructure.
So he was born in the early days of Singularity City? Got it.

Tweaking inbound.
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Are you lost?"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shakes Head: No[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Is there anything I can help you with?"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shakes Head: Yes[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"What do you need?"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Points to Scrap Inc. Sign[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You need directions"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shakes Head: Yes[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Uh…." nervous smiles, points it out on the map, "It's right here. You're only 2 blocks away."[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]^ _ ^[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Application Scrap Inc. [/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Name: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Default [?][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]29[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Code Name: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Default[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Previous Affiliation:[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Don't remember [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Primary Skills:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Stealth - I hide in corners, and people do not see me. I am very good at sneaking up on them when they least expect. Sometimes I do it to people when I don't want to though. O.o ' [nervous sweat drop][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Perhaps it seems unusual that someone could move without a sound to their step, or move in a fashion that allows them to cut through the light. It seems he can come and go as he pleases, knowing how to carefully distribute his weight evenly and observe the line of sight of others being able to slip past them with ease. It does help his meek nature doesn't allow him to be registered with most people as well. His small frame making him easily looked over by those taller and larger than him. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Blade Mastery - The sword I carry his name is Memori and I take him everywhere with me. But you see I am also very good with Memori.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Someone's trained him, that's all someone can say about his assured footing and his proper stance. He holds the blade with a firm grip and moves within seconds. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Parkour - People sometimes look at things around them as obstacles. I don't see them as obstacles, I move around them freely.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He takes full advantage of his environment, seeing no obstacle. He cuts across the environment like he isn't even physical, like he's ethereal and cant get from one place to another. There is no Point A to Point B. He flies through the city, like he owns it. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Secondary Skills:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Disarming - Sometimes people point dangerous objects at you, and you have no way of escaping. So it's better to take it away from them. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Applying his sword style to hand to hand combat, Default uses his hands and fingers as a sword point and his arm as the blade. With almost equal nimbleness to his blade, Default focuses primarily on disarming his foes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]City Knowledge - I know a lot of things about the city. I got in here all right. I know where all the little corners are. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Probably because of the way he navigates the city through freerunning and parkour, no place is off limits to Default's exploration. He knows just about every nook and cranny there is to the city, and he will exploit it in every way he could to be able to get where he needs to go in the shortest possible time. It is also a way for him to help others navigate the city more freely and more independently as he does.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Tracking - Instincts. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While Default might not have a dog's sense of smell, he wishes he did. Default has the instinct of when knowing things are not in order, his own attention to detail allows him to track the trajectory of danger, or be able to predict the next move of his opponents, where they would go next. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"...I like him"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Clemens... no more strays"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"He is hired"[/BCOLOR]​


[BCOLOR=transparent]Positive Traits:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Cat Like Grace - Default has always been quick on his feet, running through the city and flying through it has given him great grace and balance where he may lack it in his memory or his thinking, he certainly doesn't lack it on his feet. He is quick to turn, and has a cat like grace. He rarely loses his balance and lands with even footing able to escape injury for an amatuer. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Economical: While Default is skilled, he knows that the most effective strike is a one hit kill. Whether that means employing hit and run tactics or wading through enemies, he always aims for lethal areas: the head, neck, chest.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Negative Traits:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shyness - For whatever reason Default seems incredible shy. He doesn't like people to notice him and doesn't like being the center of attention, he likes to get on by without the attention if he can. Choosing not to speak because he doesn't want someone to draw their ire on him. He's prone to run away quickly, to find somewhere to hide if he feels anxious or nervous in the situation. Sometimes he himself doesn't chose to hide, but the neural implants react to his own nervous making him camouflage into the background.