Rulers of Night [Sign Up]

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Name:Ash Zana
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Investigator

Ash is on the quiet side and is one to listen more then act. He doesn't like killing vampires that have gone astray but he knows what he has to do. When he has too, he has a zone that he can go into so that he no longer feels remorse during a killing.
He rambles about things
He keeps a knife under his pillow
Will repeat himself
Greatest Fears:
Dying, having to kill his vampiric father
Brief Bio:
Ash was born to a single mother who worked at the local diner. He grew up with stories that his father was an evil man but has never actually met the guy. When he was 14 he learned about what his father really was and from then on starting training to fight vampires. His mother was murdered when he was 16 and he has lived alone ever since. He has never forgiven himself for not being able to protect his mother.
He has no one
Good with guns
Martial arts

Valorian Nova Lynne

Val, Valor, Nova, Nov

(though she doesn't look her age so she constantly has to show her ID)




Valorian keeps her conversation full and energetic, with a good dose of intelligence to round things out. Conversations about theory and abstract concepts, broader global issues and their implications and long-term planning are unlikely to keep her interested for long. Rather, she'd like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Val leaps before she looks, fixing her mistakes as she goes, rather than sitting around, preparing detailed contingencies and escape clauses.

Her lifestyle is based on her risky behavior, living in the moment, diving into the action, and not just heading straight for the eye of the storm, but being it. She enjoys drama, passion, and pleasure – not for the emotional thrill, but because it is so incredibly stimulating to her logical mind. In these situations, she is forced to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality – a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response – and Val will actively seek out this environment.

This attitude makes school, and other highly organized, rule-based environments, a challenge for her. This certainly isn't because she isn't smart, and it isn't to say that she won't do well, but the regimented, lecture-based approach of formal education is so far from the hands-on style of learning that Val enjoys that she is likely to just get distracted and miss the details. Adding more challenge to the school and work environments is the fact that to Val, it makes more sense to be guided by her own moral compass and principles than someone else's – a sentiment few high school instructors or corporate supervisors are likely to share.

These prospects are helped by the fact that she has a unique skill in noticing small changes in her
environment. Be it a shift in facial expression, a new clothing style or different behavior, she is able to pick up on thoughts and motives where most would be lucky to pick up anything more than a shift in mood or a factual discrepancy. She is likely to use these observations immediately, calling out the change and asking questions, often with little regard to the sensitivity of the person she's interrogating – She should remember that not everyone wants the secrets behind their decisions broadcast.

Sometimes her ability to quickly read a situation or person and then seize an opportunity is just the basics of what is expected, as in some of the more assertive corporate environments. But if she isn't careful, Val can find herself getting too caught up in the moment and taking things too far, either running roughshod over more sensitive people, or forgetting to take care of her own health and safety, which happens often.

Val enjoys pushing the limits and discovering areas that she has not yet explored, taking risks if necessary.

Honest and direct.
She does not mince words and prefer direct, honest answers. She sees little point in mind games or social niceties.

Very perceptive.
She can easily pick up on changes in someone's habits or appearance, and will always know how to use that information to connect to the other person.

She enjoys experimenting and coming up with ideas and solutions that no one has thought of before.

Rational and practical.
She does not place much importance on feelings, emotions, or ideas that are philosophical in nature. She mostly cares about what makes sense and has practical uses.

Great people skills.
She does not really seek to lead or manage people, but she tends to have excellent networking skills and instinctively know how to make the best use of every social interaction.

Does not care much about rules.
She is more interested in what works or makes sense to her than what is permitted or expected by society. She loathe being constrained by rules and regulations.

Take a lot of risks.
She does not mind taking risks and enjoy the rush of adrenaline. She may even take risks on purpose if she is bored.

Extremely stubborn
She is very stubborn and determined. Her mind isn't easily changed once it's made up no matter what the argument may be. This is sure to get her in trouble with a lot of people.

Has difficulties in the academic environment.
She is very practical, action-oriented, and hands-on individuals. She may find it difficult to cope with tasks that require patience, repetition, and theoretical knowledge.

May be insensitive.
She puts rationality above feelings and may be quite uncomfortable in emotionally charged situations, not knowing how to deal with other people's emotions. Likewise, she is likely to have difficulties expressing her own feelings. (though don't worry she is not emotionless.)

She wants to stay excited, and her mind is used to jumping from one thing to another, always looking for something more interesting. Consequently, she may find it difficult to remain focused for an extended period of time.

Often misses the bigger picture.
She prefers to jump in and deal with the problem "here and now," which often causes her to miss the bigger picture.

Often takes pictures of everything
Gets distracted easily by butterflies
Forgets to take care of herself

Never learning about her father
Large wounds and injuries
Being sick


Brief Bio:
She is an only child with an alcoholic whore of a mother. She often has to take care of her mother when she comes home wasted, and this has been the norm for almost her entire life. She had to mature quickly and learn things normal kids her age didn't worry about.

Her mother, Diana, often came home drunk, however not a single "client" was brought into the house, and Val was happy about that. She couldn't imagine the horrible people her mom went out with. At 15 she was already working, making sure they had food and the necessities. She was extremely busy, work most of the day, cleaning when she got home then taking care of her drunk mother, she never got time to herself, but never would you hear her complain. She did learn things from her mom though, mixing drinks for one thing, how to keep men in line for another.

Val knows nothing of her father, her mother told her it was just a one night stand like usual. She didn't even tell Val the name, saying that she didn't want her to go looking for him. Though Val remained curious she didn't pry too much, she just hoped that one day somehow she will find him.

She now lives in a small house alone, though since it's only 2 houses down the road from her mother's house she is often visited by


Mother: Diana O. Lynne.



Very perceptive/can read people


Theme song:

Voice actor:
Brittney Karbowski- Yuri Nakamura

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*If your character has not yet been approved it either means you need to finish your CS, or I'm still going through it.
Reika has been approved.

Esmerlda has been approved.

Sonna has been approved. However, relationships does in this case not mean if she's in a relationship, but rather if she has any connection to the other characters. You might want to discuss with people over PM if she could know someone or be connected to them somehow, considering that it would make it easier to involve her in the RP.

Hana has been approved.

Everyone else needs to finish their CS. I'm not asking for much information, so you can be however detailed you like. I do, however, want to start this weekend so please try to get it done before then.


I have created a group of the RP, which can be found here. Everyone will be sent an invitation of the group.​
  • Love
Reactions: Sinopa

Name:Ash Zana
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Investigator

Ash is on the quiet side and is one to listen more then act. He doesn't like killing vampires that have gone astray but he knows what he has to do. When he has too, he has a zone that he can go into so that he no longer feels remorse during a killing.
He rambles about things
He keeps a knife under his pillow
Will repeat himself
Greatest Fears:
Dying, having to kill his vampiric father
Brief Bio:
Ash was born to a single mother who worked at the local diner. He grew up with stories that his father was an evil man but has never actually met the guy. When he was 14 he learned about what his father really was and from then on starting training to fight vampires. His mother was murdered when he was 16 and he has lived alone ever since. He has never forgiven himself for not being able to protect his mother.
He has no one
Good with guns
Martial arts

He's approved. ^^

Name:Shi Ju

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Occupation: Vampire Investigator

Personality: Silent and reserved, he doesn't like social relationships, sadist and mad when the situation awards it, the simple though of killing makes him drive mad.

