Rev Squad

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I should have my character up tonight!
I'll try and get my characters up tonight, if not tonight then hopefully tomorrow. Wifi is kind of funky so I'm not too sure.
"There's no such thing as fate."


[fieldbox=Basics, #7a4391, solid]
"Clary works just fine."
. Clarissa Riley Scott .

"I... didn't come up with it."
. Bloodhound .

"I'm aware I'm not 'old enough to save the world.' Seriously, I don't need to hear it again."
. 18 .

"Either your blind or I'm much uglier than I thought."
. Female .

Sexual Orientation:
"Sorry ladies, but I just can't get into that lesbian stuff."
. Heterosexual .

[fieldbox=The Sidekick, #7a4391, solid]
"Basically, all my senses are heightened."
. Hyperesthesia .

Side Effects:
"Other than hearing every awful thing someone says under their breath or the dumpster seven blocks away?"
. • Sensory Overload- Clarissa must have one sense heightened at all times- this causes her to either smell horrible smells from far away, hear people talk badly about her when they're in another room, see all the germs she comes into contact with, taste the dust in the air, and feel things at great intensity constantly. The last one also keeps her from having any real romantic/sexual relationships, because she looses control of her senses and the touch one tends to take over.
Sensory Detract/Loss of Peripheral- When enhancing one of her abilities her other ones are weakened. However the less she focuses one sense the less the others are weakened. She looses her periphery when zoning in on one specific thing, in order to get a clearer sense of what she wants to. The more she zooms, the less periphery she has and the less aware she is of her immediate surroundings.

Germaphobia - Because Clary can see them, she has always been very unfond of germs. She cleans a lot because of this, and avoids things that she knows to have lots of germs- doorknobs, toilets, even silverware. She also carries scented hand sanitizer at all times.

"Guess it depends on the sense I'm using."
. Sight- Clary can see at microscopic levels, but only when she is paying very close attention to the item she is looking at. And, it takes time for her eyes to zoom in on what she is looking at- it is not immediate.
Taste- Clary can tell you exactly what something is made up of simply by licking it- so long as she's tasted the ingredients before, or something similar. For example, she could tell you exactly what you used to make a cake, so long as she's tasted the ingredients in other thing before, or individually.
Touch- She can determine fabrics by touch.
Hearing- Clary can hear anything happening in a 1 mile radius around her. However, like her sight, it takes time for her to focus in on a single noise- even longer than it takes for her eyes to zoom because she has to block out all other noises to hear what she wants to hear clearly.
Smell- She can smell things at great amplitudes. For example, She could tell you exactly what someone ate for breakfast, so long as she's smelled it before.

Former Assigned Hero/Power:
"Ugh, don't even get me started on that guy."
. Leviathan- Super Strength, Healing Factor, and Flight .

Reason(s) Why Fired:
"What can I say? He was a slob."
. She couldn't stop complaining about the germs and his constant body odor. Because of her heightened senses these two things always drove her crazy- even whens he used taste she could taste his odor. One day she just blew up, and he got so offended he fired her on the spot .

[fieldbox=Personal, #7a4391, solid]
"I truly try to be nice."
. Clarissa is a very careful and clean girl. Because she often spent her Friday nights alone as a young teenager, Clary took up reading. She likes to read all kinds of genre's, but Dystopian novels are her favorite. She's very imaginative, and often can get ahead of herself. Clary is also incredibly outspoken, and has no problem sharing her opinion with others. She knows a lot of useless facts, but rarely shares them because she believes no one cares. She also believes that no one cares what she has to say, because as a sidekick she was constantly being shot down. She's quick to jump to conclusions, and is very insecure with herself. She has a hard time interacting with other people, thanks to her heightened senses. They're more of a curse to her than a gift. She says exactly what is on her mind- which can make her either really funny, or really bitchy. She's also very defensive, and will turn hostile if she feels like she's being threatened in any way. She can also be violent, if pushed hard enough. However, once you get past her walls you will find that Clary is actually very caring and kind. She likes to keep organized, even though that's easier said than done. Also, she is very sensitive, but when her feelings are hurt she gets angry rather than sad. .

