Saving The World In Spite of Ourselves

"We were together a month or so in the palace before we began the mission," Shola replied warmly and Dante rolled his eyes.
"She thinks we're a couple, Long Ears. She was asking how long we'd been dating."

Shola flushed ruby red up to the tips of her ears and smoothed out her skirt hurriedly.
"We're not together," Dante said flatly. "I don't do 'dating'."

Piper giggled and quickly covered her mouth with her hand when Dante glanced over at her, but he didn't make a remark on the titter.
Lilith blushed as well at the misunderstanding, but could not help but grin a bit. "You don't do dating? You could have fooled me, you being such a warm, smooth ladies man and all." she slicked her hair back and adjusted the collar of her cloak mockingly, then waited for Dante to look away before making stabbing motions behind his back.

Dropping back into her seat and looking out the window once more, Lilith noticed that the sky seemed a bit darker and the gulls that were once populating the area had all disappeared. She felt a bit uneasy, but quickly convinced herself that it was nothing.
He glared at her and lipped some inaudible insult before looking out the window and noting the darkened sky as well. Piper was looking at it through the rear door and shifting nervously from foot to foot while even Shola looked concerned.
"We got something to worry about, Shola?"
"I don't know, but it does look like a storm might be passing through," she replied, uncrossing her legs and arms.
"This thing better hold up then. I don't fucking know how to swim," Dante muttered.
"So, tough guy does have a weakness? Don't worry, Dante, I'll swim you to shore." Lilith grinned and poked him before looking back out the window. "The water's starting to get rough, and I'm not entirely sure I trust this little rickety train car. How long is this ride supposed to take, anyway?"

Without hesitation, Lilith opened the window and poked her head out. She looked around them for any sign of their destination, but she saw nothing but the track, unsettled water, and dark clouds ahead of them. Loving the smell of the sea air, she pulled herself up and sat on the windowsill, causing the car to tilt a bit.
"Get the fuck in here, whatthefuck is WRONG with you!?" Dante hissed, grabbing Lilth by the leg and yanking her back into the car. He hurriedly closed the window and locked it, anxiously getting up and walking to the other side of the train car. Now small waves had begun to splash against the sides of the train and Dante was looking mildly sick. Ahead they could hear low tones of the conductor talking to someone on the radio. A moment later he emerged into their car looking pale.
"We're going to try to make it to the next island as quickly as we can folks, but it appears that there's a hurricane coming up. We thought it had petered out over Middleton, but somehow it's gotten stronger again. If it does get to the train there are flotation devices behind that door," he said, gesturing to the door at the back of the car.

The conductor hurried to the front of the train after another radio ping and left the group glancing around at each other as the sky got darker.
"We need to be prepared for the worst here, I believe," Shola said gravely.

"Mother of FUCK!"

The first fat drops struck the windows as a great, grey wall rose up to meet them. The sun, the sky, the clouds, everything was blocked out by the rapidly approaching wall of water. A tiny outcropping of rocks was swallowed whole as the staccato striking of rain on the windows grew louder and a dull roar eclipsed the train wheels on the tracks. Shola drew up a pale blue shield around their car and yelled for the conductor to come in with them, but there was no response.

In slow motion the wall of grey struck their car and lifted it away from the tracks like a child's toy. They spiraled higher and higher in the air as debris rained down on Shola's forcefield. Dante, suddenly silent, had begun trying to pry his way out of one of the windows.
"Dante, you can't go out there!"
"Watch me. Better than being crushed in here. Can't breathe," he managed before a sudden shift caused him to lose his footing and slide down the narrow aisle.
"The life jackets!" Piper yelled over the din and Shola ran to the door, hurriedly trying to pull it open.
"Something must have damaged it from the outside! The door's stuck!" Shola yelled back and Piper screamed as a piece of the train wheel broke through the side of the car and cracked the shield.
"We've got to get out of the pull or we'll be battered to death. Piper, can you generate something out there to push us free?" Shola asked and Piper made a panicked noise.
"I-- I don't know, I've never--"
"TRY!" Dante yelled and Piper flinched. She created a white ball of energy outside of the car and detonated it, causing the car and the forcefield to be hurled out of the hurricane's pull.

They seemed to be in free fall forever. As they fell the damaged shield gave way and the train car fell into the ocean. For a minute there was muffling silence as water rushed into the car. Shola grabbed Dante's hand and began pulling him out of the car, but the thin trickle of blood streaming from his head told her that he was unresponsive. The car finished breaking apart just as part of the first car crashed on top of them.
On the beach the squeaking of a rusty wheel startled Shola to life. She groaned and rolled onto her back, staring up at the man holding a wheelbarrow.
"You and your friends get caught in the hurricane?" he asked and she raised into a sitting position. Looking over, she saw Dante, Lilth, and Piper lying near her on the beach, no sign of the others. A sick lump weighed down her stomach and she shook her head.
"We've lost two more."

Shola crawled over to Dante and Lilth, shaking them awake before moving on to Piper. Dante spluttered and coughed up the briny sea water, leaning his head on his forearms.
"You folks need somewhere to stay for a bit? The wife won't mind making more dinner," he said and Shola gave him a slight bow.
"We would greatly appreciate it."

The diminished party made its way up the small hill to a small, pale green house with grey shingling. A weathered woman had stepped out on the porch, drying her hands on her apron.
"Who're they?" she called.
"Survived the hurricane, thought they could stay a minute with us," he called back. The woman turned into the house and motioned for a young girl barely visible in the window to come out.
"Nadia, go get the water heated up and find them some dry clothes. Run on girl, get out of those books!"

The woman shooed them into the tiny kitchen where she began ladling them bowls of soup and rice, passing the cracked china around. Dante awkwardly scooted to the back of the kitchen with his bowl while the woman fussed with Piper's damp hair with her dish towel.
"Where are you folks from? We don't get strangers out this way often," he man said. "I'm Jeremiah and this is my wife, Luanne. Our daughter Nadia's out back there."
"It's nice to meet you, Jeremiah, Luanne. My name is Lilith," She said as she slurped down her soup as she spoke. She had been starving since she hadn't really gotten a chance to eat before their trip began, "The one with the long ears is Shola." Slurp. She jerked her head in Shola's direction and proceeded to do the same as she introduced the others. "The little one is Piper." Slurp. "And the weird quiet guy in the back is Dante." She smacked her lips happily and sighed in content as she set her bowl on the table in front of her. "And you, madam, are an excellent chef."

