Sailor Moon: Noire Crystal

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Original poster
Sailor Moon : Noire Crystal Saga
☆ - ⍟ - ★ - ✪ - ♡ - ♥ - ❥ - ♕ - ☽ - ☾ - ✖ ( SM: NCS ) ☆ - ⍟ - ★ - ✪ - ♡ - ♥ - ❥ - ♕ - ☽ - ☾ - ✖

~☽ : P r e q u e l : ~

After the final battle with Queen Galaxia - the born again and again true form of Chaos – Princess Usagi wins the war and decides to return to life as her human self. Just before waking up she hears the whispers of her thought lost daughter saying she'll see her in the 30th century! Waking beside Endymion she asks him to ask her again and he once more asks her to marry him.

So with Chaos once again locked away in the Earth's Crystal an Era of Peace awoke in the land of earth and Crystal Tokyo had appeared practically over night and no one seemed to notice the change into the new government. The Senshi became great council members as Usagi married Endymion and ascended the thrown of Crystal Tokyo finally having to grow up as she issued in this era of peace.

Skip ahead, Lady Small Lady is now 19 about to ascend to the thrown while her bratty little sister of 17 and all the Senshi Council's children irritate her daily. Will all assembled for Lady Small Ladies ascension the sky suddenly falls black as the moon passes before the sun and turns blood red. The Council Senshi transform as Does Queen Usagi, Lady Small Lady and her court as well. The Council and Queen leave first but not long after the castle has been abandoned except for the younger children of the Council and the Princess Akikozuki Chiba. Lady Small Lady – Senshi Moonlight at this time throws her younger sister and their friends into a crystal panic room and runs out to the fight leaving the children to wait in worry.

By the time the moon started to shift away from the sun the Senshi were all but defeated. With the last of their power they sent away their transformation crystals which sought the next in line to carry them. Sailor Pluto watched in horror from her gate of time and did watch she could to ensure the safety of the royal lineage of the Senshi. Sealing their Crystal room, each of the New Senshi were encased in an elemental lacrima (crystal) shard in which they slept for the next 300 years. Senshi Pluto ripped a hole in the dimension of time and space sealing the Palace away in a pocket space to ensure their safe keeping until help could arrive. Then she sent a beacon with out to the Outer Reaches of the Andromeda galaxy and now awaits the courier of their fate from their homelands.

Each Child of the Royal Senshi Line
was Sealed in a Lacrima of Power!

|| Sailor moon – Soul + Light || Sailor Mars – Fire + Seer Vision || Sailor Mercury – Ice + Illusion || Sailor Venus – Metal + Love || Sailor Jupiter – Lightning + Plants || Sailor Saturn – Darkness + Destruction || Sailor Uranus – Wind + Telepathy || Sailor Neptune – Water + Gravity ||


A Time Moved On The Dark Era Was Born
3 0 0 Y E A R S L A T E R C R Y S T A L T O K Y O H A S B E E N T R A N S F O R M E D I N T O . . .
T h e N o i r e C r y s t a C i t y

Ruled by a Legion of Yokai / Demons and a shadowy Mistress who keep's the Star shaped city under her thumb and her Generals working hard to please her. Humans have all but forgotten their ever was a Queen Usagi and King Endymion, that Senshi's ever existed even. Sure there are the hard core fanatics still lurking about out there but many of them have already been killed off by this time. Life for humans is still very similar to modern day Crystal Tokyo just always under a Dark Sky where the moon never seems to move and the blood red color has been there since the day the Crystal Palace and the Senshi vanished. But now the year is 3300 and the times are about to change.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was a night like any other…

When suddenly from the north a brilliant flash lit the sky for miles before fading swiftly back into inky blackness. Was it a falling star? So many had seen it ! Or had they even seen it at all? In this day things such as Hope, True Love, and Compassion and the purest parts of Humanity were all but snuffed out. The world was tough now, filled with bullies and everyone cared only for their own path in life. So it was not surprising when they ignored the brilliant light as it faded and went about their own night's business.

