Safer than a Trump Rally

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Red Revolver

Original poster
I remember seeing a hashtag of this a few weeks ago. The entire premise of this is people giving examples of very dangerous places and situations, to which they then say its safer than a Trump Rally. As we all should know by now, Trump Rallies are pretty much....brutal at best. A good chunk of them, at least, have resulted in people getting hurt and racial slurs being thrown around like dung. So, putting aside MOST of the political steam this could possibly bring about, how about we get a little silly?

I am first.

Puckering your lips to kiss an oncoming train is Safer than a Trump Rally.

Lets see how creative you all could get.
Walking down Route 40 in Baltimore wearing a pair of hot pants and pasties is safer than a Trump Rally. >_>

This is safer than a Trump Rally (Major Kong riding the Atom Bomb from Doctor Strangelove).

Probably safer than what this thread will turn into as well...
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Being black in Americ-Oh wait, shit...
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A transsexual entering the bathroom corresponding to their gender is less dangerous than a Trump Rally.
Voting for Hilary Clinton is safer than a Trump Rally.
Participating in this thread is safer than a Trump Rally.
Beat me to it! >:c
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