Save me

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Original poster
I have this idea, that has flowered in this mind of mine...It goes a little like this...

Your character (the male) is a hard working, loving but single man, he would love to start a family of his own and live out the rest of his years happy with the woman he loves beside him but he hasnt found her yet. Your character works alot on a job that requires him to travel alot and stay in hotels for extended periods of time. This time while checking into your hotel for a job that will require you to be there at least a month maybe longer, you notice something about my character. You notice that she has bruises a lot, or that she sometimes is crying and tries to hide it when people walk by her. Your character starts to wonder and tries to pry into her life without making her feel uncomfortable. You start to want to save her, and take her as your own because the more you learn about her, the more you realize she is just what you have been looking for...Then you learn something new about her, not only is she being abused mentally, emotionally and physically but she also has two small children. A little girl and an infant boy. Her and their lives are in your hands, what do you do with them?
Name:Jessica Roger
Age: 25





Personality: Normally cheerful and upbeat, but when she is having a really bad day she is very withdrawn and quiet. Your lucky to get her to smile at you on those days.


Personality: Very trusting with people, very well behaved, a good kid, bubbly at times.

5 months old
I'm interested, read my resume and if you want to do this with me send me a PM ;)
Name: Thomas Plumes
Age: 39

Personality: An asshole, he treats his girl and his kids like crap every day all day, he is abusive with his body towards Jessica every day, and his words and actions. He sells meth, heroin, and cocaine out of their home, and whenever Jessica voices her opinion over it he beats the living daylights out of her. He has been in and out of prison for assault and attempted murder.
I'm interested in writing with you if you're still looking ^^
I have found someone BUT it is always nice to have a different version of the same story. Pm me!!
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