✘ Royal Chamber Of Chaotic Codes ♛ [ Coding | No Posting! ]


💜 Magical Madness 💜
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
  7. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
I never know when I will get online, but I usually get on most days of the week and weekend. I am pretty active on here so you will see me around a lot.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
High School/College, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Yuri, Slice Of Life, R Rated xD, Modern Fantasy
king justin
a king is born, not made

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

king justin
a king is born, not made
text text
text text
text text
text text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar ultrices lacus, vitae mollis augue. Sed cursus leo et metus laoreet, at facilisis nisi pellentesque. Sed efficitur odio vel vulputate vulputate. Sed molestie placerat risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla convallis tempus mollis. Donec non sagittis ex.

Aliquam cursus risus eu cursus iaculis. Sed non rutrum sem. Donec porta leo non felis sagittis, eget pellentesque libero ullamcorper. Duis luctus in nisl eget suscipit. Maecenas congue faucibus lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce a sapien at elit molestie fermentum nec efficitur dui. Fusce eget lobortis tellus. Ut mollis turpis vel purus viverra placerat. Pellentesque elit felis, rutrum quis elementum nec, euismod eget quam. Aenean est elit, ornare aliquam velit a, semper tempus turpis. Proin a luctus quam. Nam at mauris a ligula convallis ultricies. Aliquam vitae posuere ante. Suspendisse ut urna quam.

Cras dictum commodo nunc et ultrices. Ut non convallis nunc, vel facilisis eros. Donec at ante eu quam sollicitudin cursus dapibus nec dui. Proin eget lorem a ex iaculis fringilla. Mauris fringilla pellentesque dui non semper. Etiam interdum est eget sapien scelerisque pretium. Aenean eget erat imperdiet, pulvinar nunc vel, aliquam odio. Curabitur erat nisi, egestas nec augue sed, fringilla pulvinar felis. Fusce ac purus rhoncus, sagittis risus non, ultrices mi. Suspendisse nec nibh ac massa ultricies luctus. Aliquam ultricies, urna in facilisis tempus, lorem odio viverra nisl, nec tristique risus urna vitae lacus. Aliquam congue, velit sed venenatis auctor, nibh est maximus ligula, id aliquet magna purus id ipsum. Ut fermentum finibus odio, sed faucibus ante facilisis et. Phasellus placerat, risus a fermentum imperdiet, magna purus porttitor leo, id ultricies tellus metus non nunc. Fusce vel magna viverra, bibendum enim eu, tincidunt massa. Fusce luctus eros nec luctus malesuada.

Donec quis augue quis felis scelerisque elementum. Cras tincidunt mauris facilisis tincidunt vestibulum. Donec mauris lectus, porta ut imperdiet at, egestas sit amet dolor. Nulla pharetra viverra nulla, quis varius eros pulvinar at. Mauris eget mauris ac urna tincidunt consequat non eget ipsum. Quisque sodales mollis tempus. Sed semper, erat non tristique vulputate, tellus risus feugiat mauris, vitae viverra arcu est vitae ligula. Ut egestas mollis urna. Cras id arcu nisi. Nulla vehicula scelerisque massa at commodo. Donec placerat felis sit amet augue vestibulum, eget bibendum nisl hendrerit. Praesent ac libero eros. Phasellus volutpat dui eu lacus euismod, quis ultrices risus faucibus.

Aliquam sollicitudin venenatis felis mollis bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus non finibus arcu. Cras tincidunt tellus et convallis dictum. Phasellus et bibendum nisl. Integer eu vulputate nulla, a finibus lacus. Morbi vel lectus ac nulla laoreet rutrum. Nulla posuere scelerisque dolor iaculis tincidunt. Proin enim ipsum, lobortis vel commodo et, pellentesque eu mi. Duis non vehicula arcu, eget pharetra mi. Sed venenatis, velit id varius auctor, lacus nisl ultricies nisi, quis vehicula dui urna nec arcu. Cras dapibus nulla dictum, euismod orci et, tincidunt sapien.
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♲ ♳ ♴ ♵ ♶ ♷ ♸ ♹ ♺ ♻ ♼ ♽♯♩♪♫♬♭
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◑ ◐ ۰ • ● ▪ ▫ 。 ゚ ๑ ☜ ☞ ☂ ♨ ☎ ☏ ✍✡
♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟️

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ค ๒ ς ๔ є Ŧ ﻮ ђ เ ן к l ๓ ภ ๏ ק ợ г ร t ย ש ฬ ץ א z
ᴀ ʙ ᴄ ᴅ ᴇ ғ ɢ ʜ ɪ ᴊ ᴋ ʟ ᴍ ɴ ᴏ ᴘ ϙ ʀ s ᴛ ᴜ ᴠ ᴡ x ʏ ᴢ
]z ʎ x ʍ ʌ n ʇ s ɹ b d o u ɯ ן ʞ ɾ ı ɥ ƃ ɟ ǝ p ɔ q ɐ
]ä b ċ d ë f ġ h ï j k l m n ö p q r s t ü v w x ÿ ż
á b ć d é f g h í j k l m ń ő p q ŕ ś t ú v w x ý ź
α в c ם/∂/δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z
α в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т υ ν ω χ у z
α β c ם ∂ δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z
Á ß Č Ď Ĕ Ŧ Ğ Ĥ Ĩ Ĵ Ķ Ĺ M Ń Ő P Q Ŕ Ś Ť Ú V Ŵ Ж Ŷ Ź
Λ B ᄃ D Σ F G Ή I J K ᄂ M П Ө P Q Я Ƨ Ƭ Ц V Щ X Y Z
ム 乃 c d 乇 キ g ん ノ フ ズ レ ᄊ 刀 o ア q 尺 丂 イ u √ w メ リ 乙
© ℗ ®
ℬ ℰ ℱ ℋ ℐ ℒ ℳ ℛ ℯ ℊ ℎ ℴ ℘

Ⓐ A ÅÅ Ǎ Ã А Á À Â Ä Ă Ā Ą Ḁ Ἀ Ἁ Ἂ Ἃ Ἄ Ἅ Ἆ Ἇ Ạ Ả Ấ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Ậ Ắ Ằ Ẳ Ẵ Ặ Ᾰ Ᾱ Ὰ Ά ᾼ ᾈ ᾉ ᾊ ᾋ ᾌ ᾍ ᾎ ᾏ Ȁ Ȃ Ȧ Ӓ Ӑ Ʌ Ⱥ Ά Α Λ Ѧ Δ Д д ค ᴀ
ⓐ ⒜ a ἀ ἁ ἂ ἃ ἄ ἅ ἆ ἇ ᾰ ᾱ ᾳ ᾲ ᾴ ᾶ ᾷ ὰ ά ᾀ ᾁ ᾂ ᾃ ᾄ ᾅ ᾆ ᾇ α ά ɑ ɒ ȁ ȃ ɐ ȧ ӓ ӑ ạ ả ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ ắ ằ ẳ ẵ ặ ẚ ḁ ä á а ą ă ā ǎ å ã à â
Ⓑ B ℬ Ḃ Ḅ Ḇ ϐ ๒ ʙ в ɞ ʚ Ƀ β ß ɮ Β В
ⓑ ⒝ b ḃ ḅ ḇ Ђ Ъ Ь ъ ь Ϧ ɓ ѣ б Ҍ ҍ Ѣ ƃ Б ɓ
Ⓒ C Ⅽ ℶ ℃ ℂ Ć Ĉ Ç С Ċ ČḈ Ϛ Ȼ ʗ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ Ϲ Ѽ Ҁ Ҫ ๔
ⓒ ⒞ c ⅽ ḉ ϛ ɔ ȼ ς ϲ ѽ ҁ ҫ ᴄ ċ ć č ç ĉ с ͨ
Ⓓ D Ⅾ Ð Ď Đ Ḋ Ḍ Ḏ Ḑ Ḓ ᴅ ๔
ⓓ ⒟ d ⅾ ḋ ḍ ḏ ḑ ḓ ɖ ɗ ȡ ʠ δ đ ď ͩ
Ⓔ E ℰ É È Е Ę Ė Ĕ Ē Ě Ë Ê Ḕ Ḗ Ḙ Ḛ Ḝ Ẹ Ẻ Ẽ Ế Ề Ể Ễ Ệ Ὲ Έ Ἐ Ἑ Ἒ Ἓ Ἔ Ἕ Ɇ Ȅ Ȇ Ӗ Ɇ Ѐ Ȩ Ȝ Έ Ё Ε Ξ ᴇ Σ ξ Є Э ℈ Ӭ З Ѯ Ӟ Ҙ ӭ є э ϵ ϶ ε έ ἐ ἑ ἒ ἓ ἔ ἕ ὲ έ ɛ ɜ ɝ з ѯ ӟ ҙ έ ℇ
ⓔ ⒠ e Ҿ Ҽ Ӛ Ә Ə ḕ ḗ ḙ ḛ ḝ ë é ӗ ȇ ẹ ẻ ẽ ế ề ể ễ ệ ɇ е ȅ ɘ ɇ ȩ ѐ ё ҿ ҽ ӛ ə ә ǝ ℯ ℮ ě ê è ĕ ė ę ē ɚ ͤ
Ⓕ F ℱ ℉ Ⅎ Ḟ Ϝ Ғ Ӻ Ŧ
ⓕ ⒡ ḟ ϝ ʄ ӻ ғ
Ⓖ G Ĝ Ģ Ğ Ġ Ḡ Ѡ Ѿ ʛ ɢ
ⓖ ⒢ g ɠ ɡ ḡ ɕ ġ ƃ ﻮ ģ ĝ ğ ℊ
Ⓗ H ℋ ℍ Н Ĥ Ȟ Ή Η Ң Ҥ Һ Ӈ Ӊ Ҕ Ḣ Ḥ Ḧ Ḩ Ḫ Ἠ Ħ Ἡ Ἢ Ἣ Ἤ Ἥ Ἦ Ἧ ᾘ ᾙ ᾚ ᾛ ᾜ ᾝ ᾞ ᾟ Ὴ Ή ῌ ʜ ʜ н ӈ ӊ ң ҥ
ⓗ ⒣ h ℎ ℏ ħ ĥ ḣ ḥ ḧ ḩ ḫ ẖ ȟ ћ ɦ ʮ ʯ ɧ ɥ ђ Ћ ʰ ʱ ͪ
Ⓘ I Ⅰ Ḭ Ḯ Ἰ Ἱ Ἲ Ἳ Ἴ Ἵ Ἶ Ἷ Ῐ Ῑ Ὶ Ί ɪ Ȉ Ȋ Ὶ Ỉ Ị ḷ ḹ ḻ ḽ Ϊ ן Ỉ Ị Ϊ Ї Ι Ί İ Ĭ Ī Ǐ Ĩ Ï Î Ì Í І Į
ⓘ ⒤ i ℹ ⅰ і ì î ï ĩ ḭ ϊ ḯ ỉ ị ἰ ἱ ἲ ἳ ἴ ἵ ἶ ἷ ῐ ȋ ῑ ῒ ΐ ῖ ῗ ὶ ί ȉ ɨ ɩ ΐ í ī ĭ ǐ į ί ї ͥ
Ⓙ J ℐ Ĵ Ɉ Ј ȷ ᴊ
ⓙ ⒥ j ɉ ʝ ϳ ĵ ʝ ʲ
Ⓚ K Ķ К Κ K Ḱ Ḳ Ḵ Ќ Қ Ҟ Ҝ Ҟ Ӄ ᴋ к
ⓚ ⒦ k ķ ḱ ḳ ḵ ʞ κ ќ қ ҝ ҟ ҡ ӄ
Ⓛ L ℒ ℷ ℸ Ⅼ Ľ Ĺ Ļ Ł Ŀ Ḷ Ḹ Ḻ Ḽ ʟ Ƚ ζ เ
ⓛ ⒧ l ℓ ⅼ ľ ĺ ļ ł ŀ ḷ ḹ ḻ ḽ ɫ ɬ ʅ ɭ ȴ ʃ ʄ ʆ ן ı ι
Ⓜ M ℳ Ⅿ Μ М Ḿ Ṁ Ṃ Ϻ Ӎ ϻ ӎ ᴍ м
ⓜ ⒨ m ⅿ ḿ ṁ ṃ ɱ ๓ ɯ ɰ ͫ
Ⓝ N Ň Ņ Ñ Ń Ṅ Ṇ Ṉ Ṋ Ν Π П И Ѝ Ҋ Ӣ Ӥ Л Й ℵ ɴ и й ѝ ҋ ӣ ӥ
ⓝ ⒩ n Ƞ ń ṅ ṇ ṉ ṋ ň ņ ñ η ή ή ὴ ἠ ἡ ἢ ἣ ἤ ἥ ἦ ἧ ὴ ή ᾐ ᾑ ᾒ ᾓ ᾔ ᾕ ᾖ ᾗ ῂ ῃ ῄ ῆ ῇ ɲ ɲ ɳ ɳ ȵ ŋ π л ภ п ⁿ
Ⓞ O ℺ Ő Ŏ Ō Ǒ Õ Ó Ò Ô Ö Ο О Ф Ṍ Ṏ Ṑ Ṓ Ọ Ỏ Ố Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ộ Ớ Ờ Ở Ỡ Ợ Ὀ Ὁ Ὂ Ὃ Ὄ Ὅ Ὸ Ό Ø Ω Ώ Ω Ȍ Ӧ Ȏ Ȭ Ȫ Ȯ Ȱ ʘ Ό θ Ѻ ϴ Ӫ Θ Ѳ Ю ф Ὸ Ό
ⓞ ⒪ o ℴ о ο ŏ ǒ õ ö ð ô ó ò ō ю ᴏ ṍ ṏ ṑ ṓ ọ ỏ ố ồ ổ ỗ ộ ớ ờ ở ỡ ợ ὀ ὁ ὂ ὃ ὄ ὅ ὸ ό ø ȫ ȭ ȍ ő ȏ ȯ ȱ ɵ ɸ σ ϕ ό Φ ѻ ѳ ӧ ӫ ๏ Ὠ Ὡ Ὢ Ὣ Ὤ Ὥ Ὦ Ὧ ᾨ ᾩ ᾪ ᾫ ᾬ ᾭ ᾮ ᾯ Ὼ Ώ ῼ
Ⓟ P ℗ ℘ ℙ Р Þ Ṕ Ṗ Ῥ Ρ Ҏ
ⓟ ⒫ p р þ ṕ ṗ ῥ ῤ ρ ϼ Ϸ ϸ φ ҏ ᴘ ק
Ⓠ Q ℚ Ɋ Ϙ ǫ
ⓠ ⒬ q ϙ ɋ Ϥ ϥ ϱ
Ⓡ R ℞ ℟ ℛ ℜ Ř Ŗ ŔṘ Ṛ Ṝ Ṟ Ȑ Ȓ Ɍ Я Ӄ Г Ѓ Ӷ Ґ Γ я ʀ ʁ ʶ
ⓡ ⒭ r ṙ ṛ ṝ ṟ ȑ ȓ ŕ ɍ ŗ ř ɹ ɺ ɻ ɼ ɽ ɾ ɿ г ѓ ґ ӷ ӄ ʳ ʴ ʵ ͬ
Ⓢ S Ŝ Ś Ş Š Ѕ Ṡ Ṣ Ṥ Ṧ Ṩ Ș Ϩ ϩ ș
ⓢ ⒮ s ṡ ṣ ṥ ṧ ṩ ş ʂ ȿ ś ร ѕ š ŝ
Ⓣ T Т Ť Ţ Τ Ṫ Ṭ Ṯ Ṱ Ț Ⱦ Ҭ ț ᴛ τ т ҭ
ⓣ ⒯ t ṫ ṭ ṯ ṱ ẗ Ϯ ϯ ȶ ʇ ʈ ţ ť ͭ
Ⓤ U Ű Ŭ Ū Ů Ù Ũ Ú Ü Û Ǔ Ų Ц ℧ Ṳ Ṵ Ṷ Ṹ Ṻ Ụ Ủ Ứ Ừ Ử Ữ Ự Ȕ Ʉ Ȗ Ώ Ω Π
ⓤ ⒰ u ǔ û ũ ù ů ū ŭ ű ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ ú ü ṳ ṵ ṷ ṹ ṻ ụ ủ ứ ừ ử ữ ự ὐ ὑ ὒ ὓ ὔ ὕ ὖ ὗ ὺ ύ ῠ ῡ ῢ ΰ ῦ ῧ ΰ ȕ ȗ ʮ ʯ ʉ ʊ υ μ ɥ ϑ ᴜ ϋ ύ ц ש ย ų ʋ ͧ
Ⓥ V Ⅴ ℣ Ṽ Ṿ Ѵ Ѷ Ʌ
ⓥ ⒱ v ⅴ ṽ ṿ ѵ ѷ ɣ ʋ ʌ ᴠ ν ͮ
ⓦ ⒲ w ŵ ᴡ ẁ ẃ ẅ ẇ ẉ ẘ ฬ ὠ ὡ ὢ ὣ ὤ ὥ ὦ ὧ ὼ ώ ὼ ώ ᾠ ᾡ ᾢ ᾣ ᾤ ᾥ ᾦ ᾧ ῲ ῳ ῴ ῶ ῷ ω ๓ ϣ ш щ ѿ ѡ ʍ ψ Ψ ω ϖ ɯ ɰ ʷ
Ⓧ X Ⅹ Χ Х Ẋ Ẍ Ϫ Ж Җ χ Ӽ Ҳ Ӿ Ӂ Ӝ ℵ
ⓧ ⒳ x ⅹ ẋ ẍ ж ϰ ϗ ӽ ӿ ҳ ӂ ӝ җ א х ͯ
Ⓨ Y Ŷ Ý Ÿ γ Џ Ẏ Ὑ Ὓ Ὕ Ὗ Ῠ Ῡ Ὺ Ύ Ỳ Ỵ Ỷ Ỹ Ȳ Ɏ ϒ ϓ ϔ Ύ Ϋ Υ Ῠ Ῡ Ὺ Ύ ʏ
ⓨ ⒴ y ℽ у ẏ ẙ ỳ ý ỵ ỷ ỹ ў ɏ ȳ ӯ ÿ ӱ ӳ Ч џ ү ұ ɣ ʎ ʏ ɤ Ϟ λ ϫ ӵ ҷ ҹ ӌ Ӱ Ӯ Ӳ Ў У Ӵ Ҷ Ҹ Ӌ ц ץ ч ʸ ყ
ⓩ ⒵ z ẓ ẕ ɀ ʐ ʑ ȥ ʒ ʓ ȝ ᴢ ż ź ẑ ž