Lilith stood and stretched happily, then halfheartedly pointed in the direction that Nadia gone earlier. "Thank you for the food, Ms. Luanne. If it's okay, I think I'll go outside for a bit. Maybe the two that we lost during the hurricane are wandering around out there. I'd hate for them to get too far out of our way where we couldn't find them again." She barely waited for a response before quickly hurrying out the door. Once outside, she looked around quietly, cautiously lurking around each corner. She remembered the creatures that had attacked them outside of the tavern, and if what Shola and the Queen had said was true, they could be closing in on them at that moment. Zoduz and Blaze had also gone missing, which means if they didn't manage to find cover then they were at risk as well. In her search of the others she came upon the daughter of the family outside chopping firewood.

"Hey there. Nadia, was it?"
Jacklyn Lockwood

It was 6:22 in the morning when Jacklyn rose to wakefulness. Her gaze drifted over to the clock on her wall and she let out a displeased groan. It wasn't the time she minded, she had always been an early riser and had never needed to set an alarm. No, she was displeased to see the date. Her deepest desire at that moment was simply to take a shower, but the Green Laws regulated even this. Each citizen was allotted a weekly allowance for water usage and any deviance from this would result in her water being shut off for a week and some heavy fines. So, instead she simply reached for her pack of hairpins from her nightstand and pulled her hair up into a lazy bun. She silently thanked her genetics as she ran her fingers through her hair, it had not been washed for days and still was not greasy.

The room Jacklyn had woken up in was her cramped apartment bedroom, located in the Lower City of Paradise Island's capitol, Avalyr. In her room, there was only enough room for her small cot, a nightstand and a chest of drawers with a steamer trunk hazardously stacked on top. There was no closet in her room, or anywhere else in the house, and her only window had a dazzling view of the neighboring building's gray facade. The rest of the apartment wasn't much better; there was a small bathroom with a standing shower, a kitchen that opened out into a small living space, and her Grandmother's room. This isn't to say Jack and her Grandmother had it any worse than her neighbors, The Lower City was so heavily populated and cramped it was often called 'the slums' by those in the wealthier districts. It was where the poor, the disconnected, and the vagrants called home. In truth, Jacklyn could afford a much better apartment in the Market District as her family had always been good with money, but there was value in living here. With so many people, it was much harder for the Collective, Paradise Island's government, to monitor. There was a sick kind of freedom here that Jack cherished above all else.

Jacklyn wandered into her kitchen after a quick perusal of her clothing, choosing a gray cami under a faded, black, hooded cardigan. Her pants were some old dark jeans, faded heavily with some small rips. She pressed the on switch of her coffee pot in passing, allowing it to brew as she made her way to the fridge. She grabbed a few hard boiled eggs, a cold sausage and an apple before pouring herself a cup of black coffee. She ate in silence, reveling in the quiet morning hours, the dim morning light filtering through her kitchen window.

"Talli, is that you?" Jack's Grandmother asked from the adjacent room, using her favorite pet name for her granddaughter. Talli meant beloved, or at least that was what Grandma Lockwood said. Try as she might, Jack had never found any trace of her family's bizarre language in Avalyr's information centers. Just another eccentricity of the Lockwoods, Jack supposed. "Of course Gran," Jack called back, brushing the crumbs of her breakfast into her hand and tossing them in the trash. When Gran entered the room, Jack walked to her briskly, stooping down slightly to plant a soft kiss on her wrinkly cheek. "I can't chat Gran, I've got to get down to the shop to do some inventory." She said, feeling a sharp pang of guilt in her chest.

"Oh, no that won't do. You know I don't like you running about by yourself. Why not wait for that nice Jeremy next door to head in to work, he goes by your shop you know. He can walk you."

Jack tipped her head back to drain the dregs of her coffee, mostly to hide a roll of her eyes. "Honestly Gran, I don't have the time. Jeremy is a dog anyways, I've more to worry from him than the locals." She explained, tugging on some sturdy black boots over her wool socks and rolling up the cuffs of her jeans.

"Fine, fine. You just watch yourself dear, the Dark Time is coming. I feel it in my bones," the elder Lockwood said sadly, a knowing look in her eyes.

"I hate to break it to you Gran," Jacklyn began as she paused in the doorway. "The dark times are already here."

Jacklyn hated having to lie to her Grandmother but it was a necessary evil. It was the simplest protection she could provide for the older woman, the psychics would know that Gran knew nothing if Jack was ever caught. 'No, I can't think about that. Nothing is going to happen today, I'm just going to the Loft for a few hours and then I'm going to open up the shop.' She thought to herself, chasing away her dark thoughts of dank prison cells and prying psychics. She pressed on with her journey, easily navigating the narrow streets while avoiding the traffic. Even at this early hour, there were many people on the streets, walking and biking to their destinations. Bicycles were one of the few methods of personal transportation available to the citizens of Avalyr. The Collective claimed this was all to better help the environment but Jack suspected it was just easier to chase down people who were on foot.

Once, a long time ago, Jacklyn had known a boy named Thomas with a motorcycle. It had been an ancient thing, found in some old ruins, probably still crawling with radiation from the nuclear fallout. He had loved it though and had affectionately restored it as best he could. I don't think he even got the damn thing running, Jack thought sadly to herself, thinking of the raid three years ago, the last time she had heard from Thomas. She still felt partially responsible, it was one of her books after all that Thomas had used to restore his bike. Paper books were outlawed everywhere and had become a very rare commodity. All books were confiscated a long, long time ago and recycled, turned into items deemed more appropriate by the Collective. This was all done in accordance to the Green Laws but again, Jack suspected a much darker motive. Electronic books were much easier to regulate and censor, all written media was subject to heavy review and was mostly propaganda. However, this didn't stop Jacklyn from having one of the largest libraries on the black market, which accounted for a large portion of her profit. She kept her books beneath the floorboards in her Antique Shop and would be in for a world of trouble should it ever be discovered.