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Instability - There are some unusual traits of Default, his memory is best described as scrambled eggs, selective amnesia. But that's nowhere near a problem as Default's apparent instability when it comes to certain things. Particularly his Helmet, which he will fight you tooth and nail not to take off of him. And his Sword which he carries with him everywhere he goes and if he isn't allowed to take it with him seems lost and unable to function without these two things.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Memori - That blade is deadly where did he even get it? No ordinary civilian should have been allowed to carry around what appears to be a military grade sword in a scabbard. The sword seems to have a certain feature, made of light alloy, that has circuits inside the metal. And when activated the blade can heat up, cutting through most material and human flesh like boiling butter.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hidden Monoblade Knives - In the pockets of his armor, he has a few hidden knives, he keeps at the defensive, in case someone grabs him, or needs a kick escape or distraction. While he might not be the best thrower, he can throw them with a 79% of actually hitting something. Otherwise they make a nice "sinkt" noise as a distracting sound so he can slip off. However, he does compliment his hidden blades with his own unique sword style martial arts.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Civilian Helmet - As expressed in his day to day attire, which you will see in appearance, his helmet communicates via simplified emoticons. The helmet reads or translates his neural implant in doing so, allowing him to effectively communicate what he's trying to express.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scrap Inc. Mission Helmet - As seen in his armored appearance, the Helm on his mission is quite different from his Civvy Helmet, with a few features that supplement his stealth capabilities and skulking around in small, narrow crevices that he choses to do so.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Temp Reading Mode - Allows him to see the residual heat leftover by shoes, hand prints, or warm bodies pressed on surfaces like leaning on walls. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Body Scanning - Allows him to quickly scan those around him, identifying who is human, who is cybernetic, and who is android. And through a 3D "X-Ray" like vision allows him to scan through their bodies, like a quick MRI. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Several communication features that allow him to uplink information to mission controls, or to other devices Scrap Inc. agents may have. The information he sends is basic information, such as his scans which Arthur/Gallows can read or such as giving information of the buildings layout through 3D blueprints. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Unbeknownst to him because of his habit to wander, Clemens had a tracker issued in his mission helmet.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Optic Camouflage Skin 30% - After experiencing third degree burns on most of his skin, a kind stranger paid for his skin graph to be made from optic camouflage skin. Mostly on his hand, arms, upper torso, and head. The camouflage does not make him invisible, instead it takes on the environment around it, his neural implants translate visually what the environment looks like for him to copy the environment. For example, tile walls, or stucco walls, etc.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Neural Implant in his brain was suppose to be the way his brain could translate to the optical skin. And a battery pack replaced his kidney in order to power his optic skin. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]To be perfectly honest, most have never seen his face. He cannot function without his helmet nor his sword, and will not take off his helmet for anyone. Instead his helmet been modified to read his Neural Implant. It expresses in crude and rudimentary emoticons how Default would like to express himself as a response. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Most haven't even heard Default speak, let alone know much of his past. He choses to wear loose fitting, torn pants, and comfy sneakers. Unless he's on the job, where the helmet changes, as well as the armor.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]He's not very tall either, only standing at 5'6", he looks much taller when he's standing above you, but when he gets closer the intimidation begins to shrink. His meek and mild manner makes him look mousy framed, and for the most part he is. He has a habit of fitting himself into tiny corners to hear briefings or mission details.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His armor is made of bullet proof lightweight material, Kevlar like. Ignore the metal arms, I like the outfit, the mood, and to focus on the sword[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Note; While the Face Claim is up. Few to no one has seen his face. He would not allow people the privilege to see his face. People make him feel nervous, uncomfortable, and anxious. He only feels comfortable when they are not looking at him. According to him people are weird face shaped things you have to stare at for an uncomfortable length of time to speak to them. And he is incapable of doing so.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Under the mask he is a tawny haired, lean framed young man, with a damaged eye and gray irises in the other. His skin is pale and his hair is often cut in an under shave, with little hair left. It's easier to wear a helmet without too much hair. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality Strengths:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Despite all that seems to be holding him back, he's still mild mannered and trustworthy. He's not about to lie or steal from those he considers friends. And for those he considers friends or people he'd like to get to know he makes exceptions. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As long as they are not things that make him uncomfortable, like taking off his helmet, speaking, or keeping his sword at home. He is more than happy to engage in banter, as long as not all the focus is on him. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]If it is he has a happen chance to slip off and disappear. His mild nature means he doesn't get into many arguments with others. Which probably makes Clemens life easier when there's one less argument erupting in Scrap Inc.