❛ ❜ ❝ ❞ " " " ' ' ' ' ′ ″ ´ ˝ ̀ ́" "
﹗‼ ¡ ¿ ‽ ? Ɂ ɂ ʡ ʢ ⚳ ʔ ʕ ʖ ˀ ˁ �
⚹ ﹕ ∷ ♯ # @ & ¶
× ÷ − ± π ≈ ≠ ∿ ~ ˚ ⊾

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
⓵ ⓶ ⓷ ⓸ ⓹ ⓺ ⓻ ⓼ ⓽ ⓾
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇
⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴
ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅴ ⅵ ⅶ ⅷ ⅸ ⅹ ⅺ ⅻ ⅼ ⅽ ⅾ ⅿ
㋀ ㋁ ㋂ ㋃ ㋄ ㋅ ㋆ ㋇ ㋈ ㋉ ㋊ ㋋
㏠ ㏡ ㏢ ㏣ ㏤ ㏥ ㏦ ㏧ ㏨ ㏩ ㏪ ㏫ ㏬ ㏭ ㏮ ㏯ ㏰ ㏱ ㏲ ㏳ ㏴ ㏵ ㏶ ㏷ ㏸ ㏹ ㏺ ㏻ ㏼ ㏽ ㏾
㍘ ㍙ ㍚ ㍛ ㍜ ㍝ ㍞ ㍟ ㍠ ㍡ ㍢ ㍣ ㍤ ㍥ ㍦ ㍧ ㍨ ㍩ ㍪ ㍫ ㍬ ㍭ ㍮ ㍯ ㍰Ø ø ℥ ∑ ♃ ∞
⅟ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ¼ ½ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ‰

➜ ➝ ➞ ➟ ☇ ☈ ⌦ ➲ ➺ ➻ ↸ ↹ ↨ ↯
➘ ➚ ➙ ➥ ➦ ➠ ➡ ➨ ➧ ⬆ ⬇ ⬌ ⬍ ➔
← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↞ ↠ ↟ ↡ ⬸⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣
⟲ ⟳ ↺ ↻ ↶ ↷ ↩ ↪ ↫ ↬ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↴ ↵
⬲ ⟴ ⬰ ➛ ➢ ➣ ➤ ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➷ ➸ ➹ ➼ ➽
➩ ➪ ➫ ➬ ➭ ➮ ➯ ➱ ⇦ ⇧ ⇨ ⇩ ⇪ ⏎ ⬄
⬱ ⇄ ⇅ ⇆ ⇇ ⇈ ⇉ ⇊ ⇋ ⇌
↼ ↽ ↾ ↿ ⇀ ⇁ ⇂ ⇃ ↢ ↣ ↤ ↥ ↦ ↧
⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⟻ ⟼ ⟿ ⬳ ⟽ ⟾ ⟸ ⟹ ⟺
⇍ ⇎ ⇏ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇖ ⇗ ⇘ ⇙ ⇚ ⇛ ⟰ ⟱ ➾
⬴ ⬵ ⬶ ⬷ ⬹ ⬺ ⬻ ⬼ ⬽ ⬾ ⬿ ⭀ ⭁ ⭂ ⭃ ⭄ ⭇ ⭈ ⭉ ⭊ ⭋ ⭌
↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↭ ↮ ⇜ ⇝ ⇞ ⇟ ⇤ ⇥
← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞ ↟
↠ ↡ ↢ ↣ ↤ ↥ ↦ ↧ ↨ ↩ ↪ ↫ ↬ ↭ ↮ ↯ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↴ ↵ ↶ ↷ ↸ ↹ ↺ ↻ ↼ ↽ ↾ ↿
⇀ ⇁ ⇂ ⇃ ⇄ ⇅ ⇆ ⇇ ⇈ ⇉ ⇊ ⇋ ⇌ ⇍ ⇎ ⇏ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇖ ⇗ ⇘ ⇙ ⇚ ⇛ ⇜ ⇝ ⇞ ⇟
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Prince Reginald Conrad Beaumont

Reggie, The Baby Prince (His most popular nickname... he hates it), Prince of Archery, Poet Beaumont, Charming, Sweetheart

➷Royal Or Maid➽
Reginald is Royalty, The Youngest Son of King Harold William DePointe (The Ruler of EverCrest)

➷Age & Birthday➽
Eighteen (Apr. 20th) ♈/♉



➷Eye Color➽
Dark Brown

➷Hair Description➽
Reginald's hair is short and is raised up like a Squared Afro. His hair is very thick but curly at the same time.


197 lbs.


None. His skin is flawless and has no marks that he can think of or see.


➷Health Ailments➽
Allergic to Bees and Pumpkin Seeds

Reginald has always been the type of boy that would sit in his room and write about the world around him, he would use his imagination to create amazing things on paper and paint the things that popped up in his head. Not only is he artistic when it comes to painting, he is also an amazing poet. Reginald has a sweet and musical voice and mind, he loves to show people his poetry and songs and paintings. Reginald is a friendly and very sociable guy, never judging someone or something without getting to know them or about it first. He has been judged by a few people in his short life, being called the Lucky Bastard Child or The Baby Prince, he has grown a tough exterior... but he is soft on the inside and most people can tell how emotional and passionate the young male is when it comes to most people and things he cares about.

Reginald is a loyal and trusting person. He will put his life in the hands of anyone that he sees as a good friend or family. Sometimes his trusting ways has gotten him into a few bad situations, but his creativeness and resourcefulness has always gotten him out of those situations. He's trustworthy and will never go against the ones he considers a friend or/and family. He doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his entire body, never once getting angry or upset with someone to go as far as to yell at them or attack them. Everyone has that moment when enough is enough, but Reginald has never let anyone bring him to that point of anger and recklessness.

Reginald can be very Diplomatic and Fair when it comes to most things. He knows how to get people to work together and not go against one another. He hates unnecessary violence, if there is another way to solve an issue other than bloodshed, he will always pick that option over violence. Even at his young age, and despite his slow and ditzy moments, he is a very intelligent and sophisticated boy. He knows when it's time to have fun and when it's time to act like a civilized Royal. Reginald knows how to put on a show, his charming and affectionate demeanor will put most people and creatures in a pleasant mood. He has a caring and peaceful aura around that seems to affect even the harshest of people, which comes in handy when dealing with the crazed beasts and idiots of EverCrest.

Reginald has some self-hatred, he blames himself for the death of his mother. Reginald's mother died giving birth to the boy, to this day he still hates himself for thinking he caused his mother's death. He has never told anyone about the hatred and guilt he feels, always putting on a smile when someone asks about his real mother. He rarely speaks about her, and not only because he knows almost nothing about the woman, but he will start to tear up just mentioning her for too long of a period of time. That is one of the only areas of his life that will send the almost always cheerful and caring boy over the edge and he'll burst into tears. As long as he has his Archery and Poetry, Reginald Beaumont will be a happy and positive boy.

The day that Reginald Conrad Beaumont was born was a happy and tragic day in one of the villages in EverCrest. The Sun seemed to have shined brighter than ever on the small village where his mother, Sade Beaumont, a well-known Seamstress in the village, started to go into labor. Everything was going well in the beginning, but then complications started to arise when Reginald was almost birthed. His mother started to loose a lot of blood, and it was either her or Reginald that would live. Reginald doesn't know this part of the story, since no one has ever told him it, but his mother sacrificed her life so he could have one. After a few more agonizing pushes and screams, Reginald was born... but sadly his mother died a few seconds later.

Reginald was raised up until the age of five in the small village not that far from the Kingdom. He was raised by his uncle and aunt, who treated him like he was their own son. Reginald grew up humble and learned about hard work, helping his uncle with the small farm they had. Reginald loved playing with the chickens and especially the pigs, getting into the mud with them... even oinking like he was one of them a few times. Reginald's life would change when his aunt found a few letters and notes in the old house his mother had lived in. The letters were from and to The King of EverCrest. Reginald's aunt and uncle started to read over the letters and notes and learned that his mother and the King had an affair, it was right around the time his mother became pregnant with him.

At first, when Reginald's aunt and uncle brought him to the King, of course he denied the boy. After a few more months of nonstop talk and gossip going around the village and kingdom like wildfire, The King had no other choice but to finally give in and come clean about his and Sade's affair and Reginald was soon brought into the Kingdom. Reginald didn't feel at home at all in the place at first, he would run away back to the village, to his uncle and aunt. It took a few more years for him to finally feel at home in the Kingdom. He would still take trips out to the small village to see his other family, but he started to come to terms with being a Prince and actually loving the life he had and has.

Now at the Young Adult age of Eighteen, Reginald is ready to explore the giant world, but he needs someone by his side to help him explore the vast lands. Even though he is living the life his mother had hoped and died for him, he still has not gotten over her death... and cries most nights when he is alone in his bedroom. Maybe one day he will realize that his mother gave up her life for him to live one, but until then... Reginald will always feel some form of emptiness in his heart.

Archery, Poetry, Drawing, Painting, Singing, Dancing, Horseback Riding, Traveling, Being a Prince, His lucky golden Bow & Arrows, Animals, Meeting new people, Parties, Events, Stars, Space, Creative Individuals, Jokes, Laughing, Warm Weather

Talking about his Birth Mother, People calling him "The Baby Prince", People using him, Rude People, Seeing someone be mistreated, His family members getting hurt, Hurting Others, Violence, Unnecessary Violence

Archery, Poetry, Traveling, Running, Drawing, Painting, Telling Jokes, Practicing Public Speeches

Archery, Poetry, Drawing, Painting


Archery, Trusting, Creativeness, Poetry, Public Speaking, Mentally Strong, Resourceful, Quick

Naive, Too Trusting, Guarded, Emotional, Sword Fighting, Letting Things Go

Losing his brothers. Losing his father and adoptive mother. Telling someone the guilt he feels. Letting people into his true feelings. Letting others down. Hurting someone or something. Failure.

1. Reginald has never told anyone about the guilt he feels over his birth mother's death, not even his brothers know about the guilt he feels.

2. Reginald actually likes the thought of magic... but he would never tell anyone that, fearing that he would be treated worst than ever before by everyone.

3. Reginald once tried to kill himself. He was about to jump from his bedroom window, but one of his brother's pulled him back. He lied and told his brother that he was sleepwalking. (I will ask one of the Princes if they would hopefully like to be the brother that saved Reginald from the window).


➷Favorite Color➽
Baby Blue

➷Favorite Animal➽

➷Favorite Food➽

➷Favorite Place➽
The Village

Reginald dreams of becoming a King of his own Kingdom, maybe EverCrest or maybe he will build his own Kingdom from scratch someday. He would name the Kingdom after his birth mother.

➷Personal Goals➽
1. Find a wife and have his own family someday.

2. Be the best father and spouse ever.

3. Hopefully get over the guilt of his mother's death.

4. Become a King.


(Will fill out after talking with everyone...)



(OPEN... but who could hate Reginald? Like seriously...)

Lord Boa (His pet Boa Constrictor... amazing name right?)

"The clock strikes twelve."

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What's Your Name?
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Rosemary, but you can call me Rose." *Laughs*
Rosemary Victoria Childs

How Old Are You?
"I'm not that old... right?"

How Tall Are You?
"Ummm... I never measured myself." *Gets Up To Measure Self*

How Much Do You Weigh?
*Gasps* "That's fucking rude... jerk!" *SLAPS!*
100 Pounds Even

What Grade Are You In?
"What is after first, but before third?" *Laughs*

Why Were You Accepted Into Bloomfield?
"Well, I hate sports... I'm not THAT smart, so what does that leave Sweetheart?" *Crosses Arms And Waits*
Arts: Specifically Theater

Are You Playing Any Sports?
"Ewww... so I can sweat and smell like a pig?! Yeah right Buddy." *Rolls Eyes*
Nope, not even one.

Do You Participate In The Fine Arts?
"... no, I just sit around and do nothing..."
1. Theater (Main)
2. Dance (Contemporary)(Secondary)
3. Choir

Any Academic Clubs?
"I mean, I can be smart sometimes." *Laughs*
1. Science Club
2. Debate Team (With Her Mouth & Attitude... Perfect)

Your Favorite Color?
"Uhhh... the prettiest and best color there is, Duh!"
Pink (All Shades Of Pink)

Your Favorite Foods?
"Oh! Those things my mother makes all the time, what are they called..." *Deep In Thought*
1. Pink Sprinkled Snickerdoodles
2. Lasagna
3. Vegan Cookies
4. Protein Snacks
5. Birthday Cake Oreos
6. Macaroni

Your Most Cherished Item?
"Why should I tell you that. ARE YOU TRYING TO STEAL IT!" *Get's Defensive*
Her Silver Hairbrush that her Great Grandmother gave to her.


