Revenge is Sweeter than Blood

Odella stared at him as he cleaned the mess before slowly turning and going to her bedroom. When his words about going out that evening reached her, she was about to step into the glass enclosed shower. Turning the liquid on, she watched as blood slipped away from her body--new blood from the spilled blood bag and old, caked blood from the evening before that she had missed in her initial cleaning gaze. The water was like pin-pricks on her body as she let it run over her body. His words brought her attention forward though and she moved out from the water. Where would she try next? She couldn't return to the bar from the night before.

"I was thinking of going down to one of the clubs that a Cain owns, but seeing as you will be with me I don't think that's too good of an idea. do you know of any place that vampire haters go and we are likely to catch some attention or fights?" she called before wrapping a towel around her body and walking through the halls to the kitchen. She didn't really want to catch any attention, but she also wasn't going to hide her body in her own home. If he didn't like what he saw, or how she acted, he could always move out or close his eyes. The towel, thankfully, went to her mid thigh and fully covered everything else. She pulled out a bloodbag and with calmer hands poured its content into her mouth.

The calmer she became, from the shower and the blood, the more focused her movements were and the quicker her headache started to disappear. Turning she looked at the stove and the stir-fry with interest. "You are right, I wish that things other than blood tasted good. That does look like a proper stir-fry, that it does." she said before turning to throw the empty blood bag away. Then she turned and walked into her bedroom and started to look through her clothes for something that would catch humans attention and incite them to riot against her.
He started to put his now ready food into a plate and placed on the counter. When she came in, he at first was faced away from her and spoke after she told him about her plans, "Oh, don't worry, the Cain's hate me, but I can kill them without remorse if they strike me. But if you feel like playing safe, Try the Blue Blade Tavern. Place is full of Humans who don't really like us. However, I'd suggest you don't just go in there with murder on your mind. You're trying to get answeres not cause a scene..." he said as he looked up, he now seeing her nude save the towel. He at first smiled at her appearance but the smile went away as she turned about, "Modesty is not your thing is it?" he said as he made sure all the food was gone and placed his plate in the sink.

He then shook his head and went back to the window, seeing the sun completely gone behind a row of lower buildings and the moon already visible. It was just a crescent again so nothing he had to worry about. "Oh...and this place is pretty high end...or at least that's what the humans I overheard say it was. Dress nicely..." he said as he stood facing the view with his arms crossed, " you have a comb? I know I must look like a horror story with how I look."
The young vampire exited her bedroom in a decent length midnight blue dress that accented her narrow waist. A pair of black lace up the leg sandals rose her a good two inches and made her legs seem longer. Her golden hair hung around her face drying naturally and becoming curly as it did so. She went to the window to stand next to him as she held out a comb. "Modesty is for those of us that will die when they read one hundred," she said with a small smile up at the man. "But no, you don't look as bad as that. Maybe as bad as a high school student trying to pull of the 'bad ass' look, though your actions last night kind of fulfill the look for you in my mind at least." Confidence oozed off her as she walked away. She was no longer Odella the nervous wreck from earlier. Putting on the clothes, she had focused all that had happened before to leave her mid.

"So this Blue Blade Tavern, what's the lot there? Is it one of the places that vampires like to visit to show that they aren't afraid of anti-vampire sentiments?" she asked as she sat on the table and produced a bottle of blue-black nail polish and proceeded to do her finger nails to match her dress. She would wait another thirty minutes or so just to be safe that the sun was really under the horizon. No need to get burnt to a crisp because she was getting hyped about getting leads to the one that killed Him.
"The Tavern is a frequent place for men of the cloth as well as new hunters. They serve vampires there now but not because they want to." he said with a chuckle. "My kind has a much warmer welcome and tend to get the royal treatment because we are 'the long hated rivals of the blood thieves...', you know what I mean." he said as he shook his head, "If whoever killed this David of yours met on one of there bad sides, we can find out. Higher ups and lower end all go there and they go to show off, so if you plan on starting a fight, please don't. I may be able to handle a drunken lot but hunters and holy men don't sit well with me..." he said with a growl as he tried to comb his heavily tangled hair. He managed to get it looking nice and neat.