Jacklyn allowed her thoughts to wander the rest of the way to the Loft, mostly thinking of people she used to know and had since lost contact with. When she finally reached her destination, she cleared her mind and glanced about in every direction, cautious of onlookers. She was down a dark alley, standing beside a ladder that was screwed into one of the surrounding buildings. When she felt she was safe, she climbed up and up until she reached the roof. This is what she called 'The Loft', a roof top enclosed on three sides by much taller buildings. There were vent shafts on the roof that protected her from being seen by anyone glancing out their windows and best of all, this spot was gloriously free of any security cameras.

With a contented sigh, Jacklyn settled herself down on the rooftop, nestling amongst the thrumming ventilation shafts. She set her bag down by her side and riffled through it. From the bottom of her bag she pulled out one of her most prized possessions; her journal. It was old and worn, the leather cover half missing and the pages yellowed. She hated that she had to hide something so small as writing in her journal from her Grandmother but books were contraband, and the Collective would not look positively upon such a flagrant violation of the Law. 'No. No more of the Collective. No more missing friends. No more eyes watching. Just start writing Jack, you've only got an hour before you've got to head back.' She chided herself silently, opening her journal and jotting down the first few lines of her entry. To anyone glancing at the book, the would assume her writing was some elegant cursive. However, if they tried to read the words, it was unlikely they would be able to decipher the looping, ornate script. She did not write in the local tongue, or any known language of the land. She wrote in the language of her family, the same words that had been passed down from parent to child for generations of Lockwoods. She had written only one word on the first page of her journal, centered on the page in her graceful script, Talli. Beloved.
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Waterworld, island

"Huh...? Oh, yeah. I'm Nadia, Nadia Puro," she replied, sticking out her hand to Lilth. She was knobby and reedy and her limp brown hair was stringy, but her face was warm and her handshake firm. She leaned one elbow on the axe she'd been chopping wood with and motioned to a stump smoothed into a chair.
"We'd been hearin about the hurricane on the radio for awhile. Didn't think it'd hit a train line though, they almost never do."

Nadia went back to swinging the axe with practiced ease, occasionally stopping to brush wood chips off her faded blue dress. She smiled shyly at Lilth from time to time as she worked and the only other sounds were her axe splitting the wood and the breathing of the ocean. Finally she wiped her brow with her forearm and grinned.
"We don't ever get visitors here. You and your friends look pretty weird, but... I dunno. You look... exciting too, like you've been all kinds of places and seen all kinds of things. I've never left the island, but I've got enough saved up that I'll be able to get a train to Metro City soon. I've heard there's a tailor there that's always looking for help and Mama taught me to sew pretty well. I've heard it's so big and there's always someone awake, no matter what time it is!"

She paused to catch her breath and glanced behind Lilth, tilting her head before cupping her hands over her mouth.
"Hey mister! Are you okay? Were you in the hurricane?" she shouted at the man in the dripping, rumpled suit coming up from the beach.

At her shout Shola and Piper crowded at the kitchen window and Shola felt her heart swell with relief at seeing Blaze coming up the beach. She still mourned the absence of Zoduz, but if he was anything like Dante he'd surely survived somewhere, somehow. She allowed Piper to squeeze past her and fly out the door, watching her run down past Lilth and Nadia and grab Blaze by the hand, pulling him towards the house.

"I'll be done with the firewood in a minute if you want to go inside," Nadia said as Piper guided Blaze into the house to get dried off and fed. As they went up the steps Lilth heard a low chorus of growls coming from the brush and out came three huge, black dogs all dripping reddish foam from their mouths as their eyes rolled wildly in their skulls. Nadia gasped and dropped the axe, covering her mouth.
"Lilth, get away! They're rabid!"
Fairyland, Palace

"I know you wished to join Shola in her mission, Lucas, but I have another mission I must ask of you," the Queen said, folding her hands in her lap. Next to her stood Imal and Semal, now joined by a scarred woman in a heavy tan cloak. Her face was tinged with disgust, but otherwise it was impassive and she did not look at Lucas.
"A bright Purifier has appeared and dark forces are closing in on her. If you cannot rescue her soon she will be beyond our grasp. Elthe has come from the Daal kingdom to open this portal for us and we owe her our immense thanks."
"It was the will of the goddesses," she muttered and extended her palms. Electricity crackled between them and branched out, striking the air behind Lucas over and over, arching over his head. A portal gashed open in the air and on the other side Lucas could barely make out three people in black suits approaching a woman holding a battered journal.
"Hurry Lucas!"
Paradise Island

A heavy hand landed on Jack's shoulder and a sweet, feminine voice whispered in her ear:
"If I were you, love, I'd run now."

When Jack turned around she was confronted by three Fishermen in their black suits and mirrored glasses, earpieces squealing and buzzing loudly. They did not speak, their mouths held in tight grimaces instead as they jerkily shuffled towards her. Even the bright flash behind them didn't distract them from closing in on her.
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The warm sun poured through the windows even as the last drops from the recent storm raced down the glass panes. The rays filled the room with light bouncing off the white walls and pooling in all the dark corners. The colors of the priceless paintings that adorned the walls seemed to soak up the light becoming if possible even more brilliant . . . unless, of course, it was not the sun, but the music.

Strands of glorious sound filled the room flowing through the area, swelling the air with vibrations the seemed to chorus as if from a full orchestra, but were, in fact, coming from the ivory keys of a single, lonely piano-forte situated some five feet from the windows. Trevean let his fingers play across the instrument in a rhythm so smooth it was as if he was breathing the chords. He was so absorbed in the art, so in tune with bringing forth the inner soul of the melody that he failed to notice when the golden haired woman stretched and rose from her place on a nearby lounge, the strands of precious gems around her neck glittering in the sunlight as she moved. He didn't notice until he felt her hand on his face and then the music ended with an ill-timed CLANG.

"What are you doing?" he asked pushing away from the piano and stepping back out of her reach.

"Oh I don't know." She simpered, a look he knew too well forming in her green eyes. "It's just - you play so beautifully I thought to reward you."

Trevean silently cursed Madam Glau even as he summoned a patronizing smiling mask to his face. "My Lady Violet, It was recommended that I play a private concert for you, not be played with."

