Ruler of the Rink



Original poster
Premise: Central City Ice Arena is one of the biggest rink complexes in the world, with two NHL-sized hockey rinks, one Olympic-scale figure skating rink, and a large circular rink for public use. There's a (usually) unspoken rule in place among the younger skaters, though. The most respected popular skater among the kids is called the "King/Queen of the Rink". There's a few catches, though. None of the adults can be a King or Queen; it has to be one of the kids. It's not really a "vote" decision, either. The King or Queen decision sort of just happens.

Goal: Become the King/Queen of the Rink by becoming popular with the other skaters and earning their respect!

Player Count: Eight players, please, myself included.

Character Sheet:
  1. Name: (First, Middle, Last.)
  2. Age: (Under 16)
  3. Gender: (Boy or Girl)
  4. Personality: (What are they like?)
  5. Skating Origin: (Figure, Hockey, or Public?)
  6. Skating Skill: (Are they any good?)
  7. Fandom: (If they're aiming for King/Queen of the rink, they naturally have one. How big is it and how loyal are they?)
  8. Appearance: (What do they look like?)
  9. Background: (What's happened in their life? Why are they trying to become the King/Queen? Nothing serious or horrific.)
  10. Theme Song: (Every good ruler needs a theme song! Optional.)
  11. Other: (Anything else you think we need to know. Optional.)

Standard rules apply. Play nice, and put effort into your character. I have high expectations regarding sheets and I will happily suggest changes if your character doesn't meet those expectations.
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