Once it was to his liking, he used his reflection on the glass to check his face for any scars, cuts, and anything that would look off putting. He then grabbed the collar and grit his teeth. "I'm going to have to ask you to put this on me. Knowing that lot, they'll do anything to bait us into a fight once they know what we are. The last thing I need is another few thousand dollars on my head." he said as he made his way over to her and held the collar out to her. "And if you think you'll hurt me by putting it on, I'll be fine. The spike are thick and made of a little silver, but won't kill me." he said as he turned about to allow her to place the collar around his neck.
"I have a better idea if you are willing to think about it," Odella offered, taking the collar fingering the spikes slowly, "Go in separately. That way, you won't get baited, and if anyone gets on my bad side you won't get money put on your head. So far no one knows that we are working together. And I have a feeling we'd be able to get a lot more information if we went in alone to sepearte places. Like you said, you'd get the royal treatment. I'll probably be gaining glares all evening. You would probably get an even better reception if you didn't wear this." she tossed the collar onto the couch next to her and finished her nails.

"As for fighting," she continued as she finished her left hand. "the only fighting I do is if people threaten me outside of establishments. As you saw last night, I'm not exactly picky about who I kill, but I am about where I kill. I'll always choose an alleyway over a bar or other public place." She started on her right hand with a care that could only be given by someone with lots of years of experience. "What do you think? If you say I'm suicidal, I'm going to have to kick you, because I am and it doesn't really matter."
"It wouldn't help your case if you were dead, plus I'd be out a home and food." he said looked to the door, "We go in together, we ask questions, and if things get sour, we walk before we step on any toes. There is strength in numbers and even if I go in, doesn't gareentee that I'll get a nice recepetion. Hunters still like having my kind mounted on walls. Just try things my way and we'll see how far it gets. If it doesn't work, we'll do it whatever way you want." he said as he made sure his tail was not around him. "In fact, I'll buy you a drink or two if all goes well." he said with a smile.
The young woman raised an eyebrow and climbed up onto the couch so that she could reach his neck without straining. It also made her feel better about her height. Bending over and grabbing the collar, she wrapped it around his neck and snapped the latch on the back shut quickly. Then she jumped down from her couch and picked her key off the table and stuffed it once more down the front of her dress. Straightening the material, she took one last look at her finger nails and then fluffed her hair a big, though it quickly went back to the damn curly style it had had before.

"You are the one that knows the area," she said before motioning for him to go first as she went over to a cabinet and opened it before pulling out a decent stack of bills. These she folded and put into her dress as well. She hated purses. They always got in the way and one would have to dig through them if they wanted to find something. This way was easier because one knew exactly where everything is. Walking to the Elevator she pointed down a small hall that was almost invisible next to the elevator. "The stairs are that way if you want to run down 24 flights. I'm not going to force you to take the elevator. Grayfang, I'm not keeping you as a slave or a pet. You are as much your own person while here as I am." she told him before the elevator dinged and opened. She stepped inside and held the door open, her eyes watch him to see which way he'd take.
"Did you hear the words 'Master' or 'M'lady' come from these lips?" he chuckled as he made his way behind her, "And....I-i'll be fine..." he said as he stood in the elevator, but kept stiff the entire ride down, not saying a word till the doors opened, he saying a silent prayer after he got off. He looked to the streets and was hit with the smell of several humans going about there evening, he shaking his head from the intense scent overflow. After recovering, he thought of where the Blue Blade was, he having only passed by it last time. He took Odella by the hand and smiled down to her, "Best to look the part for the evening right?" he said with a smile as he lead her down the way to the bar.

After a few blocks of walking, a rather odd cab ride, and a few threats made to a corner vendor that just wouldn't let alone, they made it to the bar, they still talking about the cab ride, "Alright, I was out of line when I made him give us the actual amount, but there was no need to threaten him by....what was it you said, "Turn him into a jumbo prune...or something?" he said with a bit of laughter as they passed a vampire couple that were headed to a similar bar not too far off. As they approached the bar, the smell of VERY strong rum and whiskey filled the air, Uunia licking his chops as he brought them closer, "So you ready little bloodsucker?"
Odella had to admit that thus far she had had an extraordinary evening. She was even relaxing around this new person enough to laugh with him as he tried to quote her. "I told him that if he didn't give you what you asked for he and his lover would become giant prunes for all vampires in existence to drink upon. And don't tease me like that. No one asks for exact change from a cab driver!" she joked, though her eyes were no longer on the man but on the area around them. She was already getting a bad feeling about this so called 'circle questioning' that he was insisting was a good way to get information.