In Northern District of the Star Shaped City – Noire Crystal; the light had vanished and a smallish white form would drop onto the nearest rooftop to it's descent. Landing on four sure paws almost like it had been floating not a sound was made. The small cat turned to gaze out at the city and sniff the night. Although this was surely a little kitty in appearance, it was anything but. A frown furrowed the little guy's brow and a soft grow escaped his pursed little lips before he lifted a paw to his collar and clicked a pendant found there. Pale green blue eyes blinked and a squeaky voice chirped out suddenly from the furry critter!

"Senshi Pluto Setsuna Meiou!" He sounded quiet irritated until a weak voice echoed across to him from the pendant.

[BCOLOR=#003366]"Bynxis are you truly here?" [/BCOLOR]He growled and sneeze worry in his voice now [BCOLOR=#003366]"Do not worry about me, I will send the last of my energy. Please keep my pearl safe until… I am Reborn… entrust the pearl to Satur…"[/BCOLOR] Suddenly her voice cut out and the whisper of the Gate keeper was gone. Bynxis' head bowed a moment of silence for the dearly passed. He worried though, why had she been so weak and so … nostalgic sounding? His task had been to come and help the Senshi, but it appeared the royal court had long been absent from their home world?! What was going on here he'd only gotten Pluto's message a week earlier?! Why was he so weak to?

Suddenly a golden light appeared before him and the cat swatted it with a paw the light turning to a violet orb her leaped by the orb and it vanished from site. The energy with the orb filled him and suddenly gave him direction and purpose!

Turing he runs his pale eyes locked on the sky just above the center of what had been Tokyo only a week ago for him. Floating up into the air he seemed to run on an invisible path towards some distant spot in the sky. Reaching it a crackle of lightning sparked against his fur and warned him to steer clear! But he could not! There hovering past a prismatic sheen in the sky he could see the Crystal Palace! Summoning up some of the reserve energy Pluto had given him he charged again but this time the force field allowed him to pass freely.

Landing after a shaking moment in the pocket verse he saw the Crystal Palace sitting as though it were on a lotus made from crystal hovering there and in desperate need of human care! Dust covered everything and as Bynxis floated he realized something had delayed his arrival to this place too… and by the taste of the atmosphere here it ahd been nearly 300 years! He floated until he reached the first crystalline petal and landed only to spring up and away again. His body floated freely until he reached the first wall of the Palace proper and he would slip in through the very first window his tiny form came across.

Once inside he tip toed down corridor, sprinted down hallways, and phased into every room he came across not open already! No one not a single person, not the friends of the Queen Serenity, nor the Council's friends and family they all were gone! Where were the children! Grief yanked at his heart and Bynxis ran for the Hidden Chamber . Coming to a Halt outside the door trying to phase through this door was deadly dangerous so instead placing a tiny paw on the door he hacked his way in through the ancient power his race held.

Suddenly the door whooshed open and crystalline ice fog floated free from the chamber as if it were in cryo – freeze. Rushing in Bynxis skidded to a halt his heart plummeting, as he saw not a soul around! But then! A glow pulled his pale eyes up once more as one of the dark rocks seemed to light with glyphs. Bynxis leaped and springed again on thin air until he landed on the surface of what he thought had been rock was truly Larcima Crystal! What's more it held the Crest of the Moon Princess!

Bynxis charged and pulled from the energy Pluto had given him, her last act of kindness would go to the right place! The princess and ! Looking around he realized as the energy sapped from him all the Senshi 's children were here! Warmth filled him as suddenly the Lacrima of Light and Soul cracked and started to shatter!

He would leap over and landing on the Fire Lacrima would use the last of his reserves to again pool it into the crystal below him and wake the Senshi's Child within Senshi Mar's crystal ruptured and bursting gouts of flame leapt from the crystal knocking him back and into the arms of a very Dazed looked Akikozuki Chiba the Princess of Crystal Tokyo. "Bynxis… what are you doing here?" She whispered through a yawn looking about clearly lost as to the situation, the long sleep must have had affect on her memory.