Violet Trahilion flushed and smoothed her sea-green silk skirts, "oh? But surly you find me desirable?"

"Certainly," he lied through his teeth. The truth was he had never cared for her type. Simpering, self-centered, money hoarders, that were far too easy to . . . manipulate. "But your father would have my head on a silver platter if he ever found out and . . ."

"Oh father wouldn't kill you!" she smiled reaching for him, grabbing hold of his tie.

"Yes," Trevean snatched her hands away, "he would. Or at the very best he would try. Which means uprooting my entire life and starting over somewhere else. I don't particularly feel like going through the trouble."

"Oh but . . ." Trevean was already humming under his breath. A soothing tune, a calming tune. Her eyelids fluttered and it was a relatively easy thing to persuade her back to the lounge where she very quickly curled up sound asleep.

"Sleep well, my lady," he whispered. "and remember nothing of the past five minutes."

It was with a very patient attitude that he explained to the servants that their mistress had fallen asleep during his concert, and that his payment should be transferred to his account Via Madam Glau.

Madam Glau . . . Oh he was going to have words with her. Yes, he owed her a favor, and yes, he had agreed to help her conduct business with the Trahilion family, but in his mind keeping the daughter heir distracted had not meant . . . for a moment he felt a flash of disgust. A human, a powerless, simpering human of all things. Well surly sound asleep would count as distracted, and it wouldn't take him much to convince Madam Glau that such an idea was never to be entertained in her head ever again!
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Reactions: Kura and Midian
The sight of the dogs caused the hairs on the back of Lilith's neck to stand up. She had been expecting something to attack sooner or later, but now was really not a great moment. She swatted her hand at Piper as she spoke, keeping her eyes on the monsters.

"Piper, get Blaze inside. He's too weak to fight. While you're at it, tell Dante to get his ass out here." She took a step in front of Nadia and put a hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Lilith, get away! They're rabid!"

"It's okay, I am too." Lilith said quietly and looked back at her. As she drew her sword she noticed out of the corner of her eye that Dante had joined the party with new knives of unknown origin. They stood in position and stared at the beasts, waiting for the first move. Seconds passed and it did not come. The dogs simply continued to snarl at them, the red blood-like spit dripping to the ground. Lilith took another step in front of Nadia and whispered to her.

"Nadia, back up the steps slowly and get inside with your parents. Shola, Dante, and I will take care of these things." She waited for Nadia to nod then turned her attention back to the dogs, but the moment that the child took a step the creatures let out an ear-piercing scream as they darted towards the group. Lilith shouted for Shola and Dante to follow as she raised her sword and ran into battle. There was a loud CLANG as her sword met with the teeth of the first dog, but the creatures were stronger than she thought-- no matter how hard she pushed, its jaws simply would not give. Deciding to take a different approach, Lilith quickly ducked as she removed her sword and allowed the jaws to snap above her left shoulder as she took the creature by the neck and slammed it into the ground. She was surprised to see that it's eyes had stopped rolling around in it's skull, but were now fixed on hers. She suddenly felt it's back paws plunge into her abdomen and was thrown into the air. As she hit the ground, she felt an intense pain in her left arm that caused her to cry out and drop her sword. This thing now had it's jaws firmly locked around her forearm. The red saliva ran down her arm and seeped into her wounds, causing even more intense pain. Forcing herself to move, she punched the dog in the nose to make it release her, then grabbed her sword and stabbed into it's belly. She left it writhing in pain as she stood, then ended the confrontation with a sickening CRACK as she severed it's spine.

Lilith stood as the others fought and spit on the carcass, her eyes now gold in color instead of bright blue. They glinted in the moonlight as she stared off into the trees and grinned at the sight of at least ten more dogs that had followed the first set.

She was ready.
Waterworld, Metro City

The bell over the door didn't jingle as the well-dressed woman slipped in and it was the 'clack clack' of her heels that alerted Trevean to her presence. Her blonde curls were piled artfully on her head and skewered delicately in place with glinting, jeweled hair pins. The deep purple-red dress she wore clung almost amorously to her curves and her smile matched her dress in color. The heavy makeup around her eyes made her look almost sleepy and disinterested, but her pale green eyes were sharp and impish. At her neck hung a huge blue goldstone the size of a small plum.

"Quaint little place you've ended up. If things hadn't gone sour you might've avoided the thing altogether."

She pressed a key on the piano and a sick, sour note lingered in the air.
"As things stand, Trevean, before that sun out there rises again your life is going to change forever. If you don't join the people coming here, you will be killed. Probably violently If you join them then you may still die, but at least you'll get dragged on all sorts of... adventures with your Guardian. These are the choices the goddesses have left you with. Make a good one,"

She pressed the key on the piano again and a crystal-clear note tinkled gently.
"You've got good taste, by the way. She was a tart."

She was gone in a flash of gold confetti, leaving behind the shimmering, gold strips and heavy silence.
Waterworld, island

"Nadia!" her mother screamed in anguish as a dog came shooting out of the brush and nipped Nadia's heel before a knife split its head open. Dante dragged Nadia up and off the ground, half-waltzing her away from another dog and pushing her towards Shola.
"It bit her," he said tersely and continued fluidly on towards Lilth, knocking off two more dogs. A third lunged at him and sank its teeth into his arm guard, but he pried it off and snapped its jaw.
"Look out!" he yelled at Lilth, but even Dante was too slow. A dog jumped and locked its jaws around Lilth's arm, trying to drag her to the ground as other hounds circled her, but Dante dispatched them quickly with the last of the borrowed knives. Grabbing Nadia's axe he severed the dog's head from its body, but its jaws continued to grip Lilth even in death, its eyes finally still and unfixed. He tried to pry its jaw off with his bare hands, but it was stuck too tightly even for him.
"Let's go inside so I can cut this thing off," he said, dragging Lilth in by her other elbow. Nadia was already laid on the battered, green couch when he got in and her mother was nervously inspecting her ankle.
"Jeremiah, it's already swelling," Luanne said, twisting her apron in her hands.
"Mama, I'm fine. It barely broke the skin," Nadia protested, but Shola shook her head.
"Those dogs weren't rabid, they were infected with the darkness we're chasing."