Five Things You're Good At?
"Only five? I can count more than that... but alright." *Starts Counting On Fingers*
1. Acting
2. Dancing
3. Singing
4. Manipulation
5. Looking Amazing

Four Things You're Bad At?
"... Nothing! I swear!" *Pouts*
1. Empathy
2. Following Orders
3. Telling A Lie

Traits You Look For In A Friend?
"Well, you have to be cute for one." *Laughs*
1. Honest
2. Pretty
3. Fashionable
4. Loyal
5. Confident
6. Funny
7. Exciting
8. Trendsetter
9. A Leader
10. Lack Drama

Traits You Dislike In A Person?
"If you're ugly... GO AWAY!" *Winks*
1. Ugly
2. Fat
3. Boring
4. Smelly
5. Fake
6. Liar
7. User
8. A Follower
9. Traitor
10. Overdramatic "That's my JOB!"

Would You Rather Wear Pants Or Skirts For The Rest Of Your Life?
"Ummm, is that an actual question?" *Ignores*
Skirts, Obviously

"Why... because, they're fucking beautiful, that's why!" *Getting Annoyed*
Rosemary has never wore a pair of pants in her life... she would rather die before having to wear those things.

What Do You Hope To Accomplish At Bloomfield?
"Oh this is an easy question." *Stands Up A Twirls Around The Room*
Rosemary wants to become the next big Actress and Dancer, winning every award imaginable... and Bloomfield is just the first steppingstone.

"I have a beautiful personality, don't YOU think so?" *Dares You To Say Otherwise*
|★|Loving|★|Overdramatic|★|Shallow|★|Affectionate|★|Ditzy|★|A Leader|★|Peaceful|★|Confident|★|Bossy|★|Blunt|★|
Even though most people think that Rosemary can be a big bitch, which she will even own up to when she does, she isn't mean just to be mean. Rosemary comes from a very wealthy family, but they taught her hard work, she wasn't handed everything... so she had to learn how to be a bossy bitch to get her way. When she is not trying to be the center of attention, Rosemary likes to make new friends and have fun. She is deathly honest, if she has something to say, she'll say it. Most people tend to want to hide the truth to spare other's feelings, but that doesn't make it any better. She is her own person, and she couldn't care less what people think about her. That's just Rosemary for you, not giving a damn how people judge her.

Background History
"This is my life story... enjoy!" *Laughs And Sits Back*
Born Rosemary Victoria Childs to Vanessa Liliana Childs and Camden Fredrick Childs, she was their pride and joy, their first and only girl was born on a beautiful Spring Day. Rosemary is the youngest of three, having two older brothers. Even though her parents didn't always give her everything she wanted, she still got her way a few times. She was a Daddy's Girl and a Mommy's Girl, they tried to not spoil her... but they would always give in when she really started putting on the Crybaby Act.

From a very young age, Rosemary loved every aspect of Performing Arts. She would dance before she could walk, everytime a song would play or some kind of musical beat would start, she would get up and start shaking her little butt. When she got into acting, that's when she found her true passion. Her parents wanted the best for her, she was only Ten when she started going to Acting Classes. Rosemary was a natural, but she still had a lot of work to go before hitting the Big Screen.

She learned from her mother how to act like a Proper Civilized Lady, and how to avoid girls who acted too manly. You can thank her mother for the way Rosemary treats the "Unfavorable" ones. Rosemary has grown up to be a beautiful young girl, with a few bratty traits, but that is just her.
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Prince Angelo Maldonia

Angel, Gelo, Prince Playboy, Prince Suave, Cheater, Liar, Trickster, Big Flirt On Campus

♡Age & Birthday♡
Twenty-Two (May 14th) (♉)

All Male

♡Evil Or Good♡
Chaotic Good

♡Disney Parent(s)♡
Tiana & Prince Naveen of Maldonia

♡Eye Color♡
Grey-Green & Stunning

♡Hair Description♡
Black, Cut Short and always Kept Neat.


240 lbs. (All Muscle Baby!)


One tattoo over his Heart. It's the name of his Grandmother (His Father's Mother), Mary.

♡Health Ailments♡
He skin does seem to get itchy and irritated when he has skin-to-skin contact with frogs...

Right off the bat most people can tell that Angelo Maldonia is a man who knows how to get what he wants, he will stop at nothing to get anything and everything he wants. Being spoiled since birth, the male doesn't know the meaning of no or you can't have. He wasn't born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth, he was born with a Platinum Spoon in his mouth. Even though his mother would teach him how to be humble and gracious towards others, his father taught him how be an Entitled Brat and how to get girls to fall head over heels for him. Angelo is a cocky and conceited Prince, knowing he looks damn good and can get anyone he wants just by being himself. He hasn't ever had a long-lasting relationship, not one for Commitment. He is a very brave man, never backing down from a fight, a verbal or a physical one. He has his father's looks and pride and his mother's bravery and independence, a combination that usually has him going against most who don't understand him.

Angelo has a very strong and maybe even a little bit of an intimidating aura and personality. When he walks into a room, it's hard not to notice the male, and not only because he is a freaking giant, he just has that presence that grabs people's attention right from the begining. Angelo may flirt with anyone that looks his way and is attractive, but he does more than just flirt. He learned how to lead a team and how to show true Leadership from both of his parents. He has Leadership Qualities and knows how to take care of others, even if he isn't the most faithful when it comes to a Monogamous relationship. It takes a lot of time and dedication for the Playboy Prince to keep his attention on one person for more than a few weeks.

If you can get over his cockiness and flirtatious ways, you will start to notice the kind and caring side of the Heir to the Maldonian Throne. Angelo isn't always trying to take control over every situation and wanting to be the center of attention, he does like to make friends and have a good time. The male knows how to start a party, he just has a horrible time at trying to end them. Angelo is the person you know will always have you either laughing or annoyed, or sometimes both at the same time. He just has no shame when it comes to being himself. He's loud, cocky, flirtatious and funny... and he would have it no other way.

Being born to the future King and Queen of Maldonia, the only child to the Maldonian Throne, Angelo's Life was planned out way before he was born. While he would go through training to run the entire Kingdom one day, he would also sneak off to watch his mother cook the most amazing food for the whole Kingdom. He would get in trouble for trying to cook the food, only getting a few stern warnings, which never came down to real punishments. He was such a little curious and mischievous boy, getting into soo much trouble at a young age. His parents knew that Angelo would be a difficult boy to raise, but both of his parents were the same way, so they knew it was payback for what they put their own parents through. Angelo got everything he wanted, he didn't have to work for stuff from his father, but his mother made him do chores and other errands if he ever wanted anything from her. Angelo was spoiled by both parents in different ways, which was the best way for him to grow up.

Angelo loved to listen to all different types of music. He started to sing before he could speak, always putting a tune into every word he said. His voice was and still is as silky as ever, he definitely gets the singing from both parents. Angelo didn't only love to sing, he also loved to explore the Kingdom and go outside of the Kingdom. The first time he left Maldonia was when his parents brought him to New Orleans for his tenth birthday, where he learned about how they met and where he visited his mother's side of the family.

In New Orleans, Angelo had his first encounter with Hoodoo, magic that his parents always warned him to never play with. He was playing around with one of the kids that lived in New Orleans and the boy played a nasty trick on Angelo, turning his hands into frog legs, which made the Prince cry and scream for his parents. Eventually the boy was forced to turn Angelo's arms back to normal, and he has never forgotten about that horrible boy and that incident.

That was the first and last time Angelo had ever witnessed or been around magic, since his parents banned all forms of Magic in Maldonia, since their own incident with a known Evil Sorcerer went horrible. The more Angelo grew up, the more lessons and things his parents taught him and showed him. He did listen to them but he also was an independent boy, which meant he wanted to learn things his own way once in awhile. Even though he loves his parents, he doesn't like how they want to dictate his life and the things he does, which just makes him rebel more and more each day. Maybe one day he will realize that his parents only want the best for him, one day hopefully.

H(Singing, Dancing, Traveling, Cooking, Flirting, Archery, Sword Fighting)
Singing, Flirting, Cooking, Sword Fighting)

S(Physically Strong, Mentally Strong, Charming, Charismatic, Leadership, Diplomatic, Resourceful, Bravery)
His Pride, Recklessness, Sheltered Life, Frogs (Allergic), Attractive People)


×Angelo had his heart broken a few years back by his first and only love.
×He can't swim at all.
×Angelo once screamed like a little girl when a frog hopped on the top of his head... he never speaks about the situation anymore.




♡Feelings On Their Arranged Marriage♡
Angelo thinks that this whole Arranged Marriage thing is ridiculous. His parents weren't forced to marry each other, why does he have marry someone he will never love? He doesn't want to do this, but he knows how stubborn his mother can be. He doesn't like this one bit, but he'll go along with just to save his precious ears from his mother's annoying parent voice.

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Harmony Heart

Mony, Fashion Diva, Trendsetter, The Mad Princess, The Mad Fashionista, Crazy, Ditz

♡Age & Birthday♡
Nineteen (December 1st) (♐)


♡Evil Or Good♡
Neutral (Unsure)

♡Disney Parent(s)♡
The Mad Hatter

♡Eye Color♡
Crystal Grey

♡Hair Description♡
Brunette, Curly, Thick and Wonderful


111 lbs.

Ears & Tongue


♡Health Ailments♡
Suffers from Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

Harmony is just like what her name represents, a peaceful and serene girl most of the time. She hates drama and would rather avoid confrontations at all costs. Harmony is super passionate when it comes to fashion and anything that has to do with fashion, she loves to style her friends and get them to model her creations. Harmony is a bubbly and sweet girl, but when her issues start to pop up... she can become vindictive and chaotic. Her mind is like a light switch, one moment she'll be all fun and happy, and the next she'll be cursing someone out just for looking at her wrong. Harmony has some control over her mental issues, but it runs in her father's side of the family... so it's a battle everyday to control her outbursts.

Harmony loves to make friends and meet new people, she is nonjudgmental and tries to see the best in even the worst seeming people. Harmony knows that people see her and her father as straight up wackos, but she doesn't hold that against anyone... knowing they were just brought up to think she and her family are just insane tea drinking sociopaths or something. Even though she does have ditzy moments, Harmony is a very intelligent girl and she does like to learn and study new things and learn new ways of doing things from other people. Harmony is a bit of a tomboy, not being afraid to get dirty and hang with the guys. She is a pretty girl but can get dirty when the situation calls for it. She doesn't wait around for a man to kill a bug... she'll do it herself.

Harmony is also an open-book, not one to hide her true feelings or lie to someone about anything. She hates liars and telling a lie, she would rather get embarrassed for telling the truth than be caught in a lie and look like an evil person or friend. Even if the truth is harsh, she will tell everyone how she feels, which sometimes can come off as her being bitchy or bossy. Harmony has the nickname "The Mad Fashionista" because when it comes to designing outfits or styling someone, it's her way or no way. She hates when someone tries to imitate her work and ends up destroying her vision. She will always take the lead on any project or any form of work. She's not a girl that just sits back and looks pretty while others do the hard work.

Harmony's childhood was a very... interesting one. Growing up as The Mad Hatter's precious daughter and living in Wonderland was a big deal. Her father use to give her tea to drink at night... which wasn't good for a toddler, but what can you do when your father is insane? Her mother was one of The Mad Hatter's good friends and soon they were married in a beautiful ceremony, and of course everyone had tea afterwards. A few months later Harmony Heart was born, and she grew up in a world that was filled with wonders and dangers. It's truly only by luck that the little girl made it to Young Adulthood without losing a limb, her father was a careless man at times, but he loved and still loves her with all of his heart.

Harmony was a free-spirited little girl, getting lost in the forests of Wonderland, luckily her Godfather, The White Rabbit, would always find her and keep her out of danger. Living in Wonderland was how Harmony's creative abilities blossomed and flourished, there was nothing like Wonderland in all the other realms of the world. She saw and did things that most can only ever imagine about. Harmony would get the creatures in Wonderland to model her outfits and they would give their honest opinions of them. She was only fourteen when she made her first Collection of Outfits, she named the collection "Wonderland Extravaganza." Even though she was a kid at the time, her outfits were amazing and a few residents of Wonderland did end up buying her outfits, which only pushed her to do better and really take her Fashion Designing seriously.

Harmony had as much of a normal childhood she could have in Wonderland and being the daughter of The Mad Hatter, sure she did have moments with the Psycho Bitch Queen of Hearts tried to terrorize her family and friends, but other than that, Harmony's life was Harmonious... until the whole Arranged Marriage thing started to go down. Harmony only had a few real relationships, she does believe in love... but not forced love. She was excited to hear about getting married but she would prefer to find her own partner and not have her parents decide for her... but whatever.

H(Fashion Blogging, Designing Outfits, Styling, Modeling, Partying, Motocross (Surprised?), Drinking Tea)
Styling, Fashion Design, Drawing, Painting, Making Tea, Modeling, Motocross)

S(Resourceful, Creativeness, Teamwork, Passionate, Caring, Loving, Loyal, Intelligent)
Mental Issues, Paranoia, Forgetful, Emotional)

×Going truly insane... like her father.
×Not being attracted to her partner.
×Getting hurt, romantically and physically.

×Harmony has a "Lucky" Teddy Bear named Mr. Honey. She brings him everywhere, he's in her purple backpack... that no one is allowed to look in.
×Harmony once threw 10 stink bombs in The Queen of Hearts Home... don't ask where she got the bombs from and how she got them in the home.




♡Feelings On Their Arranged Marriage♡
×Nervous But Optimistic×
At first, like any normal person, when Harmony found out she was going to have an Arranged Marriage... she nearly cried her eyes out. Eventually after a few conversations when her parents, mostly her mother, she agreed to at least give this whole thing a try. She is optimistic and hopeful that her future Husband will actually be someone she can learn to love someday.

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Magnivious (Magnificent & Devious combined)

Mags, Dragon Boy, The Prince of Fire, The Boy Made of Fire & Chaos

♡Age & Birthday♡
Twenty (Apr. 20th) (♈/♉)


♡Evil Or Good♡
Chaotic Evil

♡Disney Parent(s)♡

♡Eye Color♡
Ocean Blue

♡Hair Description♡
Curly, Kept a little Messy, shaved on the sides in a fade.


175 lbs. (Lean & Mean)

Nose, Nipples & Ears

The only mark Magnivious has is the disguised Dragon Tattoo Wings going down his shoulder to the middle of his back. His wings look like a tattoo when he's not in his Dragon Form.

♡Health Ailments♡
Anger Issues & Bipolar Disorder

Magnivious is a very chaotic and unpredictable guy. Most people never know what to expect when The Prince of Fire is around. Magnivious is a very aggressive and violent boy. He has been in a lot of fights in his short Twenty years of life. He has the Dragon Aggression burning deep inside, it's just a natural action of his to blow up on people if they try to punk him. Magnivious is also a very mysterious boy, most people know nothing about who his father is, since who would ever make love with Maleficent and then have a kid? No one will probably ever know. Magnivious isn't one to talk about himself that often, he gets very defensive and hostile if people keep asking him questions about his childhood and home life. He has his mother's cold and powerful demeanor that just screams, "Don't Piss Me Off!" Only a few people have ever seen that horrible side of him... and those people have never been seen again.

Magnivious has one passion that shows his vulnerable and more human side, and it's when he's on stage singing his music. Magnivious wants to start a band and be the Lead Singer and do something he actually wants to do for a change. He isn't all bad and horrible, even though those two traits are a major part of his personality, he does have a caring and friendly side that only is shown to very special people or a very special person. Magnivious loves to do daring things, never thinking twice about doing something that could end with him in the hospital or in the grave. He's a reckless guy, and sometimes even his friends can't keep up with his chaotic and destructive habits and actions.

