Original poster
Role Play Taboos andTerminology
Detailed in this guide are some of the most commonRP "don'ts" out there, and the ones people should really betrying to avoid. I'll be adding onto this guide as I think ofmore.
"God-Modding" or "PowerPlaying" is the act of role playing such that your character isvirtually undefeatable or infallible. It often happens naturallywithout premeditation on the part of the role player doing it, and assuch can easily become a bad, bad habit. The fact is that no matterhow powerful your character is, he or she must not be perfect. I'mnot referring only to set weaknesses, but also to regular slip ups inany given position that may cause them to lose control of thesituation. God-Modding extends past fighting and battles to anysituation in which you make your character have complete control.This attribute in a character is unnatural and annoying to thoseothers who want a more balanced role playing experience. Giving acharacter moments of weakness makes him or her more human andrealistic.
"Bunnying" refers to thecontrolling of another role player's character besides one's ownin a given post. This can include substantial acts as well asthoughts or emotions. Most role players find bunnying annoying oroffensive, and naturally so: no one wants their character's actionsto be decided by someone else. Be very careful to review your postsfor hints of bunnying—it can be hard to find in your own posts.Here's an example of dangerously subtle bunnying to look outfor.
Adrian (your character) stepped towards the young boy(someone else's character). The boy could see the many tattoos thatriddled Adrian's forearms.
As minor as that is, the way it'sworded, it's bunnying. You decided yourself that someone else'scharacter could see something for the sake of your own expression ofideas. The simplest way to avoid bunnying like this is to reword thephrase.
Adrian stepped towards the young boy. The manytattoos that riddled his forearms were exposed and easilyvisible.
Now there's no bunnying. With a quick switch ofsyntax, you can easily avoid any offensive controlling of a fellowrole player's character. You express the same idea without havingto decide for someone else what actions their character will take.
Detailed in this guide are some of the most commonRP "don'ts" out there, and the ones people should really betrying to avoid. I'll be adding onto this guide as I think ofmore.
"God-Modding" or "PowerPlaying" is the act of role playing such that your character isvirtually undefeatable or infallible. It often happens naturallywithout premeditation on the part of the role player doing it, and assuch can easily become a bad, bad habit. The fact is that no matterhow powerful your character is, he or she must not be perfect. I'mnot referring only to set weaknesses, but also to regular slip ups inany given position that may cause them to lose control of thesituation. God-Modding extends past fighting and battles to anysituation in which you make your character have complete control.This attribute in a character is unnatural and annoying to thoseothers who want a more balanced role playing experience. Giving acharacter moments of weakness makes him or her more human andrealistic.
"Bunnying" refers to thecontrolling of another role player's character besides one's ownin a given post. This can include substantial acts as well asthoughts or emotions. Most role players find bunnying annoying oroffensive, and naturally so: no one wants their character's actionsto be decided by someone else. Be very careful to review your postsfor hints of bunnying—it can be hard to find in your own posts.Here's an example of dangerously subtle bunnying to look outfor.
Adrian (your character) stepped towards the young boy(someone else's character). The boy could see the many tattoos thatriddled Adrian's forearms.
As minor as that is, the way it'sworded, it's bunnying. You decided yourself that someone else'scharacter could see something for the sake of your own expression ofideas. The simplest way to avoid bunnying like this is to reword thephrase.
Adrian stepped towards the young boy. The manytattoos that riddled his forearms were exposed and easilyvisible.
Now there's no bunnying. With a quick switch ofsyntax, you can easily avoid any offensive controlling of a fellowrole player's character. You express the same idea without havingto decide for someone else what actions their character will take.