Quirks: Before driving mad he turns his neck to provoke a "Crack" sound, covers an eye after the "crack" sound, shots directly (He isn't the kind of those who likes chatting during fights).

Greatest Fears: Not being able to kill again, not being able to avenge his family and fallen comrades.

Brief Bio: Ju used to be a normal man with a normal life as a cop, catching thieves and killers, maybe some vandals.

One day, at the age of 23, Ju was patrolling with two of his partners, Rin, his infancy's friend and Kamu, he has always been a silent person so he didn't used to talk a lot with his partners, but they were his friends; they were the best group in the East Police Station. It was 10:30 PM when an alert sound flooded their vehicle, Kuma was almost sleeping so he fell back when the sound started, a smile took Ju's face as Rin started laughing; Kuma quickly stood and took his communicator to answer the alert.

"Central, Kuma here, what's the situation? Change"
"Kuma, we have a code 5.3 not too far from your actual location, change"
"We take it, change"
"I'm sending you the direction, change and out"

A 5.3 was a case of murder with the guilty running away or in the scene ,the coordinates of the scene were not far from them, just two blocks; they quickly got prepared inside of the car, Ju took his .47 revolver and his hunting knife; Kuma started driving furiously with the sirens on, they reached the place in less than 20 minutes, it was a residential building in one of the poor districts of the city, there was a lot people in panic out of the place, they quickly jumped out of the car and entered into the building, it was in the 2A department, they used the stairs because of the lack of energy in the building, they ran through the halls until they reached the set place, the door was broken and a pool of blood covered the floor, it was an average department, they noticed the body in the floor and the broken window, they crossed the window and saw a shadow walking through the roof, right up of them, they used the emergency stairs to reach the rooftop; after 3 roofs of upping stairs they finally reached the top of the building.

There they saw the shadow's real face, it was like a young man, and his appearance was the one at 18 years old dude.

"Hands in the air!" said Kuma as he pointed his gun to the man, Ju took out his weapon and Rin took his handcuffs to catch the killer, suddenly the man jumped with an incredible force toward Kuma, they all shoot at the man, but for some reason, he avoided all the bullets; the man stabbed Kuma using nothing more than his nude arm, Rin and Ju were shocked, "How was this possible?" they thought.

The man quickly proceeded to attack Rin, they shoot at him again, but it was useless, he avoided the bullets again and grabbed Rin's throat, Ju shoot at the man's chest in that moment, but, he blocked the bullet solely with the palm of his hand, with a move of his wrist he booted Rin's throat apart.

The next was Ju, he was completely scared, but, the adrenaline rush didn't let him to give up, especially after seeing the death of his comrades, he took out his knife, now dual wielding his .47 and his dagger he proceeded to charger at the enemy firing at his head, the man accepted the challenge and charged against Ju.

The adrenaline rush plus his martial training made Ju able to handle the first strike, he cut the man in the arm, but it was instantly healed, they both stayed in silence and proceeded to charge again, this time they both hit each other's body, Ju had no winning possibilities, but he wasn't going to give up, when he raised his gun to start shooting again, a new character appeared in front of him and ended with the enemy with a sole slash of his blade; after watching this, Ju realized that in the anterior charge, the enemy torn the left side of his belly, in that moment he fell unconscious. He woke up three days later, in a hospital room; there was a man with a black suit in front of him, waiting for him to wake up.
"Where am I?"

Man"Uh? You finally awake, you are in the hospital, my name is 40" said the man trying to Ju a hand shake.
"Wait…What happened there? For how long have I been slept?"

Man" It has passed three days since then, you fought a vampire, that's what happened; your partners were murdered by the subject, only you made it to survive"
"What? A vampire? Isn't that supposed to be some old legend? That is not possible"

Man" Yes, a vampire, they live among us, some of them follow the rules and don't hurt humans, but, others proceed to be like the other guy, those ones kill humans because of various reasons, fun, hunger, etc"
"This can't be… real"

Man" It is real, and you are the first no investigator who actually made it to get away alive in a combat with a vampire, for that reason we want you to join us, the Vampire Investigators, an organization under the orders of the government with the task of controlling these creatures and their minions; don't you want to avenge your friends? To be something more than just a cop"
"….Can you give me some time to think about it?" he replied to the man as he looked at his hands, stared at his wound, "Can I… really do something against them?", he thought.

After a week Ju gave his answer to 40; now Ju is officially part of the Vampire Investigation organization under the government orders. It has passed a year since that.

Relationships: He doesn't really have "friends" now, he just knows the general Vampire Investigators.

Skills: -Shooting: He has a great aiming, the long range is strong point.

-Martial Arts: He has been training since childhood, for this reason he is an expert in a good amount of martial arts.
-Killing: (This doesn't need any kind of description)




He's approved. ^^
The twins have been approved.
  • Love
Reactions: Sinopa
Creator: Baer Antonov
Name: Mallory Cooper
Age: 26 (25 when turned)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Secretary

Personality: Obsessive, Compulsive, Gullible, kind,
Quirks: Very delusional when it comes to inferring certain aspects of people.
Greatest Fears: Being left

Brief Bio: She was orphaned as a child, but adopted when she turned 7. Her Mother brought round an assortment of men though, some of which abused Mallory, but most of them never stayed long. Though her adoptive mother loved Mallory, the girl didn't feel like she could stay there safely, so at 16, she left home. She was in and out of an assortment of homes until she earned a job that payed enough for her to have her own place. Mallory was never close to anyone, even after moving out and starting over. She worked hard at her job, as she worked in a corporate building, and eventually earned the spot as the supervisor's secretary. She wasn't overly important, but she knew more of what went on than she let on to her bosses. Then Baer came to her to schedule an appointment. A lot changed that day. He was perfect. Light seemed to radiate from him, and Mallory knew she had to have him. She scheduled him an appointment, but also offered her services for his paper. She informed him of certain working in the company, outside of the business area. She told him of who came in most often, and who came in when they needed things fixed. Baer dissected her company, and no one had any idea the plain secretary was how he got in. Even after ruining their reputation, Baer and Mallory kept seeing each other. After 3 years of seeing each other, and enjoying each other's company, Baer disappeared. Her only friend, only caretaker, left her. She was lost. Alone. Afraid. She didn't understand and simply wanted the suffering to end. She saw the end, and she took the final step.
Then she woke up. Connected to all forms of wires and tubes, she was in the hospital, and Baer was there. "This is all my fault", he said, "I promise I'll fix it" Then he made her drink. Her body began to writhe in agony and shift beneath her, but then, it all went to black.
When she woke up again, she was no longer in the hospital, and the world around her, was entirely new. More detailed, more feeling. Mallory's mind changed during this process though. She became delusional. She believed Baer had gifted her and chosen her by turning her into one partially of his kind. She believed they would stay together until the end of their days.

Relationships: Baer Antonov- Her companion in her mind.

