School of the Mystic OOC&Sign up

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I'm gonna have to sleep with the lights on or somethin'.....
I'm just about to fall asleep at the moment as it's kind of late. The light doesn't seem to work in the room so will have to replace it in the morning, but luckily the laptop gives off light too XD
AHAHAHAHAHAHA X'DDD I'm laughing so hard right now that I swear I can feel the tears X'DDDD
If you cry I'm gonna lick the tears off of your face.
Just putting that out there.
haha my gosh. I'm sure there's a gif like that somewhere, but let's be glad it isn't easily found
IT EXISTS!!!! XDDD Oh I should have remembered the SAO scene >:l Dammit.
Hahahaha oh my goodness XD
well tadaa seems it does exist indeed XD told you :P (I think)
Leg Infatuation!! D: LEGCEPTION XD
I need that gif as my life. It needs to be everywhere I go X'D
I'll put it on the back of your next job application then ^3^
Is only half following it XD
I get where SAO stands for, just haven't really seen stuff of it XD
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