"I try not to think about the past."
. Growing up, Clarissa was a very cheerful little girl. She made friends everywhere she went, and loved everyone. She was like this all the way up to her freshman year, when she was fourteen. She had always been the youngest of her class, but it hadn't really bothered her until that year. She felt like a child among a sea full of adults. This is when she started to become less social.

It also didn't help that this was when she first developed her abilities. She could hear exactly what all the other girls were saying about her- and she didn't like what she heard. She could see the germs on the teachers hands- most of them were disgusting. She could see molecules in science without using a microscope. Clairssa knew none of this was natural, and she thought she was becoming a freak. She started sitting on the roof of a building downtown- she never even bothered to learn which building it was- just to be along and away from everything. When she was high up she allowed her sense of taste to take over, and that made things easier for her. One day, however, when she was using her sense of touch and her other senses were nearly 'turned off' a pigeon landed on top of her. In her mind the pigeon weighed a hundred pounds, and as she jumped she fell over the edge of the building.

That was whens he met Leviathan. He had been flying by, and saved her life. At first he thought it was a suicide attempt, but Clarissa soon confided in him and told him about her ability. She felt that- because he too had super abilities- he would understand. Perhaps out of pity, Leviathan took Clary under his wing. He designed her a super suit that matched him, and named her 'Bloodhound' because of the way her ability came in handy when tracking someone.

Things were going great- Clary had never been one for spotlight, so she didn't mind staying in the background and being the sidekick. Until one day, her and Leviathan were in his lair and he flicked some crumbs on the ground. To normal people this wouldn't have been a big deal- but to Clary it was huge. Leviathan had always been very messy, and the crumbs were Clary's breaking point. She suddenly blew up and threw a fit, resulting in her being fired. Leviathan's reasoning? "She showed substantial amounts of disrespect and was a pretentious brat, who's ability had very limited use." He did have a point- her ability didn't benefit her in combat at all, which led her to wonder whys he had let herself think she had a cool gift for some time.

Super Suit:
"Not really sure how the suit made me better... Leviathan designed it for me, and when I was fired I just kept it."
. But red instead of blue, and she has a black mask [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"Purple is my favorite color. Can you tell?"
. [spoili]

"Okay, yeah, we're done. Talk to you later, maybe."
. Kaitlin Price (Destini) .
. Eadyln Chase (Icee) - Clary is Hesitant at first .
. Eric Khan (Monster) - Buddies .
. Joseph Smith (Dynaboy) - Does get on her nerves sometimes .
. Matthew Jackson (Firwa) - Awkward at first. Love interest .
. Nikolai Luzchezek (Alter) .

. Kwon Hyun-mi (Vivacious) .

. Guillermo Mejia (Copy Cat) - Neutral, Takes offense from sharp tone .
. Pearl Owens (Katastrophe) - Work well together, but don't like each other .

"Ever feel like you have the best intentions, but you make one mistake after another?"
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I see things that nobody else see.

kaitlin anne price . | destini . | nineteen . | female . | demiromantic bisexual .
` p o w e r :
[ precognition ]

users have the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. as knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. while not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action.

` s i d e . e f f e c t s :
  • prolonged usage - thirty-five minutes at most - will cause great strain to kaitlin's mind .
  • strange voices start to occupy her mind whenever her power is at use, and along with her visions, it causes her to be very confused at times .
  • since new images fill kaitlin's mind every time she uses her powers, her mind will automatically delete memories of which happened long ago - this includes childhood memories and such .

` l i m i t a t i o n s :
  • kaitlin is only able to look five hours into the future , and no more .
  • her powers can be used only in a one hundred meter radius.
  • sometimes, her powers will malfunction and are rendered unusable, however that is a very rare occurrence .

` f o r me r . a s s i g n e d . h e r o :
[ lady luck ]
  • able to bestow or eliminate luck, permanently or temporarily .
  • lucky to the point that reality seems to be bend to go their way .
  • able to manifest an energy that can make an unlikely event to happen .

