Rise of Berk

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Castiel Bloodvist

There was so much that Castiel had to take in. This place was the most amazing place she had ever seen. It was a beauty hidden far away from the eyes and touch of humans. Large cliffs with spectacular flowing waterfalls diving off of their edges. Bright green plants with flowers known to her growing from their vines. She wanted to just explore ever inch of it and take in all of the sights. The part of her that hated being cooped up in her village without seeing anything outside her village walls her entire life wanted to do this while she could. After all, this was the first real place she had been to that she wasn't forced to stay within the limits of large iron walls and large men wielding weapons. So why wouldn't she be eager to take a look at such a place as this?

One reason she shouldn't be so eager was obviously the mass amounts of dragons flying about. There were hundreds of them flying the skies and resting on the rocks. They were all different sizes and different colors. There just have been one of every kind of dragon here! She had never seen so many in her life! It was frightening.

And yet...the colorful dragons, gliding gracefully and taking so easily to the skies without worries of being shot down, added to the beauty of this place. Her wide hazel eyes shifted about the place, trying to take all of the sights into her vision and comprehend just what she should do. She could try to run again and reuse to come back here again when (she didn't say if because she knew they would) the two males caught her. Or she could give in and just see what this whole place was all about. Her emotions were mixed and she wasn't quite sure how to react in this moment. All she new was that she was terrified and amazed all at once.

She snapped out of her thoughts when the boy spoke and she looked over to him. This place was called the Dragon Sanctuary. In other words, it was a place the dragons could come without worries of being attacked by Vikings. Like her people. But...if this was true, then why in the world woudl they bring her here? Why woudl they trust her, someone from such a vicious place, to come and see the place were dragons could rest and live their worry free lives? What were their intentions?

Looking at him in suspension, she looked back to all the dragons flying around silently, thinking about this to herself. It was as she did this though, that she felt something large very close behind her, making her shrink and very slowly look over her shoulder to see a dragon twice her size with spikes on its head and tail, looking down at her with large yellow eyes. She yelped and stumbled back away from it, landing flat on her back. The curious Nadder just blinked in curiosity and much to Castiel's fear, the dragon walked forward, getting rather close and began sniffing her.

She was tense, trembling with fear as she looked over to the male, "M-make it go away!" She breathed quietly in a panic, worried if she yelled it might suddenly attack her. The bird like Nadder though didn't seem to care about the uncomfortable girl under it as it began nudging her in an intrigued manner, a few other dragons getting closer as well to get a look at this new comer. They were by now used to Hiccup, him having come along with Toothless on visits often with his mother Valka. But this was the first time in a while someone new had come and the dragons were eager to get to know this slight girl.
Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup watched as Castiel gazed upon the sight before her, growing a little hopeful. All she needed was time and to give these dragons a chance, to see through their eyes and experience what Hiccup himself experienced, for that was the only way to truly change one's opinion on dragons. His eyes moved to gaze upon the sight before him. Even after coming here so many times, the sight still stunned him and left him breathless, his heart soaring with the dragons. It was truly a sight to behold to see such peace and tranquility, where dragons didn't have to fear for their lives, and no vikings disturbed them in their own home and habitat.

He saw that some had taken notice of the new girl in their home. Before he knew it, a Nadder had come up from behind, looking down at Castiel and sniffed her curiously. She didn't seem to take that well. She had fallen flat on her butt and stared up fearfully at the Nadder, but the dragon didn't seem to take any notice, just staring at her and moved a bit closer. More dragons had taken notice, flying over to come greet the newcomer, mostly the younger ones while the older dragons didn't care all too much. Far too busy and interested with whatever they were doing. Hiccup couldn't help but laugh at the small gathering dragons around Castiel, all willing to greet her and get to know her, though he wasn't laughing to be cruel.

"You don't have to be afraid." He told her, walking casually up to the beasts with no fear in his stride at all, reaching a hand out gently.

His hand hovered gently over the snout of the Nadder, and the beast instantly reacted, lifting it's head to follow Hiccup's movement. Hiccup squeezed himself between Castiel and the Nadder, lifting his hand so that the Nadder would follow it, and he circled around the beast. Making it turn with him, and Hiccup began stepping back, leading the Nadder away from Castiel. Giving her room to stand and not be so crowded by the dragons. Once Hiccup felt he had lead the Nadder far enough away, he gently placed the hand on the Nadder's snouth, between it's nostrils. The Nadder closed it's eyes and pressed it's head against his hand, and Hiccup ran his hand gently up and down it's smooth scales.

"See? We don't have to be afraid of them." Hiccup said, glancing towards Castiel. A Monstrous Nightmare nudged his elbow, and Hiccup turned his attention to the dragon, smiling as he lifted his other hand and placed it gently on the dragon's snout, his hand moving in the same motion as the other.

Toothless smiled at his fellow dragons and greeted them, running up to each one and making his little and deep sounds he usually made, standing on his back legs when he needed to for the very large dragons, and would crouch low for the small ones. They all greeted him in return, getting excited and flapping their wings, and some would even bow to him. Toothless nudged a colorful dragon and took off, bounding through the other dragons, and with an excited chirp the dragon he nudged took off after him. Others joined in in the game of tag, and Hiccup smiled as he watched his buddy interact with them, chasing the dragons when he was 'it' before running away after tagging another dragon.

The dragons around Hiccup were more interested in being stroked and hanging around him. Of course Gruff, the dragon his mother and Cloudjumper had found and rescued, came up to greet Hiccup like he always did. The poor thing was blind, yet it was getting around pretty well, learning to adapt. Gruff circled around Hiccup, making his dragon purrs as he rubbed his head against Hiccup like a cat, and Hiccup greeted the dragon just as enthusiastic. Running his hand along his slender neck and scratched it's scaly cheeks.

"This is Gruff." He told Castiel, keeping his focus on the dragon. "He's a Hobblegrunt, and he's very friendly, despite being caged by vikings." He decided to leave out the fact that it was actually one of her father's forts that had imprisoned him.

Placing a hand on Gruff's snout, Hiccup reached his other hand out towards Castiel. "Give me your hand." He told her, his voice low and soothing, as if speaking to a frightened kitten or child. "It'll be alright. Trust me."
Castiel Bloodvist

Castiel was quite frightened when the dragons surrounded her, unable to move or find any room really to get away with all them so close to her. It was as she layed there terrified that she heard Hiccup laugh. Her wide eyes looked over to where he stood. He was laughing yes, but somehow Castiel could tell he wasn't necessarily laughing at her. He was more or so laughing at the situation she was in. There was quite a few of the dragons near her and he just so causally walked over, putting himself between she and the enthusiastic Nadder. His proximity in order to do so left her tense, her breath catching in her throat. Soon though, he was leading the dragons away from her and she sat up, a little stunned as she watched him interact so freely with all these dragons. The dragons were even more than willing to go with him, following his hand with big and bright eyes.

Was he really that close to these dragons? They so easily came to him and he was so willing to stroke them and treat them as if they were his friends. Maybe they were his friends? She just didn't know anymore! It was so confusing! Slowly and carefully, she sat up and, watching with still wide eyes are more dragons came and nudged themselves close to him, making their deep purrs. And looking toward his own dragon, she could see him running about, chasing the other dragons about and then they would switch and he would run from some of the other dragons in a strange game of tag. It was so...different for her to see dragons act like this when she was used to them acting like beasts that would bite your head off if you even came near them.

She carefully and cautiously got to her feet, taking a couple of steps back as another large dragon stepped over to Hiccup, though, something caught her attention and she took a few steps forward to try and see if she saw this right. And when she did, she blinked in surprise, only to hear the boy speak to her and hold out his hand to her, telling her to give him her hand. She at first took a step back, shaking her head slowly, but there was something in the way he looked and told her to trust him that made her pause and think. Should she really do this? Her father would be very disappointed in her if she found out about this. But....what he didn't know couldn't hurt him, right?

Biting the bottom of her lip, she slowly took a few steps forward, her eyes moving from him to the dragon a few times and very hesitantly, her hand trembling, she place her hand in his, looking up at the tall dragon as he placed her hand on its scales. It purred under her gentle touch and now that she was close enough, she could see that what she had thought before was correct.

"He's blind...."

She paused before reaching another shaky hand to stroke his scales some more, a slight sadness coming over her for this creature. Who could have done this to what seemed to be such a tamed animal? It was terrible. She took a deep breath and finally moved her eyes from the dragon to look at Hiccup standing next to her and she was silent for a moment. Then, slowly, she took her hands away from the dragon, taking deep breaths as she backed up again, torn at the current situation. The way she was raised was crashing with what she was experiencing now and it was leaving her feeling unsure of herself and everything she had ever known.