Skills: Communication, basic computer, any form of paperwork/ordering, organization,

Her once red hair and tan skin has shifted and faded. Her hair turned pink, and her skin pale. Her eyes are always a slight shade of red, growing darker when in more need of blood. Her darker clothing makes her skin seem even paler than it is.
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Susanne Hayes



Photographer/Freelance Artist




Sue could easily be described as a headstrong young woman who does nearly everything with a passion. She is upbeat and energetic, always trying to see things in a positive light- although she doesn't hesitate to open her mouth if something bothers her. As mentioned above, she is very passionate about what she does, and tends to pour her entire heart into her work. Due to this she is somewhat sensitive to criticism, despite always trying to see it in a constructive light. People who have known her for a long time would probably describe her as outgoing and cheerful, not afraid of striking up a conversation about the most random subjects. While this is indeed how she is, Sue can appear somewhat awkward in environments she doesn't know and when coming in contact with strangers. She is easily flustered, and has just a slight clumsy streak which sometimes gets very much in her way. Especially seeing as she is somewhat of a perfectionist in her own right.

Headstrong as she may be, it can sometimes cross the boarder to thick headed and stubborn. While she usually keeps and open mind regarding nearly everything, when something doesn't suit her she has a tendency to overreact. Her extreme nature goes in both directions, and can be seen as both good and bad, depending on the circumstances. She has a quick temper and sharp tongue, which more often than not can cause problems. It makes a terrible combination with her stubbornness. Then again, unless she's really upset, she usually calms as quickly as she blows, and tends to make up with people rather quickly. Only when certain nerves are truck can it result in long periods of sulking on her side.

Sue is a scatter brain, and tends to constantly misplace things. She is chaotic, which reflects in the untidy mess which has become her studio's default state. One would think that a scatter brain would have an easier time keeping things orderly, as she then would know where everything is and should be... but not so. Sue claims to be better off in a personal chaos, where she at least knows where everything is. Most likely it's just an excuse for being lazy. While she may be passionate about her job and hobbies, cleaning is a completely different matter. She is also not very good at cooking, which means that she eats cup noodles and other junk food way too often.

Sue might not mind socializing and may appear very outgoing among friends, but is in her truest sense somewhat of a lone wolf. She likes it best when she can simply shut out the entire world around her, and focus on what she loves doing the most- drawing and photographing. To feel truly comfortable she needs her alone time to sort out her thoughts as as well as processing recent events. She is the kind of person who'd rather stay home and paint a portrait or read a book, than attending social events or hanging out with friends. That is not to say that she's a total recluse, but she likes drifting off into her own world from time to time. Especially since she is somewhat of a dreamer, spacing out rather frequently- even at moments when she definitely should not.




She always carries a pair of reading glasses with her.
She always has her camera by her side.
She tends to wear different coloured socks.
She is terrible at keeping her surroundings tidy, and has a tendency to scatter her things all about.
She is really bad at memorizing names.
She has a blog where she displays her artwork. Her username on the blog is Miss Pendragon.
She's an avid reader, and when not photographing or drawing she can often be found with her nose in a book.

Greatest Fears:
Messing up in front of her superiors.
She does not like beetles. Especially not the large, black ones.
Being unable to paint or take photos.



Brief Bio:
Sue would never describe her life as extraordinary, nor would she say it's been completely normal. She was born as the eldest daughter of a middle class couple, and lived a fairly normal life for the most part. That was, until her parents divorced. At the time she was young, barely having reached the age of six, and didn't understand why her mother was so angry at her father. The only thing she understood was that mama was furious enough to pack her bags, grab Susanne and leave. For almost an entire year Susanne wasn't allow to see her father. Eventually her mother gave in just slightly, and she was allowed to see him once every two weeks. Sue adored her father very much, and fondly remembers the time they used to spend together- even if it was limited back then. She would always look forward to every second friday, when her father would pick her up from school and they'd do something fun together. When the weekend ended, she was sad to return home.

As time passed and Sue entered her teenage years, things started getting complicated. Sue got into a phase where she had to rebel against absolutely everything, and as she and her mother are very much alike personality wise, they constantly clashed. Not a day went by without them being at each others throats. Amongst other things the reason for this was her mothers dislike of Sue's dream to become an artist. She'd rather have seen her daughter became something 'proper' and 'respectable'. At that point her mother had already remarried, and Sue's half sister had been born. Fed up by her mothers attitude, it was Sue's turn to pack her bag and leave. She was fourteen when she moved back to her father.

This was when she discovered the reason as to why her mother made the decision to leave the man. Not only had he lost his job back then, but he also had a horrible gamling habit and had nearly wasted the families entire fortune on it. If her mother hadn't left him, all three of them would have been living in the cheap and shabby apartment he'd been forced into after they left. She also now understood they'd always be staying over at a friend of his when she visited over the weekends. Things hadn't turned for the better Clara left James. During his seven years of living alone, the fool had put himself in a massive debt. He had also gotten himself involved in business he clearly shouldn't have, and was only half a step away from losing that shabby roof which had sheltered him for seven years. Living with her father certainly would not be easy, but Sue decided she'd rather end up on the street than run crying back to her mother to admit that she was right.

Together Sue and James made it through the first three years. She helped him find a new job as a cook at a restaurant, and assisted him in the hard task of taking a loan to repay some of the debts. Obviously this meant that he still was in debt, but at least some of the shadier sources of money had been sorted out. Sue took two part time jobs, plus spent every sunday painting portraits for a small fee in the park, adding a little to the families purse. Of course, juggling two jobs and portrait painting alongside school didn't do well for her grades, and they eventually began to drop. Just as everything they had been working so hard for seemed to come crashing back down again, someone reached out a helping hand.

Sadly, this wasn't really appreciated help. Alexander Martello, the son of one of the most influential families had for some reason gotten an interest in Susanne. It started started with that he simply amused himself by ordering one of her portraits and a very pleasant conversation between the two. Every time they met in the park, they would chat, enjoying each others company. While Sue saw him as a friend, however, he quite obviously started looking at her in another way. His visits to her in the park became more and more frequent- as became the expensive gifts he brought her in an attempt to express his affection. Sue was beginning to get uncomfortable. She enjoyed his company as it was, seeing no need for expensive gifts or anything of the like. She isn't the kind of person who likes being spoiled by materialistic things. Despite telling him this, he wouldn't listen. It was soon quite obvious that young Alexander Martello was infatuated with Sue. He crossed the line when he, despite her protests, payed off her fathers entire debt, solving all of their financial problems. While it probably hadn't been a lot of money to him, it was a massive sum to Sue. He had meant well, but it made her feel miserable. In fact, she felt so miserable and guilty, that she, despite her true feelings, agreed to go out with him.

Alexander was a sweet guy, and most of the time treated her with love and care. For two years, Sue lived a life of luxury and wealth she could never have imagined before she met him- but she wasn't happy. She did think that perhaps eventually she could come to love him, and yet the thought of spending the rest of her life with Alexander wasn't very pleasant to her. She liked him as a friend, but she couldn't really bring herself to love him. To make things worse, he turned out to be quite the possessive boyfriend. He disliked it when she talked to other people- especially other men, and had a very strong way of displaying his jealousy. This was the part she disliked about him the most- and also the main cause as to why they started fighting more and more frequently. After numerous dramatic scenes between the two, Sue finally made the decision to be honest. She returned every single thing he'd ever gifted her, including a promise of repaying him the money of the debt when she could, and broke up with him.