"Don't call me little bloodsucker, you giant attempt at a wolf." she said, though compared to him she was small. She looked like a fairy accompanying the big bad wolf through the forest. The contrast was almost comical. Almost. "As ready as I'll ever be to walk into the house of 'We hate Vampires Anonymous'" she retorted as she eyed two hunters that had just went into the building ahead of them. Her back was stiff, her body inching closer and closer to the large man.
He looked down at Odella as she stiffened up, he chuckling. He took her by the shoulder and held her on the spot for a moment, "Alright, first, you're going to have to loosen up. You're too rigid right now and if you walked in there with THAT look on your face, everyone and there mother will know something's wrong." he then stroked her hair and said calmly, "We'll take things slow, by a drink, converse with the bartender, and go from there. Alright?" he said as he looked down to her with the calmest look he could muster. Granted, he was nervous, but he knew he had to play everything cool otherwise this would go over like a lead weight.

He waited until she would calm down and then took her by the hand and lead her inside. Once inside the place was rather nice. Made to look like an Irish pub, it was rather cozy place with a fire pit in the back, a larger table to the side for much bigger gatherings, a long Bar area with stools in a row, and several hunters and hunters in training at the many seats. In one of the corners was a priest decorated with a few charms that were meant to ward off evil and near him was a Glorified member of the silver order, a hunter who specified in taking down rabid werewolves. They all looked to both Uunia and Odella, all with a look of disdain, but none made a move to them. Uunia was glad that none were so bold as to attack them outright, but he knew he couldn't step on any toes, any thing they did would be watched and would be tested to see there intentions. "Follow me to the bar..." he said quietly to Odella as he stepped ahead.
Odella looked around at all the people watching her. She was used to the attention from normal humans. She was not used to the attention from so many people that would want her dead as soon as look at her. After taking a calming breathe she followed the werewolf. She never met a pair of eyes for longer than a moment--long enough to say that she wasn't afraid of them but she wasn't there for trouble either. She was really wishing that she had instead worn a pair of flats instead of her high sandals. It would have given her a better advantage to get out of the place as quickly as she could.

Where she was normally confidant and assertive, she was now a young woman that had been led into a bar by a young man she had thought she trusted only to find out she didn't feel the least bit comfortable in it but was trying for his sake to look like she liked it. "You really know how to pick a place," she muttered to him, "Could you pick a better atmosphere for a place?"
"You're all too kind." he said with a smile trying to seem pleasent. As they made there way to the bar itself. The bartender had the look that would make a zombie want to go running back to his grave. He was a hunter himself but he had more than his fair share of scars and marks on his face neck and arms. As they both sat down, the tender moved to them and said gruffly, "I must say...ever since they made those laws, you and your ilk have been getting bolder and bolder by the minute, but even this I hadn't expected." He said with a chuckle, "You two are either lost, dumb, or just reckless to walk in here." Uunia then sighed and spoke calmly, "Look, we aren't hear for trouble....just here to get some info over a few drinks...something that you and my friend here might want some justice over..."

The bartender then rose a brow and laughed, "And what would that be? The only thing we have in common is that we currently walk this earth, and by stepping in here, you've only brought that likness closer to an abrupt end." It was then that Uunia noticed as a few other patrons were getting uneasy, some going for weapons hidden in there clothes, others looking to the exit, ready to avoid any altercation. It was then that Uunia spoke up, "Look, we are here only for info and we can need to get violent-"

"You hush your trap ya mutt. You and your brood are no better than these red rum suckers!"

"Nah, we just make better house pets...-sigh- Will we be on better ground if you let us order something?"

The bartender then thought for a moment, "Tell you tell me what this problem is, I'll determine if this problem is any of our conscerene, and maybe you can walk out of here with your limbs intact." Uunia then nodded, "In that case, I'll take a Jack and coke...and this business involves the death of a human, a friend my lady here... and by the sound of things, it might have been done by one of your own." The bartender then huffed, he then looking to Odella, "Mind telling me what this Mutt's talking about?"
Odella had sat in her seat, her eyes closing as she listened to the movements of chairs and hidden weapons. She remained still on the stool until she was spoken to by the bartender. When she turned to him she had a smile on that hid her teeth. No need to make the hunters any more nervous. "I am looking for the person that killed David Trivellian. It happened about five months ago. All I'm looking for is a little hint as to where to look," the vampire said, her eyes locking with the bartender for a moment so that he would know at least that she was not lying. "He was murdered by a human, that much I'm sure of."

