Salutations.(you cant see it, but I'm awkwardly waving at the screen)

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Original poster
quick warning: grammar is not my forte, and as such it may suck at points.
you can call me dotty, dot, onthedot, or any variation of the word dot
I'm a 16 year old girl, no mystery about it.
I'm pretty new to role playing, but i wouldn't say i'm a bad writer.
I'm open to any number in a rp group,
i hope to talk to you all soon!:frogface:
Welcome to Iwaku, I hope u enjoy your stay, and sorry about such a late post. ive been gone for a while, but i like to post on new arrivals if im not in mid rp. so, here i am ^_^ if you ever have any questions or would like to just chat or possibly discuss and rp, please feel free to message me anytime!
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