At the time Sue was just out of high school, and decided that this was a perfect place to start on a new page. With the financial help from both her mother and her father, she bought herself a modest studio which she moved into. Then she took a course in photography and art at the university, which was just about what she had enough money for. During her time in high school Susanne had discovered that she enjoyed photography almost just as much as she enjoyed painting, and decided that if she could not do one, then she would do the other. She restarted her business of painting portraits, and also began working as a freelance photographer. Eventually her blog which she used to share her photos and artwork was discovered, and she was offered to work as a photographer for a newspaper.

Instantly taking up on the offer, Susanne has been working there for about two months by now.




Nadia Adams
Sue's half sister. While Sue still doesn't get along well with her mother, she adores Nadia with all her heart. The seven year old is a sweetheart, with an imagination about as wild as Sue's was at her age. Susanne is often entrusted with the task of baby sitting Nadia while Clara and Richard enjoy some alone time together or take a shorter holiday.

Clara Adams
Sue's mother. She is a very strict and uptight woman, and just about as stubbon and temperamental as her daughter. This being the main reason as to why the two don't get along, at least they are cabal of speaking to one another without wanting to rip each others throats out by now. Their relationship has improved, if only by a little, though the air is still tense between them.

James Hayes
Sue's father. He's a kind man at heart, but has a tendency to make terrible choices. He often comes across as filmsy and not like a very good father, but he adores Sue greatly. He's always been trying to give her the best childhood possible, despite their complicated situation. Their relationship is good and while they tend to joke about one another and point out each others faults, it is clear that they do so lovingly. Only sometimes does Sue feel like slapping him in frustration.

Baer Antrov

Richard Adams
Sue's stepfather. While Sue's relationship with Clara is strained, she's actually on rather good terms with Richard. She feels like he's a reliable friend, and views him more as such than a father. He is also the one she rather speaks to, instead of consulting her mother directly.

Alexander Martello
Sue's ex boyfriend. He is the heir of the Martello family, one of the most both socially and economically influential families in Nornald City. While once on good terms with her, since they broke up their relationship has been everything but pleasant. He was deeply hurt by her confession, but despite this still seems to be unable to let her go. She makes a point of trying to avoid him at all costs, though still works hard at repaying what she owns him.

Morita Hana
A close friend from middle school, and the one Sue usually confides in. Despite the difference in age of one year, they have known each other for a long time. She is completely unaware of the fact that Hana is a Investigator (she is unaware of the existence of vampires), and believes she works for the police. In a way, I suppose, she does.



Drawing and Painting (Expert)
Photography (Expert)
Linguist: English (native), Italian (proficient)

More to be added...


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Unknown, presumably in her twenties when changed.


Searching for her mistress.

Elke was, in the past, a very earnest and caring woman. Although quite shy and humble, as well as extremely resistant to change, she still supported and served her mistress as best she could for many years. Sadly it is since their separation that her mental state has started deteriorating. For a loyal and faithful person such as Elke the loss of her mistress, who was without a doubt the guiding pillar in her life, has been too much to bear. Her moods are now frantic, overrun by panic, loneliness, and thirst. Only on the occasions when she is able to sate herself by draining a human or two does she regain enough coherency to resemble her former self.

Elke refuses to sleep in a bed, even on the rare occasions she has access to one.
Strongly believes in reincarnation.
Occasionally self harms as a coping mechanism, usually with her nails as she doesn't carry a weapon.

Greatest Fears
Being unable to reunite with her mistress and remaining alone.

Brief Bio
Since being separated from her mistress in their home country Elke has wandered the globe searching for her, a task made difficult by her limited knowledge of English and rapidly declining mental wellbeing. How she has managed to evade capture this long is a mystery, and whether she will continue to do so for much longer seems unlikely.

Her mistress, Anneliese. No information other than her first name has been able to be extracted from Elke.
Other relationships are unknown at this stage.

Cooking, although she has not been able to consume the food she makes for a long time and has had no one to cook for since she was parted from her mistress.


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Name: Verde Nichole Anderbok
Element: Wood
Occupation: Hospital Co-Director, Co-Owner


In order to keep the original definition intact, another term has arisen to describe girls who exhibit yandere traits but do not fit the true definition of what a yanderekko entails. This term, known as yangire (ヤンギレ), refers to characters who snap suddenly out of jealousy, irritation or something similar. Yangire is a combination of the two words yanderu (病んでる), meaning to be sick, and kire or gire (切れ), meaning to cut, slice, or "to snap". This behavior is different from that of a yandere character in regard to the motivation that sparked the change in the character. The yanderekko is motivated through her love for the male protagonist, while a yangire character is motivated through other characters and will not be connected with emotions of love or attraction.

**Rena Ryugu from Higurashi No Naku Koro ni is a well known yangire.**

To be more exact, Verde is a very caring, hard working woman with a sympathetic soul. Some would say that she is very passionate about her work, and would go as far to set her own needs aside in order for her hospital to stay at the top of medical's facilities.


Greatest Fears:





Description of Powers:



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Name: Jayce Carter Landon
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Vampire Investigator | Part Time Cop | Informant | Spy


Jay is a very private individual which makes him seem mysterious. He can also be very blunt and stoic, which often causes others to assume that he is a harsh, insensitive person. It's not so much that he is insensitive, he just feels that expressing one's true opinion is important. The thing with opinions is that they differ from person to person, which ultimately causes for Jayce to get into arguments he wants no part of. All he wants to do is his job, which I guess makes him a very hard working individual. Jayce is very distant from vampires and humans alike, feeling like he can't fully relate to any of them. I suppose that makes him feel really lonely.

With the few friends that he does make, he is very loyal and devoted. He never questions them, and selflessly supports them from the side lines. With his friends he is very careful not to upset them or get in their way, so he often keeps his opinions to himself and bottles up his emotions.

He is easily flustered, but he can easily turn the tables and tease back.


+Likes cats
+Likes storms
+Likes reading.
+Likes to work
+Likes swimming
+Likes to work out
+Subtle Expressions
+Secretly crushing on Sergei
+ He has a tongue piercing
+ Cats flock to him like he is catnip
+ Has trained three alley cats to carry messages.
+ Likes K-pop, J-Metal, Metal, Rock, and Rap music.
+ He has one white thin haired house cat named Snowbelle. The cat is male.

Greatest Fears:

+Loosing the few friends he has



He cares for Reika and her feelings. He doesn't openly speak to her often since he is usually busy working, or Sergei is doing all the talking. He likes making her happy, because it makes Sergei happy. He is hoping that they'll become close enough to be able to confide in one another.

Sergei has been his mentor, and master for several years now. They are exceptionally close despite his master not willing to admit to it. Jayce realizes what he does for a living isn't ideal, but he does the dirt anyways in order to please him. Sergei gave him a home when he was alone in the world, and for that he is eternally grateful. Jayce likes to believe that they are friends, but sometimes he just isn't sure. One word to describe their relationships is "Complicated". Jayce has developed feelings for Sergei over time, but refuses to accept them or admit them.