` r e a s o n s . w h y . f i r e d :
apparently, kaitlin was thought to attract disambiguation around her, according to lady luck at least. despite her fortune, lady luck is very superstitious and takes anything from omens to a warning of danger very seriously. it almost makes kaitlin crack up when she sees her office surrounded in four leaf clovers and violets. lady luck even has so many goldfish and ladybugs that kaitlin has given up on counting them all. so without further thought, lady luck gave her the pink slip and ordered her to scram.

` p e r s o n a l i t y :
kaitlin is what you might call 'unique'. she has the shared of a scholar and a five year old girl. you can tell by how many tattoos are scattered across her body and their design that she's still not letting go of her childhood. kaitlin is not very good when it comes to making friends. she is very insecure when it comes to her body and appearance. it's not like kaitlin hates the way she looks, she's scared that others would judge her on her appearance and not anything else.
[ `over-emotional / `childish / `eloquent / `sensitive / `introvert / `loyal ]

` b i o g r a p h y :
childhood - kaitlin was born and raised by a single-dad, but that didn't really affect her that much, as all the love she would ever need would come from him. due to her father's ever-changing jobs, they were required to move from neighborhood to neighborhood almost every two months, so making friends was difficult, and keeping in touch with them was hard since they owned little to no electronics and mailman delivered all their male behind schedule. with no company other than her father, her only friends were cartoons and her toys.

adolescence - cartoons and toys continued being her friends until she was in high school, when bullying started to occur. she would be pushed around for bringing toys like her teddy bears and dolls to school. she didn't understand what was the problem of doing so. they used to bring them to school, why couldn't they now? the process of growing up confused kaitlin a lot. some things like growing up confused her, but that didn't prevent her from being the star student of her form. although she was bullied plenty by the students, the teachers respected and adored her.

discovery - in the middle of a biology test that she had forgotten to revise for, kaitlin was cracking her brain in order to answer a question. she breezed through a few very easily, however some of them were tough. she pondered so hard over the question that she felt like her brain split open. and then it happened. she started getting visions for the test answers, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. at first, she started to panic because she didn't know how to shut it off and the visions were starting to nauseate her.

a simple snap of someone's fingers woke her up, and she glanced up to find her biology teacher eyeing her curiously. she apologized profusely before returning to do her test. after a few tries, she was able to control her powers. she felt light-headed after using it for most a long time. after a while, she began to understand her limitations and used her powers carefully. and when the test results were distributed, kaitlin was in for quite a shock. she knew that she couldn't tell anyone about this, anyone who was right in the head would.

lady luck - her meeting with lady luck was unplanned. she didn't remember how she met her at all; the memory had already faded away. it happened very quickly anyway. but she did know that it involved her getting in danger and her swooping in to save her. kaitlin had always thought that luck was nonexistent, that only your wits and experience could help you. the existense of lady luck did prove her theory wrong though. kaitlin does dislike lady luck, but she will be forever grateful what she had done to save her.

` r e l a t i o n s h i p s :

[ f r i e n d s ]

[ f o e s ]

[ n e u t r a l ]


` s u p e r . s u i t :


` r o o m :


` a p p e a r a n c e :




anagrams are cool .
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  • Love
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"There's no such thing as fate."


[fieldbox=Basics, #7a4391, solid]
"Clary works just fine."
. Clarissa Riley Scott .

"I... didn't come up with it."
. Bloodhound .

"I'm aware I'm not 'old enough to save the world.' Seriously, I don't need to hear it again."
. 18 .

"Either your blind or I'm much uglier than I thought."
. Female .

Sexual Orientation:
"Sorry ladies, but I just can't get into that lesbian stuff."
. Heterosexual .

[fieldbox=The Sidekick, #7a4391, solid]
"Basically, all my senses are heightened."
. Hyperesthesia .

Side Effects:
"Other than hearing every awful thing someone says under their breath or the dumpster seven blocks away?"
. • Sensory Overload- Clarissa must have one sense heightened at all times- this causes her to either smell horrible smells from far away, hear people talk badly about her when they're in another room, see all the germs she comes into contact with, taste the dust in the air, and feel things at great intensity constantly. The last one also keeps her from having any real romantic/sexual relationships, because she looses control of her senses and the touch one tends to take over.
Sensory Detract- When enhancing one of her abilities her other ones are weakened. So, when she is focusing on looking at something she won't be able to hear someone entering the room unless they do so loudly, or when she is listening in on a conversation she does not feel anything that is happening to her- she could be being poked and have no idea. However the less she focuses one sense the less the others are weakened.

