
✿ crafty flavor ✿
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy (high, low and anything in between), modern, medieval, anything that'll keep me at the edge of my seat. Romance is absolutely necessary. And fluff. Just a lil bit.
"Number J-206738028, please rise."

June would be lying if she said she wasn't the slightest bit anxious. Hell, it wouldn't be far fetched to say she was downright terrified, with wobbly knees and a suitcase that never quite seemed to cooperate with her. Still, she rose, and she followed the slender woman with French fingertips and pious air about her down the hall and into the facility she would likely spend the rest of her life in.

First, they visited her dorm and dropped off her belongings. She was allowed to bring one suitcase full of personal possessions, but she was told that all basic necessities would be covered by the government, and to pack accordingly. Still, there was simply something offputting aboug stark white bedsheets, that compelled her to bring her own set. Something her mother knitted in the military.

Next, they took a tour of the entire facility. Harsh white and cold steel greeted her at every corner along with some sort of cleaning bot or automated system that was given a moment's explanation. They passed laboratory rooms, pharmacies, impatient units, blood bank sections, but there was simply something missing. She knew she was working in a prison. And yet, throughout this entire exchange, even in the past week, the word 'prison' was never uttered, like some filthy rag no one wanted to taint their tongues with.

They finally reached the first set of downward stairs before the slender woman took a sharp turn at June. She stumbled back a little.

"If I'm going to give you one piece of advice, I'll give you this. Listen closely. While you are in this facility, it would do you a whole lot of good to not speak about the," the woman paused at this, shutting her eyes for a moment, "the inmates downstairs. Do not interact with them any further than you need to. Do not, for heaven's sake, do not get into trouble. You have it ridden all over you. Trust me, those eyes will get you nothing here." For a moment, she looked like she would offer something more, something gentle. She did not. She closed her mouth and continued with the tour.

"Thank you, ma'am." Proceeding this, they visited the underground containment facilities. The male and female divisions, interrogation rooms, cafeteria. They weren't allowed to actually see any of the inmates, but June wasn't sure if she wanted to. They were dangerous, and no good could come from it.

And finally, they arrived at the room she would soon be spending the better of her day in. Patient A-000001's room. She wasn't told much about him, or even her. Simply that they were a criminal, and that they had volunteered to be a test subject. June was hesitant, but after a reassuring push from the slender woman, she stepped inside, while the woman waited outside with her back to the door. There was a glass wall that separated her from the subject, and June took tentative steps towards it. She pressed her hand against the scanner that adorned the edge of the wall, and a part of the glass slid out to form an open door.

"Hello. I'm, uh, call me June."