Jayce doesn't really understand his master's dislike for Claudius. He thinks that Sergei is making assumptions of the priest with out getting to know him. Besides, Claudius did try to save him once, which almost makes him feel bad for deceiving him. Almost. Being around Claudius makes Jayce a bit uneasy.

Jayce likes Rin. He respects Rin's devotion to his friends and his work, and is sadden at the fact that they are essentially enemies.

Jayce is terrified of her.

Tatsuo has developed a strong dislike for his master, but Jayce doesn't really blame him for that. However, if he tries anything Jayce will not hesitate on attacking.

An investigator he met at the bureau through Rin. He seems nice, but Jayce doesn't associate with him.

Ari's twin sister, he also does not think much of her.

He has seen him at the hospital pestering Verde with an interview for certain crimes. Generally involving getting info on any victims that have been hospitalized. Jayce likes his work ethics. He can respect any individual that works hard. Plus Baer is nice to look at from afar.

Hasn't met him yet.

Morita Hana
Has only seen her around, hasn't spoken to her. She's cute.

Wang Lei
He has seen Lei wandering around the streets at night a couple times, but has never actively pursued speaking to the foreigner. He finds Lei attractive, and the man perks his curiosity. Jayce wants to know where the man is from.

Shi ju
Another Investigator he has seen at the agency. Has not spoken to him.

Ash Zana
He appears to be a little young to be an investigator, then again a lot of the investigators seem young. He has seen Ash around, but has not spoken to him.

He respects Verde's opinions and good work ethic. She handles her operations very differently than Sergei's but she does supply them with blood bags from the hospital. She refuses to send live people though, which aggravates his master. Jayce thinks she is beautiful woman, and is surprised she is single.

Has not met them yet.

Astrid Waye
Jayce finds the young woman interesting. A vampire investigator that doesn't like to hunt vampires? He is still debating handing her information over to Sergei.

A mobster Jayce had meet a couple times to deliver the man fresh product. Jayce doesn't know much about the man, but wouldn't mind getting to know him.

Morita Ryuu
Hana's brother, whom Jayce is extremely attracted to. He keeps his distance from the man.

Christopher Hughes
Another Vampire Investigator that Jayce hasn't spoken much to.



+ Gun slinger
Being a cop has it's advantages, one of them is being able to practice shooting. His aim is spectacular.

+ Super Human Strength
Being a Dhampir gives him the ability to be as strong as ten men.

+ Heightened Senses
Hearing, sight, smell are significantly increased.

+ Night Vision
Due to extensive training, and his desire to impress his master Sergei, Jay has worked his body to quickly become adjusted to the dark as well as see better.

+ Super Human Speed
He can reach up to 70 mph, he is training himself to reach 80.

+ Regeneration
Can heal quickly, not as quick as a pureblood though. Any severe damage inflicted will take a few days to heal. A broken arm that would normally take two weeks can heal in four days.

+ Wall Climbing
Vampires can climb walls without the aid of any equipment. They can climb up or down the steepest walls the way insects do (much like Spiderman), enabling them to seek refuge in places where no mere mortal can reach.

+ Tolerance
Jayce forces himself, sometimes aided by drugs, to tolerate pain in order to continue fighting. This can be potentially dangerous for him because he will not be able to notice when he has been severely injured.

+ Expressionless
Jayce has one of the best sternest stoic expression. It easily masks what he is thinking, his true intentions, and makes him hard to read. Minor flukes when pervy stuff arises, which causes him to loose his cool and become flustered.


Unknown to his fellow co-workers, it is a fact that Jay is a Dhyampir. A child born to live the thin line between the world of a vampires, and the world of a human. A disgrace to vamprie kind, and a freak to human kind. It is only natural that the poor young man has kept himself shrouded in mystery out of fear of rejection. Not only was he a Dhyampir, but the child of a rape victim, however, that fact is not known to him. All he knows is that his mother did not want him, and left him at the doors of St. Cloud. Claudius, unable to accept the burden of caring for the child, brought Jayce to the authorities. This changed the life of one of the police officers, who immediately fell in love with the child. He was adopted, and raised by the single parent until the officer was wounded in a shoot out. Jayce was only eight years old when his adoptive father died. He was placed into an orphanage, where he grew up alone. At first he got a long with the children, but a fight broke out and he horribly injured one of the other orphans. From that point onward he was avoided and hated by the other kids, and labeled as a trouble maker by the care takers. Eventually Jayce found out what he really was when Claudius came to adopt the poor boy. Upon discovering this, Jayce ran away never to be seen again. He lived in abandoned buildings, houses, and apartments just barely able to survive. One night, around the age of fourteen, he was rummaging through the dumpsters trying to find fresh enough food when a man approached him. His name was Sergei, and they instantly connected. Sergei took the boy under his wing, and showed him the ropes so long as Jayce remained by his side as a loyal servant and personal blood bag. Jayce kept his end of the bargain, and through Sergei became a very strong and able young man. He enrolled in highschool, graduated, attended courses for becoming an officer of the law, and is now currently trying to obtain more hours on the force.

He reconnected with Claudius, but only so he could get to Rin. This was so he could become a vampire hunter, and give his master reports on their operations. He is very important to Sergei's basic operations, but still expendable.


Voice: Mifune


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  • Love
Reactions: DoomyCakez
Ok thank you!
This looks like a pretty interesting Role Play, and many of the profiles are really good. I read that you want character types to be evenly divided, so could someone clue me in on the character type that's preferred? I'd like to be a vampire, but if that's too overrun, I'm fine with just about anything else. Also, for the powers, IF vampire is still available, is the element Darkness still available?
"A party without
cake is just a meeting."
-Julia Child~




Age: 83
Gender: Female
Species: Pure-blood Vampire
Element: Water
Occupation: Famous Singer (Alter Ego')

Personality: A classic happy-go-lucky, lively spirit. Leena' is the type of soul to never be seen in a foul mood. Always miles above the clouds, happy, and filled with a childlike wonder. Her close knit friends see this Leena's way to hold onto her lost childhood. Regardless of holding the title of "vampire", Leena's lest' resembles a "dark being" in any sense of the word. She attempts to live her long life to the fullest and use every advantage she comes across to her will and liking. Still being quite young, Leena' has developed a side hobby to blend in with the human race, yet still give herself the occasional moments of whimsical fun; her alter ego: Luke. "Luke" or the name Leena' goes under when in costume, is an international pop-sensation, grasping at the populations heart strings. Leena's alter ego's full name is as simple as 'Luke Cross', in relation to the show "she" preforms known as "X". Every few years (20 or so) Leena' will "swap up" her alter ego, and create a new "somebody" to hold the hearts of the countries alike. Little do most people know, select male pop sensations for the past 60-some years, have really been Leena' herself masquerading as a male singer. As Luke, Leena' tends to portray a charming, quiet personality. Leena enjoys candy and sweets alike, never without either a lollipop or some time of sugary sweet she's been sucking on. Cake is her absolute favourite, mostly strawberry filling cake, and anything to do with chocolate. Leena' has a generous income on wealth from her alter ego's career, and lives happily by herself in a cozy little apartment, as not to stand out to the public. Leena has a problem with containing her emotions, no matter which emotion she is currently feeling; be it happiness, sadness, anger, or anything of the sorts, if she's feeling something...EVERYONE around her will know.