Dante pushed Lilth into a chair at the table and grabbed another kitchen knife, ignoring the small scream Luanne gave when she saw the dog's head attached to Lilth's arm.
"Just gonna pop this thing off," Dante said conversationally and began prying at its jaw, slowly cutting through the tendons and prying the joint apart.
"Nothing like this ever happened until the lot of you got here!" Luanne screeched. "Now look at my daughter!"
"Mama, please!"
"You've brought that... that darkness with you!"
"Luanne, the dogs on Coleman's farm were getting sick a long time before they got here," Jeremiah protested, but Luanne was flushed red and deaf in anger.
"You all need to leave before someone else gets hurt! And Nadia, go up to your room now!"
"Look lady, we saved your--" Dante protested, but Shola cut him off.
"Let's go," she said quietly and began ushering them out. "We've done enough damage here."
"What about Nadia?" Piper asked.
"She will be sick for some time, but hopefully her nature as a Purifier will save her. It may not save her from the others that will come, though."

Luanne blanched and looked from Nadia to Shola.
"What's happened to my daughter?" she asked quietly.
"Your daughter has been given a destiny bigger than this island and the darkness will seek to destroy her to preserve itself. I cannot promise you that we can protect her, but we can try."
"Like you protected her then? I'm not sending my daughter off with strangers!"
"Then we will leave your home and hopefully draw some of the darkness away from here. Thank you for your kindness."

The group made their way out onto the reedy beach, leaving the glow of the little house behind them. A cold wind raced through Lilth's hair as Dante finished wrapping her bitten arm in a bandage.
"Will she get sick too?"
"Yes, but if we can get her some medicine it will help ease her recovery. I do not know how to get to somewhere else though... My magic here is limited because the magic of this world is limited. Not knowing where the next island is, I cannot guarantee getting there safely."

Dante frowned and looked out across the dark water.
"That's the problem with this shit. Wouldn't have this if we were on land."

Shola ushered Lilt to sit on a broken pier and sat beside her, offering her part of her cloak. Dante stood with his back to them, watching the waves break as Piper and Blaze huddled under the warmth of a small fire. A rustling in the reeds came over the hum of the ocean and the light of a little lantern peeked into the dark beach. Nadia, wrapped in a ridiculously oversized coat, hurried over to the party and held a small handkerchief out to Shola.
"This is enough money to get you a train ride to Metro City. They can probably take care of Miss Lilth there."
"Are you going to join us, Nadia?" Shola asked and Nadia nodded.
"I feel like I need to go... I can't explain it. But I need to go."

Shola nodded and took the little satchel, craning her neck to look down the track. In the distance she could make out a thin trail of smoke.
"The train ought to be here soon," Nadia said. "This one goes to Metro City. I've watched it come in every morning since forever."

She went and sat on the other side of Lilth.
"Your arm isn't lookin so bad," she said apologetically to Lilth and dug in her pocket, offering her a little brown candy in wax paper.
"It's horehound. Tastes pretty good." She offered one to Shola too and Shola popped in her mouth after giving it a delicate sniff.
"I don't have any more, sorry. The grocery boat hasn't come in a long time."
"Never thought I'd see you eat junk," Dante ribbed and Shola frowned, crunching on the candy.

The train pulled into their stop and Shola paid the sleepy conductor. They all piled into the train with Shola herding Dante in and the train set off into the barest glimmering of dawn.
Everyone except Dante and Piper were asleep when the train pulled into Metro City station. The train's whistle startled most of them awake and slowly the party made their way onto the platform. They were bathed in a sea of neon lights and met by a milling crowd of people that largely ignored them. Dante seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as they made their way through the crowd.
"This is familiar to you?" Shola asked and he nodded.
"Lots of people, none of them giving a shit about you. Love it."
"Don't we need to find somewhere to stay?" Piper asked. "Nadia isn't looking too good."
"'m fine," she muttered, but her face was pale and sheened in sweat. She stumbled over a loose brick and Dante drifted to back of the group, picking her up and draping her across his back wordlessly. As they got deeper into the city it became apparent that nothing was laid out in a manner that made any sense at all, even to Dante. The only thing that was consistent was that the area around them grew less and less reputable until even Shola was uncomfortable.
"I'm going to go inside and ask for directions," she said finally, motioning at a little shop. "I think there's only one person inside if there's going to be trouble."
"Be careful," Piper said.

Shola slipped into the building, suddenly very conscious of herself and her complete oddness in that world. Carefully she stepped around the gold confetti and cleared her throat.
"Um... Excuse me, but..."

She trailed off as she felt a weird pinch behind her navel. Shaking it off, she continued.
"We've got a sick girl with us and we need somewhere to stay. Do you know how to get to a doctor or an inn...?"
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Lilith had pretty much remained silent through the entire debacle at Nadia's house. Mostly because she felt guilty. Not only had their arrival lured the dogs there, but she had failed to really protect Nadia at all. It seemed that when she wasn't causing people pain, she was busy being useless as far as preventing it. She winced a bit as she watched Dante pry the severed head from her arm, but not a single sound escaped her lips aside from a quiet grunt as the teeth were removed from the holes they had created in her flesh. She allowed Dante to bandage it, then she buried her arm underneath her cloak and stared at the wall with a blank expression until the group left.

Once at the pier, Lilith looked up at Nadia as she sat beside her.

"Your arm isn't lookin so bad,"

Lilith smiled a bit and nodded, trying unsuccessfully to clench and un-clench her fist to help the throbbing subside. She soon watched as Shola paid the conductor and they all piled into the train. Passing by a free seat next to Dante, Lilith chose to sit toward the back this time. She wrapped up tight in her coat and rested her head on the window, quickly slipping out of consciousness. It seemed to be only a few seconds to Lilith before the train's whistle sounded and cause her to almost jump from her seat. As she stepped off she looked around and followed the group, giving a half smile at Dante's back as he carried Nadia. He wasn't the most caring, but considering how he threw her around when they first met, he seemed a bit more gentle now. Perhaps one day he wouldn't be a raging asshat. Lilith chuckled quietly to herself as the group stopped and Shola decided to ask for directions. While she waited, she leaned against the wall and massaged her arm. It had yet to stop throbbing, but other than the pain she felt fine. Unlike Nadia.