"Oh Princess you truly know nothing of what has come to pass?" He asked his heart cracking as he realized he was about to have to explain to the Senshi that their families were long dead and gone. He leapt up from her arms and attempted to wake Mercury next the very last of his energy he though! But no suddenly he fell asleep against the crystal leaving the confused quiet Aki to pick him up and cuddle his form waiting for Mars to emerge from her crystal shell. "What the hell is going on around here…" She said worry starting to tinge her own heart.

And So Our Story Begins . . .

Welcome the NEW Sailor Senshi!

Interested in joining us? Drop by the OC Thread and Ask to be interviewed!

@NyxTheNash ♡♡♡♡♡ I FOUND MY SOUL BFF!



☆ - ⍟ - ★ - ✪ - ♡ - ♥ - ❥ - ♕ - ☽ - ☾ - ✖ ( SM: NCS ) ☆ - ⍟ - ★ - ✪ - ♡ - ♥ - ❥ - ♕ - ☽ - ☾ - ✖
☆ - ⍟ - ★ - ✪ - ♡ - ♥ - ❥ - ♕ - ☽ - ☾ - ✖ ( SM: NCS ) ☆ - ⍟ - ★ - ✪ - ♡ - ♥ - ❥ - ♕ - ☽ - ☾ - ✖
This is for is you wanna build the costumes
Sailor Moon ~ Senshi Maker 3.0

Each Child of the Royal Senshi Line
was Sealed in a Lacrima of Power!

|| Sailor moon – Soul + Light || Sailor Mars – Fire + Seer Vision || Sailor Mercury – Ice + Illusion || Sailor Venus – Metal + Love || Sailor Jupiter – Lightning + Plants || Sailor Saturn – Darkness + Destruction || Sailor Uranus – Wind + Telepathy ||Sailor Neptune – Water + Gravity ||
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Reactions: Link Loftin

    • • Senshi Name •
      Sailor Moon
      • Name •

      Akikozuki Chiba
      • Gender •
      • Age •

      • Height •
      • Weight •
      103 lbs
      • Build •
      Petit, Toned, Curvy
      • Eyes •
      • Hair •
      Long Twin Tails, a strange sky blue color falls down to ankle length, often worn with various charms, trinkets, and accessories.
      • Style •
      Trend Queen, she loves to mix and match the things she wears, but somehow always comes out looking put together. She wears various trends and still makes it work!

      • Occupation In New World •
      Cafe Barista​

    • • Shattered Form •

      - Luna Prism Flare -
      Rainbow Aura shines around her hands and feet adding an explosive power to her punches and kicks. Lasts 5 Posts. 3 Post Recharge
      • Charged Form •

      - Luna Prism Explode -
      Rainbow Aura now extends up to 5 feet from body in yo - yo affect. Explosive quality and throw a Single rainbow ball but will loose rest of turns. Lasts 5 Posts - 3 Posts Recharge.

      • Stardust Make •

      - Moon Aura Shine -
      Projects a lotus or hexagonal shaped crystal shield before her body or any intended target. If shield breaks still takes 50% force from attack. Last 3 Posts. 3 post recharge.

      • Expand Form •

      - Moon Aura Radiate -
      Complete crystal bubble forms around her takes 60% force from attack if broke. Also has secondary ability to heal / cleanse anything within the bubble for up to 3 posts. Shield Lasts 4 posts. 3 post recharge.

      • Eternal Blossom •

      - Lunar Ribbon Enblaze -
      Crystal handles appear that when used in battle create a rainbow ribbon trail behind them that is sorta like a fire whip. Last 5 Post, recharge rate 4 posts.

      • Blooming Form •

      - Lunar Inferno Ribbon -
      Rings of rainbow aura appear about her form and 'Bloom' outwards in waves, this accompanies with her original Lunar Ribbon. Causes Explosive and cold fire damage. Lasts 6 posts recharge 4 posts.