[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Singing -[/BCOLOR] As a young vampire, Leena's parents had noticed she had an instant love for the vocal life and for singing itself, she wasn't just a groupie', no, she was the one people would group around in 'awe' of her singing voice. In the early stages of her life, she didn't put this skill to use, which saddened her parents, and when Leena's father died, she took it upon herself to give him something to smile about, even in the after life; she became a singer. At first, she was just a small-time act', known by the people in her town and some of their friends from other small towns. As she got older, Leena craved more. She wanted to be known, and to make a name for herself. One a regular day of vocal practice with a private tutor, Leena came across a magazine of "famous pop groups", the genre of "pop" being quite a new thing at the time. Leena began to flip through the magazine in interest, seeing different faces of people dressed to the nines in fancy clothing, with hordes of screaming fans surrounding them. This site alone was all Leena needed. It is unknown to this day if Leena' un-knowingly used some type of 'charm' to draw the world into submission for her music, but whether she did or not, Leena' got her wish...however...not as "Leena" herself.
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Decoration -[/BCOLOR] Always with a sense of flair and ingenuity, Leena has been good with decoration and style since she was only 20 years old. A hobby she most likely developed from her mother, seeing as up until 17 years ago, Leena's mother held the occupation of an interior designer. Though not widely known, Leena's mother was good at what she did and with the clients she did gather, pleased them to no end with her decorative skills. Leena's decorative expertise don't stretch too far, she enjoys the arts', drawing, painting, and sculpting. With these creations, she tends to decorate her home, or her friends homes. Dry, bland, and blank places don't bode to well for the young vamp'.
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Problem-Solving - [/BCOLOR] Problem? Argument? Issue? Leena's your girl! With a knack for problem solving, Leena is normally the giddy little girl people come to for help with issues. Though it is quite hard to get the girls attention if she's distracted by something else, it's definitely beneficial to have her aid. The only issue Leena can never seem to solve: which cake should she eat next?
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Sweet Sixth-Sense - [/BCOLOR] 2+2 = Cake?! Wait, what? That's right. This girl is your sweets master, the sweets overlord. Never can Leena be found without SOMETHING sweet, whether it be in her mouth, hands, and sometimes in-between her toes. Her love for sweets has no range, and she has yet to find a single sweet she couldn't identify. Her loves include but are not limited too: cake, cookies, lollipops, popsicles, taffy, chocolate bars, sour candy, regular candy, lifesavers, gum, pop-rocks, nerds, sweet-tarts, sour spray, toxic waste (the candy), baby bottle pops, licorice cords, jaw-breakers and more!
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Diffuser- [/BCOLOR]"Fighting solves nothing guys!" Fighting is never good, at least in Leena's eyes. She is the sweet type of soul who would rather diffuse an argument with words, rather than fists. Always to the scene of action to stop any fists from flying, she is somehow able to diffuse the issue. Whether it be her bubbly personality, or even her appearance, she's been good at solving peoples issues with one-another for as long as she can remember.


[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Sparkly Things -[/BCOLOR] It can't be helped...that sparkly item...Leena wants it! No matter how small, or how expensive, SHE WANTS IT! Sparkles are probably one of Leena's biggest weaknesses, she's never without something sparkly; jewelry, bedazzled clothing, watches, rings, whatever it may be, SOMETHING needs to have sparkles on it. No matter what Leena is doing at the time, if her eye catches something sparkly, she's after it, current goal forgotten.
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Love -[/BCOLOR] Leena (and her alter-ego's) have always been single. Never with a companion (unless it's an animal) and never with a significant other. Leena believes romantic relationships hold a person down, not allowing them to freely stretch their wings and do what they please, so she as well as her alter ego, steer away from such things.
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Sunlight -[/BCOLOR] An irritant to most pure-blood vampires, Leena is an avid hater of the sunlight. Never up before 2pm, never outside in the sun without a parasol, or some type of contraption that shades her. Sunlight itself doesn't do any more significant damage to Leena than it does to any other pure-blood, but she detests it, and therefore, it handicaps her with whining, and avoidance.
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Her Identity -[/BCOLOR] Though Leena has not been diagnosed with any clinical personality disorder, she has issues being "just Leena". Her need to be another person didn't begin to develop until she was around 23 years old, however, since then, Leena has the need to portray herself as another person. This decade, being Luke Cross.
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Irresponsible[/BCOLOR] - Like a young people and vampires alike, Leena is quite the irresponsible girl. Though she is 83, she still acts like she's 10. Whining to get what she wants, buying whatever her hearts' desire tells her to buy, and doing whatever she pleases. Leena will avoid anything that requires responsibility, tending to place her in situations of discipline and scolding.



Always needing to go go go, Leena' can never rest, as is never silent. Even in sleep~

♥♥Relies on her alter ego♥♥
Leena' tends to use her alter ego "Luke" as a means for money and even as a scape goat.~

♥♥Cannot wear blue (as Leena')♥♥
Leena refuses to wear the colour 'blue' in ANY shade, while dressed as herself (Leena') seeing as her alter-ego's MAIN colour for everything is blue~

♥♥Talks to herself/himself♥♥
Leena (as herself and Luke) tends to talk to herself/himself. Always either debating something, or coming up with new song lyrics for 'X'~




Greatest Fears:
••People discovering Leena is really Luke••
Since Leena was 23 and came up with her first alter ego, tao', she has always had the fear of being found out by her fans and hated. Some people have come close, but Leena was always able to snuff out those claims before they get any recognition.

••Being hated by the world for "lying"••
If Leena' were to ever get discovered, she fears the world hating her for lying all along, this is why no matter what, she tries her best, and always succeeded at keeping her identity as Luke Cross, covered up. For now...
••Burning alive••
If she were to go out with a bang, Leena' rather it'd be done with a gun, stake, or even decapitation. She doesn't have a particular fear of fire, but burning just makes her cringe hearing about it.
Though death be the inevitable for all beings alike, Leena fears death, she feels that seeing as she was granted life as a vampire, she shouldn't have to face deaths doors until she's ready and willing to leave this world.




Brief Bio:
Born 1931 as Leenalee Otella Laparoux, Leena' has been sad to never have a day where she wasn't smiling. Even in tears, she always manages to get herself into a happy place and moments later, be laughing; regardless if her world was crumbling around her. She was brought up by a well-off mother and father, as a single child. Both Red Rose vampires, living happily by law. However, as a child, Leena's father was reported to be in league with Ghouls, assisting them in over throwing the peace. Though Leena thought at the time her father had just gone away, leaving her and her mother alone, he had really been killed by a vampire hunter. To this day, Leena despises vampire hunters and anyone related to them, contact with a vampire hunter would bring out the vampire in Leena'. After her fathers departure from her life, Leena and her mother took to a new life, moving into a cozy little home in a rural area of the city, Leena' grew up happy, singing to her little hearts content.

