School of the Mystic OOC&Sign up

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Don't have much to do yet for Yala, but I'll get to posting for my other two. Had hoped to indeed get Mayula to be observing the sleeping little foxy XD but that's okay, it would have been sad if I had everything written out already XD thank heavens I didn't XD
Well they'll get their interesting encounter, definitely!
Samil wants me to join so ima join if you don't mind. `^` If you do mind, okie dokie, I'll just read along cause I see adorable characters.
Character Name : Aoifa Maerwynn

Age: 661 (17 in human years)

Gender: Female

Race: Fairy

Power: Energy manipulation and Clairaudience

Appearance: Aoife stands awkwardly at 5'2. Being on the slender side and thin-boned to boot, she weighs in around 94lbs. While her skin would be comparable to that of a porcelain doll, her spacey nature hasn't failed to run her into trees, bushes, down wells, and just unusual situations. She is rarely ever without bandages or random bruises and light scratches. While she brought her own clothing (Anything from self made "Commoner Clothes" she snuck in to elegant gowns she was forced to bring along), she chooses to wear the blue uniform top and skirt with black leggings and grey blazer—All of which hang loosely. Despite aforementioned clumsiness, her strawberry blonde hair manages to keep itself in its usual updo. If worn down, the blonde waves would cascade down to mid-back. Aoife usually prefers it up because her large glass-like wings love coming out at random and getting in the way. As with most fairies, her ears are pointed at the ends. Unlike most fairies, her eyes are a peculiar shade of purple with random silver specks.

Personality: The first word that comes to mind is spacey. Aoife is always in her own world to escape any strong attachments to the real world and "the voices". While she's actually quite the opposite, she prefers to be oblivious. Feels safer. When it comes to the fight or flight response, she'd rather take flight. Above all, she's quite evasive. Practically impalpable. But that does not stop her from being positive about it all. Kind to a fault and rather understanding, she somehow manages to guard herself like a secret and only gives away what she feels is safe to. Though at the same time, she's rather open about the strangest things.

History: As the middle child of the noble Maerwynn household, she was always the one left out. It definitely didn't help that her attribute happened to be energy based while her family was known for their enhanced nature based abilities and unmatched strategic prowess. It was because of this that she didn't get as much training in her abilities as most nobles, although it could be said her parents did try by sending her to people of many professions to "fix" her. So she's traveled a lot and had both kind and sadistic teachers in her time. She was also a difficult child to teach. Ever since she could remember, she could hear strong thoughts anyone had around her and "voices" of paranormal presences around her or of energies that lingered from the past. It's an ability she strongly denies as she sees it more of a curse then anything. So she can tell when someone fibs or are raging loudly in their heads. After seeing she wouldn't fit into their natural order, her family practically gave up on her on the spot and sought for a means to get rid of her without ruining their image. Likewise, she wanted escape but didn't want to be anymore of a bother. So they reached a one-sided compromise. She was arranged to be married to some creep and sent off to a school of their choosing to meet him and try to learn "frivolous nonsense" as her mother calls it.

Theme song: Drops of Jupiter by Train

Voice Actor: Evanna Lynch

-She has a habit of biting anything within her reach when nervous or anxious.
-When it comes to hearing thoughts, they'd have to be loud enough to interrupt her own.
-She talks to herself often.
-While you'd think she'd be capable of flight, she's never even tried it. Her irrational fear of her wings falling off mid-flight make it difficult to learn.
-Aoife has little to no control over her powers. Though, she focuses more on coping with the voices by feigning naivety than working on honing her energy manipulation.
-By energy manipulation, I mean her own natural energy. No kamehamehas anytime soon. She can't make it take physical form. So far she's got some healing techniques down and not much else.
I feel the urge to have a character come out from the doooorm D':
Well, Alon isn't doing anything, right? Sounds like something she would definitely go and check out hehe.

Anyway, HalcionSkies, Aoifa is good, you can have her either arrive late, just like Samil's Amicus, or have it that she was part of the opening ceremony already.
Latecomers do tend to be reprimanded of course (read:firmly advised to come on time next time and that's it)
You're right! She isn't! :o Alrighty, Ill make one up!


Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh.. Iris just b!tchsl@pped the Fae. That's gotta sting for Amicus.. Hahahahahaha X'DD Oh god I'm so mean! D';
lol well given her history it was a pretty understandable reaction, but yeah, that's probably going to confuse or offend the hell out of Amicus or both heh. I had originally thought to make the Sionnach family fae or at least magic users since they already had the collar that imprisoned her. So if Samil wants to run with the name and act like Amicus has heard it before he's totally welcome to. If not that's cool too. And don't think I haven't forgotten that you're keeping secrets from me @Kimu11.....I still want to KNOOOOOOOOW
I think we all want to know what Kimu is thinking :P
and yeah Iris' reaction was just too damn perfect XD
*giggles* I can just see her storming down the hall back towards the dorms puffed up like a cat is a hilarious mental picture
AHAHAH oh darn that would be beautiful
Poor Amicus XD just happened upon the wrong person to make his servant. I could name a few that probably would have been way more compliant XD
Of course, Iris is bound to get traumatized by that :'( Love the way you wrote it out though <3 Good thing she managed to pull it off with this guy. I do hope Amicus gets confused and ticked off at the same time (sorry!!), because that would just be hilarious :')

Sorry but noo X'D Things are beginning to change now though.. Which is better :')

And what's there to know with what's going on in my head? D: There's nothing much that I think about, really. Except for a few things that don't really matter >w<
It would be hilarious if he gets all flustered and chases after her, but he doesn't seem to be the type. And you don't KNOW if things are changing....and if they are then it wouldn't hurt to teeeeeeeeeell us. *bats her lashes* and I'm sure there are plenty of things in your head that matter!

OR at least give a hint! If it's changing anyway, it doesn't matter!
It's not really a big deal >w< I'm just imagining the possibilities of future couples in this RP. It's not definite since it hasn't happened yet, but it's fun imagining how it would be like X3
Oh alright FINE *huffs and throws up her arms* I'll just wait to see what happens geeeez (isn't actually mad or upset in the least)
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