School Life

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"i'm good thanks, i don't really do drawings" he declined the offer and went back to lying down. The roof of the gym was covered with dirt and cobwebs so it wasn't very nice to look at. But there was a window along the roof that meant Luci could see the sky slightly. Smiling to himself he observed the clouds. "remember you still have to show me the clubs" he reminded her
He watched as the other people had conversations, like this change was normal. He couldn't understand it for the life of him. How could they adapt so quickly? "...I knew this wasn't a good idea...I haven't seen anyone I know..." He looked at the door and crossed his fingers. "Someone come in...Someone I know! Not even that, just someone who'll talk to me." The speed that his foot tapped increased with each minute as he hoped...hoped...
Lori began drawing on another ball since he didn't want to try it for himself. "Yeah, I know." Lori replied to him, then sighed. "Geez, helping two people in one day. What have I become? 'The prince' better not find out about this or else she'll have a party about it." She was getting bored of even drawing the faces, so she stopped and put the ball down.
Kalen walked into the next class with his earbuds in. He was dancing slightly, barely giving note to anyone who might be watching. He paused, still unused to the mixed classes. His usual spot near the window was gone, so he quickly picked another empty desk. Pulling out his earbuds, wild jazz poured out from the tiny speakers.


He noticed a guy in a nearby seat, tapping his foot to the music. Grinning, he put the sound on his MP3 player up a bit louder, thinking the other guy was into the sound. "That's some awesome stuff, huh?"
It took a second, but Riah soon realized he was the one being talked to. Caught off guard, he only nodded. Once he collected himself, he replied "Yeah...It is. You're into music, huh?" He smiled, his first friend might share his interests.

He listened closely to the music, and it was quite good. His tapping became more in time with the song and his smile grew as he listened.
Kalen grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I love music. I just discovered foreign jazz, and this stuff is freakin' amazing. No wonder Japanese kids are so much better in school, they've got this to rile them up. Now this is music to think to." He didn't mind classical music, but it made him mellow and sort of want to sleep. "This is a Japanese band, they call it 'death jazz'. I've never fallen in love with a CD before."
"I love it too...Although I don't just listen. I sing as well...And as for the foreign music, I haven't really looked into it." He smiled seeing how enthusiastic this person was. "If everything sounds that good, I'll definitely be checking it out soon. Death Jazz huh...I'll keep that in mind." He pulled out his notebook and wrote it down just to make sure.
"who's the 'prince' " Luci asked, slightly intrigued by the statement. Enough that it made him sit up and divert his carefree gaze towards the girl. Maybe going to this school wasn't to bad, after all if he had stayed in training he wouldn't have seen a girl in a long long time. Also it seemed they had lots of clubs here, and hopefully no one would know him so he could have a few fun fights.
Name: Kimiko Shinjui Yuma
Age: 17
Gender: FtM Transgender
Role in school: King of Flexible Music (Excels in many sports revolving around flexibility, and is a music prodigy)
Personality: Unemotional, blunt, lacking of presence, caring to his one friend, merely 'there' with a big impact on school
Likes: music, flexibility-based sports, ballet, pole dancing, being alone, his older brother, spicy foods, cooking, sowing, animals, manga/anime, art
Dislikes: sweets, cold tea, tall people, being in crowds, loud people
Appearance: Yuuma has short, navy blue hair, one grey eye and one red eye, a body made for running or pole dancing, pale skin, and three moles under his right eye. His left eye has one mole, and he always has his nails painted the same shade as his hair or black.
tumblr_inline_nhpxpcaxiX1rbstsx.png (Hair ref, tallest troll)
"So this is Wayward High..." Yuuma mumbled after parking his motorcycle in the parking lot. Yuuma was a transfer student from Russian, born from a Japanese father and Russian mother. His older brother had transferred here a year or so ago, and now requested that he join him for his first year at this High School. Yuuma couldn't disagree with his brother,and had done all the paperwork to get him accepted in to the school. He held his book bag, gym bag, and large cello case in his hands as he made his way inside, already having his schedule but deciding to visit the school music hall. Jun had mentioned that the genders were mixed now this year, not that he cared much about that fact. With a soft hum of a tune he made up, he strolled in to the hall, the variety of instruments catching his interest.
Lori's face went cross, like the prince wasn't someone she particularly liked. She let out a sigh, "The female prince of Wayward High's girl's school. She's always on my case and it's so annoying." Lori explained to Lucifer. Most of the girls were fond of Alex but Lori was just tired of her trying to get Lori to do the right thing, Lori just wanted to do what she wanted to do.
"so she's like an idol?" He asks. Images of an idol like figure ran through his head. It seemed that Lori didn't like her, so maybe she's a 'goody goody' kind of girl. He thought to himself
"In a way, I mean, she's not called the prince for nothing." Lori replied, "She was our student council president last year, always got the best grades and amazing at sports. She always treats the their princesses so they all started calling her 'the prince' of the school since there were no real guys there. But, she's always trying to get on my case about doing school work and being a good person because we've known each other for a long time now. She claims its because she wants to help me, but I don't need any help."

