
"Ok." he goes to the kitchen and makes a PB and J.
"Oh and it cant be peantbutter as well" she calls out to him
He sighs and puts the peanut butter away and just puts jelly on the bread.
He finishes making the sandwitch and hands it to her, "Here."
((Commented on 'The Gifted Students.'))
"Hush you." he says with a smille.
i can hear the milw in your voice servent you cant deniteit i am your master" she said with a smile starting to eat the sandwiich
"I am no one's servant. I am just being nice because you...." his voice trailes off.
its ok i know im blined do have to stop at what ever you where about to say" she smiled
Sam says nothing for a little bit, "Whats your name anyways?"
"Uhh heh... No that is my little brother. My name is same."
((Damnit! XD))
"It Sam."
((no you wrot same no joke man))

oh younsaid same" shee giggled
((Yeah I noticed XD. Thats why I said damnit XD))
He laughs a little, "Yeah I didnt mean to."
ok then sam it s nice to meet you" she holds out her hand away from him.
He smiles, move her hand his direction and shakes it.
she giggles "sorry" she said still gigleing thn pulls away