Magnivious gets a rush of adrenaline when he lives life on the very edge of all edges, he loves to feel the fear in his body be obliterated by facing all of his fears and doubts. To some he may seem like the Ideal Villain Child, but he even disobeys his mother... the Evillest of Evil Villains. If Maleficent can't handle him, then no one can tell him what to do. He follows no one rules but his own. Magnivious is a hothead with a foul mouth, he can cut you down with his words and his hands. He might be reckless and insanely daring, but Magnivious is no one's fool, so never try to cross him. He keeps grudges for weeks until he gets his revenge on whoever crossed him, so don't be shocked if you see a gigantic dragon breathing fire on your house because you did something disrespectful towards Magnivious.

Will Be Revealed In RP

H(Flying, Writing Music, Partying, Smoking Weed, Drinking, Fighting, Getting In Trouble, Learning Dark Magic, Learning Spells)
Breathing Fire, Flying, Singing, Writing Music, Fighting)

S(Dark Magic, Can't Be Burned By Natural And Magical Fire, Dragon Form (Durable Skin, Breathing Fire, Flying), Singing, Physically Strong, Stealing)
Anger Issues, Guarded, Emotionally Closed Off, Recklessness, Drug & Alcohol Dependence, Mental Issues)


×Magnivious is secretly deathly afraid of opening his heart to anyone... even his mother.
×Magnivious once turned into a Dragon and nearly Demolished an entire Village in his Home Realm.
×Magnivious has a small fear of giant bodies of water. He has never gone to the Beach, knowing that his friends would probably pressure him into getting in the water.




♡Feelings On Their Arranged Marriage♡
×Furious & Vengeful×

When his mother had the audacity to actually tell him that he was going to have an Arranged Marriage to some Hero's Kid... he actually shot steam from his ears. Magnivious protested the whole time he was talking with his mother. Even though he is Rebellious like no other, his mother has some weird magical hold over him, and when she uses that hold, Magnivious can't seem to fight her. He was forced to agree to this insane idea... but he won't like it one bit, so good luck to whoever ends up with The Prince of Fire.

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Velvet Raquel Lace



(Femme Fatale/Sexay/Party Animal)
There is no one that is probably more of a player and a flirt than Miss Velvet Lace. She can walk into a room and all eyes will be on her, if her attitude and mouth doesn't get her the attention... her overly revealing outfits will ALWAYS get people to stare her way. Velvet has always been a girl that did things her way and treated people the way she felt they deserved to be treated. Most people have given her the nickname "Purple Dominatrix" since she wears purple all the time and... well the other part is pretty obvious once you get to know her. Velvet knows how to work a crowd, her presence will always be known and attract a crowd without even trying. When she's not seducing some poor guy or girl, you can always catch the Sneaky Vixen either starting a party or crashing one. Velvet parties just like she flirts, hard and relentless.

Some people can't handle her carefree attitude towards most things, not being one for the drama and ridiculousness, she does things her way or no way. Velvet loves to have people fall to their knees when she's in charge, she takes the reins and holds on for dear life. If you want to have a good time and possibly get into trouble, Velvet is the girl to contact. She is a girl who loves to live life on the edge and to it's fullest, she doesn't think too far into the future... since it doesn't matter as much as the present does. She'll try anything at least once, the daredevil with a killer body is always up for a good time.

Guitar: Hex-(Link)

Waking up in a stranger's bed wasn't something new for the Brunette Bombshell, she had a long night and she would be having an even longer morning. Velvet Lace went back to some girl's apartment after partying a little too hard last night, and that's saying a lot for a girl that can drink four bottles of Vodka straight and not feel even a tiny bit drunk. She had a lot of fun... or so she thinks, since she only remembers flashes of the night. Moving her arms from under the plush blanket, Velvet rolled over and started to open her eyes. "Where... what..." Sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she looked around the room. "This is definitely not my place." She grinned.

Velvet looked to her side and saw a cute redheaded girl passed out next to her. "Guess I wore the poor thing out... nice." She smirked, before getting up and pulling on her clothes. Some would say that Velvet was a dude in a different life, the way she acted and treated men and women... but maybe it's just Karma for all the men who treated women badly... who really knows what's going on in the Brunette's head, not even Velvet knows most of the time.

Once she got herself together, she started heading out of the redhead's apartment. "Maybe I should at least leave a note or something." Shrugging, she looked around in the dresser next to the bed, finally finding a purple pen and a notebook. "Perfect." She wrote a short note that just said thanks for the night and see you later. Velvet was about to put the pen back, but decided to take it as a souvenir. "Later beautiful..." She whispered as she left the apartment, like a thief in the night... well morning in her case.
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Full Name

Demon Name
His name is Ankaroth... idiot.

King, Devil, Satan, Lucifer, The Evil One

Real Age: Unknown
Looks In Human Form: Early to Late Twenties



What kind of demon are they?
Ankaroth has his own Tier. A Higher Tier than others.

What does their true form look like?
Most beings have never seen Ankaroth's true form, being a ferocious creature, his hatred is embodied in his True Form. Only a few demons and others have ever gotten the unlucky chance to see what Ankaroth truly looks like, a creature of unimaginable fear and power.
(Look... if you dare)

Dragon Form
Dark Arts
Sin Embodiment
Hive Mind (Only works on demons who are truly connected to him)
Flaming (Teleporting by using fire and magic)
Supernatural Strength
Supernatural Endurance
Enhanced Speed

Do they hunt humans either for fun or food?
Ankaroth doesn't hunt humans, he has minions to do that for him if he so pleases.

Ankaroth likes using his powers for the most part when it comes to combat or anything else in that category. He does have three favorite weapons, though. He also has the power to change the form of things, so he can just make any inanimate object into a weapon.
1. Shredder (His Enchanted Spear)
2. Sun & Moon (His Enchanted Daggers)
3. Death (His Enchanted Sword)

"The world is mine for the taking... and so I will take it!"

Is your character religious at all?
... Let's not discuss that, shall we?

Everyone who knows Ankaroth already knows his history, so move it along!

Ankaroth is a man of great power and intimidation, he doesn't have to make people pay attention to him... they know to pay attention to him when he's in the room. Ankaroth is a prideful man, maybe too prideful if you ask anyone else who knows him. His pride is his greatest strength and also his greatest weakness. He will fight someone to the end of time if they have ever disrespected him, he is known to terrorize a person until they die, and that is when he'll start to terrorize their family members. Ankaroth is a man who's pride comes before most other things.

He isn't only a prideful fool, Ankaroth is a Natural Born Leade. Since he couldn't become a King on Earth, he took over Hell. He is now the King of the last stop for the wicked ones. He knows how to manipulate others into doing what he wants them to do and to believe what he wants them to believe. Ankaroth isn't a male that gives up on things easily, he will stick to his guns until he is killed or until he wins the war. It doesn't matter who comes his way, The King Of Hell will take them down.

Ankaroth manipulation doesn't just stick to keeping his minions in check, he also manipulates the feelings of others. He knows that his human form is a sexy man and that a lot of people would do anything to have him inside of them (if it wasn't obvious by now, yes he is a Total Power Top). Ankaroth loves having power over others when they fall to his tricks and devilish charm. He does have a sweet side that most do get to see when they act the way he likes them to act. He is a control freak but with a soft side.

Ankaroth has a great sense of humor, loving to hear a few jokes, even if they're corny or have been told millions of times. He does like to smile even if some demons only ever see the evil and bruting glare in his eyes. He is always thinking towards the future, not one to just sit around and hope for things to fall into his lap. He is always on the move, never staying in one spot for too long of a time. The shadows he controls are usually where he likes to be in, never showing his face unless needed or warranted. Ankaroth is a Prideful, Smart and Charming male, someone to watch out for if you know what's good for you.

Power. Intelligent Conversations. The color Blood Red. Romance. Wicked People. Destruction. Sex. Bondage. Fighting. Dark Magic. Exercising. Being a King. Jokes. Drinking. Demons who follow his orders. Loyalty. The Priestess (Even though she didn't love him...). Urban Outfits. Eating. Being in control. Hell. Earth. The Shadows. Traveling. Horror Movies. Blood. Strong Personalities. A Good-Time.

His bitch of a brother. Disloyalty. Foolishness. Being Defeated. Liars. Backstabbers. His other family members, dead or alive. Weak Individuals. Losing Control. Bad Breath & Hygiene.

Any family?
Ankaroth cut all ties with all of his family, even before he became who he is now.


Real Form: 16'4"
Human Form: 6'7"

Real Form: Unknown
Human Form: 317 lbs.

Hair Color
Dark Blonde

Eye Color
Real Form: Golden-Blood Red
Human Form: Crystal Blue

Ankaroth human build is fit for strength and physical prowess. His body is that of a God, with his amazing height and enormous muscles, Ankaroth's human form outmatches most.

Personal Attire
In his human form, Ankaroth has come to like the urban and street style of clothing of the New Times. He tends to wear very tight shirts and skinny jeans, showing off every bulge and muscle in his body. He has a few special rings and necklaces that he wears all the time.


Ankaroth is secretly insecure about his true form, seeing as no one could possibly be able to love him because of the insane and ferocious look of his true self.
Ankaroth is always in the shadows. Most will probably never see him or just feel his presence in a room.
Ankaroth is still in love with The Priest and will do whatever it takes to find her Reincarnation and make them love him.
Ankaroth knows that his brother and the Priestess were Reincarnated but doesn't know who they are now.

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Full Name
Alicio Bonhomme

Demon Name
Asmodeitus (Taken from Asmodeus, Higher Level Demon and also the Representation of Lust)

Ali (His favorite one), The Nice One, Wild Child, Hipster (Which he doesn't understand at all), Snob, Romantic Devil

Real Age: 300+
Human Form Age: 22-23 Years Old

Paris, France


What kind of demon are they?
Tier 2

What does their true form look like?
Alicio's true form doesn't look like the typical Tier 2 Demon form or any Demon Tier form, to be honest. His true form physically represents his kind and caring personality traits. His mane is as beautiful as his hair in his human form. Alicio stands out from the dark and evil forms of the other demons. While they hide in the shadows he shines in the light.
(Look... and be amazed)

Pyrokinesis (THIS skill is his most used one)
Pathokinesis (His more difficult power to control, seems to have manifest because of his kind and caring nature)
Dark Arts (Minor Magical Knowledge. Basic Spells)

Do they hunt humans either for fun or food?

None. If he does have to fight or defend himself, Alicio is more likely to use his powers than to pick up a weapon or object.

"Just because I'm a demon, it does not mean I have to act like one."

Is your character religious at all?


Alicio is nothing like the normal evil demon, while most demons want to cause havoc and fear in the heart of humans and other creatures, he wants to interact with humans and get to know them. Alicio would rather greet a human than eat them, he doesn't get the impulse to kill or devour mortal beings. Alicio is usually the odd one of the bunch. While creatures like him are off killing and possibly fucking humans, he'll be running around the city, looking for new things to do and try. He doesn't follow the rules that others make, he is a Rebel and he does things his way.

Even though he still doesn't know what it means to be a Hipster, he gives off the vibe of being one himself. He tends to stray away from what others like to do, always wanting to do something that most people never seem to like that often. He doesn't do it on purpose, but it just happens that once too many people start to like the same thing, Alicio will start to not like it as much or not at all. He gives off a vibe as if he is too good to associate himself with the more uncivilized beings around the city and that he is better than the common demon. Alicio doesn't notice his pretentious ways until they are pointed out to him, he's just very confident in himself and in his beliefs and ways of living.

If you can get past his pretentious and odd traits, you will see that this demon is a sweet and caring creature who just wants to be there for the ones who want to have him around. Alicio is in the minority group of demons that don't hunt humans down for food and/or fun, he likes to coexist with them on Earth and doesn't mind having them around. He's the "evil" one with a Golden Heart. He is a Hopeless Romantic at Heart also. He isn't one to just meet a random person and hookup with them right then and there. Alicio likes to get to know the person before deciding if they are worth his time and heart. He considers most beings his friends or aquaintances, but a lucky few have gotten into his heart, and they never regret it.

Alicio is an independent and carefree individual, tending to act before he thinks... which has gotten him into a few nasty situations. He might guard his heart from most, but when it comes to guarding his body from danger, he'll do whatever he feels like doing at the time. He knows any day some Priest or Upper Level Demon could decide to take him out for no good reason, so he wants to live his life with no regrets or worry. He's brave and a little too carefree when it comes to everything, but no one can tell him how to act. He isn't reckless, but he does get wild and daring sometimes.

Even though he tries to keep calm and act nice around most, when he gets to the point of anger and not being able to keep his composure any longer... hopefully you're not the one he's going after. When his evil side comes out, it comes out with no off switch until whatever or whoever set him off is dealt with efficiently. He has gotten soo mad before that a whole house was sent crashing to the ground after he was finished dealing with the source of his anger and disgust. Alicio might be only a Tier 2 Demon, but in his Angry State he could best the weakest Tier 3 Demon, or at least leave the creature wounded and needing a quick recovery. He's nice to most and likes to do things his own way, but when he has enough, everyone will know it.

Learning new things. Music. Indie Movies. Traveling. Running through the city. The Beach. Summer. Meeting new people. Quiet days. Sleeping. Having super long hair. Boots. Being a stripper. Weed. Cocaine. Romance. Magic. Civilized Beings. Peaceful times. Dancing. Getting to know others on a deep level. Jeeps. The stars. Romantic Movies. Chocolate. Doing magic. Being called pretty.

Rudeness. Recklessness. Uncivilized beings. People playing in or with his hair. People calling him a snob or prideful. Violence. Being treated bad. Fake people. Horror movies. Liars. Cheaters. Idiots. Showing his evil side.

Any family?



175 lbs.

Hair Color

Eye Color
Real Eye Color: Red with a Pink aura around the pupils.
Human Eye Color: Light Green

Alicio has a very thin but somewhat muscular build. His human form is more built for endurance and flexibilty than anything else. His body type fits the activities and things he likes to do, like running around the city and stripping.

Personal Attire
Alicio doesn't have a "personal" style. He tends to put different styles together and always makes it work. Maybe his style is everything combined into one ball of genious. Only someone that thinks like him would think his style will be the new and trendy thing that others will eventually want to copy. The only thing that he does seem to wear a lot of and will always have some form of it on is ripped clothing. Either his pants or shirts or maybe even his shoes will have a rip or mulitple rips in them. Alicio also only owns multiple pairs of Boots, he doesn't wear sneakers or any other type of footwear.


Nipple Piercings and that's it.

Alicio is a Stripper and Drug Dealer on Earth. No ones knows this about him, and he might never tell anyone about what he does for a living. Even though he is confident and proud about who he is, he will NEVER let anyone get the satisfaction of knowing that he strips and sells drugs to keep looking the way he looks and living the way he lives.
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Full Name
Phoenix Lucian Bandini

Phi Phi, The Chosen One (By his family... secretly), Smiley, Goofy, Sweetheart, Gifted


November 21st, 1997 (♏)

London, England


How long have they been a priest?
Phoenix is just starting to train to become a Priest. Day one of training for him hasn't even started yet.

Do they follow the Act of Chastity?
He doesn't even know what that is. Maybe he'll follow it or decide not too soon enough.

Phoenix hasn't learned how to use many weapons, but he will most likely pick up swordsmanship and unconventional weapon wielding, just like his father.

Any other languages known besides Czech and Latin?
English, French, Italian, Swedish, Spanish and Swahili

"I don't know where I'm going but I'm ready for the journey."

Is your character not Catholic?
Yeah right... his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather would all come back to life and rip him a new one for leaving the Faith.

