Original poster
I'm looking for a TEEN MEMBER to roleplay with me.
Preferably a male since I enjoy playing the female role. I've played males for far too long now.
In our roleplay, I hope to find:
Good grammar. [ No one is perfect. ]
Interesting stories / plots.
I have a few plots we can discuss, however you can bring some along too!
I enjoy Horror / Gore / Fantasy / Criminal and a few others. But don't let that stop you talking to me.
[ I'm not saying I will like your plot however. ]
Please do PM me when you see this message. Thank you.
Preferably a male since I enjoy playing the female role. I've played males for far too long now.
In our roleplay, I hope to find:
Good grammar. [ No one is perfect. ]
Interesting stories / plots.
I have a few plots we can discuss, however you can bring some along too!
I enjoy Horror / Gore / Fantasy / Criminal and a few others. But don't let that stop you talking to me.
[ I'm not saying I will like your plot however. ]
Please do PM me when you see this message. Thank you.