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He's eager to learn, and curious. And views few people as mentor figures. Well those he considers older, more experienced, and more knowledgeable. In that retrospective he looks up to Clemens, Cash, and probably Arthur the most because they seem the most put together. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He himself is an organizer and a planner, despite his brain being scrambled eggs. He will keep to his commitments, if he says he'll do something he does it with 110% commitment. Rarely saying no in order to gain the approval of those around him. Not out of his own selfishness, but because he does enjoy being part of a new exciting community.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He's cautious, careful and considerate, and while working there is a seriousness even in his bizarre nature that implies a working individual under all the stranger behavior.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality Flaws:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Let's face it Default is bizarre, there is no amount of personality strengths to justify his bizarre, strange behavior. Maybe the only saving grace was that Clemens took pity on him, rather than mercy ending his life. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The few problems Default deals with is his social anxiety and his shyness, prone to being flighty, and running away when a social situation becomes too much for him. His flightiness and anxiety is the least of others worries. As Default has to deal with what he calls His Scrambled Eggs.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]For a few reasonings, that he's not even sure of. He has selective amnesia with certain memories he cannot quite place. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Describing it like a broken record or a CD skipping in his head. While other things are simply hard for him to memorize. He's a bit of a air head as well, and even though he's wearing a mask, it's clear he's slow to get certain instructions. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Simply standing with the inability to process said instructions if they are too lengthy. He needs them broken up, in simple sentence structure otherwise he'll easily forget. For this reason he has a memory journal where he writes himself small notations in order to remember better. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And even though there are these quirky natures to Default. He also seems highly unstable. Especially when on a mission or when he's spaced out. There's something about Default, that is violent. But awkward and violent. It's not something you could categorize as flying off the handle, but something you couldn't categorize as sane either. It's just is something off.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]A ghost of this world, a relic of a scarred past, something discarded and left behind by an old world that forgot their humanity.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Misc Information:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]According to Arthur's notes, some of the actions taken by Default and his odd behaviorism may be due to a TBI [traumatic brain injury] and this wasn't a traumatic brain injury, but a few of them over the course of Default's existence. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While hard to determine the origins of a few of the scarring, one of them was chalked up to the neural implant not fully integrated properly as he fled the hospital before further testing could be done. While currently fixed, it doesn't heal parts of the brain scarred from post traumatic injuries. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Some of Default's spaceness can be chalked up to a few absent seizures he has now and then, though no one really knows what triggers them. And he'd never let you take off his helmet in order for further testing. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He has also had a habit of tunnel vision on missions, he can often hyperfocus on details at hand and get lost skulking around in the shadows.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He has no home of his home and had taken up sleeping in a hidey hole of Scrap Inc, till he was discovered and hired being given a normal room.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He also has an odd habit of collecting personal swords from cybers and androids he defeats as trophies.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He always end up eating and showering when no one's around. Or at least he thinks they aren't around. He hopes they aren't around[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Default's Civilian Helmet he wears emotes different emotions he wants to communicate, he communicates through pointing, body posture, gesturing, and head shaking. Except Clemens been giving stacks of post its as of late. His lexicon includes:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]^ _ ^ Happy[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]T _ T Sad Tears[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@ . @ Either to express Dizziness, Anxiety/Nervousness [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]O . O Surprise or Shock or Being Startled [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]O . o Confusion mostly [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]- . - Flat Face[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]- . -' Nervous [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]> . < Mad [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Unknown to everyone his name is Loklier Nowell Grant [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Music - This is a dumb little featurette of a few songs that I think capture the feel of the character and the way he thinks.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]To be frankly most people see him as a collection of[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]I don't think about it most of the time. I stand at the edge of a building and I let myself go. I feel weightless and I feel at liberty.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]More like Battle Theme[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]It's strange to me, that I feel the closest to myself in these quiet moments. It's like someone has slowed down time and instinct takes over. No thoughts. Merely freedom from mind cages.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
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