"I knew a David Trivellian, but I don't know why a slutty vampire would want to know about his death, or care," came a voice from one of the tables behind them. "He was a hunter, a damn good one too."

Odella closed her eyes again and ducked her head. She had hoped that the men here wouldn't know that part of David's past, or that if they did they wouldn't mention it before her new found friend. She cracked a grin and shook her head a little. No, if she spoke of her relationship with David here, they would be lucky to get out of the place unscathed. But she couldn't give a decent explanation of how she knew him or why she cared to catch his murder. "Listen, I knew he was a hunter--of both kinds. He spared my life once when I was a younger one and we developed a relationship. If there was a vampire I felt shouldn't live, I'd give David a tip off. Occasionally if it was a vampire I really disliked, I'd help him," Odella said to the room before looking at Grayfang. Half of the things she had said were truths and the other half were lies. If she couldn't get him out of here without him asking which were which, she'd have to drag him out and she was very willing to do that. Her relationship with David had been... complicated to say the least.
Uunia hadn't expected to hear that this David was a hunter, nor did he know that he was very well known, but if anything, this helped there case. He kept his composure as he looked to the Bartender. The Tender was looking more relaxed, he sighed as he looked to the odd pair and then looked to the Patrons, "If these two are looking to see what happened to our dearest comrade, no need to actin' ugly to them." he stated to the others. Once that was said, it was as if the very air had relaxed. The humans inside took hold back to there drinks and back to there conversations, even some laughing. However, the more experienced ones still sat on edge, just wanting one of them to make a mistake.

"So we are on good ground then?" asked Uunia as he took the now poured drink and sipped it back. The bartender then gave the lycan a stern lok but stated, "Shakey ground...but yes. You won't be harmed...yet." he said with a chuckle, " for your friend, he was a good pal of the regulars around here. Stopped by every so often to check in, share stories, in the better days he'd buy us all a round for the merry fun of it. Been wonderin where the lad's been. But you say you're looking for his killer eh? Sorry to say, but no one's fool enough to brag about somethin like that...especially round here. We all been known to have friends on the darker side for the same reasons, but whatever killed David was not anyone in the lower end of the better known orders. Whoever did this, was either high up or a professional outside the order. No normal human could kill David."
Odella turned back to the bar and nodded her head in agreement. "We don't plan on giving you any trouble. We only wanted to see if any of you have heard of a human that has been hunting other humans that have been known to associate with our kinds, like David accepting tips from me but not killing me himself? I want to repay the debt I owe to him. May I buy a glass of coke and rum please? In honor of David--that was his favorite if I recall correctly." Odella asked, looking down at the bar shyly. She had not interacted with a human that had known David personally in a long time. It was like seeing his other life.

She had known. it was hard not to notice that he kept stakes and knives in her closet. It was even harder when she'd awoken one morning to find him kneeling over her, a stake in his hand, ready to kill her. After that day they simply didn't discuss it. He went out during the nights without her sometimes and she would remain in. She would go out to drink and he would remain in. The rest of the time they were a happy couple, each keeping the other out of their day to day lives.

"My friend here didn't know David's occupation. Had I know this is where David went to associate with other hunters, I would have told him it was foolish to come asking for information. You would have taken care of the man by yourselves, or taken him to the cops somehow. I will tear the seas apart to find this man. David had a long life ahead of him. He was too good to let some night walker or alley crawler kill him," She said, using the well known terms that some hunters used when talking of vampires in their own circles--this would at least prove that she had indeed known David. Alley crawler had always been his favorite.
"I don't doubt your intentions now Bloo- I mean miss...but we are just the ones who carry out orders." said one of the patrons that was close by, "Most of the order don't even lift a sword unless we are ordered to or when we are attacked." The young looking guy was young to the order, but he seemed to have his share of scars. The bartender nodded in agreement as he continued, "I mean, honestly, now that things are so out in the open, we have to be careful about everything we do. We've even had to go to the cops with anything we do or find. At best, we are private investigators that deal with the more dangerous sect like the Cains or the Lilliths. And before you say anything, I...I sorta looked up to David. He was good, REALLY good, and if we knew anything, we'd tell anyone who was looking for his killer."

