Roleplay of the chosen (CS)



Original poster
For our finished charcter sheets DO NOT post anything else
Name: Faust Replik
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height:6 ft 2 inch

Faust Replik.png

Occupation: Village Guard
Weapon of choice: Swords
Physical enhancement spells
In terms of spells, Faust specializes in self-buffing spells that temporarily enhance his strength, agility through physical enhancement, and survivability through regeneration. This allows him to overpower his opponent with sheer brute force or outlast them with attrition, whatever option is more entertaining for him. These buffs last a few minutes at a time.

Object Conjuration
Faust is able to shape his arcane energy into various forms, but he mostly uses it for weapons due to his familiarity with such tools. One of his favored ways of using this technique is creating and hurling swords towards his enemies.

  • Teufulsarm
For one reason or another, Faust's left arm is permanently in its transformed state. His left arm possesses great strength & durability, being able to send foes flying and lift heavy objects. Unfortunately, its monstrous nature tends to draw a lot of unwanted attention. He hides it within thick clothing and gloves.

  • Ganzeroter Teuful
For a maximum duration of two minutes, Faust is able to transform into a humanoid monster-like figure. During this time, his durability and strength are enhanced, at the cost of becoming much more likely to go berserk.


Swordsmanship: Expert
Practices both one-handed and two-handed styles. Prefers wielding one on each hand.
Hand to hand: Intermediate
Is somewhat skillful with unarmed combat but mainly relies on his greater strength to overpower his enemies.
Acrobatics: Intermediate
Uses his enhanced strength and agility to outmaneuver his enemies or traverse difficult terrain.
Swimming: Novice
Doesn't really like swimming.
Able to track monsters and other creatures if they leave s tracks.
Cooking: Novice
The only person who is able to stomach his food is him

-Becoming a monster
-Failing to protect his people
-Directly or indirectly hurting innocent people

-Fighting strong opponents
-Eating food from the "old world" e.g Pizza
-Collecting old-world trinkets.
-Saying "Jackpot" whenever something good happens

-Watching fights instead of participating
-Loud-mouth opponents
-Staying in one place for too long.

Faust is flippant, vulgar, violent, and incredibly immature. He's good at his job, but he has no respect for authority and doesn't take things seriously. However, as the threats he faces become more severe, he does rise to the occasion. Even so, he maintains an overall laid-back demeanor during tense situations and is never without a witty taunt or comeback. Although seemingly shown at times to be uncaring or callous, Faust maintains a very strong sense of justice. He can be counted on to do the right thing, even if he makes humorously cynical quips about it the entire time. Faust also enjoys fighting, as is shown when he restrains himself from using his full potential but he is also quick to unleash his full power if his opponent proves to be sufficiently powerful.

As a child, Faust was always a mischievous and adventurous individual, always looking for fun and excitement at any cost. One of the more significant events in his life was when he lost his parents during a monster attack on the village. This was also the event where he first discovered his powers. Even in the village of outcasts, his power stood out due to its monstrous features. From then on, he swore to slay every wretched monster that ever threatened his village. He joined the village guard and frequently hunted these monsters. However, it didn't take long for him to realize he too posed a threat to the village due to his tendency to go berserk. One such occasion almost led him to kill his comrade in arms. After hearing rumors about some sort of overlord commanding these monsters, he decided to leave the village to pursue a more permanent solution for this monster problem.

Blind Rage
Triggered either through taking grievous wounds, staying in combat for an extended period of time or being emotionally enraged. During this time, Faust will attack anyone within his range, friend or foe. His rampage will only stop once he has calmed down or is incapacitated due to exhaustion, whichever comes first.