Phoenix being the son of a former Priest, the grandson of a former Priest and the great-grandson of a former Priest, he had a lot to live up to and would have a very interesting life even before he came into the world. His father was a big time Priest around the time he met and fell in love with Phoenix's mother, who was a devout Catholic woman and went to the church as much as she could throughout the week and weekend. Around the time, his parents finally spoke to one another and started to date was around the same time his grandfather had been hunting down a big time demon that was created to kill the offspring of a Bandini Priest and a Heartlocke Woman. The Bandinis and Heartlockes have been entwined together in many different ways for centuries and a Spiritual Being had prophesied that their connection would soon bring into the world a powerful and almost angelic child that would have magnificent powers and be able to help defeat the evil in the human world.

The demon that Phoenix's grandfather had been hunting down was the beast that was also talked about in the prophecy, it brought to the human world solely for the slaying of Phoenix once the boy was born into the world. His grandfather had been searching all around Europe, hoping to find the beast and slay it before it got anywhere near Phoenix's father and mother. It took him a few years, but his grandfather finally found the creature. It was a happy and sad time for the Bandini and Heartlocke family, Phoenix's mother had found out she was pregnant and was having a baby boy, but Phoenix's grandfather had died fighting the beast to keep his grandson's destiny alive. Even though it was great news that Phoenix wouldn't have to worry about some creature coming after him in his young age, everyone knew that it wouldn't be the last creature that would want to slay the young and Highly Gifted male.

Phoenix grew up in a pretty secluded and secure area of London, England. While his mother took care of him and made sure that he kept his gifted abilities a secret, he didn't even know about them. Around the age of four was when his powers started to manifest, but they would soon seem to go away since he didn't have any control over them at his young age. The truth is, his parents had a powerful and more knowledgeable Priest perform a spell on the boy. The spell was performed on him to keep Phoenix's powers in their dormant state until he needed them in a dire or serious situation, or when he could truly handle them. The only power that wasn't made dormant was Phoenix's control over air, which was the first ability that he started to show signs of having some control over.

Phoenix's father would travel from the Czech Republic to London all the time, he was still a Devout Priest but he was also a loving and caring husband and father. Whenever he came to London he would tell Phoenix different "stories" that spoke of great men who fought evil monsters and he told the young male about the story that one day a special boy would fight with the great men to rid the world of evil. At his age, of course, Phoenix thought it was a cool children story, never taking them too seriously. He loved spending time with his father and learning about what a Priest was and knowing that one day he would do the same as his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had done before him. He will soon know that the stories his father told him were true. The brave and powerful men who fought the monsters were the Priests fighting the demons. The special boy who would fight with them, he would learn that it was his destiny all along.

Phoenix Bandini is a very unique and interesting guy, and not just because of who his family is. He is an intelligent, somewhat intelligent, boy who loves to learn about new and creative things. He tries to always stay positive and looks for the good things in life, he does have his moments of negativity but everyone has those. He hates to see people criticize themselves and others for no other reason than to just be mean. You might never see this boy down or upset since he doesn't like for others to be affected by his negative emotions. He is always there for anyone that needs assistance.

Even though Phoenix does try to stay on the positive side of things, he can become bitchy and vindictive when someone does something to him or to someone he really cares about. He doesn't like to use his gifts for evil since they come from the Heavens, but he sometimes just loses it and knocks someone out with his heavenly gifts. The only time the male does become mean and vengeful is when the person or creature truly deserves it. He isn't a judgmental person but some beings just have it coming to them.

He isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and he doesn't become uncontrollable over every little thing, but he does have a sassy attitude once in awhile. He is legendary for his sarcastic words and quick comebacks when someone tries to make fun of him and his beliefs. He loves to crack jokes and have fun with everyone, as long as the person isn't evil in nature and doesn't want to harm anyone, Phoenix will, at least, give them a few minutes in the day to hang around with him. He learned from his family that most demons are made evil and aren't born evil, just like most humans are made good and aren't born good or evil. He would like to give every creature and being the benefit of the doubt when it comes to who they truly are, but some people always prove him right... which sucks.

He has slight OCD when it comes to having things done perfectly and making sure everything has their own place. He will check things over multiple times before deciding that it's done or as good as it will get. He hates disorder and mess, Phoenix will freak out if something is out of place or missing. He will have anxiety attacks at just the sight of something not in the right place. Most people use to take his OCD as a joke, but now they know that he has a serious disorder when it comes to perfection and organization. Phoenix is a kind and angelic like guy with an old soul, but with a few habits and oddities in-between but that's why most people can't help but love the charming and quirky young boy.

Food. Swimming. R&B. Pop. Hip-Hop. Nicki Minaj. Beyonce. Bebe Rexha. P!nk. Meeting new people. Magic. Learning to become a Priest. Animals. The outdoors. Having control over the air (the only power other than the normal ones he knows about and can use at the moment). All types of movies. Skateboarding. Cooking. Smiling. Being friendly. Making jokes. Drake. August Alsina. Trey Songz. Chris Brown. Dancing. Acting. Computer Games. Positivity. Meditation. Collecting crystals. Heavenly things. Bright colors. Traveling. Spring. Celebrating. Birthday cake flavored things. Creativeness. Windy Days. Going with the flow. Setting goals and dreams and accomplishing them. Organization. Perfection.

Cruel people and creatures. Evil demons. Judgement. People who treat others badly. Murders. Senseless acts of violence. Disorganization. Imperfections. Vegetables. Bad smells. The dark.

Any remaining family?
The only still living family member of Phoenix, that he knows of, is his dear mother, Garcelle Heartlocke-Bandini. He might have other family members living around the world since Heartlockes and Bandinis have been around for a long time but his mother hasn't told him about anyone.

Deceased Family Members
His Father
His Grandfather
His Great-Grandfather


Phoenix is going to be new and fresh to the world of Priests and Demons (even if his family is like Royalty in that type of world), so he won't know anyone in the beginning.


167 lbs.

Hair Color
Black/Dark Brown

Eye Color
Dark Brown

Phoenix is a thin and tall boy. He has some muscle mass but he is really just skin and bone with some nice pecs, biceps, and glutes. Phoenix's most notable body part that most people always have something to say about is his perfect booty, it gets more attention than anything else about him on most occasions, even more than his perfect smile.

Personal Attire
Phoenix's style can be described as Urban with a mix of Sophistication. He likes to dress up and mix things together. Phoenix will buy an expensive pair of pants and pair it with a cheap Graphic Tee or vice versa. He loves wearing bright and flamboyant colors and comfortable outfits, never following what others think is the new "hot thing" or whatever.

Phoenix's skin is flawless and perfect. When his father was alive, the male would make sure that Phoenix stayed safe and unharmed from most evil things.

Phoenix has multiple tattoos on his arms and one tattoo on his chest over his heart. His parents didn't approve of his tattoos, but it was his form of rebellion that every kid goes through. He has no piercings whatsoever, he doesn't like them.

There aren't many, probably less than five, Priests that have ever been gifted the Heavenly Powers that Phoenix was born with. He has Celestial Manipulation, but he only knows about his air control since his other powers are in their dormant state for the time being.
Phoenix is a bi-virgin. He's bisexual, so a bi-virgin means that he hasn't had sex with a guy yet. He has had sex with a few girls, but he knows there's a big difference.
Phoenix is nervous about becoming a Priest. He doesn't know if he can uphold the Bandini name.
Phoenix was named after the Magnificent Mythical bird of fire. He's a unique and powerful boy who will always rise from the ashes even in his darkest of days.
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Zaavan Jasper Porter

Z, Vanny (His family calls him this one), The Shy One, The Controller of Air, The Defender of Freedom & Change, Raven's Peak's Resident Alchemist

⚫Age & Birthday⚫
Twenty-Two/June 13th (♊)

The Witches & Magic Users of The Raven's Peak Coven

Zaavan is the son of two powerful Magic Users and the grandson of a Legendary Witch, so for him to NOT be aligned with the Witches would just be insanity. Since he could walk, he has been surrounded by magic and learning about when to use it and when to not use it. His parents and grandparents would teach him about Hunters, and how to avoid being anywhere near them. Zaavan has only heard bad things about the hunters, he knows them as uncivilized beasts who are only out for blood and violence.



⚫Hair Color⚫
Black/Thick/Shaved into a fade on the sides and raised up on top.

⚫Eye Color⚫


237 lbs. of Pure Muscle


None. Zaavan likes to keep his skin flawless and pristine at all times.

There not actual scars, but Zaavan does have freckles on his nose and cheeks.

Zaavan doesn't use the normal weapons that most would probably use. Since he has great control over his gift, somewhat great control, he doesn't need to use weapons that often but he does have a couple that he keeps on or around him just for safety measure.

1. His Staff: It helps amplify his physical air attacks and it also turns into a kite-like device that helps him navigate in the air when he uses his powers to fly.

2. Potion Bottles: Zaavan is still learning how to make ones that are actually effective, but he does carry a satchel full of potion making material and bottles. He has learned how to make basic healing, trapping, and burning potions, but nothing too deadly yet.

3. Golden Spear: When he feels like fighting against someone on just a physical level, Zaavan will bring out his family's Golden Spear that was made to only be held and used by a Porter Male.

⚫Health Ailments⚫
None. He's magically immune to the basic sicknesses of the world, like allergies and mental issues.

Zaavan can usually be seen hanging out on his own near the higher points of Raven's Peak. He loves to go on his own little journies, discovering new things about the world around him. He is an independent and carefree guy, just like the element he controls. Zaavan doesn't mind having people come along when he goes on these trips to the higher peaks, wanting to feel the world around him change and feel the breeze moving past him without him controlling it. Zaavan has a peaceful and protective aura that most people can just feel when they're around him. He hates unnecessary drama but he will never let anyone try to make him look like some coward.

Zaavan is a wise man, he can adapt to situations fairly quick. He's resourceful and knows how to get a situation under control or he'll try to get the issue handled as best as possible. He's not antisocial, but his soft-spoken voice and shy ways make him look standoffish towards others. He will admit it to anyone that he is shy around new people since he had such a sheltered childhood and he didn't go out a lot until he turned seventeen. Zaavan is a caring individual and tries to never hurt anyone unless they hurt him first or someone he cares about.

Zaavan can become very emotional towards different events that happen in his life. He doesn't like to lose control since his powers are affected by his emotions. When he gets angry, he REALLY gets angry. He'll fight someone for as long as he's able to stand up and give a few good swings or gusts of winds. He doesn't have an off switch when it comes to letting his anger be released. Thanks to meditation, he has been learning how to turn his anger into a better source of energy and his time. Most people, especially the hunters, should be grateful that he is learning how to control his anger and outbursts before he does something everyone will regret.

When he's not off in the hills or fighting someone because of something they did, Zaavan can be reached in the basement of his home cooking up potions and other insane experiments. He's creative and intelligent, figuring out how different minerals and substances work together and what ones should NEVER be put together. He is known as Raven's Peak's Resident Alchemist because he is the one that knows almost the most about basic potion making and what materials are needed to make the right potions. He loves to show off his knowledge and doesn't mind an audience in his basement/laboratory when he's working.

Even though he might seem like a calm and balanced person, he is very clumsy and can slip over some of the smallest of obstacles. It's a good thing that he has control over air since he can use it to keep him balanced when he can't do it himself. It isn't uncommon to hear loud bangs and see colorful smoke come flowing out of the basement of his home when he makes a misjudgment on a potion. He has turned himself into a few living and nonliving things over the years. So if you can get past his shyness and angry outbursts, you will soon gain a loving and smart friend for life that will always have your back, no matter the events the come by staying loyal.

Zaavan doesn't tell most people about his childhood since he was sheltered for most of his younger years and was kept from others for the most part. The only thing most people really know about him is that he is the only child of a very powerful Witch and a very powerful Wizard and that he is also the grandson of a Legendary Witch who helped keep Raven's Peak protected for soo many years. When he turned seventeen was when he was allowed to explore the world and meet people, which he did and he became good friends with a few witches around his age group.

(More To Come In The IC)

Magic. Raven's Peak. Learning new things. Potion Making. Alchemy. Reading. Flying. Food. Animals. Traveling. High Places. Creating things. Mornings. Meeting people... even if he's shy. Intellectual Conversations. Cotton Candy. Shades of blue. Dancing. Writing. Body Oils. His freckles. Jokes. Laughing. Oceans. Yoga. Meditation. Sleeping in. Long nights. Showing off his skills. Having Aerokinesis. The smell of vanilla. Nonjudgmental people. The other witches. Learning new spells. Magical & Physical Training.

The hunters. Rose Valley. Violence. Losing control. Abuse. Being called antisocially. Sushi. Disrespect in any way and/or form. Negative vibes. Liars. Cheaters. Traitors. Disloyalty. Idiots. Pollution in the air.

His family. Chocolate. Emotional. Clumsiness. Strong Winds (He isn't at the level of controlling those yet). Shyness. His Pride. Too loyal sometimes.

Aerokinesis. Physically strong. Mentally strong. Potion Making. Alchemy. Helpfulness. Resourceful. Caring. Diplomatic. Protective.

Hiking. Meditation. Potion Making. Alchemy. Magical Training & Conditioning. Physical Training & Conditioning.

Aerokinesis. Flying. Levitation. Potion Making. Alchemy. Leadership. Spear-Wielding.

His family being killed by hunters.
Getting defeated or/and killed.
Losing control of his powers.
Using too much magic at once and causing his own death.


Tamara Porter (Grandmother, 54, Alive & Still Fiesty)
Lucian Porter (Father, 33, Alive & Still Overprotective)
Nicolette Porter (Mother, 31, Alive & Still Smothering)
Nigel Porter (Brother, 15, Alive & More Annoying Than Anyone Else)


⚫Significant Other⚫

If it wasn't obvious enough, Zaavan has control over air. He can manipulate the gasses in the atmosphere to do things that he wants them to do. He can use winds to propel himself or repel things away from him, he has the power to manipulate the air around his own body to fly and/or levitate when needed. The downside to this power is he doesn't have full control over every ability of the power, he can't create whirlwinds, tornadoes, hurricanes and any other big time wind phenomenons yet. He also doesn't have the magical capability yet to condense the air around him and others to create weapons and other materials from it. Another aspect of Aerokinesis that he doesn't have any control over is the power to control oxygen, that might take years for him to learn how to cut off the oxygen for others.

⚫Anything Else⚫
〉〉〉Zaavan has never been around a hunter or a group of hunters. He will keep his guard up around them at all times until they show him that they can be trusted.

〉〉〉Zaavan sometimes sleeps on the hills and most people can just follow the weirdly amplified movement of the air to find him on the very top of the hills.



Troye Sebastian Bell

T, Captain Adventure, Daredevil, Blondy

⚫Age & Birthday⚫
Twenty-Three (Aug. 25th) (♍)


⚫Evil or Good⚫
Neutral Good

⚫Disney Parent(s)⚫
Terence & Tinker Bell

⚫Eye Color⚫

⚫Hair Description⚫
Blonde-Swirly-Smooth-Kept Nice


227 lbs.



⚫Health Ailments⚫
OCD (Needs everything to be in order and in their place at all times). Constant need to fix things. ADHD.

Troye is definitely more like his mother than his father, he is super adventurous and doesn't like to be told no. Troye likes to do things his way, he is very independent and isn't afraid to do things on his own. It will take someone confident in who they are to get along with someone like Troye. He loves to go on adventures and find new things and learn about new cultures and societies. His independent and charismatic nature sometimes can overwhelm the other personalities around him, which he tries to not do often... but fails almost always. His free-spirit vibe usually spreads to the other individuals around him, making them want to do the things he does. He has a charming personality and he knows how to make everyone feel good about themselves. Troye would rather go on a three day Hike than to stay in one spot for longer than a few hours.