Suddenly, the very confused girl turned and began quickly making her way back to the cave and out of the sanctuary, trying to keep herself calm as she heard the boy following her and one she was out of the caves, she spoke, her back to him and her arms wrapped around herself as she spoke to him, "I-I.....I want to go home."
Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup waited patiently, keeping his hand outstretched for her to take, making no indication of being impatient or trying to persist her further. When she finally stepped forward he smiled and took her hand, leading her hand to the beast before him as he stepped back, gently replacing his hand on Gruff's snout with her own. He stepped back completely so that she alone stood with the dragon, but he stayed close in face something went wrong, though nothing rarely did. He smiled as he watched Castiel look the dragon a bit differently than she had before, and her hands even began to stroke his scales, and Gruff responded positively. Purring and rubbing his head against her hands..

"Yes, his encounter with the dragon hunters caused an accident with his eyes." Hiccup responded to her statement, his eyes moving over to Gruff a little sadly. "The poor thing was blinded, but my mom managed to rescue him with Cloudjumper, her dragon. It could have been a lot worse."

Toothless noticed Castiel stroking a dragon, and he wandered over curiously, tilting his head with his ear frills perked forward. Eyes wide instead of all narrow and threatening. He sat down at a small distance, watching the two of them, before moving his eyes to Castiel. He could sense a sort of 'change', a much better feeling than she carried before, but it was still a little uncertain. Hiccup was silent as Castiel had her moment with Gruff, hope rising inside him that she may be changing her mind, and start seeing dragons differently. They were already off to a good start. She was this close to a rather big dragon, and was even stroking it, not drawing away in fear or accusing it of attacking her.

However it soon changed. She stepped away from the dragon, her breathing rather heavy, and Hiccup's smile became a frown of concern. He looked at her worriedly, wondering if she was about to have a panic attack, and he stepped forward as he reached a hand out towards her, about to ask if she was okay. But she suddenly turned away from him and began walking briskly away from him, returning to the cave that had lead them here. Hiccup was a bit stunned, but he quickly followed after her, calling out to her. But she didn't seem to hear, or if she did, then she was simply ignoring him. Toothless blinked his big eyes, lifting his head after the two with his ear frills perked straight up, before he began to follow them both. Hiccup finally managed to catch up to Castiel, who stood outside the cave and on the ledge where they had previously landed, her back to Hiccup.

"I-I.....I want to go home."

Her words shocked him, stopping him in his tracks, not quite sure how to respond. Toothless came padding up right beside him, looking at Hiccup with those big eyes of his before gazing over at Castiel, tilting his head curiously. Hiccup was silent for a moment, processing her words, not quite ready to give up on her yet. True he promised that he would take her home if she still didn't trust in dragons, but they had just gotten here, and hardly anyone ever still held their same belief of dragons after experiencing first hand what these beasts were really capable of. He took a few cautious steps forward.

"I know that was all too much to take in," he began to explain, "and Gruff is rather on the big side, so I understand if this is all too overwhelming. But if you just took the time, you can see that there is so much we don't know about dragons, and they're capable of so much more than destruction and killing. We'll move slower, and you don't have to meet so many at once. Take your time with just one and slowly work your way up, or however way you want it. I'm not trying to keep you from your home, I promise I'll return you to your village, but I just want you to give these dragons a chance. So that maybe you could tell your people that they aren't meant to be hunted down and killed."
Castiel Bloodvist

When she heard Hiccup speak to her, even taking a few steps to stand near her as she spoke, she tensed up more his words sinking in her head. He had it wrong. She had given these dragons a chance. And she was....liking them. Something she couldn't let happen. She just couldn't let these dragons squeeze their way further into her heart. If she let them, then her village, maybe even her father, would disown her for her beliefs and she just couldn't deal with something like that happening. But, if she went home now, she might be able to forget about all she had seen her. She would be able to cast it from her mind and go back to staying far away from these large dragons. Yes, she couldn't stay here. She just had to go home. She had to get away from all this that was affecting her in such ways. It was her only chance at going back to her old life.

So, when he was done speaking, she turned to face him, shaking her head quickly, her expression showing how desperate she was to leave her and go back to her village were everything was familiar and she didn't have to deal with such choices as these. Her voice was shaky and breathy as she tried to get him to understand that she just had to get home, "No. I-I can't! I can't do this! I'm just one person! One person doesn't make a difference! One person can't change the minds of everyone! I....I just want to go home!" She wrapped her arms tighter around herself, getting quiet again, her hazel eyes pleading with his, "Please....I just want to go home."

As much as what he was saying sounded so promising, she knew her people would never listen. especially not her father. If only he knew how people already didn't like her there. How they often casted her to the side and treated her as though she were just a rodent in the kitchen they called their lives. The only reason they had even kept her around was because her father was so fond of her. But still, there was a line for everything, and speaking of dragons as if they were more than just mindless beasts would surely set her people and her father off. And she couldn't afford to do that.

Her eyes moved to the boy's dragon, who instead of looking at her with a menacing gaze, was looking at her with adorable wide eyes, not making this any easier for her. She quickly moved her gaze back to his, waiting for him to say whether or not he was going to actually take her home or not. If not she wasn't sure what she was going to do to get back home. So needless to say, she hopped he would agree to at least fly her close to her home so she could make it the rest of the way safely. Her breath caught in her throat from all this anxiety and her heart heavy from this hard discussion, she waited for his final answer.
Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup looked into those desperate eyes, the tone of her voice seeming to match, and he was at a lost on what to say. Her words struck him pretty hard, knowing from first hand experience that she was wrong, oh how she was wrong. There was more about this person who held a lot in common with him, reminding him about himself more the more he hung around her, and he was slowly starting to understand her a little better because of it. Hiccup used to be just like that, believing he could do nothing except messing up all the time and being completely useless. An embarrassment for all of his village, and he could never do anything to win their approval or belong, a chief's son who was unworthy of such a title. He was starting to get it... This girl was like him.

"Alright." He said. "I'll take you home. I promised you after all, and I can't force you to change your opinion. Come on."

Toothless looked surprised, looking at his rider questionably, tilting his head at him. Hiccup only smiled and gently rubbed the Nightfury's head. "It's alright Bud." He climbed up onto Toothless's back, settling down onto his saddle and hooked his fake leg into the stirup. He looked over at Castiel, waiting for her to come over, having a small feeling that she might be a little more willing to hop onto the dragon's back. Toothless looked over at Castiel as well, but he made no threatening gestures this time, staying still and waiting patiently for Castiel to get on.

Once Castiel got on, Toothless leapt forward once and spread his wings, jumping into the air and flapped his wings down in once powerful flap to get him into the air. He climbed the air with each wing beat, getting high enough to where he was satisfied, leveling his body out and sailed gently over the wind currents. Much different than how he had flown last time. This flight was slower and more gently, the Nightfury's wings spread out wide on either side of him, the wind blowing gently through Hiccup's hair, his gaze fixed ahead. He had remained silent for a long while, his expression one of being deep in thought, watching as clouds sailed by and water dragons splashed far below them in the water.

"There was this boy once," he finally began to speak, "not too long ago but still a while who was the worse viking that you would ever see." He laughed a little. "And believe me, he was bad. He was the laughing stock of all the other viking kids, and hated by all the adults, and the biggest disappointment and shame to his father. I'm sure his father would have been a lot happier with a fish to call his son. But you see, this boy didn't want that, to be treated like an outsider. He wanted to belong, so he would always try and try and try, to do anything he could to be accepted and wanted.

"Whenever the village was attacked by dragons, he would go out to try to slay a dragon." Hiccup continued, and Toothless made a displeasing sound, so Hiccup patted his head. "It's alright Bud. Anyway, this boy had no muscle development whatsoever. He was thin like a toothpick, he was clumsy and could not wield a weapon if his life depended on it, and it did on several occasions. As if that wasn't bad enough, every time he tried his best to win his village's approval, he always managed to screw up and make everything worse. That only made everyone hate him more. No one wanted anything to do with him, his father had no faith in him at all and looked at him always with this disappointed scowl, and this boy ended up being all alone. Though he had a father, it was like he was without a family, and though there were kids his age, he was without friends.