      • Crystal Power •

      - Lunar Princess Smash -
      A Crystalline war hammer appears in her hand shining with the many colors like a prism she attacks with double attack strength. Anything the hammer touches gains double gravitational force and will double with every strike. Lasts 7 Posts recharge 5 posts.

      • Shine Form •

      - Lunar Princess Demise -
      Crystalline war hammer shatters and she gains a pair of crystalline fighters gloves they have the same affects that the war hammer held but now she has double speed as well as strength and a bonus of crystalizing places on her target. Lasts for as long as Original Power.

      Secondary Ability Natural Talent with : Moon Shine Illusion : Allows her to change the color of her hair and eyes and switch outfits. Luna always said Aki got this ability since Queen Serena used the Transformation pen so damn much while carrying Aki.

    • ZU2VfG7.jpg

      --Bynxis in Celestial Form, Aki age 4 : meeting for the first time. -

      Akikozuki was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth - she was royalty after all - but this did not mean she was spoiled. Aki lived by an extreme sense of duty and loyalty even at the early ages of 3 to 5. Queen Serenity Usagi always accused her Husband Endymion Chiba that their youngest's Knightly Purpose came from him. She was a Daddies girl from an early age, realizing that Princess Small Lady - her older sister by 4 years would hold most of her Mother's attention. Her father has always said it was because they had been through so much and that she had nearly lost Small Lady. Aki didn't mind though. She was her Daddy's sparkle moon!

      As she got up into her defiant teen's however she started making friends with other of the other Royal Senshi's Children. Namely her friends were Shakaku / Mars, Kagami / Saturn, and her sparing buddy Chiharu / Jupiter. She went to school with the other Senshi council kids and they all got along within a group, like being a part of a club before you were even born actually. They were happy in a little band to with Tamotsu / Unicorn back up vocalist and lead guitarist, Yasuo and Yayoi were also in the band Yayoi her back up vocals with Aki while Yasuo played drums and Aki played bass. Her favorite hobbies in those days were training in Parkour and Kickboxing with Chi. Visiting with Kagami or taking her out for ice cream after she was released from the hospital. Or running around with Shakaku at the mall while Diana, Princess Small Lady's guardian watching over them.

      Close to the Ascension Ceremony for Princess Small Lady Aki became more distant and started training with swords with her father. She even pulled away from Shakaku! They may have had a fight but they realize now as they wake up that their fights and nerves were all linked to what was coming. Had they only listened to what the signs where telling them both.

      Ceremonial Attire​

    • Normal Attire
      Aki's Strange Naming! Akiko = Bright / Sparkle | Zuki = Moon | Chiba = Love

      Personality Type 2: The Helper : warm – concerned – nurturing – sensitive to others
      Personality Type 3: The Achiever – energetic – optimistic – self-assured – goal oriented

      ~~ Aki can be a little bit… aggressive in her need to please others, or show out for them. She only wanted to be a star while Small Lady seemed to get all the limelight as children. But as they grew older her personality turned more tom – boyish and she grew to be Daddies little girl, a little boy trapped as a young lady! This has led to a more quiet and reserved Aki who tends to her own passions in life rather than following in her mother's and sisters footsteps. But don't be fooled, that spunky spirit is still there and her temper is quick to ignite. ~~

      Aki's Favorite Foods: Sushi! Chocolate! Lollipops!
      Aki's Favorite Past Times: Playing her handheld video games, training in martial arts with Jupiter's Kid. Napping

      Transformation Device: Broach
      Pet: Bynxis
      Affinity: Not truly a power, but she has a way with most animals.

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    • bsoct_simplified_crest_by_iam4ever-d7sbgme.png

      • Mercury's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Umiko ★ Acquaintance mostly, Aki had to study with her for some time when her math scores were failing but she kept her attitude in check and was polite to Umi, its strange but they just sorta hit it off as friends though they are still no where as close as Shakaku, Kagami, or Chiharu are to her.