Troye is deathly loyal to the ones who show him the same loyalty back. He'll have someone's back through everything and anything, he has never betrayed anyone that he considers a friend and/or family. He loves to meet new people and will usually end up becoming good friends with them for a long period of time. He doesn't believe that people just stick around for a moment in time, Troye likes to have the same people around him for as long as possible. Even though he does tend to keep the same three or four individuals he really knows around him, he isn't opposed to letting new people into his circle and eventually earning his trust and loyalty. It doesn't take too much to get Troye to like you or befriend you, as long as your not a mean and rude person that is.

With his OCD and ADHD, Troye does have moments when he will stop whatever he's doing just to fix a crooked book or a put away a lonely glass. He can't help it when he sees something out of order he'll get anxiety until either he fixes it or someone else fixes it. When it comes to his ADHD, he'll be talking to someone about anything but then out of the blue, he'll forget all about that subject and move on to something that had nothing to do with the first topic. He doesn't go off topic on purpose, it's just he gets bored easily and likes to talk about new things and do new things. He's a fun and intelligent guy who will be loyal to the ones that are loyal to him and he'll stick up for the ones who can't or won't stick up for themselves. Troye is a special male and anyone would be lucky to get to know the Blonde Fairy.

Will Be Revealed In RP

H(Traveling. Metalworking. Exercising. Hiking. Collecting Trinkets. Listening To Music. Working With His Father.)
Metalworking. Creating Things. Using Pixie Dust. Finding Things. Fixing Things.)

S(Metalworking. Resourceful. Leadership. Bravery. Loyalty. Fixing Things. Using Pixie Dust. Flying. Getting into small place (In his Fairy Form). Sword Fighting.)
Naive. ADHD. OCD. Blindly Loyal. Anxiety Issues.)

×Troye fears he'll let his family and friends down one day.
×He is afraid that his partner won't like him or understand him.
×Losing control of his Mental Issues.

×Troye once made out with a ladybug in his Fairy Form... it was a dare.
×He secretly doesn't want to settle down with anyone, he likes having an independent life.



Daughter of Peter Pan

⚫Feelings on Arranged Marriage⚫
×Optimisitc & Worried×
When his parents came to him and told him about this, Troye wasn't happy at first but he is getting somewhat use to the idea... or so he says. He's hopeful about what lies ahead, he just hopes whoever is his Bride-To-Be, that she will understand his independent and unpredictable attitude towards life.

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Amory Emeka Bellamy
EM-ə-ree (Means "Home Power" in English/Germanic)
eh-MEH-kah (Means "God did great deeds" in African/Nigerian)
Bell-uh-Me (Means "beautiful friend" in English/French)

Mo, Mek, Skater Prince, Arcade Champion, Gamer Pro, Party Starter










Amory's personality before the abduction was like most people his age, fun, ready to take on the world and thinking nothing could hurt him. He had the mindset of a daredevil and a hippy mixed together, always up to do anything no matter how dangerous it might've seemed to other people. He knows how to start a party and he knows how to make the party go on for hours, he hates being bored and will make any situation into something fun. Amory is not around for drama and bullshit, he hates arguing and would rather walk away before getting into a physical fight and having to beat the crap out of someone for some stupid reason. He has a peaceful aura about him that just makes most people feel safe and relaxed when he's around.

He's a very optimistic person and tries to see the best in everyone, even people who to most are the worst of the worst, he'll give them another chance but that's the last one they'll get from him. Some people think that Amory must drink ten energy drinks a day since he is always energetic and is never one to say that he's tired or ready to go... he's usually the last one to go home even when the party has ended four hours earlier. He loves to have fun and loves getting attention, bad or good, as long as he has someone watching him, he'll be a happy boy.

He can become very childish and stubborn when things don't go the way he wants them too. He was spoiled when he was little, thanks to his parents being both big time Business Execs in New York, he got everything he ever wanted... and that made him into a childish and conceited guy. He tends to shut everyone out when he's upset and won't talk to anyone until he gets an apology or someone compliments him... seriously, if someone says something nice about him, Amory will get over being upset.

When it comes to Skating and Gaming, those are two of the main things that make up his personal life, that and dating. He knows about most skateboard brands and which ones are the best and he has plenty of high-scores in most of the more popular video games and he loves to tell anyone who is willing to listen about his scores and how awesome he is. He wouldn't admit it but he is a very cocky guy and most people notice how vain he is within just a few hours of being around him. He takes more time to talk about himself than to listen to other people talk about themselves.

He'll never change his cocky and energetic ways for anyone, he likes being the guy he is... even if other people think he can be too much most of the time. He's a party starter and he knows how to get the crowd excited and less tense in situations that are usually intense. He likes to make jokes at the wrong times and he gets a lot of death stares when he does say some stupid joke, trying to make people laugh when they don't want to. Amory can be a bit much to handle but with him around, without a doubt there will be some interesting events with him involved.

Amory's personality didn't change that much after the abduction, it was more like his personality evolved a bit for the better. He is still the energetic and cocky guy that people know and sort of love but he has also gain some maturity and actually knows when to shut his huge mouth and when to be serious... even though he does have some moments when he just wings it and says the worst jokes at the worst times. He's a Mature Kid really, learning more about himself and learning how to use his mind more than to just talk about himself or act like an idiot. He still is a bit childish and goofy but he has more intelligence than before so he's a smart child now...

Skating. Partying. Gaming. Family Guy. Doritos. Mountain Dew. Light Exercise. Swimming. Girls. Guys. Money. Bright Colors. Tight Jeans. Youtube. Photos. Vacations. Leaving High School. Rap Music. Trap Music. R&B. Rock. Jokes. Old People. Babies.

Getting called a Brat. People calling him a Kid. School. Fighting. Drama. Candy Corn. Ties.

|| Physically Strong || Somewhat Intelligent || Fast || Flexible || Caring || Loyal || Charming ||

|| Childish || Reckless || Stubborn || Not That Intelligent || Naive At Times || Pacifist Towards Humans ||

The Corrupted for one.
His family being turned into The Corrupted.

Amory believes that everything happens for a reason and if it comes down to only two solutions, he'll pick the one that keeps the majority of the world safe and would rather sacrifice himself before anyone else... going out like a True Hero.

He has doesn't have any... he's very open and has no filter.

Loud. Energetic. Cocky. Funny.

Even when things look like they will never get better, Amory will always believe that something better is right over the darken horizon.

He sees things in his own way, if something is suppose to happen, it'll happen and he will just have to go with the flow and ride out the storm until it's over and a rainbow breaks through the clouds.

Amory isn't afraid to tell anyone his views and what he believes in... if someone has a problem with how he feels about things then that's their issue.

Always do what you want to do, never let your fears hold you back.

Murder of another Human... unless Corrupted.
Senseless Violence.




196 lbs.

|| Athletic || Healthy || Fit || Well-Defined ||

Light Brown

Great. He might not have the best manners but Amory does keep his body as clean as a whistle.



High Upwards

Coarse & Thick

High Top Fade with an Ombré affect.

Amory has a skin condition called Vitiligo, which is a disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches (for darker skinned people it's white blotches) on the spot, he has it just right under his bottom lip and right above his chin and that's the only place where it is.

Left Eyebrow. Two Lip Rings. Nipples. A Gauge in his Left Ear.

Multiple ones all over his body.

A crown shaped birthmark on the back of his neck.




Amory can only manipulate his own aura and not others.
Right now, Amory has to concentrate (Meditate sometimes) to use the more powerful aspects of his power, like generating an aura of different elements but he is getting better at controlling that and the other aspects.
Amory is more proficient with The First Aura (Muladhara/Red/Physical) right now, being able to enhance his own speed and strength with some concentration.

|| Fast || Agility || Gaming || Resourceful || Leadership || Skateboarding ||

|| Combat Skills || Tracking ||



Chuck Marks/Best-Friend/19/Alive
Taylor Hunt/Best-Friend/18/Alive

The Corrupted

Maurice Bellamy/Father/39/Alive
Furaha Bellamy/Mother/38/Alive


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King Valentine Frederick Amour

Valentine: From the Roman cognomen Valentinus which was itself from the name Valens meaning "strong, vigourous, healthy" in Latin.
Frederick: English form of a Germanic name meaning "peaceful ruler", derived from frid "peace" and ric "ruler, power".
Amour: The French word for love, mad passion and/or to be madly in love.

King of Hearts
Peaceful Ruler
Loving Husband

Manly Male


Feb. 14th




The King


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Valentine has beautiful curly, thick, black hair. He was blessed with magnificent curly locks, like a lion's mane, the perfect look for The King of Hearts.

Dark Chocolate

Multiple tattoos on both of his arms.

Valentine's body is one of a True God. All of his exercising and keeping up with leading a Kingdom has kept him active and busy, he works out a lot. His body is strong and intimidating, he usually doesn't have to say anything for someone to give him their attention... he just has to walk into the room. He has smooth and flawless skin, he loves to take baths with sweet scented oils, which keep his skin glowing and smooth. He takes care of himself since he believes that one's appearance is truly the first thing people judge someone on. He isn't one to shy away from the spotlight, not being afraid to show off his muscles and his beautiful body on most occasions.

Valentine wears a lot of pinks and reds, those are the two main colors that he has in his huge wardrobe. He has a classic style with a mix of street, making his own style of clothing in the process.


Diplomacy. Charming. Musically Gifted. Physical Fighting. High Endurance. Intelligent. Resourceful. Caring. Loyal. Leadership. Fast. Flexibility.

Bad Memory. Too Kind. Somewhat Gullible. Too Carefree. Forgives Too Much. Loyal To A Fault.

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Singing. Traveling. Spending time with his Queen and daughters. Meeting new people. Throwing lavish parties for all the Kingdoms. Going to the Theater. Writing poetry. Exercising. Buying new outfits. Making connections. Keeping The Hearts Kingdom protected and secure.

Singing. Dancing. Acting. Writing poetry. Spending time with his family. His Queen showing him love. Showing his Queen love. Meditating in the Gardens. Creating things out of love and other passionate emotions. Analyzing others. Jokes. Chocolate. Doves. All shades of pinks and reds. Exercising. Swimming. Sleeping. Sex. Passion. Romance. Powerful Women and Men. Freedom. Optimism. Creative minds. Royalty. Being The King. Children. Being a great father and husband.

Ignorance. Liars. Cheaters. Wimps. Senseless Violence. Pointless Arguments. Murder. Harm towards the ones he loves and cares about. Secrets. Quietness. Being called the "Weak King." People saying that his Queen is the one actually running the Kingdom. Bullies. Tyrants. Dictatorships. Foolishness. Snobs.

Singing. Performing (Music, Acting, Dancing). Persuasion. Keeping the peace. Romantic Acts. Empathy. Cooking. Meditation.

Telling a lie. Disloyalty. Seeing the bad in others. Keeping a secret or secrets. Hatred. Making tough decisions.

Claustrophobia (Fear of tight spaces). Acrophobia (Fear of heights... ironic with him being soo tall). Losing his family. Death. Killing others. The future.

Everyone that knows or has been in the presence of King Valentine Amour knows that the male is the most kindest and most helpful person in all of Pip. Valentine will give up the shirt on his back if someone needed it, he travels a lot and when he sees a peasant in need he'll always take the time to buy them food that will last them and their family for a month or more. Valentine rules his Kingdom with a Heart of Gold, earning the love and respect of his people. He's not the type to let harm go on in his domain, finding out the issue or issues for himself and taking care of it. In the eyes of his people and his loving family, he is one of the bravest men in the land.

Valentine is a true romantic, always doing something grand and magnificent for his Queen every year on the day they were wedded. He loves her and shows it each and every day. He is known to sing his Queen to bed and wake her up with a note or two. He loves teaching his daughters all about music. One can tell that other than his family and Kingdom, music is Valentine's passion. He is a sweet and gentle King, not one to fly off the handle and attack someone for the littlest incident. He is a pacifist most of the time, until someone dares to try and harm his family and his people. He has a diplomatic mind but can turn into a Commander at war when someone tries to play on his kindness and forgiving ways.

This is the side of him that only his family and close friends and acquaintances have ever seen. His forgetful and chaotic ways that he tries to keep hidden from prying eyes. He has a tendency to forget things and move on to new and what he thinks are better events and/or projects. He is truly emotionally driven, meaning that once his emotions aren't into something he'll usually just drop it and move on. Thankfully his loving Queen is always by his side to remind him of his Kingly duties and will usually be there to help him fix his many mistakes, which he has had a lot of over the years. He is just a man that relies on creativity and wit rather than brute strength and manipulation.

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Wedding Band: A beautiful and stunning ring, bright and magnificent, just like it's owner. Valentine loves flash and extravagance, his wedding band had to represent both things in one... which it did and some.

Lucky Poetry Pen: The luck might just be in his over-imaginative head but to Valentine the beautiful pen is his lucky charm. When he writes poetry and any other kind of writing with it, his writing always comes out perfect. Maybe because he just has great penmanship or maybe the pen is actually lucky... no one will ever know.

Royal Crown: Valentine's Crown is made of wonderful red rubies and other red gemstones and held together with beautiful pieces of the strongest silver in Pip. His crown's beauty matches his Queen's crown, representing their union and love for one another.

(Valentine only owns one weapon, or dual weapon actually. He rarely fights and when he does he uses his magic and wit instead of weapons.)

Love & Hate: (Pretend that the blue one is glowing pink) His only weapon or weapons is his special dual daggers. Since he relies on speed and wit more often than brute strength, Love & Hate are the perfect last resort when he's in a fight... which rarely occurs. They have a special ability or enchantment when he's in a really bad situation. Love & Hate will glow different colors, Love will glow Neon Pink and Hate will glow Neon Red. When Valentine stabs or slices his foe with the daggers they slowly absorb the hate out of the person and inject love and care into their heart. If someone is filled with passionate hate and/or malicious intent, Love & Hate will not be as effective as when they are used on someone with some form of empathy.

Pheromone Manipulation
(A stronger form of Valentine's Social Magnetism. Even though he can use this on all humans, it's more effective against the opposite sex. With a mix of his heroism and this power, most women can't help but become enchanted by the King of Hearts).

Emotional Manifestation
(Even though he has the power to replicate himself with a certain emotion attached to the specific copy, the replication has free will... meaning Valentine has no control over the copy and can't tell it what to do or when to return).

Empathic Power Randomization
(The most versatile and to most, Valentine's strongest power. With the energy and magical properties of his passionate emotions he can conjure other powers that are physical representatives of those feelings. He only has the power to manifest abilities from Anger, Love and Sadness. Another weakness of this power is that the power or powers that our manifested are totally at random, so he'll never know which ability he'll get at the time when he's feeling those specific emotions).

Music Manipulation
(A magical ability that came from his love and passion towards all forms of music. He only can control music that is already made and known... meaning he can't make up a song right on the spot and make a person feel an emotion tied to that song. Musical Empathetic Projection is the main application of this ability that Valentine knows how to use proficiently, making people feel love, sadness, fear or even anger and distracting them for a short period of time).

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To be told in the roleplay...

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[Test Subject Name. Remove Brackets When Done]
REAL IMAGE (Use as many as you want)
First Name:
Middle Name: (If any)
Last Name:
Age: (12-18)
Sexual Orientation:
Post Injection Physical Appearance Changes:

Personality: (It's all in the details. 8 sentences min.)
Hobbies: (At least 4)
Skills: (At least 2)
History: (At least 10 sentences.)