"He was going to change all that, so one day there was another dragon attack, and this boy refused to be kept indoors and out of the way. He was going to change everything, to become somebody, so he went out to slay a dragon. He managed to knock a dragon clear out of the sky, but one problem was that it fell somewhere on the island, and the other was that no one saw him do it and thought he was just spinning tales. So after things settled down, he went out to go find the dragon he knocked down so that he could bring proof to his father that he killed a dragon, and then everyone will finally accept him and he will be a true viking. Well he found the dragon, tied up and injured on the ground, but it was still alive. The boy brought with him a dagger, a small dagger but enough to kill the dragon, and he was more than ready to kill it and prove to himself that he was a viking."

Toothless made a small sound, and Hiccup placed a hand on the Nightfury's head, both of them catching the other's eye. Hiccup continued. "But... He couldn't. With his dagger raised, ready to strike the dragon, he caught the dragon's eye. Where others probably saw nothing but savagery and death, what he saw changed his whole perspective, something that he never thought a dragon could have. Fear. The dragon was afraid, just as much as the boy was, and he suddenly found himself unable to bring the killing blow. Instead, he released the dragon, and instead of killing the boy the dragon fled. Even though it could have easily killed the niave boy. Intrigued, this boy went seeking after the beast the next day, and found it trap in a ravine, unable to fly because of being shot out of the sky by the boy."

Hiccup told the whole story, of how he kept visiting Toothless and about the dragon training, how he and Toothless formed a bond and he helped Toothless to fly again. Not only that but flew with him, together learning how to fly, and then how they were discovered by Astrid. He explained how Toothless did something similar to Astrid what he had just did to Castiel, but then settled down and soon changed Astrid's mind about dragons, and how they found the nest. Then how Hiccup tried to show his village that dragons were different and that they didn't have to kill them, but things had gone wrong and he was nearly killed, but then Toothless came in and saved him. Only to have Toothless captured and locked away, and to be used to search for the nest that Hiccup's father and all the other vikings went sailing to, but found something far more dangerous and bigger than they ever imagined. Literally.

Hiccup told her about Red Death, the queen of the dragons, but Hiccup got his classmates to team up with the dragons they had locked up and fly to the nest. There they battled with Red Death and Hiccup was reunited with Toothless, and together they faced the queen and won, but at the cost of Hiccup's leg. Hiccup stroked Toothless's head, his eyes a bit distant as he smiled softly, recalling all of these events. Though of course as he told the story, he never actually used his or Toothless's names. Not revealing who the boy and dragon was.

"Now, several years later, that same village now works and lives with dragons. Side by side." Hiccup finished. "Together vikings and dragons live in harmony, and the boy is still best buds with his dragon, and he's now highly respected. He changed not just his village, but the whole aspect of vikings and dragons, proving that there could be more and it's not all that vikings had believed for hundreds of years. The boy created peace and harmony between the vikings and dragons."

During the story, they had neared Castiel's island, and Toothless flew low towards a small beach away from the village. Toothless landed on the soft sand, folding his wings and shook his head, staying still so that Castiel could slide off. Hiccup turned his head to look at her. "Everyone has a purpose." He told her. "It may be something that you never would have expect, but it's there, and you'll find it one day. You may be weaker than others and can't do any of the things others may do, but there is something that only you could do. Sometimes one person is all that is needed to change the view of an entire village. It has to start somewhere after all."

He smiled, holding onto the saddle as Toothless grew ready to take off again. "Think about it Castiel. Sometimes you should follow what you yourself feel instead of following the crowd, because then you'll never be noticed, and you'll only end up making things harder for yourself. I hope you find what it is you're looking for." With a pat on Toothless's neck, the Nightfury bounded forward and took off once more, gaining speed and flew high into the sky, becoming nothing more than a small fading black spec.
Castiel Bloodvist

"Alright. I'll take you home. I promised you after all, and I can't force you to change your opinion. Come on."

Hearing him say he was going to take her home was a big relief. One that gave her a sense of calm. Soon she would be home, back where things would be familiar and she didn't have to be at war with how she was raised, and more importantly with herself. She let her arms drop to her sides as she relaxed a little more, her gaze following him as he got onto the back of his dragon. He looked at her expectingly and for a moment she had forgotten they would have to fly to her home if she wanted to get there soon. She looked to the expression on the dragon and she half expected to see a snarl on his face and him to not let her get anywhere close to him. Only, his expression was much different than she expected. It was calm and patient. She preferred that much more to the growls and narrowed eyes looks he had been giving her before.

Slowly she walked forward and went to get on the back of the dragon. It was a little difficult at first as she had never rode on anything before in her life. But soon she had scrambled onto his back and situated herself. She found herself more hesitant to wrap arms around Hiccup so she wouldn't fall off than she was about actually riding the dragon. Of course, when Toothless lept up into the sky, she yelped and did in fact wrap her arms around Hiccup in order to stay on, her eyes closed tightly for a moment until the flight had evened out. And once it was, she opened them again, looking around. They were up so high! Down below the ocean looked like a sheet of grey and if it weren't for the sea dragons hoping out of the water it would have looked just like a blanket. Then of course, there was around them the clouds of moisture that felt like a fine mist but was just beautiful to look at.

It was all so amazing and if it wasn't for her being so close to him, her voice practically n her ear, she wouldn't have even noticed he was talking. But because she was so close and she had realized it, she looked to him as he spoke, telling her a story. A story she could very well relate to. The story of an outcast. Of a chief's son who just didn't belong in the place he had been born. Of feeling different than the others in his village and of having no friends to call his own, often spending time just to himself. It sounded a lot like herself. She was silent as she listened and when it got to the part of the boy finding the dragon, she noticed the exchange between Hiccup and Toothless and she just knew. This was no random story made up to sway her. This was their story.

She listened more intently now and was amazed how him, being just one little weak person, could change all of his people and even become chief! It was quite a feat but it was also something that had been slow coming. If it hadn't been for this Red Death causing so much trouble than the dragons and the humans would have never been united. Her village never had that opportunity to unite with dragons to help each other in that way, and they never would. Her village was strong and menacing. Even if something did threaten it, they woudl never unite with anyone or anything. They would try to defeat their enemies alone or die trying. That was what made them different from Berk. It was why her village would never change.

Once they had landed on her own island, she slid off of the back of the dragon carefully, landing on her feet in the soft warm sand. The air despite it being night time, still rather warm, much like she was used to. It was comforting and at the same time, didn't leave her feeling comforted at all. She felt so torn as she looked back at Hiccup and Toothless, taking in his words before watching him fly off, leaving her standing there alone and all so confused. She bit her lip and then turned, quickly making her way up the sandy beach area toward the village. People were out of course, but not many. It was getting into the later hours and slowly one by one she knew they would all sooner or later make it back into their homes. Those who were out gave ehr questioning looks, but said nothing. Yes, she had been gone for days, but was that really a surprise? She was often running off on her own anyway, so what did they care if she hadn't been here for a little while? If anything they had been relieved to not see her for that long. As long as she was back before her father could return and have everyone's heads for letting her go missing, they didn't care.

She made her way back to her house in the center of the village and sighed as she entered, letting the quiet sink in. With the quiet came a loneliness that left her heart to sink in her chest as she went up to her room, emersed in her thoughts.

What Berk had with the dragons, it was an amazing thing! Why couldn't her village have something like that? At least if they did, she would have a friend. A dragon. Hiccup and Toothless seemed so connected and close. If her village took well to dragons would she have that with a dragon as well? Or was it a futile attempt? Maybe she could try to talk to her father about it? Would her father even listen? And woudl he ask where she was getting these ideas from? If he found out she had been talking to his enemies he would have her head for sure! Tension swept over her and she moved ot her bedroom window, opening in up and breathing in the night air to calm herself.

Closing her eyes as she breathed, the night wind entered her room and she could just imagine what she had when on the back of that dragon. High air, clouds swirling about them, the wonderful view. She missed it and, if she were honest with herself, longed for it. Taking deep breaths as she stood there, she slowly opened her eyes and looked down into the village below. Some time had passed since she had come through the village and now the outside was quiet, not a person to be seen. Her eys moved up to the large structure in the back of the village. It was shaped like a half dome and what was inside was completely blocked from view. She remembered seeing her father bringing in dragons to that place before. her curiosity as to what he did with the poor creatures was growing more and before she knew it, she was heading down the stairs and outside.

No one other than who her father appointed was usually allowed into the 'arena' as they called it, not even Castiel. It had been there for her whole life and she had never once stepped into the place. So, needless to say, as she clambered over the wall and dropped down into the inside, she was shocked at what she saw. The large dragons were cramped into the tiny and unkept cells. Some looked sick and others injured. But what made it worse was what she found when she walked to the back of the arena. In a pit dug rather deep, she leaned forward to see below a good number of dragon bones and even a few bodies of dead dragons that had been thrown in. She quickly backed away from it, her breath uneven and her hands trembling at the horrible sight.

