School For Fighters.

We probably shouldn't post too much at once for the sake of those that haven't posted yet.
Name: Hades
Race: Demi-God
Appearance: check avatar
Personality: Cocky, bloodlust maniac
Brief history: I'm Hades the ruler of hell, the thing is I grew tired of it an chose to reborn as human and I need to became as mighty as possible before I can get my god power back
Other: I had no soul of my own, so I needed to rule hell and feed on the souls of the dammed, but now that I am reborn I got a fresh new soul, on the other hand hell is chaos, so I need to get back being mighty so I can rule it again this time powerfull than before cause I won't need to rely on the strenght of other souls.
Ah jeez sorry Acqua, I forgot about your character amidst all the posting
Oh, mreh, not a big deal. Character interaction shall come later.
Seems like a lot of people are neglecting now.
Well, I never got a reply so....But yeah it seems a bit slow.
Mind if I join in? If not, just say so!

If I can....

Here's my character sheet:

Name: Ryelle

Age: 17

Race: Fey (essentially, a fairy)

Appearance: Tall and slender, Ryelle is considered a rare beauty in her kind. Her hair flows in soft, pale blonde tendrils down her back, somehow accentuating her full red lips and large, almond-shaped eyes. Her eyes are, perhaps, the most captivating – or horrendous – thing about her: one eye is perfectly normal and possesses a delicate green color, while the other is wholly black. She hides her unnerving eye beneath a generic eyepatch. Her body is not exactly curvy, but she does have some hints of an hourglass figure. Her skin is healthy and has a smooth tan; it is marred only by fine silver scars tracing intricate designs across the whole of her body. She will most often be caught wearing the traditional white clothing of her kind.

Personality: Ryelle is bold, brash, and blunt. After being released from the tight restrictions of her Fae society, she revels in her new freedom of speech, and uses it as often as possible. She is still learning about local cultures and customs, although she is extraordinarily educated in most other areas. Although she talks loud, she is rather sensitive, and people often insult her just by accident. She can usually handle that sort of situation fairly easily (by disguising her sensitivity through some means), but when she's had a stressful or tiring day, she could explode into a fiery rage that she is sure to feel guilty about for days afterward. She has an endless compassion for peoples of either side of the battle, a fact that baffles the majority of the peoples she has encountered.

Brief history: Ryelle is not happy to be here, but she hides it under the thin veil of duty. Her people had selected her, the priest's daughter, as the best they had to offer in terms of weaponry. Though this belief is not incorrect – Ryelle could certainly use her powers to subtly fight the onslaught of dark creatures – , Ryelle is more of the pacifist type. Her mother had taught her in secret of the twin assets "charisma" and "purpose," and Ryelle strongly believes that a combination of the two could move mountains in a significantly less bloody manner than war. Her scars were created during a sacrificial ritual, in which so much of her sacred Fey blood was spilled that she was in a coma for three days. She considers those sorts of rituals barbaric but necessary for keeping order.

Other: Ryelle has the exceptional ability of illusion: she can create any sort of image and it will seem real to all of the senses excepting touch. When she uses her ability, she becomes absorbed in the creation so that she is barely able to think of doing anything else, much less perform any physical actions. Her power can extend up to an impressive half-mile, but the potency fades with the distance. When not absorbed in creation, Ryelle is pretty handy with the blade, but her best weapon is the bow and arrow. It may be important to note that when Ryelle is creating an illusion, an exact replica of the illusion can be found in her "black eye."
I don't think there's a problem with a new player. It's getting slow so I think more players are better. Just jump in I guess.
Ah it's the new kid. Hey new kid.

Most of the characters seem to be in the gym or what ever. I haven't responded yet Holly because I wanted to see if anyone else was going to post. Doesn't seem like it so I'm going to be posting tomorrow, or whenever I wake up.

Scratch that, I posted and NOW I'm going to sleep.
Name: John (shortened from John Doe)
Race: Nephilim
(forgive the unfinishedness of the drawing.)
View attachment 4294

Jon is something of an extreme introvert. His body is wracked with scars that each have taken their own piece of personality and tortured it into silence. He keeps silent in the hopes that by not antagonizing anyone he can keep free of conflict and any more future pain. Due to the mild to extreme amnesia that hits him post transformation every time he loses portions of his memory. This has left feeling broken, as though there is something wrong with him he can't put his finger on. He knows only the most basics of things and often seemes uneducated or surprised by even some of the most mundane things in the world.
Brief history:
He was brought to the School after his most recent accident that leveled a large portion of downtown New York. Cited as an escaped gorilla, he was finally subdued and brought to the school when the origins of his well being were discovered as being unnatural. Since he was brought to the school he has generally kept to himself and been a little removed from the ranks. He only looks around 20 but a closer look or supernatural sense might reveal his age as being almost as old as time itself.
Other: any other thing you'd like us to know about you're character. (optional)
He's part of a race that pre dates man, but was extinguished as a failed experiment and paved the way for humanity and the angels. One of the last of a near extinct breed. He has a long and historied story that creeps out in surreal flashbacks that leave him confused and befuddled.
I'll be scarce so don't mind my absense for a little bit. School is just starting back up.
I am sorta lost here, my char suposelly has a soul of a god, so he doesn't need to practice magic, he needs to strenghten his mortal body, but no one is doing nothing on the regular gym....