Maybe if she were part canine, she would be a freak and resistant to it too..

Lilith sighed and occupied herself with people watching until Shola had figured out where they were going.
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His shop, so different from the mansion great room he'd been playing in earlier that day. True, there was a piano in the corner, but it was small cabinet piano and not a baby Grande. The room was long and dim, but the ceiling was high and the acoustics were perfect. The walls were lined with various shelves and hooks each one displaying a different instrument, all of which he could play. The back room had been converted into a sort of living area and work shop with a small kitchen in one corner and a set of rickety stairs in the other which lead to the loft. It was really more of a studio apartment with nothing in it except a dresser a thick rug, and his bed in one corner. Everything was impeccably tidy.

He was busy tuning the piano when she came in. Slipped in. he knew nothing of her presence until he heard the sound of her heels on the wooden floor. When he looked up he nearly gasped in shock. She was so alike to Lady Violet that for a brief moment he thought he was being imposed on again, but he swiftly realized that this woman was older, wiser, somehow more. If she propositioned him – well, it'd take a great deal of self-discipline, he wasn't sure he had, to say no.

He started to speak, but for a moment it seemed as if his throat had closed, preventing him from using his powers. She was already talking anyway, calling his shop quaint, well that was technically an accurate word. Not the one he would choose, but accurate. "As things stand, Trevean, before that sun out there rises again your life is going to change forever." It was then that what she was saying began to sink in. "If you don't join the people coming here, you will be killed. Probably violently If you join them then you may still die, but at least you'll get dragged on all sorts of... adventures with your Guardian. These are the choices the goddesses have left you with. Make a good one,"

Trevean felt like he'd bet hit with a ten ton steel mallet. He didn't even hear the last line, and by the time the woman had vanished he was barely thinking straight enough to register that she too wasn't human like every other resident of the Goddess forsaken island. He had just enough sense to make his way to the door and flip the sign around so it read that the shop was closed, before retreating to the back of the room and sinking into the old arm chair he left out for when parents needed a place to sit during their kid's music lessons.

He didn't even bother to clean the gold confetti off the floor. There was a great deal to think about, a great deal . . .


Less than fifteen minutes later Trevean had picked up a penny whistle and was playing lightly, his mind made up, by the time the door to his shop opened the bell jingling. He was still in the chair at the back of the shop, but he had a clear line of sight to the door. He put the whistle down and rose to his feet as the woman dressed as a royal guard made her way in stepping around the confetti. Now there was an outfit he had not seen in a long time. An outfit he had never thought he'd see again. One look at her and he knew. Perhaps it was the small jolt he felt at the sight of her, but he knew.

"Um... Excuse me, but . . . We've got a sick girl with us and we need somewhere to stay. Do you know how to get to a doctor or an inn...?"

"Who are you, chickadee?" he said kindly walking toward her, yet putting certain magic inflections into his voice that made it a question most would answer on the spot. "Why are you here? Surly you didn't come all this way just to sweep me off my feet?" on the last line he placed a hand to his collar bone almost dramatically, but something was wrong. Her face remained the same, her eyes remained clear, there was none of the stammering and rushing to answer the question that accompanied the usual driveling lot of human stupidity that had tried on occasion to show up in this threatening fashion to startle him.

Oh, she may have asked politely, but the armor of a Queen's guard meant she was not the sort to tangle with, and he did see it as a threat, not to mention that she was . . . but her eyes remained clear which meant her mind was strong. Good. He wouldn't have it any other way.

"Never mind," he said calmly before she could answer. "You said your friend was ill? Well bring her in here then, Chickadee." And Trevean pushed passed her, opened the shop door, and called out to the group he could see waiting. "In here please," he gestured to them, "Quickly bring the girl in here!"
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Shola hesitated. Ignoring the twinge (which could be anything, including an almost emergency-level lack of sleep, she told herself) she didn't know this man from anyone else on that damned island. It was not enough to say he felt familiar or felt trustworthy, and she reminded herself that he'd just tried to exercise some mild sort of hypnosis over her to boot. But if Dante was carrying the child around then Shola had no illusions that she must be on her way to grave illness; there was apparently some code among his kind in regards to children. Their options were slim, then, and to lose another Purifier...

Shola stuck her head out of the door of the shop.
"Dante, bring the girl in! Hurry."

She stepped aside to allow him and the others in, shutting the door firmly behind her and warding it closed with a minor spell. Dante deposited Nadia in the chair and squatted next to her, taking her wrist in his hand.
"Heartbeat's barely fifty per minute, and it's weak as shit, Shola. What can we do?"
"Is she going to... to... die?" Piper asked and Shola waved her hand impatiently.
"Don't say that, it's bad luck. Do you still have any of that-- The red---" she faltered and Dante reached in his back pouch, producing a steel cylinder and putting it against Nadia's neck. It hissed violently and she jerked, moaning softly. There was a beat of silence as he took her pulse.
"We bought her a few hours, max. Better hope your friend over there knows what to do about this shit," he said, fixing his frowning stare on Trevean. His mouth was set in a hard, unfriendly line as he reluctantly left Nadia and began prodding Lilth's arm without warning.
"Hers isn't swelling, pulse is normal. Why are we here though, Long Ears? Because he said he could fix her?"

Shola swallowed a tough lump and nodded.
"It was probably best we were off the street anyway," she managed and Dante peered out the window. Shola glanced back at Trevean. Beyond his charisma she felt an unwelcome flutter in her stomach and sat rather suddenly on a little stool.
"Please, whatever you can do for Nadia. Dante is not tactful, but he is right. If you can help her, she needs it desperately."

Shola bowed.
Please, she'd said please. Of all the things he'd witnessed in his life this was one thing he'd never expected to see. A Queen's Guard asking him for help.