This dragons here were going through hell no one had ever tried to save them. No one had even thought to keep them well enough to survive very long. When they were brought into this place, it was their finally resting grounds. They would never leave this place.

Slowly, Casitel, with wide and sad eyes, feeling tears stinging the corners of them, walked slowly around the circle, peering in to each cell at the hopeless creatures, most of which that didn't even so much as have the energy to lift their heads to look at her. She came tot he last cell, one that she had to pause and step closer to look in. The dragon inside was white with rainbow speckles here and here, its body curled up, head buried under its wing. She had never really seen a dragon like this before but it was so familiar. It was only when this dragon did lift its head to look at her that she realized why it did seem familiar. It looked just like Toothless, just different colors and rainbow colored eyes instead of green.

She found herself stepping closer to the cell, her eyes locked on the gaze of the dragon's as the two stared at each other. There was something there int he dragon's eyes. A sadness that touched her. This dragon was stuck in here with no one to care for or help it. This went for all of the dragons. Yet, here she was, able to actually do something about it, possibly being these dragon's only chance for survival and she wasn't doing anything about it! Suddenly, before she knew what she was doing, she was searching the walls of the arena until she spotted the keys to the cells hanging on a hook. Snatching them from the wall, she moved over to the cell, her hands wrapping around the bars as she stared in at the rainbow dragon, "I....I'm going to help you....just...don't attack me...please." Maybe this dragon was intelligent like Hiccup's dragon had been. It sure did seem like it because the dragon's ear flaps perked up, at attention to the girl's actions as she put the keep in the keyhole and turned.

The click form the lock sounded and she was just about to pull the door open when a voice sounded behind her.

"Just what do you think you're doing ye little wench?!"

With a gasp, Castiel turned, wide eyed as she loked upon four very angry men looking at her from the entrance of the arena. She trembled, unable to speak before another one of them did.

"She's letting our prized dragon go!"

"You little bitch! You'll be scrap for the dragons before your father even gets home!"

"And it will be all 'er fault too! Her father will just think she got too curious and one of the beasts got a'hold of 'er"

"Well, what are we waitin' for?! Get her before she makes too much noise!"

Castiel could feel panic raise in her as the four men moved toward her and for a moment she thought this would be the end of her. She would be taken, killed, and thrown to the starving dragons that would surely rip her to pieces. Only, she forgot one little detail.

The cell to the Fury's cell was still unlocked.

Next thing she knew, the dragon had thrown itself against the bars and the door slung open, scaring the men into taking a few stumbled steps back. This element of surprise, plus a few vicious snaps with sharp teeth toward the men, gave the dragon enough time to approach the girl. Casitel trembled and in her fear thought he dragon would attack her. But instead, something happened that shocked her. The dragon suddenly moved quickly, ducking its head under her and tossing her onto its back, running fall speed and bolting over the wall before the men could even do anything about it. A scream of surprise escaped Castiel and she clung to the dragon, her arms tight around its neck until they had made it far enough away for the dragon to slow down and go at a comfortable pace for both of them.

When this happened, Casitel sat up slowly, looking around. At night the skies were still beautiful and everything around her amazed her just as much as it had before. Only this time, she wasn't clinging to someone and afraid of heights. No, this time she was willingly on the back of a dragon, and enjoying it. She laughed slightly, reaching a hand up to gingerly feel the wind between her fingers, only to hear a grumble form the dragon below her. Looking down at the dragon, she leaned forward to meet its gaze and smiled slightly, "Thank you. For saving me back there." Scratching the dragon's head, she heard a purr and that made her smile even more, "You know, I think we're far enough away, if you wanted to, we could stop and let you eat? It didn't look like many of the dragons back there were well fed." At the sound of food, the dragon's ears perked up and it grumbled in agreement, looking around before landing on a near by island.

Once there, Castiel slipped off of the dragon's back and she watched as it went to the water edge, taking mental notes. This dragon was a little smaller than Hiccup's dragon, and its tail was a little longer as well. She had seen that in many dragons and for some reason that made her believe that maybe this dragon was a female? The more she watched the dragoness, she came to think that indeed this Fury was female. She watched the dragoness guobble down a few fish as she sat there and soon the dragoness made her way over to Casitel, curling herself around her. This friendliness surprised her, but then again, the dragoness was also probably showing appreciation for saving her as well. Next thing she knew the dragoness had spit up a half eaten fish and Casitel looked at the dragon confused as she pushed it toward Castiel. And when Castiel realized the dragoness was trying to share, Castiel shook her head, laughing slightly, "Uhhh, no thanks. I actually already ate and I'm kind of full. You need it more, so you eat it." The dragoness took this answer and gobbled the fish up again.

Once the dragoness had eaten her fill, she stood up again, and Casitel wondered if the dragoness woudl leave for good and leave her there by herself. But instead the dragoness waited, looking at Casitel with big expectant eyes, cooing at her in a pitch higher than Toothless's. Yes, that settled it, this dragon was definitely female. Smiling, Casitel climbed onto the dragoness's back and as she did, spoke, "You know, if we are going to be hanging around each other, I'm going to have to call you something." She looked down at the dragoness, "Hmmm, maybe Rainbow?" That earned her a smack in the head with the dragoness's ear flaps, "Ow! Okay, not a good name I guess. Hmmm, Snow? No, not that......" Looking own at the dragoness, their eyes met one another and she smiled brightly, "I got it! Aurora!"

The dragoness purred in response and Castiel smiled, "Aurora it is then."


A few days had passed and Castiel and Aurora were fairly close. Best friends even. But even if it was a very free life, living with just she and dragoness, flying about and learning all she could about the amazing world of dragons, she knew she would have to figure out something about her village to help the remaining dragons. The skies had become her home and the dragons her friends. And she had to help her friends. During her couple of weeks with Aurora, she had contemplated going back to Hiccup and the people at Berk. But, woudl they help her? Or would they think it to be a trick? She contemplated this for the days they flew, racking her brain out, before she decided she had to try. If they didn't listen, what was the worse that could happen? And so, they flew in the direction of Berk, and enjoyed the flight.

Except for when they got caught in a storm. She held on tightly to Aurora as the dragon attempted to maneuver through the clouds, lightening striking around them and thunder rolling, the winds around them unbearable. This was very well the toughest storm they had ever been in and she knew if they stayed in the skies during this horrible weather they wouldn't make it. Staying pressed down against Aurora, attempting to see around them, she yelled over the roaring wind in hopes that her friend would hear her, "Aurora! We HAVE to land! Find some dry land and get out of the skies! Fast!" The dragoness gave a clicking sound in understanding and struggling through the storm until her rainbow eyes spotted an island down below. The white dragon nodded as she went to lower herself, but was still about fifty feet up when hail began to pelt them and a large gust of wind knocked her off balance and the two went into a dive, Aurora roaring and Casitel giving off a scream as they landed in the water next to the island.

The struggling dragon popped her head up out of the water, searching wildly for her human and when she saw the human hadn't come to the surface yet, dived down and after a moment of searching saw her drifting off and sinking lower into the water. Before the human could fully loose consciousness her dragon swam under her and the human weakly wrapped her arms around her neck, Aurora carrying her over to shore. Coughing up what water had made its was into her lungs, Casitel groaned as she layed there, soaked and freezing, but safety out of the storm for now as she slipped off, going unconscious.

Aurora whined as her human closed her eyes and curled herself around the freezing girl in attempt to warm her in the now hailing and snowy storm, and she stayed that way there for a long moment before she heard footsteps. The dragoness looked up, her rainbow eyes glaring and pupils turning to slits as she growled, standing in front of her human and crouched down in order to protect her human rider from any threats that might emerge from the trees.
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Hiccup and Toothless
"Well there are some Timberjacks, even a few Terrible Terrors, and Hobblegrunts." Hiccup placed little symbols on the small drawn island on his map, color coding it for the dragon species, before lifting his pen and set it back in it's little slot on his arm sleeve, buttoning it closed once again and began folding the map back up. "I think we can call this exploration a success! What do you think Bud?"