As Leena' came into her teenage years of rebellion, she focused her efforts on something better than annoying her mother with teenage antics; singing. She was a gifted vocalist, seeming to sooth those around her with her voice and talent. She also had the ability to pump people up, get them excited and having a good time. Her vocal abilities have an impressive range, which allowed her further development in her career, one her mother eg'd her on to do after she first heard Leena' sing.

After a private vocal lesson as a teenager, Leena' came up with the idea to masquerade as a male singer. This lead to her career sky-rocketing, and since the mid-40's, Leena's career has been on the fast track to stardom, with no signs of slowing down. To this day, the young vampire is focusing on her career, enjoying the fun that comes with concerts, sold out tours, and the pop-star life.




Sianna Jordon Vaduva - Leena's mother, a graceful pure-blooded vampire, and a wonderful, caring individual. She has always given' Leena the support and love the young vampire needed, watching over her and keeping her safe from anything and everything she can. Born January of 1905, she gave birth to Leena' at a young age and long before the pact' between humans and vampires was created.

Louis Kenton Laparox - Leena's father, now deceased left her at an early age. Dead when Leena' was only 7, she didn't know her father well enough to develop a life-long connection with him. A born pure blood, like Leena's mother, Louis was blamed for assisting Ghouls in vicious endeavors, only to be killed by a vampire hunter due to these claims.







Free-Hand Drawing


Caring for injuries






Description of Powers:
manipulate - [muh-nip-yuh-leyt] (n)
to handle, manage, or use, especially with skill, in some process of treatment or performance:

  • Hydrokinesis - ability to manipulate and control liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form.​

Aquatic Respiration - the ability to breathe underwater.​

Atmoskinesis- the ability to control and manipulate the various aspects of the weather by mixing water, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity.​

Dehydration - to absorb water.​

Hydroportation - the ability to teleport across short distances through liquid water. (Surface face only)​

Water Mimicry - to physically turn into liquid water.​

Holy Water Manipulation - to create, manipulate and control graceful waters.​

Dark Water Manipulation - to create, manipulate and control evil and dangerous waters.




Fun Facts:
x Leena's favourite colour is pink
x Leena's favourite food is actually anything meaty!
x Leena's father was killed by a vampire hunter
x Leena has a pet cat named Lucifer
x Leena has had 6 other alter-ego's before Luke, all famous singers
x Leena's alter-ego has never been revealed to be Leena herself
x Black is Leena's second favourite colour
x Leena thinks the taste of human blood is actually disgusting and bitter, but loves the pleasurable feeling she gets from drinking it~
x Leena' came close to committing the worst vampire taboo at the age of 37
x "Luke" has 72 different wigs and over 300 different outfits, shoes included!
x Leena has been able to deepen her voice since a young age, making it easier to pass off as "Luke"
x In her spare time, Leena enjoys cosplaying
x Leena enjoys alcohol, and is quite the avid drinker



--International Pop-Star Luke Cross--



















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  • Love
Reactions: Gladis
This looks like a pretty interesting Role Play, and many of the profiles are really good. I read that you want character types to be evenly divided, so could someone clue me in on the character type that's preferred? I'd like to be a vampire, but if that's too overrun, I'm fine with just about anything else. Also, for the powers, IF vampire is still available, is the element Darkness still available?

You can have a vampire (it makes sense for there to be most vampires) buuuut... darkness is already taken. I would prefer it if we don't get more second tier elements, as they are supposed to be rare.
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Astrid Waye







Vampire Investigator


Astrid is very quiet. Most of the time, she can be found avoiding groups of people and not really talking. Not only is she quiet, she is rather cold to other humans like herself. Unlike other humans, Astrid dislikes killing vampires and avoids it as much as possible, having only killed two. She also met a few and became didn't mind their company. She's extremely headstrong and will take on anybody who's looking for a fight.


Sometimes mutters to herself while trying to solve a problem
Doesn't trust easily at all
If you sneak up on her, she will probably accidentally punch you
Hates boastful and self-centered people
Never really smiles
It's almost impossible to happen, but when she laughs, she has the loudest and weirdest laugh

Greatest Fears:

Being attacked by another person
Losing her weapons
Letting her guard down
Becoming too attached to someone and have them end up getting hurt
Being betrayed by the ones she trusts


Brief Bio:

Astrid used to have best friends and people she trusted. She loved every single one of them, but she was betrayed.
"Hey, Astrid, come see a movie with us." A boy said, a sly smile playing at his lips. Astrid smiled and nodded, walking beside him and the other teens. She was exited like always to be spending time with her friends. As they walked, Astrid noticed that they were taking the path through the alleyway. "Uh, guys? This way's going to take longer." Astrid pointed out, raising an eyebrow. Some of the teens snickered while the boy turned to look at her. "We know, Astrid. Just come on." he said, sly smile growing bigger. Astrid felt something in her stomach and nodded, following close behind. After a few moments of walking in the dark alley, Astrid felt somebody grip her arms roughly, making her wince in pain. "H-Hey that hurts!" she said, panic filling her voice. The boy walked forward and smiled wide, almost crazy. "Sorry, Astrid. It seems like you aren't wanted here anymore. I guess all that's left is to see you on the other side." he said, revealing a curved knife. Something inside Astrid snapped like an old rubber band. She tried pulling away, screaming at the top of her lungs for help. Nobody came. Suddenly a gloved hand wrapped around her mouth, quieting her screams. Tears ran down Astrid's face and she felt the fear in her heart and stomach. One thought was in her mind: I'm going to die. All of a sudden, when the boy was going to stab the knife straight into Astrid's stomach, something flew through the air and into the boy's chest, causing a dull thud to be heard. Astrid screamed against the gloved hand against her mouth, her fear growing even more. But then she stopped, taking deep breaths. He had deserved it. He was going to kill her, and the people around her were going to let him. Astrid felt the hand go limp from around her mouth and pulled away, watching the body drop to the ground. Looking around, Astrid saw a hooded figure, white hair barely visible, along with pearly white fangs.
Ever since that incident, Astrid never trusted humans ever again. Her trust was most of the time only given to some vampires, but even that's rare now. As time passed, Astrid had forgotten hat it was like to trust and call somebody a friend. If anything, the vampire that had helped her during that time was her only real friend.


None yet, we'll see


Solving puzzles and tough problems
Sword and shooting skills
Guess what other's emotions are

Long black hair, down to her lower back
Silver eyes
Tall: 5'7''
A little pale


Theme Song:


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Leena has been approved

Tatsuo has been approved

She's approved but... remember that since vampires are a secret, I trust that she's had other alter egos throughout the years. People would otherwise notice that she's aging VERY slowly. x.x

Elke has been approved

Valorian has been approved. I trust you get the last details done today.

Coisette has been approved.

Baer and Mallory have been approved.

Guys, remember that vampires aren't immortal. They DO age. A 100 years old vampire equals a 50 years old human- in other words, they are middle aged. Of course, vampires tend to look young and pretty further into their old ages than humans do, beginning to age rather rapidly the last few years of their lives... but still. Don't make a 100 years old vampire and have them look like a teenager or kid. It doesn't make sense.

