Ruins of the Dragon Lord - Tales of Mount Moru

Ruk scratched wish unshaved chin trying to figure out if Runt was being evasive because they might find themselves on the oposite side of one of the many feuds that still plagued Khorvaire or because he was afraid of prejudice. "I'm from Karrnath." he replied "Rekkenmark specifically, was a pathfinder until I er..... left." he took the empty tankard from the crook of is arm and placed it with no small amount of force on the table, hopefully getting the attention of the barmaid that his tankard was regretfully empty and needed to be filled post haste.

"Too much gloom, people still distraught over the fallen bridge over the Scions. Saying we wouldn't be so lucky with whats coming next. Frankly I think they're right so here I am. Decided to leave that whole mess behind."
Perhaps it was selfish of her, but the bit that bothered Ran the most about the bard's tale was Aogarn's parentage. Were the forces pulling her to the mountain the same as those that drove Aedhaine to her (apparent) madness and death?

...If so, there were some spirits out there in desperate need of an ass kicking.

"...Actually, I've already got a tent and some provisions...though if you really want your own tents, we can spend the day here shopping and head out first thing tomorrow morning."
She glanced over at Runt.
"If we're staying here for the night, he's sharing my room."
"Considering the current time, we'd best get our provisions in tomorrow morning. All the shops are currently closed... though if you are willing to share a tent, I am more than willing to do so. Safety in numbers." The cloaked man nods, becoming quiet as he looks up at someone walking

The barmaid found her way over with a shake of her head, "Sorry, sugar. Lots of drinks to go 'round." With a smile, she places another tankard on the table, taking the empty one. She raises an eyebrow at the (still full) tankard in front of Runt, before moving to help someone else.

Runt clears his throat, "As for your room... I am a spellcaster. An evoker. Surely one of the more brawny members can provide more ample... protection... for the night, if that is why you worry?" His head moves to look her over. "Not that I would offer much resistance if it's me you want to protect you, though there is the tactics of the matter."

The bright eyes behind the hood light up, and he turns to look at Ruk. "You're Karnnathi? How extraordinary. My tribe worked with one of the Karnnathi pushes into Thane. It was amazing - the undead troops are incredibly effective. I remember a few of my tribe going to learn to become necromancers themselves. We... never heard from them again, but it was certainly interesting. My tribe has little care for spellcasters anyway... all brawn and muscle."
"It's, uh...not about protection."
Ran couldn't help but feel a bit awkward about being questioned.
"Look, I'd just rather save on rooms a bit while we're here, and I think I'd prefer your company, okay?" Hopefully that wouldn't get anyone thinking in the wrong direction...

"I'm going to get some food and go retire for the night; come up when you're going to bed, okay?" With that, she went off to the counter and got a bowl of stew before heading upstairs.
Ruk now defiantly less than sober had been about to a anecdote about a training mission on the outskirts of the Mournlands where his group had been saved by the strangest collection of mercenaries from Droaam when Ran announced her retirement for the night. "Then we shall see you in the morning." he said lifting the recently arrived tankard before turning back to Runt. "I think for her modesty we should get at least two tents." he said "But perhaps she has the right idea. TO the loo then to bed I think."
"Sheesh, everyone's off to bed already? You all don't know anything about adventures or late-night tavern rompin' abouts, do you?" Aidan shrugged exaggeratedly, the leather of his garb making a creaking noise. He grumbled about that; the armour was too new, too stiff and making much too much noise. He'd probably beat the hell out of it later, sometime through the night or on the morrow. Stupid armour.

"Count me in or not, I don't think we should go to spend so much extra just so that one can have a modicum of security! Modesty? Bah! Comfort? Bah! We'll be in the wilderness. Deal, or stay behind, eh? But whatever; you spend your gold, if you want an extra tent. I think I have a bedroll on m-- nope, no bedroll. Aw, hell, looks like I'll need to procure supplies tomorrow..." Aidan trailed off, mumbling himself a bit.

Was the strange half-elf going to be any help on this adventure?!