Toothless released a low, vibrating sound, smiling at Hiccup as he wagged his tail. Hiccup smiled and closed his book, placing the strap back on before lifting the torso part of his outfit to place his book back in it's slot, lowering it back down and closed the straps. He got on his feet and patted Toothless's head as he walked around his dragon, reaching the saddle and pulled himself up, seating himself down and pulled the handles up. He clipped his fake leg into place, getting himself all strapped in before lifting his gaze up to the sky, seeing some dark clouds rolling in. He frowned a bit in concern. He had been so busy and caught up in his study of the island that he hadn't realized how much time had passed or the storm rolling in.

"Well this isn't good." He said, pulling on his helmet before leaning down close to Toothless, placing a hand on his neck. "Come on bud, lets get back home, and fast." Toothless nodded his head and took off, his claws running fast across the ground, and in a couple of leaps he was in the air. His wings flapping powerfully so that in mere seconds they were high in the air.

Hiccup was hoping to avoid the storm, but the only problem was that they had to go through the storm in order to reach Berk, so there was no avoiding the rough air currents. The dark clouds loomed over them in a matter of seconds, and almost soon after the rain came down, first coming down in soft drops but then they were pelted. Hiccup was immediately getting soaked, and Toothless's scales were growing slick and slippery, but thanks to the saddle Hiccup was able to stay on. Toothless roared and shook his head, beating his wings through the rough air currents, squinting his eyes through the rain. As if that wasn't bad enough, the rain soon turned to hail, beating against Toothless's hyde and made it even harder for Toothless to concentrate on flying.

"Hold on bud, we can make." Hiccup said over the wind, placing a hand on his dragon's neck. "Stay with me, we can make it." Toothless's eyes were wide but he seemed to hear, continuing on through the storm.

Lightning flashed all around them, and Toothless roared and quickly flew away from any strike near them, continuing on towards Berk. He was the offspring of lightning itself. There was no way he was going to allow a storm like this take him down. Hiccup hung on tightly, his helmet helping a lot to keep the raindrops out of his eyes, but still bits of it slipped through the small holes and would blind him for a moment. Lightning flashed once again, and for a moment, Hiccup saw something in the distance before it went dark again. What the...? He could have sworn he saw something...

Another flash of lightning, and once again he spotted something in the distance, before the light faded and all was dark again. His eyes were now trained on that spot, waiting for the next flash of lightning, curiosity getting the best of him. Then there ti was, another flash of lightning, and Hiccup's eyes widened. He saw wings flash through the sky and a large form, obviously a dragon, but in the next instant it was suddenly falling.

"Toothless!" Hiccup cried out in alarm. Toothless seemed to immediately understand, for he had seen the dragon as well, and he folded his wings and dove right after the dragon.

His eyes stayed glued to the falling dragon, and as Hiccup hung on to Toothless, he could have sworn he saw something else on the dragon. Was there someone with it? Another Rider? He couldn't tell for sure, and soon the dragon and Rider soon vanished into the water. Hiccup's eyes went wide and he quickly pulled back on the handles on the saddle, adjusting his leg so that he tilted the fan on Toothless's tail, allowing him to pull up right at the last second and zip back up high through the air. Getting away from the water. Toothless stopped and began to hover in the air, looking down towards the water as he tried to spot the dragon once again, wondering where they were.

He soon spotted them and alerted Hiccup, who followed his dragon's line of sight and spotted something moving through the water, heading towards the shore of a nearby island. Hiccup touched Toothless's neck and nodded his head, and so the Nightfury flew forward and began heading towards the island, flying low. He sailed over the dragon without notice, landing right on the ground at a small distance, and Hiccup quickly slid off of Toothless and began heading towards the shore. Getting to the dragon and the unconscious rider.

However he stopped. His heart lunged in his throat, refusing to let any sound escape him as his eyes widened in total shock, not believing what he was seeing. What he was witnessing right now was something he never thought he would ever witness in his whole life, something that could only happen by some sort of miracle, and he was witnessing. Even though a beast was growing and glaring at him, threatening to rip him apart, Hiccup could feel nothing but amazed.

"You're just like Toothless..." He whispered.

Toothless came walking up beside Hiccup, and instantly noticed the dragon coiled on the shore, his eyes growing wide as his ear frills perked straight up. This dragon looked just like him... Just different color. He titled his head, growing curious, but the dragon that looked like him was growling and threatening them. Toothless coiled his tail around Hiccup protectively. Even though this dragon looked just like him, she was still a threat to his rider, and he wasn't going to let her hurt him. He growled at the she-dragon, warning her to not harm his rider, crouching low and stayed away from her.

But Hiccup placed a hand on Toothless's head, looking at him before looking back at the she dragon, and slowly stepped forward. He lifted his hands, pulling off his helmet and gently set it down, before he stood back up. He pulled out his sword and fire flared up immediately, quickly swaying it around to entrance the Fury, to let her know that he was like them. Although this was the only other Fury he ever encountered aside from Toothless, so for all he knew, it wouldn't work. But even though the dragons were different, they all held similarities, so he hoped that it would work to calm the Fury.
Castiel Bloodvist

Aurora owed her life to this human female. The dragoness would protect the human with her life, no matter what. What emerged through the trees made the dragoness growl even lower -a human. It looked similar to her own human. Scrawny and limber, yet obviously male. Still that didn't mean he wasn't a threat to her human. Bending lower over her human rider, the dragoness was almost lying on top of her by the time a dragon come through the trees. She had to admit, the dragon that appeared through the trees surprised her. He was very much like herself, just a different color. Her head perked up slightly for a moment, curiosity in her own eyes, before she was brought back to protecting her human and lowered herself down again to shield Castiel from these two males.

The human had seemed to try and approach her carefully. His eyes were trained on her and soon the human had reached for what looked like a weapon at his side. She was frightened and angered all in one, especially with her human below harmed, and this human she didn't know trying to pull a blade out was not sitting so well with her. Growling deeper within her chest, she watched as the human pulled out the hilt of a blade, only when she saw what the blade was made of she erked up slightly again in suprise.

The blade was completely made of fire.
Tilting her head to the side, she seemed entranced and curious about the flames coming form the hilt. She cooed softly, and though she didn't move away from her human, her posture changed from one less hostile, to one more willing.

When she had enough of staring at the blade, the dragoness's growling had stopped completely as she glanced down at the human below her. She knew her companion was hurt, she knew that this human could be her only chance to help her. With the growling stopped and the Fury stepped away from the humans but kept her distance close, her tail wrapped around the girl to keep her warm, yet still allow the human to approach and help her. She had many questions about these two, and she was sure her rider did as well but first they needed to get the girl healed.

Castiel was more cold than hurt. After not only being out in that hail storm, but also plummeting into the ocean, she was freezing. So, when she was laying there, wrapped up in Aurora's tail, close to her warm body, she was heating up just a bit. And as the warmth got to her, she began to stir and blink her eyes open. Waking up wrapped up in her dragon's embrace was something she was getting used to. She woke up like this the past few days. After she had layed there a moment, trying to gather her bearings, she began to grow more aware. She was a little sore from the landing and had a pretty good gash on her arm. Blinking in confusion now, moved slightly, though with her being so sore, was having trouble sitting up, "Aurora?...Wh....what happened?" She asked, as if the dragoness could answer.

She gently pushed her dragon's tail out of the way from her view and her blue eyes widened in surprise at what she saw. Standing in front of her were the two people who would sure to be surprised to see her with a dragon. And more so, she worried how they might react to her being there, what with how she had treated them before. Seeing them, she shrunk back against her dragon in nervousness, an unsure look on her face as she spoke, "W....what.....are you two doing here?"
Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup was relieved when the fury had calmed down and moved away from the rider, an obvious invitation to help, though she was still close enough in case Hiccup and Toothless became a threat again. Hiccup allowed the fire to die down from his sword, sheathing the blade away before rushing over to the rider, but was caught off guard at what he saw. There, laying unconscious so close to a creature that she was afraid of, was Castiel. Hiccup did not think he would see her again, at least not so soon, let alone near a dragon. Not only a dragon, but a Nightfury no less, and it left Hiccup utterly speechless. Toothless came up beside him, tilting his head as he perked his ear frills, eyes wide with astonished curiosity. It was the female from before, and just like Hiccup, Toothless wondered how she had ended up way out here.