      •Venus' Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Miho ★ It's not that she hates Miho, it's just ... well a friendly rivalry that it! Though the two go head to head with one another every chance they get Miho normally succeeds in out doing Akikozuki which infuriates her even further!

      • Mar's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Shakaku ★ BFF ! The two were in - separable in school and sometimes outside of school too. Their normal Senshi lessons' were always taken together and the two were like sisters. Closer to the time just before they were locked in crystal, Aki had draw away from her and the two had - had many fights leading up to the end of the Crystal Era of Peace.

      • Jupiter's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Chiharu ★ A Good Friend to Aki and long time sparing partner. Their dad's had figured it would be good practice for the two. They both had a secret passion for following in the footsteps of the Senshi before them, even if they pretended it was all just simple training.

      • Uranus' Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Yasou ★ She's not sure why but the Drummer in her band has always given her ... the looks? Maybe he likes her she's not sure but he always seem to stoic to say anything. She'd be to embarrassed to ever approach him first. So they stay in stale mate. (only if Nyx is okay with this)

      • Neptune's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Yayoi ★ She's not really sure about Yayoi... nor does she really know her other than the facts, she's Yasou's twin, she's Senshi Neptune's Heir, and she's got the best vocals she's EVER heard. Part of the reason why the twins were in the band to begin with!

      • Saturn's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Kagami ★ Or sometimes just Lil Amii to Aki, she is seen as a little sister, and Aki has always felt the urge to protect her. Ever since the girl was small. Maybe it's the same for both Aki's connections to Shakaku and Kagami seem to be echos of their own parents past.

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Senshi Mercury - WIP CURRENT

Face claim Gumi - Played by Kabyt

    • • Senshi Name •
      Sailor Mercury
      • Name •

      Umiko Mixuno

      106 lbs
      Rail Thin, spindly, slight supple curves
      Blue Green
      Short lime-mint green hair that is cut in to a soft angle, while longer strands sweep from her face.
      A little bit lost in the ways of style. Her outfits sometimes clash and other times simple don't suit her age. She's a bit daft you could say for being so smart!

      Occupation In New World

    • Shattered Form

      - Myst Shine Illusion -
      Charged Form

      - Mystic Spacial Entrapt -

      Stardust Make

      - Mercury Snow Cloud -

      Expand Form

      - Mercury Hailstorm -

      Eternal Blossom

      - Galactic Gale Entomb -

      Blooming Form

      - Galactic Rhapsody Explode -

      Crystal Power

      - Mercury Ice Craft -

      Shine Form

      - Mercury Ice Make -

      Secondary Ability Natural Talent with : Ice Control: Umiko Rarely feels cold, in fact if she starts to feel cold she realizes her powers are weakened. SOME people may see her walking about in the cold as if nothing is going on in a short sleeve shirt and they think she is just not all together there.

      DARK MERCURY: During her time as a Dark Senshi her Mist Illusions, and Ice powers become tainted with Deadly Poisonous Aspects Be Careful!

    • 7WQBslr.jpg

      --Blurb Here. -


      Ceremonial Attire​

    • Umiko's Strange Naming! = Child of the Seashore
      Personality Type: The Helper : warm – concerned – nurturing – sensitive to others Quite and Intelligent Sorta Daft

      ~~ Coming Soon ~~

      ♡ ♡ ♡ Favorite Paste Times:
      ♡ ♡ ♡ Favorite Foods:

      ✖ ✖ ✖ Dislikes:
      ✖ ✖ ✖ Goal in Life:

      Umiko's Favorite Foods: Strawberry Shortcake, PB n J's
      Umiko's Favorite Past Times: Reading and tinkering

      Transformation Device: Necklace Pendant
      Affinity: Speed reading and book smarts just like her mom. Though She likes to study more... dangerous topics. Lke weaponry and such no big deal right?

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    • bsoct_simplified_crest_by_iam4ever-d7sbgme.png

      • Mercury's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Umiko ★ Acquaintance mostly, Aki had to study with her for some time when her math scores were failing but she kept her attitude in check and was polite to Umi, its strange but they just sorta hit it off as friends though they are still no where as close as Shakaku, Kagami, or Chiharu are to her.