Power: (One. Physical enhancements should not be placed here.)
Physical Capabilities: (Can you run a little faster now? Or jump higher? Can you fly? Etc. Physical enhancements shouldn't be too extreme.)
Weaknesses: (At least 3)
Limits: (At least 3)

Origins: (Where are you from?)
Family: (Name-Relationship-Age-Occupation)
Other: (*not very subtle coughing*)
Theme Song: (This is not optional)​
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April 13th





Before Injection: Hazel
After Injection: Bright Green

Dreads & Brown

Before Injection: 5'7"
After Injection: 6'3"

Before Injection: 175 lbs. (Mostly muscle)
After Injection: 215 lbs. (All muscle)

A mole or beauty mark under his left eye, on the upper area of his cheek.
A tattoo of the Yin/Yang Symbol in the middle of his shoulder blades.

Nipples and Ears

Jax has a very muscular body for a sixteen year old, he works out a lot and is always running around getting into trouble. He keeps in shape and has a lot of energy, even before being Injected with his powers. He likes to show off his abs, and his legs... he's just that cocky. When he went through the Injection ordeal, his body went through a few changes. He is now taller than ever and his body has more muscle mass and he looks stronger and feels stronger.

Since the Injection, Jax's body has grown a lot, he is now taller than he would have ever been if it wasn't for the Injection and his muscle mass has grown more as well. His eyes are no longer Hazel instead they are Bright Green, not regular Green but almost Neon Green. Also, when Jax runs or does something quick his body seems to Phase in and out like he's disappearing, thanks to his powers.


Jax has always been an independent soul, always doing things his way and never asking if others wanted to join him or not. His careless and independent nature made him very popular in school since the other kids loved how badass he seemed to be to them. Jax is a total attention seeker, even if he doesn't want to admit it. He loves to be the center of attention, his Ego growing with every person who praises him. He can be very reckless at times, getting into fights for flirting with the wrong people. He doesn't know how to NOT speak his mind, wanting everyone to know his beliefs and how he feels. His cocky ways can get on most people's nerves but he redeems himself with his caring side that will come out when he really feels bad for the things he does or says.

Jax is a Leader and he will never follow someone else's orders, he doesn't like to be told what to do and he'll definitely tell the person off who tries to tell him what to do. He's not afraid to get the wrong person angry... which ends up with him getting hurt and nearly dying on a daily basis. He gets a bad reputation of being a handful and being pretty chaotic and he knows that he doesn't have to ALWAYS make something out of nothing and cause worst outcomes just because he wants to be a showoff. He's very Prideful and will not stand down to anyone or anything, even when he knows he'll get his ass kicked in the end.

He's ignorantly brave, thinking that he won't get hurt and can do whatever he wants and get away with it. He'll learn one day that he can't do anything and everything and get away with it, hopefully it'll change his mindset before it's too late. Jax is deathly loyal to the ones that can stand him being around, he's optimistic even when being chaotic. He'll always see the brighter side of things, which explains why he thinks everything he does will just lead to better experiences in the end. He has a mind that no one will ever be able to understand and it might be for the best.

Exercising. Skateboarding. Spending his parents money. Partying. Drinking. Smoking weed. Playing his guitar. Dancing. Flirting. Fighting. Getting into trouble. Running from the cops. Rapping. Learning how to do Tattoos. Playing basketball. Learning to cook. Writing lyrics and raps.

Skateboarding. Basketball. Rapping. Swimming. Fixing cars. Dancing. Boxing. Parkour.

Rap Music (Real rap). R&B. Indie Pop. Pop. Mainstream Hip Hop. Lil Wayne. Wiz Khalifa. Tupac. Kendrick Lamar. Nicki Minaj. Lil Kim. Travi$ Scott. Ty Dolla $ign. Bryson Tiller. Tory Lanez. August Alsina. MisterWives. K. Michelle. Beyonce. Troye Sivan. Attractive people. Animals. Flirting. Leading others. Green. Money. Spending other people's money. Love & Hip Hop (Atlanta really). Eating. Running. Partying. Smoking weed.

Rules. Following others. Order. Boring people and days. Fakes. Snobs. People treating him like a clueless kid. Cowards. Losing. Defeat. Getting embarrassed. Getting lied to. Preppy people. Followers.

Jax Fury was born to Mitch and Marissa Fury, the Legendary Couple of The Cosmetic Surgery world. When they weren't busy giving a eighteen year old her first pair of Double D's as a gift from her parents, they would be at home and would spoil Jax to no end. Thanks to their care and willingness to give their only child everything and anything, they would have probably given him the world if they could, the Prideful and Cocky Jax Fury that most know was created.

Jax Fury grew up in a nice neighborhood with kids that looked like him, he lived in a area where only the rich and more high class black families lived, so he didn't have to feel out of place and look like the odd man out in a sea of all white rich kids. He grew up to learn that he was blessed to be who he is and that he should never look down upon someone for not having the things he has. He would stand up for the kids who didn't have the same wealth as him or the same wealth as some of the other kids in his school, becoming the "Bully Avenger" in his High School. He was a pretty popular kid because of his "I Don't Give A Fuck" attitude towards how others thought of him.

While most kids in his neighborhood studied in school to become the same things their parents were, Jax's wanted to pursue his own dreams and do things that HE wanted to do. When he told his parents that he wanted to be a Professional Skateboarder, they nearly lost it... his mother almost passed out. They eventually came to understand that they couldn't force him to do things he didn't want to do.

Now in his Junior Year of High School, he is learning more about himself and knows that the things he's doing will one day get him into a lot of trouble... but that won't stop him from pushing his luck anytime soon...

Kinetic Energy Manipulation
(The power to control/change/create and enhance the energy used to make things and people move).

The applications of Jax's power that he knows how to do, other than the basic control and create, right now are:
Jet Propulsion
Kinetic Activation
Kinetic Charging

Now Jax has learned that he can Levitate, not Fly but Levitate off the ground. With the help of his powers he can simulate flight with levitation and control how far and how fast he moves. With Kinetic Energy always running through his body, more than the regular person, Jax tends to be able to last longer than most when it comes to doing anything physically taxing.
(Levitation & High Stamina/Endurance)

Manipulation. Physically Strong. Bravery. Speed. Agile. Flexible.

1. Kinetic Energy Manipulation takes a giant toll on his mind and body, making him weak after awhile of using too much power in one day.

2. Jax's powers are weak against Fire and Electrical Powers since they aren't moved with Kinetic (Physical) movement. Someone with these types of powers would be a huge challenge to him and they might be able to defeat him in a battle if it ever came to it.

3. Jax's can only make things move, he can not direct which way an object or person moves when he uses his powers on it or them. The only time he has control over the direction of how something or someone moves is when he uses his powers on himself or on an object in his hands or around his body.

1. Jax can only hold Kinetic Energy in himself for a few minutes, so he can't store a lot of Kinetic Energy or he will risk damaging himself... maybe even potentially blowing himself up if he keeps the energy in for too long. One day maybe he will learn how to store more Kinetic Energy and be able to do more with his powers.

2. Right now Jax only has the power to charge things up and make them move, he doesn't have the skill or ability yet to make things stop moving... so once he turns something on, it'll be on until it hits something or someone else makes it stop somehow. He can stop his own body, of course, when he uses his powers on himself but that's it.

3. After putting Kinetic Energy into something or someone, Jax can't take it back, only being able to absorb more energy from a different source. Basically, he can only put energy in and can only get energy from something else before being able to take Kinetic Energy from the same source again.

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Mitch Fury-Father-39-Plastic Surgeon (Face)
Marissa Fury-Mother-38-Plastic Surgeon (Face)


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Prince Jinmur Barbodox

Prince of The Undead
Mur Mur
Mr. Sneaky
Backstabber Extraordinaire!
Ruler of The Forsaken
Mr. Diva


Raging Homosexual

Undead Royal Demon (A mix of a Vampire and a Ghost type of demon).

The Seven Deadly Sins



Neon Green

Jinmur's hair is glorious and one thing that he will never feel jealous and insecure about since no one will ever have better hair then his own. It's snow white and long and shiny. He keeps it loose and flowy, sometimes he'll put it in a loose bun or even curl the tips to add some flair once in awhile. A few locks of his hair is in a long braid and it is always that way.


173 lbs.

Right Eyebrow

Jinmur has stitches going from the center of his left cheek that goes over his nose and stops just under his right eye. He's super insecure about the imperfection and will lash out at anyone that makes fun of them or even mentions them at all. He also has stitches going across and over his chest area, and it only shows over his chest when he is angry and can't hide it with his magical glamour powers. The stitches on his face can't be hidden for some odd reason.

Jinmur is tall and skinny, something he gets annoyed about when he sees others that have muscles and look manlier than him. He's very pale and his skin almost matches his hair color. He tries to work out... but his body just doesn't gain any muscle or fat... he'll be skinny for the rest of his Undead Life.

Jinmur style of clothing is a mix of Steampunk, Asian traditional, Victorian and overly flamboyant. He usually has on a giant Kimono like outerwear that looks like a flowing gown. On the inside of the Kimono, Jinmur will usually have a tight leather outfit on that gives him the curves he doesn't have. He owns a pair of diamond skull cufflinks and an antique choker, he wears the cufflinks and choker with all of his outfits. One accessory that he will always have is his eccentric top hat, he will never go anywhere without having it on at all times, or a different top hat.




Prince of The Undead

Supernatural Speed
Supernatural Stamina
Envy Embodiment
Shapeshifting (Can only turn into a white haired, green eyed cat).

Higher Level Demon

The Underworld




Jinmur wasn't given the Sin of Envy to embody out of pure bad luck, the one who gives the demons their chosen sin had watched how vindictive and spiteful the Undead Prince can become when someone has or does something he can't have or do. Jinmur truly is the embodiment of Envy, never praising others for their accomplishments, always wanting to tear others down while he brags about the things he does and has. Jinmur can never go a day without trying to make the other sins feel bad or get annoyed with him, he feeds off the annoyance of the others and he loves getting under their skin.

Deep down, Jinmur is very insecure about himself. Not only does he hate the way his body is super skinny and lanky, like a slim jim, he hates the scars and stitches that go all over his upper body and especially the one going across his face. He was attacked by a former lover, and that lover was the cause of Jinmur's jealousy and hatred of others who he sees are better than him. Jinmur is very deceitful and secretive, never letting others into his own world that much but he will always play nice to get information on others to use against them in the future. He's a true Frenemy to all and only some will ever get into his trusting heart... which isn't that big and is definitely not easy to get into.

When he's not trying to take others down to bring himself up, Jinmur is going around being overly dramatic and making everyone around him feel like they're in a Soap Opera. He can become increasingly over the top and flamboyant when he's in a good mood, stealing the spotlight... even when there isn't a spotlight to be stolen. He likes to be the center of attention and doesn't like to be in the background ever. He'll give anyone the death stare if they take the attention off of him, unintentionally or intentionally. Their is compassion in the Envious Prince but most have only seen some tolerance when he feels like someone is not worth annoying. His way of showing care and love for others is to be a big bitch and make them feel bad... most beings who know him knows that Jinmur is just a big time hater and that he can't get it in his head that he's great the way he is... he's insecure and it's something he'll have to work on if he ever wants to actually find a mate for life.

Manipulation. Dark Magic. Necromancy. Sex. Domination. Blackmail. Speed. Stamina. Intelligent.

Insecure. Bossy. Using too much of his undead powers can drain him and make him tired for the rest of the day. Too emotional and vindictive for his own good. Delusional at times. Guarded. Somewhat Conceited.

The Undead. Snakes. Sex. Rough Sex. Hair pulling (His own hair getting pulled or pulling others). Having Leadership. Royalty. Being the Prince of The Undead. Bareback Sex. Compassion. Getting praised. Feeling wanted. Intelligent conversations. Cats. The dark. Intense sexual stimulation. Sweet aromas. Calling others Sweetheart and Bitch. Getting attention, positive or negative. Showing off his intimidating Scythe. Power. Domination. Being overly dramatic. Analyzing others. Annoying others.

People being better than him at anything. People with bigger muscles than him. Getting defeated. Feeling weak. Feeling unwanted. Betrayal. People talking about his stitches. Putting down his guards. Crying in front of others. Getting called fake or a liar. Getting tricked. Things or people getting stolen from him.

Jinmur fears letting others in, the last time he let someone into his cold heart, they just betrayed him and abused him. He has grown cold and vindictive because of his past relationships and he fears getting hurt again and this time it might be worse than ever before. He has a fear of commitment and doesn't know if he can actually be faithful to one person because he won't be able to trust them fully and will keep them at a distance for the most of the time. Maybe he'll get over his fears of commitment and letting others into his heart and loving side... maybe.

Jinmur was in a super abusive relationship. The outcome of the relationship was the scars on his body that are now stitched up. He hasn't told anyone about where the scars came from... no one knows about his past relationship.

Jinmur secretly cares about the other sins more that he will ever let them know. Even though he is jealous of their beauty and perfection, he'll always be there for them when they truly need his assistance. He doesn't like to show them how much he cares about them but it comes out on accident sometimes.

He tends to flip his hair over his shoulders when he is in one of his dramatic "moods", always managing to hit someone in the face with his super long hair.

When someone mentions his stitches, Jinmur will become super quiet and the area around him will feel darker and colder right before he lashes out at the person, even if they were genuinely curious and were not trying to be cruel.





"Kissed By Me, Sweetheart."

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Dante Ricky Westwood

King BBaller
Future NBA Legend
Mr. Stardom



African American & Korean

The Humans




Dante's has dark black almost blue colored hair and it's kept short and somewhat messy. He doesn't take care of it that much since he isn't a girly guy who's into fashion and all of that. His hair is kept spiky with a lot of hair gel, that's as far as he goes when it comes to keeping his hair nice looking.


185 lbs.

Prince Albert (He got it because of a dare... but now he likes it, especially when someone sucks on it).

Nothing to major or noticeable. He doesn't have any tattoos yet, Dante wants to get tattoos all over his body one day... but for now his skin is bare.

Dante has a very muscular and athletic body build, he works out a lot and has to keep in great shape to stay on the Basketball Team. He drinks only protein shakes and rarely eats anything unhealthy. He does eat a lot of Asian Dishes and Soul Food but that's only because he was raised on that and they're too good to give up. Dante knows that his body is amazing but he doesn't flaunt how good he looks... it just happens to show it's self. He doesn't have a Six Pack, more like an Eight Pack.

Dante is definitely a Guy's Guy, not one to care too much about his outfit and will usually just throw things together and walk out into the world. He does have an urban-street style since that's what he grew up wearing and seeing all the time. He likes to wear Camo Patterned outfits, he just thinks it's a cool pattern. He wears mostly hoodies and shorts and basketball shorts, he doesn't have a lot of "fancy" outfits so him going to a special event starts with him buying a new outfit that he'll only wear once. It could be said that Dante shouldn't wear a shirt and not for the reason you think... his shirt seems to always come off at random times without him even doing anything. Maybe there's someone in the world that has the power just to throw off his shirt or something... some perverted freak out there.


Middle Class

College Student/Basketball Player (Dante wants to be drafted into the NBA someday).

Basketball Pro Skills
Football Skills
Track & Field

Big Man On Campus

New York, New York, U.S.A.


(Most respect him... but some people call him dumb and clueless).


When you first see Dante you might think that he is male that has his priorities straight, that Academics and Sports are both at the same level of importance to him, you will think differently once you get to know him. Dante isn't totally clueless when it comes to things that don't relate to sports and sex, he does have a functional brain, it's just... his brain is not that great at processing things as quick as other people's. Dante is very naive and he can be easily manipulated into believing most things that others tell him, he is known to follow others into anything if they give a good enough reason for why he should join them or do what they asked him to do. He has a very innocent aura around him when it comes to being honest and friendly, he has never gotten into a physical fight or hurt someone emotionally... he is just not the type of person to make someone feel bad about themselves.

