Original poster
Last week Iwaku launched the first of a new series of challenges for the role-players of our little community here. The idea is to integrate whatever the challenge is into a role-play post of your choosing and to link it back here for reputation points, and to show off your mad writing skills!
Last week's challenge was a simple vocabulary one: utilize four words in the correct context somewhere in your post! Not a lot of responses, but I'm hopeful that we'll get more responses in the future. Last week was only the first one!
This week's challenge:
Interact with an animal. In a role-play of your choice, have your character engage with an animal of some kind. A pet comes seeking attention, a wild boar attacks your character in the forest, a bird lands on your out-stretched hand, chirps a song, and flies away.
This will be a no consequence post! The idea is to simply have an animal make an appearance with your character somehow.
EDIT: Remember to link back to this thread with the post or the RP in which you decided to take part in the Role-play Challenge!