[Sci-fi] The Compatibility Operation [Sign-ups]

Sorry it took me a while to post, I've been busy with work among other things and didn't see the notification.
Seriously, I went on vacation and thought I would be behind and still nothing.
This is where we get horribly experimented on now, right?
Preferably - I think I'll post without Rainy so that we can continue, she'll have to catch up.
Excuse my absence, I've been preparing for a brief trip. I'll be returning on Wednesday 22nd July but might not be able to post until Thursday.

Please take this time to perhaps just chat here or do a little preparation on how you want your character/animal dynamic to be.
Rainy has decided to step out so we can continue without her.

ICly she has been deemed too dangerous to outgo the tests and has been sent home safely.