Dante has a charming way about him that just makes most men and women gravitate towards him and he rarely has to jump in front of someone for them to notice him, he just gets noticed from the start. He loves to meet people and doesn't judge them before he knows them, he hates when people put others down without even trying to befriend them first. When it comes to sports and sex... Dante is definitely not naive about either one, he can just tell when someone is attracted to him and he knows how to flirt with them to make them want him more. He's a big tease, especially when it comes to other guys... he loves to tease males since they tend to go crazy when he rubs on them and just walks away afterwards. He becomes super cocky when he's flirting and when he knows that the other person is feeling him, he loves flirting and playing around, almost as much as Basketball.

When it comes to people he cares for and not just sexually but emotionally, he becomes a Protector type of person. He's like a Guardian to anyone that he sees as a friend or more than just an acquaintance. It doesn't take him that long to start feeling like he needs to protect a person once he gets to know them rather well. He is a very passionate and brave guy and if you're lucky enough to gain his genuine love and trust, you'll always have someone that will have your back even if you're in the wrong. He might be easy to manipulate but he can never be manipulated into turning on someone that he has grown to love and care about. Dante is probably one of few that are genuinely friendly to others for nothing more than to just be a friend to them, he doesn't act nice to gain something or to manipulate someone in liking him for some sick reason... he's just a nice guy with a charming, borderline cocky, side and somewhat naive and slow ways.

|| Sports || Physically Strong || High Endurance || Charming || Helpful || High Pain Tolerance || Great Stamina || Fast || VERY Flexible || Positive Aura ||

|| Mentally Weak || Easily Manipulated || Too Friendly || A Pacifist || Can Be Too Innocent Sometimes || Too Flirty Sometimes || Doesn't Take Most Things Serious Enough ||

Cooking. Basketball. Parties. Cute Girls & Guys. Flirting. Outdoors. Romance. Dancing. Summer. Food. Exercising. Being Naked. Not having rules. Not having restrictions. Fun times. Unpredictable people. Swimming. Ice Cream. Traveling. Running. R&B. K-POP. Rap. Pop. Wiz Khalifa. BTS. August Alsina. Beyonce. Little Mix. Hiking. Parkour. Making new friends. Cookies. Macaroni. Cartoons. Laughing. Jokes. Optimistic people. Animals. Winning. Competition. Sex. Football. Truthful people. Loud music. Arcades. Video Games. Online Games. Jordans.

Being called an idiot or stupid. Liars. Being Manipulated. Liars. Losing. Cheaters. Mean people. Boring people. Shy people. Giving up easily. People who give up too easily. Negative thoughts and people. Bad jokes. The dark. Clowns. Possessive people. People who don't get it when he's flirting with them. Germs.

When Dante usually tells someone his two major fears, most people laugh at him and call him a baby, which is why he rarely tells anyone. Dante's only fears are... the dark and clowns. Ever since he was a little boy he has always had a phobia of the dark and clowns... he just freaks out if the lights go out and if someone has way too much makeup on and dares to try to make him laugh. Clowns are the only thing that Dante will never laugh at. He'll have an anxiety attack if he's ever near a clown or in the dark for too long.

Dante is an open-book with most things. His only secrets are his fears of the dark and clowns since he doesn't tell anyone about them that often and most people only find out when they're around him and a clown is around or the room goes dark for some odd reason.

When Dante doesn't understand something, he'll usually laugh it off and scratch the back of his head. He tries to play it off when someone asks him something and he doesn't know the answer. He usually succeeds in changing the subject since he had to learn how to do that if he didn't want to seem dumb around new people all the time.

Dante will laugh at almost anything, he will laugh at the dumbest things and sometimes he doesn't even know why he laughed... it's just a habit of his that will never go away.





"Kissed By A Demon? What, what, what!?"

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The Moreau Boys

Cristofano Alejandro Moreau
Stefano Alexandro Moreau


21 (3 Mins Older)
21 (3 Mins Younger)

The Juilliard School Of Performing Arts
Majors: Drama || Music
Minors: Dance || Dance


Born Rich

Promising Actor
Promising Rapper

Love is Love




Both blessed with beautiful hair.

Cristofano keeps his hair curly and loose, his hair is as free as his mind is crazy. He has brownish-black colored hair and it's up in a wavy high top style. His hair is as soft as silk and smells of cocoa butter and vanilla scented shampoo.

Unlike his brother, Stefano has shaved the sides of his head, having some hair but not alot on the sides. On the top he keeps his silky smooth hair in two nice braids. His hair is curly just like Cristofano's but it's Raven Black and a little bit more manageable than his brother's.

Beautiful and Stunning

Cristofano takes after their mother with his unique Green-Blue-Grey colored eyes that usually keep the attention on him when people see them.

Stefano has their father's deep and piercing chocolate brown eyes.

They're both pretty tall.


Fit & Healthy

185 lbs.
210 lbs.

Nice & Sexy

Cristofano has a very slim but muscular build and he tends to do more running and endurance building. He is more into Cardio workouts than anything big muscle building like his brother. He likes to keep slim and fit but not bulky and steroid looking. Most of his body is made up of lean muscle mass and some fat but mostly lean muscle.

Stefano is all about the muscle baby. He works out a lot and sometimes tries to push his brother to go harder when they go to the gym together. He likes to keep his body sexy and fit he walks around with minivans for arms. He loves to show off his Eight Pack... not a Six Pack but an Eight Pack.

They have opposite views on these.

Cristofano has a few tattoos on his upper body area. He has one tattoo on his Ring Finger it's the word Love in Cursive letters. He has another word on his other Ring Finger, it's Family in cursive letters. He has a few other tattoos... but you have to get him undressed to see them.

Stefano isn't really into getting tattoos, he likes them on other people but he just isn't into them that much to get one.

Both have one or more.

Cristofano has his ears, nipples and tongue pierced.

Stefano has his ears and nipples pierced. He was going to get the Prince Albert but he decided not too... for now.

Hipster Hip Hop

Cristofano's Personal Style can be considered Hipster with a splash of class and street. He has to always have the hottest designer wear on, he usually gets outfits way before they come out for the rest of the world... even before well known celebrities. Cristofano has the connect when it comes to getting the hottest trendy outfit or new clothing style way before anyone else. He loves to mix styles together and make it his own but he is mostly into Hipster wear.

Stefano is definitely Hip Hop Royalty, wearing the Newest Jordans with the baddest pair of jeans and his outfits are always the hottest new topic on any Hip Hop website or TV Show, some of the biggest named rappers try to copy his style but they don't have the connects that he has to get the newest and freshest clothing.



The Good

♥|| Kind || Loyal || Creative || Positive || Trusting || Flamboyant || Funny || Caring ||♥

♦|| Brave || Smart || Charming || Musical || Energetic || Confident || Flirtatious || Determined ||♦

The Bad

♥|| Childish || Forgetful || Too Trusting Sometimes || Overly Emotional || Slutty || Bitchy At Times || Naive At Times || Mentally Weak ||♥

♦|| Aggressive || Too Opinionated || Bad Boy || Reckless || Stubborn || Possessive || Cocky || Too Serious At Times ||♦

Somethings are the same but most things are different.

♥|| Acting. Dancing. Traveling. Animal Care. Learning new languages. Sex. Getting Money. Swimming. ||♥

♦|| Rapping. Dancing. Traveling. Sex. Flirting. Touring. Racing Cars. Basketball. ||♦

Easy answer... SEX!

♥|| Partying. Drinking. Tattoos. Beyonce. Rihanna. Halsey. Alessia Cara. Romantic Movies. Big Dicks. Summer. Spring. Acting. Dancing. Animals. Swimming. The Beach. Smoking. Hipsters. Indie Music. Boots. Silk Sheets. Stripping. Will Smith. Denzel Washington. Viola Davis. August Alsina. Candy. Mountain Dew. ASMR. BDSM. Attention. ||♥

♦|| Rapping. Lil Wayne. Fetty Wap. Ty Dolla $ign. The smell of rain. Fast cars. Bad girls. Hot girls. Girls in general. Parties. The beach. Sunsets. Fighting. Netflix & Chill. Pizza. Exercising. The Gym. Lions. Having Money. New Shoes. Looking Fresh. LL Cool J. Basketball. Attention. Mansions. NASCAR. Hollywood. All White Outfits. ||♦

Easier answer... DUMBASSES

♥|| The dark. Country music. Bigots. Racists. Sexists. Republicans. People calling him dumb or a Faggot. Boring people. Thunder & Lighting. Rain. Violence. Abuse. Starving. Rules. ||♥

♦|| Cheaters. Boring days. Sloppy drunks. People messing with him and/or his brother. Unfaithful people. Disloyalty. Losing. Failure. Getting embarrassed. Getting tricked. Getting overly emotional. Gossip. Rumors. Magazines talking about him and his family. ||♦

Cheesy but they can be each other's weakness.

♥|| Hot guys. Tall guys. Nerdy guys. Mentally weak. Physical fighting. Puzzles. A Nicki Minaj song (He can't help but get up and Twerk to it when one comes on). ||♥

♦|| Bad girls. Girls with goals. Girls who are teasers and sexual pleasers. Nipple biting. ||♦

Again, cheesy but when they're together they are stronger than ever.

♥|| Acting. Painting. Sex. Giving Head. Twerking. Partying. Making Drinks. ||♥

♦|| Rapping. Hardcore Sex. Domination. High Pain Tolerance. Musically Gifted. Dancing. ||♦

They have this weird Twin Telepathy thing, when one thinks or feels something the other knows what they are thinking or feels what they feel sometimes.

Cristofano is known to play with his hair, always curling one or a few locks of his hair with his right middle finger.
He also loves to waves his arms in a wild manner for no reason other than to just get more attention on himself.

Stefano will usually subconsciously start tapping his fingers or/and feet and make a beat from just that when he's thinking about something or looking for an answer to some question.
When he get's mad or annoyed he will start to ball his fists up and then he will stop balling them up and do it several times again and again, it's his way to calm down so he won't end up knocking the fool out who dared to get him upset.




They're both amazing dancers.

♥|| Acting. Painting. Giving Head. Twerking. Making Drinks. Taking Care Of Animals. ||♥

♦|| Rapping. Knows How To Play The Piano. Domination. Fighting. Looking Fresh. Making Money. Turning Up. Keeping The Party Hype. ||♦

Losing one another because of one dying before the other or/and getting into a big fight and never getting the chance to make up.

Cristofano actually fears never finding someone who will want him more for his mind than his body and his mouth. He acts the way he acts towards guys because most guys outside of The Familia only want to fuck him for one night and than leave and never speak to him again. He has secret guards up around his heart and flaunts his sexuality just to hide his insecurities.

Stefano is deathly afraid of failure, if his Rapping Career doesn't keep going great he might self-destruct and lose himself. He can become super serious when he sees something as a project and he needs to always do his best and will never let someone else make him fail and he can become overly obsessed with perfection when it comes to anything.

These are things that neither brother even knows about the other.

Cristofano was raped by their "Uncle" when he was seventeen. Even though by then he had a couple of boyfriends and sexual experiences, to be raped by someone that was soo close to the family has scarred him mentally and plays a big part in how he treats his relationships. Stefano knows nothing about this since their "Uncle" never tried anything with him.
(Only one member of The Familia knows).

Stefano once got soo angry at an ex that he choked her, he didn't choke her until she passed out but he did leave a bruise on her neck. His parents paid the girl to be silent about the incident and Stefano had to go to Anger Management classes. Since then he hasn't ever put his hands on any girlfriend or and girl for that matter, he still has anger issues but he is learning to control them.
(One of The Familia was the one that stopped him from choking the girl out).

Both brothers love Freaky and Experimental Partners.

♥|| ASS PLAY DUH! Anal, anal, anal! Giving head and getting head. Hair pulling. BDSM (Hardcore). Getting dominated. Whip Cream. Outdoors. Showers. Roleplay. Foreplay. Passion. Aggression. Biting. Bareback. Light choking. Moaning. Making guys moan when he's giving them head. Getting his back blown out. Riding. ||♥

♦|| Hair pulling. Aggressive girls. Domination. Light biting and slapping. Passionate sex. Light BDSM. Making girls scream his name. Breaking beds. Rough sex. Getting dominated... sometimes. Foreplay. Getting head. Eating (You all know what I'm talking about xD). Outdoors. Reverse Cowgirl. Shower sex. Massages. Oils. ||♦

Anything gross and insanely disgusting...

♥|| Blood Play. Toilet Anything. Boring sex. Little dicks. Virgins. Getting pissed on. ||♥

♦|| Not finishing. Severe pain. Girls who give bad head. Horrible smells... ||♦



These two have had plenty of relationships... let's just say some were better than others.

Cristofano is single but looking... he's always looking.

Stefano is in a more complicated relationship and he doesn't know how to explain it right now.

Crushes usually never end well for these two.

Cristofano is not crushing on anyone yet. YET!

Stefano still has a soft spot for... (Skylar) @Pasiphae

Who wouldn't want to be their good friends?


Usually if you dislike one you can't be friends with the other... usually.


Cristofano and Stefano Moreau were born into Hollywood Royalty, their mother is a big name Actress and their father is a big name Singer/Rapper/Songwriter. They were destined for greatness even before they were born or thought of. Cristofano was a special boy since day one, he was the one that their parents had to watch the closes since he tended to get into the more dangerous things around the house. Stefano has always been into music, whenever a music video one come on the big screen TV in the family room he would just sit there and watch it no matter what song it was. His parents swear that Stefano rapped his first words and didn't say them.

Both brothers were bonded together from the start, they would do everything together. Even though they had different interests most of the time one thing they could always agree on doing was dancing, something they both loved to do and still love to do. When their parents weren't around the young toddlers at the time would hide in their rooms and try to see how long it took for their maids and butlers to find them, they weren't bad kids, maybe Stefano did do some reckless things and Cristofano got himself hurt a couple of times but they were more mature than most rich kids at their age.

In middle school, Cristofano started to show his flamboyant side more and some of the other kids, of course, they had an issue with it but Stefano would always beat them up if they messed with Cris. Even though Cris is three minutes older than Stef, Stefano acts more mature and he seems like the older twin most of the time. No one could and can't ever get between the Moreau Boys. All through Middle School and the first few months at East Bay High the Twins stuck to themselves not really checking for anyone else. Some people even tried to start dumb rumors about the brothers being Incest Twins or some shit like, which Stefano shut down real quick.

In the middle of their Freshman Year was when The Moreau Boys met up with their friends that they would have for life, they were known as "The Familia". With them, both brothers could be themselves, Cristofano could be his creative and super flamboyant self and Stefano could be his flirtatious and bad ass self with no judgement. They technically ran East Bay High, no one would ever stand against The Familia. Knowing that the Twins now had several people behind them at all times the bullying of Cristofano stopped finally.

During their last days at East Bay High was when the brothers found out that they were accepeted to one of the biggest and most prestigious Private Performing Arts School, Juilliard. They were excited but at the same time sad that they would be leaving their Familia behind.

It has been a beautiful year for the brothers, Cristofano's new show just got picked up for a their First Season starting in the Fall and Stefano just signed a Big Deal with a new Recording Label. Both brothers are doing what they always wanted to do and they didn't only need their family name to get what they wanted... although being a Moreau did help a bit. Now they are coming back to Cali for the Summer and they are excited but nervous at the same to see The Familia, old feelings still lingered in their hearts and some resentment is there as well... they'll just have to go back there and hope for the best. Get ready for The Moreau Boys to be back in Sunshine Cali!

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