      •Venus' Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Miho ★ It's not that she hates Miho, it's just ... well a friendly rivalry that it! Though the two go head to head with one another every chance they get Miho normally succeeds in out doing Akikozuki which infuriates her even further!

      • Mar's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Shakaku ★ BFF ! The two were in - separable in school and sometimes outside of school too. Their normal Senshi lessons' were always taken together and the two were like sisters. Closer to the time just before they were locked in crystal, Aki had draw away from her and the two had - had many fights leading up to the end of the Crystal Era of Peace.

      • Jupiter's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Chiharu ★ A Good Friend to Aki and long time sparing partner. Their dad's had figured it would be good practice for the two. They both had a secret passion for following in the footsteps of the Senshi before them, even if they pretended it was all just simple training.

      • Uranus' Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Yasou ★ She's not sure why but the Drummer in her band has always given her ... the looks? Maybe he likes her she's not sure but he always seem to stoic to say anything. She'd be to embarrassed to ever approach him first. So they stay in stale mate. (only if Nyx is okay with this)

      • Neptune's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Yayoi ★ She's not really sure about Yayoi... nor does she really know her other than the facts, she's Yasou's twin, she's Senshi Neptune's Heir, and she's got the best vocals she's EVER heard. Part of the reason why the twins were in the band to begin with!

      • Saturn's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      ★ Kagami ★ Or sometimes just Lil Amii to Aki, she is seen as a little sister, and Aki has always felt the urge to protect her. Ever since the girl was small. Maybe it's the same for both Aki's connections to Shakaku and Kagami seem to be echos of their own parents past.

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Character Idea: Senshi Saturn

Face claim Merli - Played by @Kabyt


      • Senshi Name •
      Sailor Saturn

      • Name •
      Name Here Use Parent Senshi Japanese Last Name First and Middle may be whatever you like.
      • Gender •
      Can be Male or Female
      • Age •
      15 - 18 age range please

      • Height •
      • Weight •
      ### lbs
      • Build •
      Give a little description about their body build. Are they tall lanky, short a little hefty?
      • Eyes •
      Color and if they change in any way.
      • Hair •
      Style type color etc etc/ .
      • Style •
      Do they have any particular style of clothes that they wear? If so give images or descriptions or even vids.

      • Occupation •
      They have to pay the bills some how! As as they find every Senshi they need a large place! So what day job do they have after school?

      • Shattered Form •

      Name of First Attack with be in first transformation the Shattered Form!

      • Stardust Make •
      Secondary Attack with the secondary transformation. Will be a little more powerful try to stay in same Element / Attack style or type such as Aqua Mist and Water for Mercury, Moon Lunar Star for Sailor Moon. Will have a list of the ofiicial elements somewhere.

      • Crystal Power •
      This attack and transformation

      • Eternal Blossom •
      Fourth form and power

    • Give a little history brief on their life before being locked away in the crystal. How did they get along with one another?

    • Strange Naming- Does your characters name mean anything ?

      ~~ Give a brief about what they are like on a personal level. ~~

      ♡ ♡ ♡ Favorite Paste Times:
      ♡ ♡ ♡ Favorite Foods:
      ✖ ✖ ✖ Dislikes:
      ✖ ✖ ✖ Goal in Life:
      Transformation Device: Coming soon
      Element: Coming soon
      : If any
      Affinity: any natural gifts they may have? Nothing magical please

    • XD

    • • Mercury's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship

      •Venus' Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship

      • Mar's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship

      • Jupiter's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship

      • Uranus' Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship
      • Neptune's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship

      • Saturn's Kid • Impression • Relationship •
      Summary of the relationship

      Other Characters
      Coming Soon

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N P C's P l a y b y E i t h e r

  • Sagittarius Knight:Sailor Moon's Love Interest hehehehe


  • Bynxis:

    Dragon / Celestial FormWith Miku when she was Tiny

    Half Half Form Most often seen like dis in battle.