Meanwhile in class, Alex was working on notes as the teacher talked though she had the sudden feeling like someone was talking about her. It was technically possible though, she has had people talk about her before. She was the female prince after all, and she had had plenty of times last year that she would be talked about since she pretty much was the closest thing to a guy when the schools were separate.
"sounds like the two of you don't really get along" he said, as he began to stand up. For some reason he had gotten really figity, and couldn't stay in one place. It was probably because of his lack of training. Luci began to walk around the gym on his hands, his shirt flopping down so his stomach was exposed. It was well tones and showed his training, he flipped from his hands and landed on his feet. Luci thought about practicing some moves but decided he shouldn't
"Not really, although she claims she wants to be my friend." Lori replied, though there was no way she would be friends with Alex. She watched as Luci got up and began to do...well whatever he was doing, she didn't even know what to call it. She watched him, a light blush coming onto her face as well as a pout to try and ignore the fact that she blushed. "What are you doing? Trying to impress me or something?" Its not like she was really thinking he was doing it on purpose, but Lori wasn't always the best with other people.
"oh sorry, no i was just.....well bored" he said, trying to explain his hands waving. He was kinda embarrassed of what he had done without thinking. But his attitude change when he realised the girl was blushing. He took a step closer to her, lifting up his shirt revealing his stomach again. He had little body fat, but it had been replaced with pure muscle. His apps were in clear view, along with the rest of the toned body around it. " Have you never seen a good body before" Luci teased her with a little wink
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"Fine." Lori replied, when he said sorry and that he was bored, though she had spoken slightly too soon when he took a step closer to her and lifted up his shirt again to show is body. "W-what are you doing?" She shouted, her face becoming a bit red again. She listened to his comment and saw his wink, "I...I went to an all girls school, what do you think." She wasn't good when she got embarrassed, she usually started to get defective. "P-put your dumb shirt down, stripper." Yup, very defective, even if she didn't mean any of it.
He pulled his shirt clean off. Reavealing his full upper body. Just like his stomach, it was matches with slick muscle and little fat. He took another step closer, he thought she looked cute when she was embarrassed. "well I spent most my time with my top of in fighting and training. So it's only natural" he said, a little laugh escaped him as he flexes slightly
Lori's face continued to get redder, unsure about what to do in this sort of situation. After all, it's not like this happened to her everyday at school. "That's just some kind of excuse, put your shirt back on before I kick you in that stomach of yours that you seem to be so proud of." Still on the defective side, or rather getting more and more defective. Despite being small, Lori did have power in her kicks too.
With a big reluctantl sigh, he picked up his shirt. "fine then, I'll put it back on" he said, placing the shirt over his head and pushing his arms through the sleeves. "i was only joking" He added, smiling at the flustered girl
Lori pouted at him him when he stated it was a joke. "Whatever." She said, still flustered that he had gotten her so embarrassed and turned away from him. She would forgive him though. The bell suddenly rang, meaning it was time for lunch. Lori got up from where she was and started to head out of the gym. "Hey, stripper. You wanna come get some lunch with me?" She said as she stopped at the door of the gym and looked over at him.

Alex heard the bell ring, so she packed up her things and headed out of the classroom to enter the cafeteria. She could see the tables quickly getting filled up with people and while most of them the genders were separate, it seemed some people were trying to get used to the way the school was now. Not all the people were going to have problems.
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