The Bartender then stepped in and put the drink before Odella and sighed, "At best, you might want to check the Police. They would have done an investigation on what happened, done a report or something. Outside of that, you'd have to speak to a higher member of maybe the Gray Order of the people of the Church. They would be able to tell you more Lass...." he said as he poured himself a drink and rose his glass, those who saw did the same, "But...we thank ya for taking an intrest, whatever yer motives be, they seem to be pure. To David, and those honorable like 'em" and the bar then rang with the words, "To David and the bar then went and drank in his name, as did Uunia, though he felt a bit awkward in doing so.
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Odella took the glass in her hand and tossed it back after whispering the words. She smiled as she felt the smooth liquid go down her throat. "Thank you, thank you all," She said after putting the glass back down and took out some money, she laid down enough for her drink and Uunia's before placing a few extra bills on the bar. "For anyone that honors David this evening," she explained before sliding slowly down to the floor and smiled to the young man that had spoken, "Especially that lad." She bowed her head to the hunter in thanks "I wish you all luck in hunting--be it the Cain's, the Lilith's, or the other of the evening."

Swallowing back her fear--for she would have been the most nervous in the room--she turned and placed a hand on Uunia's arm, "May we go now or do you want another drink, my friend?" she asked, making sure that it was audible enough for the hunters to know they weren't planning anything. She had seen that even Grayfang had drank to David, even though he didn't know him, and for that she was grateful. She just hoped that her hand could tell him that she wanted out of this nest of vipers. It was like walking straight into the Cain's hideout without an army at your back.
"Yeah, I suppose we have everything we need to get further in our investigation." said Uunia as he downed the rest of his drink, setting his glass down on the counter. He then took her hand and helped lead her to the door. As they made there way out, the bartender then called out, "Oh, and should you find anything out, you'd be doing us hunters a real justice. You have out support." he said as he started to clean the glasses they had left. Uunia nodded as he hurried them out of the bar. Uunia then sighed with relief, seeing as how everything went so smoothly. "Remind me next time I should want to do anything that risky, to just stick my head in the blender and hope it doesn't start..." he said as he leaned against the nearest wall. He smoothed back his hair and tried to calm down.
The moment she was out of the building, Odella had started to tremble as nervous energy formed up in her. "I'll stick it in there myself," she whispered before attaching herself to the man's body, pressing her face into the shirt her wore. Her hands gripped the material of the shirt with an iron like grip. It still smelled like David with a little bit of Uunia mixed it. It took several moments but smelling him helped her relax enough so that when she stepped back she wasn't trembling like an idiot. She looked away from Uunia, somewhat embarrassed that she had pressed her body against his so unexpectedly. "I didn't know this was where he drank some of the times. Had I know, I really wouldn't have asked you to bring me here."

Blinking a few times she watched as a few hunters moved into the bar and a few exited. She had no intention of ever returning to this place. "It is my fault Uunia. I should have told you he was a hunter when you offered to help. It was just something we never spoke about openly. I mean I'd see him come home with scratches and broken bones. I knew he was a hunter. He knew what I was--I'm sure he'd seen plenty of blood covered clothes on my part. We just never spoke openly about it. For not telling you what you were getting involved with, I am sorry. You have a chance now though. If you don't want to get involved I won't blame you. I'll give you an extra key, you can stay at my place, but I won't involve you again if you want." Her voice was soft as hunters passed them and gave them odd looks.
"You're acting like I'm insulted...or scarred..." he said as he placed a hand at her shoulder, "And just because he was a hunter doesn't mean I'm not gonna help ya." He said as he turned her about to face him, he leading them away from the area, "I said I'd help and I meant it, my word is my bond. Now quite fretting or I'm not gonna buy you that drink." he said with a smile. He was doing his best to try and play off like he didn't sort of enjoy her cling to him, in truth, he hadn't expected it but was completly understanding why she did it. They practically walked into the lions den and made it out alive.

As they walked, the moon was starting to show, its crescent shape law in the sky with little clouds to hide it. As the moonlight shown down, they walked the rather busy streets and were quite a few blocks away from the police department. The roads were more than a little busy and finding a cab at this point in the night would be impossible. He hadn't noticed that he had been holding her hand the whole time as they walk up until someone meant to pass them. He then released her hand, doing his best to hide a small blush. " wanna get that drink first or the station?"