  • THinking about using Pluto's Reborn form her arc won't come til a little into the story lol. But Wanna use Merli from Vocaloid for her.

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Character Idea: Senshi Venus

Face claim Lily - Played by @NyxTheNash

    • WXUJVMl.png

      Senshi Name
      Sailor Venus

      Miho Aino

      140 lbs lbs
      Curvaceous and tall.
      Electric Blue.
      Long light blonde hair. Choppy long bangs.
      Yellows, Whites and Blacks are her normal clothing colors. Her style is that of the
      hippest electro, athletic wear. Short skirts and a revealing blouse is her usual


    • lOQH7Eo.png

      Shattered Form
      Return of Seppuku
      Strikes the opponent in the stomach, blasting them quite some distance with a
      shimmering light after-effect.

      Stardust Make
      Venus Bondage Chain
      A chain made of linked heart-shaped razors. One whip of this chain will instantly
      cripple the attacker.

      Crystal Power
      Crystal Crescent Power
      Pointing the hands like a gun, a burst of energy dispenses and ht the target
      wounding and crystallizing the wound, eventually engulfing their entire body.

      Eternal Blossom
      The Heart's Wrath
      Searching the depths of ones soul can only this attack be performed. A golden
      energy forms from the hands and it can be expelled to a medium range.

    • fmaSlNh.png

      Will update soon!

    • 4G1oboi.png

      Strange Naming
      Miho was named from a favorite movie of Sailor Venus "Frank Miller's Sin City"

      Miho is loud and energetic. She is always wondering around getting lost and
      getting distracted which in turn makes her always late. She is lovable and caring.

      Transformation Device
      Coming soon
      Love and Metals
      Extra Stamina and Dexterity.

    • fmaSlNh.png

      Will update soon!

  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
Character Idea: Senshi Mars

Face claim Cul - Played by @NyxTheNash

    • gYkwBZP.png

      Senshi Name
      Sailor Mars

      Shakaku Hino

      130 lbs
      Medium height. Long legs and a slight hourglass shape.
      Red eyes.
      Dark red long hair. Usually pulled back into a pony tail with bangs covering her forehead.
      A cuter version of the Gothic rock style popular in Crystal Tokyo. Reds, Whites, and Blacks. Shorts, Tank Tops, Leather Jackets, to Fishnets.

      Record Store Supervisor.

    • aareofe.png

      Shattered Form
      Mother Mars Flame Sniper
      Unleash a bow made of flames to blast its' way through enemies!

      Stardust Make
      Hell-fire Cloak
      Surrounds the caster in a frenzied flame that whips any near by attackers.

      Crystal Power
      Rei's Vengeance
      The skies will part and a rain will fall, igniting anything that may be below it's fury.

      Eternal Blossom
      Flower of the Flame
      A sudden explosion followed by thrashing tails of fire, able to grab and throw villains, burning in the tail's wake.

    • fmaSlNh.png

      Will update soon!

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      Strange Naming
      Shakaku means Angel of Fire.

      Shakaku is calm and reclusive. Usually found rummaging through her record albums and reading. Though she is introverted she is sharp and quick, passionate and intense while still maintaining her composure through her shining intelligence.

      Transformation Device
      Coming soon
      Fire and Seer Visions
      Advanced Location Skills: Knowing by instinct where to go or how to get there. Generally Lucky.

    • fmaSlNh.png

      Will update soon!

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Character Idea: Knight Uranus & Senshi Neptune

Face claim Rin & Len Kagamine - Played by @NyxTheNash

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      Senshi Name
      Knight Uranus & Sailor Neptune

      Yasuo Kaiou & Yayoi Tenou
      Male & Female

      Yayoi: 4'9"
      Yasuo: 5'1"
      Yayoi: 103 lbs
      Yasuo: 94 lbs
      Yayoi: Short for his age but more built then anyone in his class.
      Yasuo: She also short but petite to follow suit.
      Yayoi: Bright blue eyes, like the sky on a clear day.
      Yasuo: Dark blue, as the deepest ocean waters.
      Yayoi: Light delicate blonde hair.
      Yasuo: Light delicate blonde hair.
      Both Yayoi and Yasuo can be found in the sporty section of the school's main

      clothing department. Hip, Trendy and all the new. Yellows, Whites, and Blacks.