"And here I half thought you'd come to arrest me." he sighed, "Unless of course Maevric never got up enough courage to inform his superiors that his big brother was nothing more than a Con." The girl did look to be in bad shape though. "Alright I'll do what I can." He muttered walking forward, "As for you, Assassin," here he addressed the man she had called Dante. Dante, whose every move and gesture, every tilt of his head and blink of his eyes spoke of his profession. Trevean had worked with enough of them to know. "Kindly watch your tongue while I work. Foul language brings attention, and not the kind I think we want just now."

Kneeling down next to the chair he began an examination of the injured foot whistling as he realized what the ailment actually was. "What sort of light blinded foolishness have you lot just pulled me into!" he whispered under his breath before reaching for the trashcan in the corner and pulling it closer. "You are very lucky this wasn't any nearer your heart." he told her. "I can draw out the . . . poison for lack of a better word, but no guarantees on anything else, and it may hurt." He paused just long enough to hand the other girl, Piper? A key. "Please do me the courtesy of locking up the shop. I don't think we want anyone bursting in here in the next few minutes. It could be awkward trying to explain to the locals that I'm not entirely human."

And shifting so that the girl's foot was held firmly in his lap he began to sing. It was a low eerie tune, with words the others probably wouldn't understand, but it was still a song full of peace and comfort. As he saw the child begin to relax, saw the pain slip from her face, for in her injured state her mind was receptive to his abilities, he began to work.

His body began to liquefy, shimmering slightly and then melting into the purest water anyone could imagine, but his shape did not change. One moment he was a man, the next he was a man of water. And slowly, as he sang, his hand began to melt. The water of his form slipped around the girl's foot and through the already broken skin of the dog's bite. Trevean's face wrinkled in concentration, though his song did not waver.

Eventually he pulled his hand free of the wound and with it came a large quantity of what looked to be inky black slime, which he very quickly deposited into the waste basket. "Uuurrggg," he grumbled panting slightly with the effort as the song faded, "I feel like I've been swimming in an oil slick! But that's all of it. The wound is clean, and she should heel normally on her own." He looked around at the others in the room. "Was anyone else injured? If so we should take care of it as quickly as possible and then, if any one here has the ability, set fire that." and he pointed at the trashcan now partially full of slime.
Llilith's eyes grew wide and she grunted as Dante suddenly grabbed her injured arm and snatched it into the air with nothing more than "Here." as an explanation. She growled at him loudly as she snatched it back

"Shut the fuck up, Dante. I'm fine." She glared from him over to Trevean as she slipped her throbbing arm back under her cloak. She felt unusually angry now, realizing that at this moment she could not really care less if Dante, or any of the others for that matter, dropped off the face of the earth. Like a wounded animal she cowered under what little cover her cloak provided her, refusing to fully make eye contact with anyone in the group that she was sure was surprised by her angry outburst. She had grown more tired during their relatively short walk through the city, and it had begun to show in the light purple bags under her eyes.

Having heard Trevean telling Dante to watch his mouth earlier, Lilith couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. "Sorry," She said quietly, refusing to look anywhere but the wall opposite her, "My arm was bitten, but I'm fine. I'm in no need of sudden attention the way Nadia is. Thank you for taking care of her. It was my fault she was injured in the first place."
"Oh, cut the pity party," Dante groused and pushed her over to Trevean like a fridge on a trolley. "We were all there. No one saves everyone. But what do I know, I just kill people," he finished sarcastically and plopped her down in the chair. Nadia and Piper had drifted over to the piano where a still-sleepy Nadia was running her fingers delicately over the keys.
"I've never seen one before, just heard them," Nadia breathed and Piper grinned, plunking down on the bench.
"I can show you how to play. Here, sit down," she said and Nadia scooted in beside her, their brown heads bowed over the keys. Piper struck a few simple notes, slowly working up a scale as Nadia followed behind her.
"That's good, you're really getting it," Piper said and Nadia beamed over at her, scuffing her worn shoes on the floor as her legs dangled from the bench. The girls continued to plink quietly away at the piano as Lilith's arm was examined. Dante kept watch by the door, peering around the curtains at the milling crowd outside while Shola tried to look alert on the stool. It felt better than she wanted to admit to have someone else tending to the problems for a change. She smiled tiredly at Blaze and leaned back against the edge of the table behind her.
"Hey, looks like you've got a customer. Real swank fellow, looks..."
He tried off and squinted, frowning.
"I dunno. Someone looks odd about him."
"Odd how?" Shola asked, rising quickly and peeking out behind the curtain. "I don't see anything odd... Nadia, darling, can you come here?"

Nadia tripped over to them and Shola stepped aside to let her look out.
''He's right, the man DOES look strange... There's...something around him. Light, kinda."
"He's a Purifier then, if I can't see it. I don't understand... I thought we had discovered them all."
"No idea, but he looks like he's about to want in."
"Let him in," Shola replied and the three moved away from the door. Shola unlocked it and removed her ward on the door to allow the well-dressed man to come inside.
Lucas bowed to the Queen and rushed through the portal. He landed on his feet, being so used to portaling around as he did this a lot on the searches of the Purifiers, between Jacklyn and the three dark-robed beings. He had his weapon drawn the second his feet hit the ground. "If I were you three, I would be very scared." He said as he readied himself into a fighting stance, ready to make a movement at a moments notice. "I will ensure that no harm comes to Jacklyn as long as I am here." He said, well, practically growled.
The early streams of light broke through the window as the night was pushed out of the sky, an odd concoction of sound emanating from outside stirred Blaze from his rest. The sound of birds and what he could only imagine was the wisps surrounding the castle was enough to wake a light sleeper such as himself. He was in the most amazing room, everything looked so fancy and well kept. Blaze smiled to himself as he saw Piper sleeping care free beside his bed, He got up silently to look out of the window, his Favorited time of day back home however the sights are slightly different here, not much contrast between early morning and midday with comparison to the city, but old habits die hard and hence he found himself up at his body's usual time. Himself and Piper were given a new set of clothing, which for the record he gracefully declined and put on his suit. Looking slightly more comfortable as apposed to smart with his current attire. After being led and once again meeting with the Queen it wasn't long before Dante and Lilith completed the group. During the transition period Piper filled him in on the events that he missed while he slept, Dante and Zoduz tearing each other apart, Lilith and Dante heading out without permission, all the way down to the funny noises he makes when he sleeps. The description given by the Queen left Blaze feeling slightly informed but at the same time even more worried after finding out the supposed gravity of the situation. Despite his uneasiness, he found himself landing on yet another sandy beach alongside the group.