There questions were about to be answered. Castiel had begun to stir, and when her eyes finally opened, she appeared dazed and out of it at first. Then when she became more aware she shrunk back a bit, which confused Hiccup, since they had let her go. She wasn't still scared of them was she? If she behaved like she was scared of him and Toothless, then that would set her dragon off, making her think that they were enemies. Hiccup had to make it clear that they were only there as friends and had no intention of bringing her back to Berk as a prisoner. It was the truth after all, and he didn't want to bring any harm to Castiel or the Fury, especially the Fury. He had to know where Castiel had gotten her and how, still struck with complete awe at the magnificent beast, for though he had Toothless he still didn't know so much about Nightfuries. Their change of color was one. Where Toothless was pitch as night, this one was white as snow with glints and hues of rainbow around her scales and wings. Toothless seemed very curious as well, his eyes wide as he looked towards the Fury, sniffing the air around her but didn't draw close.

"We were heading back to Berk when we saw you and your dragon fall out of the sky." Hiccup explained, finding it very odd to call the white Fury 'her' dragon. "We came rushing in to help you. We need to get you out of this weather before you freeze to death. I don't think any of us are going to make it out of here by flying."

He waited for her to get on her dragon since it was likely that she'd be unable to walk, then wrapped an arm around Toothless's neck so that he himself wouldn't get separated from the group or possibly blown away. He was probably over thinking it but with the weather this bad, he felt for sure that his feet was lifting off the ground. Though he wanted to learn so much more about the Fury, now was not the time to be asking questions, so he was going to have to wait till they found some shelter. He and Toothless pushed against the wind and rain, searching for enough shelter to protect them from the horrid weather, the wind howling in their ears and the rain blinding their eyes. Hiccup knew that his mother was going to worry terribly about him, but he hoped that she would trust that Toothless would keep him safe and that they would find shelter, so that she wouldn't try to come looking for them herself. He didn't want his mother ended up getting hurt in this weather.

At last Toothless managed to find a cave in a long, rocky spire close to the ocean, but it was high enough to where the waves couldn't reach it. But because it was so high up the only way inside was to fly. So Hiccup pulled himself up onto Toothless's saddle and clipped his fake leg into the stirrup, then Toothless leapt up and spread his wings, but didn't bother flapping. Allowing the wind to catch under his wings and lift him up. With the help of Hiccup adjusting Toothless's tail fan, he managed to avoid getting Toothless slammed against the rocky way from such a powerful updraft from the wind, and they glided up towards the cave. Once there Toothless quickly folded his wings and allowed himself to drop, landing right on the ledge and walked right inside, waiting for Hiccup to slide off before shaking himself off of the water all over him. He made a few grumble complaints and licked his claw, wiping it over his head like a cat.

Hiccup went back over to the entrance of the cave, looking down at Aurora and Castiel. "Now it's your turn!" He shouted at them over the wind. "Be careful though and hold on tight to your dragon Castiel!"
Castiel Bloodvist

So, these two had seen she and Aurora fall out of the sky and into the ocean when the storm hit. And they were trying to help she and Aurora? Well, he was right that they needed to get out of the storm. It didn't look like the raging weather was going to let up any time soon and so the best thing to do would be to find some place to take shelter until things got better and they could fly again. Aurora was a little wary of these two still, especially when her rider acted some what frightened of these two, but the girl seemed to relax a little when the two males explained why they were her, and so, just as her rider relaxed, so did she. At the suggestion they needed to leave to find a place, Castiel nodded and with an arm around Aurora, stood on shaky legs before the dragon moved to nudge the girl onto her back.

Castiel leaned forward, her arms wrapped around Aurora's neck as the dragoness pushed her way through the storm. It was a little more difficult for Aurora to move through the wind than it was for Toothless due to her smaller size. And while she was very strong as any Fury was, as with all other species of dragon, males had more power and females had more speed. This also meant she had to try harder to stay from being blown and knocked around. But she managed to track on, following behind the other fury.

Soon, they had stopped and they both watched as Hiccup and Toothless rode the wind, up to a cave just a little bit above the sea level. The two males walked inside before Hiccup poked his head out to speak to her. She frowned slightly and she looked down at Aurora, "Do you think you can make it girl?" The dragoness huffed in an answer, as if to say 'of course I can' and the girl nodded, "Okay, just be careful." Leaning down, she wrapped her arms tighter around the dragoness's neck. The dragoness bent low and then with a graceful leap, spread her wings, mimicking the Night Fury's flight and riding the wind. The wind grew stronger though and knocked them a little off course. Yet, the female Fury was able to quickly adjust and acted smoothly, so that instead of hitting one of the cliff walls, she jumped off it and swiftly landed into the cave.

She snorted in annoyance and once Castiel had slid off of her to sit on the cave floors, she shook herself off, most of the water going onto Casitel and Hiccup. Castiel gave the dragoness a look, "Thanks a lot. I was just hoping I would get even more wet." The dragoness mimicked the girl's speech in a teasing manner and Castiel sighed before turning her attention back to the two male, her dragoness wrapping herself around her once more, still attempting to warm her and shield her from the storm right outside the cave.

What were the chances she would have run into these two again? Of course, she had been thinking about going to Berk, but for fate to make it so that she would see them again outside of the small icy village was very strange. Reaching up to scratch Aurora's scales, she paused, trying to think of something to say to these two, and it took a minute before she finally did find something to say, "Her name's Aurora….I guess you probably have a lot of questions?"

Sighing, she leaned back against her dragon, "I…..thought about what you had told me about. Before you took me home. About my purpose may not being what I had expected, and how I needed to follow what I felt. And….well….what I felt was maybe dragons weren't…..weren't bad like I thought. And….when I was home, I just kept thinking and thinking, and I just…had to see for myself I guess? So, I went to this place, my village calls it the arena. It's where they took dragon they caught alive. I thought, maybe I could see what the dragons there were like…" She closed her eyes tightly, trying not to think of the helplessness of the dragons in that place, "None of them acted vicious. They were…all so helpless. Most of them were hurt." She frowned, looking back to Aurora, "I tried helping them, but Aurora was the only one I could get out before people found me.

The dragoness nuzzled her head against Castiel, to which the girl smiled slightly, but still thinking about those other dragons, it wasn't necessarily a happy smile. She looked back to the two of them, "I…was actually heading to Berk when the storm hit. It's really the only place I knew that might be able, and willing, to help free the dragons trapped there." She paused, an unsure look on her face "You….will help…right?"
Hiccup and Toothless
Toothless wobbled out of the cave to poke his head out of the entrance, watching the two females down below, curious to see what the other Fury would do. He watched her leap into the air and glide gracefully towards the cave, till a strong gust of wind blew against her, and Toothless made a deep throaty sound in worry. Stepping forward as if to go and help her. But there was no need, for the Fury had pushed against the rocky wall with her legs, and landed on the edge of the cave. Toothless and Hiccup backed up to give the two some room, and as a result, both Hiccup and Castiel were suddenly rained down with water. Soaking them further. Toothless peeled back his lips in a toothless smile and laughed, earning a glare from Hiccup.

"Very funny Bud." He said before flicking his hands at his dragon, smirking as Toothless was splashed with water, who hugged and shook his head. His attention then moved over to Castiel when she spoke. "Actually yeah, I do have a lot of questions."

But there was no need to persist her into answering them, for she was already doing so, beginning her story from when they last met. Hiccup listened the entire time, nodding his head now and then, his eyes darting over to Aurora curiously. Toothless was gazing at the other dragon as well, moving his head forward and sniffed the air around her, tilting his head. While their riders spoke, Toothless moved just a little closer, making a small vibrating sound as he looked at the Fury with his big eyes. Hiccup allowed Toothless to be, well, Toothless. He knew he wouldn't start a fight for nor reason or harm the other Fury unless provoked. He just hoped the Fury didn't have personal space issues.

When Castiel finished, Hiccup spoke up. "There's more of them back on your island?" He asked, horrified. "No, you're right, we can't keep them locked up there like that. They might die or worse. We have to go back and rescue them, no matter what it takes."

He began to pace within the cave. "With your father having the dragon army, I'm sure he has some dragons under his command, so with just being the two of us we can't take them all by ourselves. But if we got help, then we won't be able to approach the island without alerting everybody there, and it will start another war. We can't risk that."

He was silent for a long moment, thinking over all their possibilities, trying to come up with the best solution without leaving the dragons behind and harming others. Then he had an idea. He turned and looked over at Castiel. "Toothless is called a Nightfury for a reason. He can fly through the night without ever being seen. We'll go back long after the sun has set and sneak on the island and to the Arena, where we'll rescue the dragons. The only thing is that I'm not sure how we can get your dragon through the security. Her color will be like us waving a flag yelling, 'Hey we're right over here!'"
Castiel Bloodvist

Cassie was so relieved when Hiccup said they would help her free the dragons that were trapped back at the Arena. He was right, they couldn't leave them there, that some might die or worse (though, some had already died, but she felt there was no need in talking about the horrid sight of the death pit she had seen while there). She nodded and watched as he paced back and forth, trying to come up with a plan. If they took a lot of people to try and fight, a lot of people could get hurt or killed. If they tried to fight by themselves, they would surely loose. But, if they didn't fight at all and were just very sneaky about getting the dragons out, then maybe they could do this.