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      Shattered Form
      Flying Sword Blast
      Yayoi swings his sword throwing a blade of wind, so fast that it slices through

      multiple targets.

      Stardust Make
      Heart of Glass
      Yayoi reaches out towards the opponent with such force the wind carries nearby

      objects to the target, generally shattering all of their bones.

      Crystal Power
      Deep Surrender
      Yasuo throws her arms together at the attacker while a ball of water surrounds

      the villain and squeezes them till they are no more.

      Eternal Blossom
      Neptunes' Looking Glass.
      Yasuo uses her mother's mirror and reveals the villains' deepest darkest

      nightmare causing them to instantly go insane, picking at their own flesh till it

      kills them.

    • fmaSlNh.png

      Will update soon!

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      Strange Naming
      No one knows why they are named Yayoi and Yasuo other than it rhymes!

      Yayoi is laid back and mostly aloof. He enjoys reading books and studying

      mathematics, he enjoys the company of his sister Yasuo.
      Yasuo is friendly and quiet. She likes to read lots of manga and her favorite times

      are playing video games with her brother Yayoi.

      Transformation Device
      Coming soon
      Wind and Water
      Double Attacker Power When Together in Battle.

    • fmaSlNh.png

      Will update soon!

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I gotta clean this page up so bad!!!! it lags out everything whenever I open it lol. -pokes @NyxTheNash still rping yesh? ) I may have found another to join us and take over some of the characters so it wouldn't be just you and me anymore lol.
Hello, @Kabyt , and pardon me for hopping in, but is this a group roleplay, or a one on one roleplay? Because you've got this in the One on One section, yet you've got it set up like a group roleplay. Because of the way this new system auto-organizes things, you are supposed to use the auto-generated thread (that's this one) for the IC if it is a 1x1. Instead, you used the auto-generated thread as the OOC, and created another thread for the IC, and linked it using the Group IC feature, which is the way group roleplays are structured. This causes a little bit of oddness in the way the threads are organized in the background, and also makes it more probable that your IC may get accidentally archived because we're wont to think it was a thread where you guys decided to ignore the new system, which a few people have done.

I personally have been ignoring it because there's no easy fix yet, however, now that you've mentioned the possibility of another person joining, I wanted to check in on whether you might have put this in the wrong place. O_O

Thanks! Let me know.
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PLEASE don delete!
Hello, @Kabyt , and pardon me for hopping in, but is this a group roleplay, or a one on one roleplay? Because you've got this in the One on One section, yet you've got it set up like a group roleplay. Because of the way this new system auto-organizes things, you are supposed to use the auto-generated thread (that's this one) for the IC if it is a 1x1. Instead, you used the auto-generated thread as the OOC, and created another thread for the IC, and linked it using the Group IC feature, which is the way group roleplays are structured. This causes a little bit of oddness in the way the threads are organized in the background, and also makes it more probable that your IC may get accidentally archived because we're wont to think it was a thread where you guys decided to ignore the new system, which a few people have done.

I personally have been ignoring it because there's no easy fix yet, however, now that you've mentioned the possibility of another person joining, I wanted to check in on whether you might have put this in the wrong place. O_O

Thanks! Let me know.
We're currently working on switching to Group but we're also having to wait to see if the former partner is still in on this rp!! We're trying to get issues resolved!! I'm so sorry!
PLEASE don delete!
Lol, don't worry. Nothing on this site ever gets deleted unless it is a double post, and the author specifically asks for deletion. It just might get accidentally archived, and that's an easy enough fix if it happens. :D No particular worry, and I don't think anyone is in that big of a rush. I was as much letting you know for your future reference as anything else. Hope you get your story going again!
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