The air was thick with salt and a blue horizon as far as he could see in a 180 degrees angle, the sand unable to sink between his toes as he stood flat in his shoes. The eeriness of the situation was broken as the group addressed the train approaching over the water, a surprisingly little amount of questioning was given as everyone boarded. Blaze chuckled slightly upon seeing Dante's reluctance towards the water, obviously a non-swimmer, I have seen that face on many students he jested to himself. Some people don't handle travelling well in any circumstances, things like motion sickness and nausea are often symptoms, Blaze however, always falls asleep when travelling. Because of this he didn't really understand all the commotion having just woken up and from the train he found himself once again waking up damp and sandy on a beach, this time he was alone and there was no beautiful girl to greet him. What happened between now and the train was all a blur.

Blaze set off up the beach after deciding that inland and the sea were both not options he was too keen on having just woken up here. As he traveled he warmed his body temperature up and actively dried his clothes, he sighed to himself upon realizing that his packet of cigarettes that have been thus far neatly tucked in his jacket pocket are currently MIA, on top of that, where were the others? It didn't take too long to find multiple pairs of footprints slightly up the beach, if it was the others then they cant of tried very hard to find him. The cheek of it. After following the tracks off the beach and then heading in the general direction inland Blaze finally came across familiar faces among new ones too. before being able to figure anything out Piper was rushing him into the strange house squeezing his arm so tight it might fall off, as she said for him to come in and dry he remembered to turn his body heat down to a less straining level. He remained intentionally ignorant to all the action outside as he ate his soup, partly because he was left at the beach, but mainly because not having a cigarette was really winding him up. Various events unfolded and Blaze found himself once again being caught up to speed by Piper, it all seems to fit in with what the queen said but it almost seemed like the darkness was one step ahead of us, maybe it was just a gut feeling. As they boarded yet another train, this time to the city, Blaze noted that Lilith and Nadia both looked very unwell, Nadia much more so than Lilith.

Having been a teacher for many years now it felt strange not being in a position of authority within the group for Blaze, however upon reaching the city he found a charm in the bustling crowds and loud background noise, this was a long shot closer to home then any Islands and castles. The group winded up at what appeared to be a music studio, upon entering his initial thoughts were confirmed and Blaze remained silent as Shola and this new figure went toe to toe with greetings and plea's. It reminded him of his encounter with Asta, which set his mind off on a tangent as the strange man tended to Lilith and Nadia. His attention was brought back as the two girls played together on the piano, his goofy smile was caught by Shola who seemed to be somewhat content with her perch on the stool, sending him a warm smile as if they had known one another a long time. His new train of thought was on how he had just drifted back into the group and everything has carried on going as if the train never happened, such a brutal mentality and no one has even asked where he was, not that he would be able to tell them. Right on cue a mysterious figure attracted the attention of the group, and Blaze remained leaning against the wall as he watched them at the door.
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Jacklyn Lockwood

The hour passed easily for Jacklyn, lulled by the steady vibrations of the ventilation shafts and the constant rhythm of pen on paper. She had been able to write quite a bit, mostly about her frustrations with the government and the steady draft in her shop she had been unable to locate. Writing had always been an excellent escape for Jack, a blissful departure from the stress of her day to day life and the troubles that plagued her. She could have spent the entire day atop that roof, the sun dancing across the sky and illuminating her words. Sadly, it was not to be.

Despite sitting with her body facing the ladder she had climbed, the only access to the roof, Jack found herself taken by surprise. There had been no warning, no sound of approaching footsteps or heavy breathing. Just a sudden hand on her shoulder and a chilling whisper in her ear. Instinctively, she clutched the heavy jade pendulum around her neck and spun around to identify the woman. Strangely, there was no woman behind her, though, the voice had definitely been feminine. The disembodied hand and whispers were nearly instantly forgotten, a consuming dread filling her up as she caught glimpse of the Fishermen.

'What is that?!' Jacklyn thought desperately, her gaze locked on the flashing lights behind the Fishermen as she scrambled to her feet. Had the Fishermen discovered some new form of travel? Could they simply pop into existence wherever it pleased them now? The thought alone was almost as terrifying as her imminent capture. She found herself locked in place, frozen with one foot behind her ready for flight, her body facing her doom. "Run..." She told herself quietly, urging her body to respond. 'Run, you idiot!' And with that, she snapped into action, lurching down low to scoop up her bag as she spun on her heel, stumbling towards the ladder. 'Can I make it? Can I really get down the ladder before they catch me?' She asked herself, diving for the steel rungs. She only just managed to get her hand around the shaft, tipping precariously over the ledge and almost losing her footing. She glanced up quickly to see how much distance the Fishermen had gained and was surprised to see they had not made much progress.

What was stranger still, was that a new man had appeared, standing between Jacklyn and the Fishermen. And what was that in his hand? 'Is that a sword?! What is he going to do, cut them down?' Jacklyn questioned, her mind racing to identify the stranger. He was dressed very oddly, like a warrior from the book of fairy tales she had stashed beneath her shop. Was he crazy? He must be. An escapee of the Institute, that had to be it right? Did it really matter? The important question was if Jacklyn could stand idly by while he attempted to kill three men. And if she could live with herself when he inevitably failed in protecting her and that she had done nothing to help.

Before she knew what she was doing, Jacklyn found herself swinging her feet back above the roof ledge. Her boots thudding loudly as she quickly closed the distance between herself and the brewing massacre. There was nothing she could do to help she knew, the Fishermen were trained killers and there was likely a psychic in their midst. Their only hope was that whatever was stalling these men would hold while they could make their escape. She reached out and grabbed Lucas' arm, yanking him towards her. "Run!" She commanded, fire in her voice as she tugged him towards her. She was dimly concerned he might lash out at her with his sword but it was small and far away, more present dangers taking her focus. She allowed his arm to drop from her grip as she ran back to the ladder once again. "I don't know whats holding them, but it won't last! We have to move!" She called back, planting her feet and arms on either side of the ladder and sliding quickly to the ground.