Original poster
I sure hope I'm in the right place...
Um, I've come up with a decent plot, it's not posted yet because I'd like to get a few participants in line.... It has room to expand into much more than what my short description lets on... For now, here's the plot:
"Gillador is a mighty and prosperous country, if somewhat little. It is said that even the servants and slaves are well-treated, and that very few go hungry. But the neighboring country has become a terror; Sidaen is larger than Gillador, and much less cheerful. Even the weather and wildlife are moody and troublesome. Because of the recent peaceful decades in Gillador, the guards around the castle have been less than satisfactory, because they weren't chosen carefully. Who needs skilled, expensive guards when the country is at peace? Now that the land could face a perilous future, though, the King has realized that his guards frankly fail at everything. They don't know Gillador's streets, let alone any other country's. They have even gotten a little fat. King Gilladry has come to a conclusion at the urging of Sidaen's manipulative young king; if he sends his eldest daughter to become Queen of Sidaen, Gillador will be spared. How can she safely arrive in Sidaen, however, when the guards are complete morons?
King Gil sent his useless guards out to find the toughest, most brilliant new guards that would escort the lovely princess safely to Sidaen. For once, the silly fat guards succeeded. They brought back five cunning and skilled people to become bodyguards.
Their journey begins now. "
The possibilities look good...
These are the characters I need: One lovely princess, four other riff-raff guards, and maybe some random people like the king of Sidaen and king of Gillador. You can make these characters your own.
--Keep powers reasonable, but your character does need to be more skilled than average, whether it be through fighting exptertise, magic, shapeshifting, or good with weapons.
-- Be nice...
-- Pay attention, and help others pay attention as well.
Here's a checklist (I guess) of what's taken and what's open...
King Gilladry [ ]
Princess Whatever [ ]
Guard [ ]
Guard[ ]
Guard [ ]
Guard [ ]
Guard [ X ]
King of Sidaen [ ]
Is this okay?
Let me go find a bio sheet for anyone interested to fill out....
Um, I've come up with a decent plot, it's not posted yet because I'd like to get a few participants in line.... It has room to expand into much more than what my short description lets on... For now, here's the plot:
"Gillador is a mighty and prosperous country, if somewhat little. It is said that even the servants and slaves are well-treated, and that very few go hungry. But the neighboring country has become a terror; Sidaen is larger than Gillador, and much less cheerful. Even the weather and wildlife are moody and troublesome. Because of the recent peaceful decades in Gillador, the guards around the castle have been less than satisfactory, because they weren't chosen carefully. Who needs skilled, expensive guards when the country is at peace? Now that the land could face a perilous future, though, the King has realized that his guards frankly fail at everything. They don't know Gillador's streets, let alone any other country's. They have even gotten a little fat. King Gilladry has come to a conclusion at the urging of Sidaen's manipulative young king; if he sends his eldest daughter to become Queen of Sidaen, Gillador will be spared. How can she safely arrive in Sidaen, however, when the guards are complete morons?
King Gil sent his useless guards out to find the toughest, most brilliant new guards that would escort the lovely princess safely to Sidaen. For once, the silly fat guards succeeded. They brought back five cunning and skilled people to become bodyguards.
Their journey begins now. "
The possibilities look good...
These are the characters I need: One lovely princess, four other riff-raff guards, and maybe some random people like the king of Sidaen and king of Gillador. You can make these characters your own.
--Keep powers reasonable, but your character does need to be more skilled than average, whether it be through fighting exptertise, magic, shapeshifting, or good with weapons.
-- Be nice...
-- Pay attention, and help others pay attention as well.
Here's a checklist (I guess) of what's taken and what's open...
King Gilladry [ ]
Princess Whatever [ ]
Guard [ ]
Guard[ ]
Guard [ ]
Guard [ ]
Guard [ X ]
King of Sidaen [ ]
Is this okay?
Let me go find a bio sheet for anyone interested to fill out....