Regarding the second tier elements, I will no longer accept characters who have them. We now have one of each, and that is enough. Remember that they are RARE, and thus there shouldn't be many of them. I have also noticed that some may think they are more powerful than the first tier elements, but that IS NOT THE CASE. While they might have stronger attacks in some cases, it also damages the user more. Hear that? The users are more likely to be HURT by their second tier element. Plus, as Ali put it: "Yeah see, that I don't get. A SECOND tier element, regardless of having two base elements fused into it has both strengths of those elements, but also both weaknessess, and it has to mesh together to be a new element so it technically looses a lot of the base power a MAIN element gives. Second tier elements are called second tier for a reason o.o" In other words, they are NOT strong and NOT more badass. They have, just like everyone else, their weaknesses.

I will also be reluctant to accept more humans and investigators. Even if the investigators are an important part of the RP, I don't want them to be a majority. The main focus are vampires, so they should be most in numbers. This does not mean I won't accept any more at all. I will just be reluctant to do so.

That was al I had to say.
{minor work in progress}

my end.png
"if to live is to fight, I will fight forever."

Name: Leonard Reduiex

Age: 47 (looks about twenty)
Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Occupation: Mobster

Monsieur Reduiex's personality is stereotypical of a psychopath, or at least the things that have being written about them. He's a very charming individual when he puts his mind to it and is argued to be pretty intelligent, which helps his calculated and decant nature to go on undiscovered by the world until it's to late. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and is a very good actor, in fact even he isn't sure if he feels emotion any more. You see, he's emotionally blunted which means that he feels very few emotions and feelings that everyone else feels. The only things he feels are only acquired by hurting others and they are the emotions of a murderous mad man, something that even Leonard knows is wrong deep down in his heart. However he pushes such feelings out of mind before he has time to dwell on them, after all it wouldn't do if even he knew he needed help.

He's a strange individual in his own right, with bizarre mannerisms and actions. Something of a neurotic every sound makes him jump and if he's touched unexpectedly he nearly screams, his eyes are often restless and he never seems to relax no matter where he is. He also shows body language of one who is burdened by whatever sins he's committed, however that's only when his guard's dropped and he thinks he's alone. He also feels that he has to be strong at all times, that he cannot break down and show weakness.. that he needs to act a certain way at all times, lest his reputation goes out the window. He often has a strange tendency to repeat some things that people tell him.

Many people would class him as very dangerous and unpredictable due to his mental instability, his manic rages and sudden calms. His violent and cruel out bursts and his vicious and malicious nature that can rise in the blink of an eye and then fade just as quickly, if the wrong thing's said to him then he'll fly into a murderous rage and try to tear the person's tongue out. If some people so much as look at him in a way he deems offensive he'll try to take out their eyes.. yet if someone complimented him he'll recoil as though he's being struck or end up blushing and trying to get away from the person in question.

Due to the abuse he received in the past he is very unstable and suffers from nightmares and depression, he combats the nightmares by trying to stay awake as long as he can.. which only makes him that tired that he starts to hallucinate when he's awake as well.. so he drinks more blood in order to try and keep himself energised so he doesn't have to face his inner demons and nightmares, however as a result he ends up drinking blood even when he's not thirsty which may not be a good thing, and because of trying to starve of sleep when he does go to sleep he ends up sleeping for longer periods of time which makes him vulnerable. he combats depression by reading cheesy romance novels.. since deep down he's a hopeless romantic who would love a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers from the hands of a lover.. but he would never admit that to anyone because he sees himself unworthy of a pure emotion like love.

Despite having a tragic past, he's the epitome of the abused becoming the abuser and he wouldn't have it any other way. Hurting people and destroying lives makes him feel in control. He wants to be feared, he wants to have people whisper his name in terror.. not just because he gets pleasure from such thoughts, but also because it makes him feel like a man and it also stops others from wanting to try and hurt him. However the sad fact is he's nothing more then a sadistic bully who hasn't encountered a bigger and eviller bully yet.. and until that time comes he will grow ever more spiteful and hateful, he will continue to to live in the life he has made himself.

As stated before he finds it very hard to feel emotion, and as a result he simply seems as though he feels nothing. Distant and reserved, he only comes to life at the sound of screams as long as they're not his own. He hates pain inflicted upon himself and has a very low pain threshold, which is why he self harms a lot.. to punish himself for reasons that he will never divulge to anyone unless tortured.

"All in all though Rediuex has a very tragic background that has had an influence on how he is, he is not to be mistaken for a tragic figure. Though he is mentally unstable with bouts of terrible insanity, he is not a deluded man. He is not a man to be sympathised with, pitied or even related to. He is a man who should be scorned and hated, a man who should be denied mercy because he gives none to his victims. At the end of the day, not everyone who has a distressing pass becomes like Rediuex. In fact, I could easily point out two people (S_ and D_ as well as others) who have had equally if not more irksome pasts then that man and they have not become so deprived and perverted. While I agree that he could not change his past, he could have changed his future. He chose to become a monster, he wanted to be feared. No, a man like him does not deserve pity or remorse.. a man like him deserves only one thing, and that is death."- Count Rapheal Nox's view of Leonard Rediuex

Quirks: he self harms himself if he has romantic feelings for males as well as 'purging his sins', he's sadistic and cruel, he enjoys playing mind games as much as physically harming someone, he often talks in a poetic way

Greatest Fears: Losing his freedom
Brief Bio: "I am not with the Red rose vampires, I am my own man!" a very independant vampire, he broke away from the laws and safety of the Red Rose.. prefering to live his own way and do what he wanted as opposed to obeying rules laid out by 'stuffy old men'. It was then that Leonard's selfish nature came to the fore front of his personality, since he abandoned friends he once knew and took his ghoul step brother with him.

as a man who likes secrets, he keeps his past a mystery to everyone around him.

"I don't like the past, why bother thinking about something that has come and gone? no, I live and fight in the present.. I am the bird of fire and rebirth.. from my ashes I have soared, and I will never look back. so you'd like to know about me, delicate flower? I don't envy your search into my past, rather you should focus on now.. like I do. I am one who broke away from the rose, the rebel and tratior.. I am the Judas who will one day drive the nail..through the flower.."

Relationships: Vexian Styx- his step brother

Skills: singing, dancing and sword fighting!
Description of Powers: he just has the run of the mill 'burning stuff' his powers function like a normal fire, once cast they blaze out of control or end up being put out..

Appearance: Leonard is just over 6'ft, with a slender and toned body. though he's very slender he isn't underweight and his body though lean has some muscle on it. his body is that of a runners. his skin is pale as expected with scars upon the torso that are hidden by his clothes. it's hard to tell if he's male or female. his hair is down to his shoulders and blood red, and his eyes are a violet colour. his fangs of course look sharp and he takes pride in looking after them, he dresses elegantly in colours of red and black..sometimes white as well. he also has a long earing in the shape of a Japanese Dragon is his right ear, as well as a full lengh dragon tatoo on his back. c81294c17463172f.jpg

themesong: Elisabeth III: Fall from Grace by Kamelot
Face Sample: _UltraViolet__by_beautiful_shinigami.jpg
Voice: Haiku from Spirited away (English ver)​
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