The only problem was Aurora. While the dragoness had a very special ability used to blend in during the day, the Light Fury(as Castiel had come to call her) was horrible at staying hidden during the night and would stick out like a sore thumb. She frowned slightly in thought when Hiccup mentioned this as well and it took Castiel a moment before she finally spoke up, "Well…..there's a smaller island right off the coast of my home island. It's got a lot of high cliffs, so if Aurora stayed there, then he could stay out of sight while we freed the dragons. And if something went wrong the island is close enough for her to me call out to her."

It was obvious from the look on the dragoness's face that she didn't like the idea of being left out of this little plan. The thought of leaving her rider 'alone' was something she didn't want to do. But at the same time, the dragoness was intelligent and knew the humans knew what was best. She would just bring unwanted attention to them and would ruin their plans if she was there with them. So, she would just have to stay behind and wait until back up was called. If back up was called. The dragoness once again nuzzled Castiel and the girl smiled at her, "Don't worry. We'll be in and out before you know it. We'll free all your friends."

She jumped slightly as lightened flashed fairly close to the cave and laughed softly, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment, "That is, when this storm lets up."
Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup nodded, agreeing with her idea. "Sounds good. Nightfuries.... Well, Furies have excellent hearing. Toothless was miles away from me when I was in danger once, yet he heard me when I was in trouble and came running. Not only is he extremely fast in the air, but on the ground as well." He looked over at Aurora with admiration. "I can't wait to see just what your dragon is capable of."

Toothless blinked and glared at him, slapping his head with his wing as he growled, causing Hiccup to flinch and rub his head. "Owe! Hey, don't worry Bud, you'll always be my favorite." He assured the Nightfury.

Toothless appeared satisfied, nudging Hiccup's hand till Hiccup began to rub his scaly head, a pleasing and vibrating sound emanating from him. He lowered onto the ground on his side, curling his front legs close to his chest as one kicked in the air, his tongue rolling out as a wide smile stretched across his face. Hiccup rolled his eyes but scratched Toothless all along his body, and Toothless rubbed against the ground and used his back legs to push his body forward, moving his body all around Hiccup as he scratched him. Continuing to make the low, vibrating sounds.

"Dragons love to be stroked." Hiccup said, smiling over at Castiel. "They may appear vicious but deep down, they're like little kittens."

Toothless soon had enough and stood back up on his legs, shaking himself off and glanced over at Aurora, tilting his head and perked his ear frills forward. He moved closer, soft growls and more of his vibrating sounds emanating from him, which Hiccup assumed was dragon talk. Waving his head up and down in greeting almost like a bird. Hiccup smiled at the sight and couldn't help laughing lightly at Toothless's behavior, though who could blame him? Toothless was seeing one of his own for the first time since his whole life, so of course the Nightfury would want to get to know Aurora and become friends. Though Toothless acted pretty hostile to vikings and to anyone who might cause him or Hiccup harm, he actually enjoyed making friends with dragons, and now that he was meeting one of his own he definitely wanted to get to know her.

"I thought Toothless was the last of his kind." Hiccup told Castiel, stepping a bit to the side to give Toothless some space. "I never thought I'd actually see another Fury. I mean I've always hoped to find one someday, hoping that Toothless wasn't the last of his kind, so to see something like Aurora..." He shook his head. "It's amazing. If she somehow made it, perhaps there are even more. Who knows? It's just so great to see Toothless with one of his own kind."
Castiel Bloodvist

Aurora, for the time they had been in the cave so far, had been so caught up in making sure her human warmed up, that she hadn't noticed the Fury slowly advancing toward her until he was moving even closer, making soft sound to try and get her attention, then was greeting her. The dragoness perked up a little bit at this, tilting her head to the side and made soft cooing sounds back at him before standing up.

Her rider seemed to be warm enough by now to not need her direct contact and so this gave Aurora an opportunity to meet this new dragon. It had been since she herself as a hatchling that she had seen another Fury, and so to see one right now was a big thing to her. For all they knew, she and this Night Fury were the last Furys in existence. The last of their kind. It was a sad thought to think their kind was so far gone, yet she was joyed that she wasn't the ONLY Fury out there.

She stepped a few steps closer as well and when the Night Fury waved his head up and down, Aurora bounced on her front paws excitedly before playfully circling the male in a quick motion. Then, after a few times of doing this, the female began pawing at him and each time her paw would touch him, she would dash back a few steps in a sort of chase. It had been a long time since Aurora got to play with another dragon, what with her being locked up for so long in that horrid place the humans had put her in, and right now she was taking advantage of the free time and new friend.

Castiel smiled as she watched Aurora so happily go to socialize with Toothless and she two scooted back a bit to give the two dragons more room to run around. Aurora had been friendly with her ever since Castiel had rescued her. In fact, right now, Casitel considered Aurora one of her only friends at the moment (maybe Hiccup and Toothless counted as friends as well? Castiel still wasn't quite sure about that yet). But, to see her dragon friend with another dragon in such a excited and happy manner, it warmed Casitel's heart. Especially because Aurora had likely thought she was the last Fury just as much as Toothless had.

"I'm glad that neither of them is the last of the kind. It's nice to see Aurora so happy. She deserves it after what my father put her through." She stood up now, watching the two dragons hopping around and laughed, having to step out of the way again when the dragons ran around more, having to step to the side to stand beside Hiccup, "They...really are as great as you said. I just wish my village could see that too."
Hiccup and Toothless
Toothless tried to follow the female's movements as she circled him, his ear frills perking at her and his eyes wide, his feet shifting excitedly. Then when she pawed him he playfully nipped at her claws, then when she dashed away he would leap forward once, torso low and hind up in the air, a toothless smile on his face. She would paw him again and dash away, and so he would leap forward again, growing excited. Then he began to chase after her, cooing playfully as he leapt and bounced all over the place. He and Hiccup would play sometimes, but Hiccup was too small and fragile, so Toothless always had to be careful, but now with a bigger playmate he could be a little bit rougher. He would jump in front of Aurora out of no where in his playful crouch so that she would be forced to run a different direction, and so he would run after her again only to repeat the same thing, his smile growing wider.

Hiccup couldn't help laughing as well as he watched the two, having to move around to avoid the two Furies as they ran around, his eyes warm as he watched his dragon. He hadn't seen Toothless so happy before. He finally found another dragon like him, a brand new friend, and he was enjoying it. Toothless played with other dragons before, but with Aurora, this seemed different. Toothless looked like he was having a lot more fun, and of course he was very excited to see another dragon like him. Hiccup was very happy himself to see his Bud look so happy.

With having to move all over the place to keep out of the dragons' way, he somehow ended up standing beside Castiel. "Yes, I never thought dragons could be such amazing creatures till I met Toothless." He responded. "I tried to show your father once that dragons weren't what we thought them to be." He looked over at Aurora and Toothless, his eyes distant and sad, as if he was seeing something else. "It didn't go so well, and he refused to see."
Castiel Bloodvist

Castiel smiled as she watched the two dragons prance about, playing with one another. Toothless would run about, chasing and blocking off Aurora, while Aurora would just give high pitched bark like noises, a smile on her face, though her teeth never retracted. Castiel found that odd. Maybe it was a gender thing? She didn't think she had ever seen Aurora retract her teeth, though Toothless seemed to do so quite a lot. There was still so much to learn about these two. Such as how they were similar and how they were the same. But, she supposed all fo that would come in time. They had time, right? Yes, she was sure they would. From what she had heard of from Hiccup and his mother about their adventures, then rescuing these dragons and bringing them back to Berk shouldn't be a problem. And while there, she and Hiccup could figure more out about Toothless and Aurora. But wait, would she and Aurora even stay there after all of this was over with? Or would they just be helping to bring the dragons back there? There was still a lot Castiel hadn't quite figured out yet, but she hoped she could make all the right choices when that time came.

