Save A Life

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Girl was forced to always keep their mouth shut despite the fact they have one of the most angelic voices when speaking. Boy was Girl's bully since middle school, and now that they met again in high school, Boy became a little more relentless. That is until Boy realized why Girl was always so… Muted. Boy soon stops bullying Girl and tries to help them.
Now that Boy is always at Girl's side. Boy can't help but fall for them in ways they themselves can't understand. However, Girl's guard is always up whenever they're around.
Faith Mills was one of the least known, and also least liked, students in her grade. She was known as everything from creepy to boring, as well as for being a religious fanatic. To be truthful she wasn't, she just happened to be born to parents who were religious fanatics. Her father, in particular, was very strict and had raised his daughter to be the perfect woman as prescribed by his beliefs: silent, subservient, and pure. She wasn't allowed to wear low cut tops, or jeans, or skirts or dresses that fell to less than below her knees. She was also never allowed to cut her hair, although she had never been told the reasoning behind that. In her younger years she was okay with that, knowing nothing else, but then she went through high school and began learning the truth of the world. It didn't take long before she rejected her father's teachings and rules, although she was too afraid of him to rebel. She couldn't even escape from him at school, where he worked and had a surprising number of like minded friends, though these people weren't quite so strict. None of the other students at school knew what was going on with her, or really cared, however many were cruel to her over it, especially boys such as Damon. She always avoided them, never fought or even said anything back, which only made things worse for her because they never got any consequences for bullying her. A few teachers did know, however, including her English and biology teachers, who had helped her to realize what all was wrong in her life and who now helped her get books to read and occasionally helped her with the bullying situations.
Currently, Faith sat alone at her lunch table, reading a book as she ate her food. The table she sat at was totally empty, besides herself. To be honest, she didn't mind much, as people so close by would make too much noise and distract her from her reading. She glanced around occasionally, watching out for Damon or the other bullies that would usually bother her and hoping none of them would today.
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