Her eyes staying on the two dragons that were hopping around and playing so happily with one another, Castiel moved to sit down on the cave floor, smiling as she leaned her head back against the wall and watch the two, "I think it was Aurora that made my decision of changing what I thought about dragons final. You kind of jump started it, and she finished it." She was very thankful toward him for starting that thought process in her mind though. If it wasn't for him trying to change her mind in the first place, she would have never went to go to the Arena and she would have never met Aurora. Aurora would have never gotten the chance to change her mind on everything. It was a connection of different ties that had changed her world and she was all the better for it.

She looked over at him as he spoke some more, watching his eyes grow sad as they stayed trained on Aurora and Toothless. He had tried to tell her father that dragons were good. But her father hadn't listened. She couldn't help but wonder what had happened between her father and the people of Berk. When they had found out she was the daughter of Drago that had acted as though she was the seed of evil itself. Her father must have really done them wrong of they hated anything having to do with her father that much.

Castiel frowned deeply as she looked at him, then turned her gaze back to the two dragons who were blissfully unaware fo the conversation she and Hiccup were in, "He never listens. He never listened to my mother. Never listens to me. And would never listen to reason. No matter how wrong he is about something, he will fight til the end trying to prove others wrong, even when he can't. Its...just something that can't be changed. As much as I wish it wasn't like that, my father will be an enemy of what you and your village. And, what I am now I suppose." It was hard for her to think that the father, who she still cared about, was now her enemy in reality. And there was nothing she could do to change that. She sighed, looking down at the ground, her light blond hair hanging in her face as she thought about this, wishing that things in her life didn't have to be so difficult.
Hiccup and Toothless
Toothless would bark playfully back at her, at one point standing on his hind legs and scratched the air with his claws towards her, before dropping back on all fours and leapt over her. Quickly whirling around and nipped at her wing, his tail waving in the air. While the two dragons were playing, however, Hiccups attention had moved back to Castiel as she spoke, his voice turning to that of concern. That's right... She was an enemy to her father now. She thought of dragons differently than he did, and even though she was his daughter, Hiccup wasn't very confident that he would listen to her and would disown her. He couldn't imagine how much of a difficult situation this put her in.

He had no doubt though that she didn't care for her father. Though Hiccup had only seen Drago's bad side, surely there was a good side for his one and only daughter. If anyone could change Drago's mind then it would be Castiel, but if she really believed that nothing could be done, then there was no hope to change Drago's mind. He would forever think that dragons were horrid creatures that he could rule over, unable to see the magic they truly held, and it sadden Hiccup. He didn't know why, he just found it heartbreaking when he saw that there were still vikings out there that hated dragons, and he always got the urge to try to change their mind.

He slowly sat down beside Castiel, his eyes still on her as he rested his hands on his knees. "What will you do?" He found himself asking. "He's your father, I wouldn't want to have to see you go against him. I don't know Drago myself, but you do, so maybe you could find some way to keep your bond with him but also get him to accept who you are now. There has to be a way, right? If anyone knew there was a way to change Drago's mind, then... That's you. If you believe even just a little bit that he can change, then isn't that something to fight for? And perhaps you are the only one who can change his mind."
Castiel Bloodvist

"You don't know my father very well if you believe his mind can be changed once he's made it up," Castiel stated quietly as she moved to shift her position as well as she sat there next to him, crossing her legs and leaning back against the cave wall, looking over to meet his gaze, "My father doesn't listen to anyone, or change for anyone. He wouldn't even change for my mother. If my mother couldn't change him years ago, then there is no way I can change him now." A sigh escaped her lips as she looked back to the two dragons. Aurora seemed to be having a blast right then, moving to chase the male dragon about the cave and at the same time, attempting to stay out of his reach when he would try to do the same to her. It was a rather adorable game of chase that brought even just the slightest smile back to Castiel's face.

"I just...wish he could see this and feel the way I do. Now I know that dragons aren't bad. Sometimes misunderstood and mischievous trouble makers, but they don't purposely try to harm people like us." She sighed once more and shook her head at this thought, "But all he would see was something to destroy. Or, if what you say is true about him wishing to control dragons, then on top of wishing to destroy some, he probably sees them as weapons as well. How do you convince someone like him, who has believed these things for years, that they are wrong? Especially someone that is as prideful as he is? I don't really think there is a way...."

By this time, Aurora and Toothless had started to move about a little faster in a quicker sort of chase, that brought them once again rather close to Hiccup and Castiel. Aurora even, in seeing Castiel's slightly distressed expression, paused their little game to give a soft coo, wrapping herself around her human as she nuzzled her head aginst her, purring. This made Castiel relax quite a bit and even made her laugh a little, "Aurora, you should go play with your new friend." She nuzzled her head against Aurora's as well to return the affections before shooing her off to go play with Toothless more, a light red color to Castiel's cheeks from how strange it must have seen for him to see her so friendly with a dragon when just days ago she had been terrified by them.

She shrugged her shoulders a little as if to keep them from going numb as she family spoke to him again, "She's really excited. Im sure you and Toothless must be too. Must be a relief to both Toothless and Aurora. They really aren't the last of their kind any more."
Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup didn't need much convincing to know that Castiel's father was a very stubborn man and would never listen to reason. He knew, he had tried, and horribly failed. The failure caused the death of his own father... Perhaps not directly, but if Hiccup had probably tried to stop Drago sooner, then maybe he could've saved his father. The man wanted to be in control and rule over all the vikings by having them fear him, with a dragon army at his control to fight any other dragons and rule over them as well. But despite the fact that Hiccup had met the man and tried, he believed that if anyone could convince him, then it would be his own and only daughter. But even if she believed that she could not convince him, then there really wasn't much hope for the guy, which could be very bad if Drago ever entered a place where he found himself entirely alone. Hiccup couldn't help but wonder what he would do then... If the all powerful and fearless Drago could ever feel completely helpless and lost if he lost everything, his own daughter no longer beside him and his power over the dragons gone, and no viking to follow him. He would truly be a broken man, or even then would he still be stubborn and refuse to see that what he has done was wrong?

Hiccup was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard a soft coo, and lifted his head slightly to see Aurora move towards Castiel, showing her the same affection Toothless always did for Hiccup. Meanwhile Toothless had stopped their little game, watching Aurora curiously with his eyes wide and head tilted, waiting patiently while his new friend tended to her rider. Hiccup couldn't help but be amazed when instead of cowering away from the great white beast, Castiel actually smiled and nuzzled her dragon in return, a small laugh escaping her. Hiccup was gaping in awe, though the corner of his lips slowly tilted up in a smile, his face brightening. It worked every time. All the person needed to do was see through a dragon's eyes, to know what they feel and how they really behaved, that they weren't these dangerous monsters that vikings had always believed them to be. They were beyond that. They were intelligent and gentle creatures, and Castiel was witnessing it before her eyes, opening her heart to a dragon she had just met not too long ago. Hiccup was thrilled.

"It's amazing." Hiccup agreed with her last statement, deciding not to bring up the fact that she was so buddy buddy with her dragon, not wanting to embarrass her. He was just happy knowing that she was so calm and relaxed around her dragon. "I never actually thought I would see a Fury. I mean I've always hoped but as the years went by and I've never seen one besides Toothless..." He shrugged and tilted his head slightly. "I don't know, it just had me wondering if there are really any more Furies out there."

At this point, Toothless had his playmate back, bouncing up and down on his front legs as he gave her a toothless smile. He nipped her snout and hurriedly scurried away, this time wanting to be the one chased. He would bounce off the walls and crouch down from a small distance, waiting for her to get near before he would jump right over her and continue to run around the cavern. After a while of this chase, Toothless eventually moved over to the mouth of the cave, urging Aurora to come over. He faced the outside and opened his jaws, sending out a nova blast right out into the storm, the small blue and white energy shooting through the sky. In the distance it exploding into a lightning wave, creating a bright flash that made the actual lightning of the storm a shame. He lifted his head proudly and looked at Aurora, wanting to see her try and see whose was bigger and better.

Hiccup smiled as he watched them. "Toothless never had a buddy like himself to play with. This is a chance for him to finally see what he really is made of. It's a chance for both of us. There's still so much I don't know about him, it's like I'm learning something new every day from him. I mean five days ago I always believed all Nightfuries were, well... Black! Like the sky. Yet here's a white one right in front of me, clear as day. Who knows what other colors they can be? Technically I suppose Aurora is opal, because of all her rainbow colors too. I've always wondered if perhaps they're just someplace else, a place that's far away, and they're a whole Fury colony." He shrugged. "It's always been a small dream, and one day I hope that we'll find it one day, Toothless and I. Perhaps you and Aurora could join in too." He added, looking over at her. "Then Toothless and Aurora never have to be alone."
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