Germaphobia - Because Clary can see them, she has always been very unfond of germs. She cleans a lot because of this, and avoids things that she knows to have lots of germs- doorknobs, toilets, even silverware. She also carries scented hand sanitizer at all times.

"Guess it depends on the sense I'm using."
. Sight- Clary can see at microscopic levels, but only when she is paying very close attention to the item she is looking at. And, it takes time for her eyes to zoom in on what she is looking at- it is not immediate.
Taste- Clary can tell you exactly what something is made up of simply by licking it- so long as she's tasted the ingredients before, or something similar. For example, she could tell you exactly what you used to make a cake, so long as she's tasted the ingredients in other thing before, or individually.
Touch- She can determine fabrics by touch.
Hearing- Clary can hear anything happening in a 1 mile radius around her. However, like her sight, it takes time for her to focus in on a single noise- even longer than it takes for her eyes to zoom because she has to block out all other noises to hear what she wants to hear clearly.
Smell- She can smell things at great amplitudes. For example, She could tell you exactly what someone ate for breakfast, so long as she's smelled it before.

Former Assigned Hero/Power:
"Ugh, don't even get me started on that guy."
. Leviathan- Super Strength, Healing Factor, and Flight .

Reason(s) Why Fired:
"What can I say? He was a slob."
. She couldn't stop complaining about the germs and his constant body odor. Because of her heightened senses these two things always drove her crazy- even whens he used taste she could taste his odor. One day she just blew up, and he got so offended he fired her on the spot .

[fieldbox=Personal, #7a4391, solid]
"I truly try to be nice."
. Clarissa is a very careful and clean girl. Because she often spent her Friday nights alone as a young teenager, Clary took up reading. She likes to read all kinds of genre's, but Dystopian novels are her favorite. She's very imaginative, and often can get ahead of herself. Clary is also incredibly outspoken, and has no problem sharing her opinion with others. She knows a lot of useless facts, but rarely shares them because she believes no one cares. She also believes that no one cares what she has to say, because as a sidekick she was constantly being shot down. She's quick to jump to conclusions, and is very insecure with herself. She has a hard time interacting with other people, thanks to her heightened senses. They're more of a curse to her than a gift. She says exactly what is on her mind- which can make her either really funny, or really bitchy. She's also very defensive, and will turn hostile if she feels like she's being threatened in any way. She can also be violent, if pushed hard enough. However, once you get past her walls you will find that Clary is actually very caring and kind. She likes to keep organized, even though that's easier said than done. Also, she is very sensitive, but when her feelings are hurt she gets angry rather than sad. .

"I try not to think about the past."
. Growing up, Clarissa was a very cheerful little girl. She made friends everywhere she went, and loved everyone. She was like this all the way up to her freshman year, when she was fourteen. She had always been the youngest of her class, but it hadn't really bothered her until that year. She felt like a child among a sea full of adults. This is when she started to become less social.

It also didn't help that this was when she first developed her abilities. She could hear exactly what all the other girls were saying about her- and she didn't like what she heard. She could see the germs on the teachers hands- most of them were disgusting. She could see molecules in science without using a microscope. Clairssa knew none of this was natural, and she thought she was becoming a freak. She started sitting on the roof of a building downtown- she never even bothered to learn which building it was- just to be along and away from everything. When she was high up she allowed her sense of taste to take over, and that made things easier for her. One day, however, when she was using her sense of touch and her other senses were nearly 'turned off' a pigeon landed on top of her. In her mind the pigeon weighed a hundred pounds, and as she jumped she fell over the edge of the building.

That was whens he met Leviathan. He had been flying by, and saved her life. At first he thought it was a suicide attempt, but Clarissa soon confided in him and told him about her ability. She felt that- because he too had super abilities- he would understand. Perhaps out of pity, Leviathan took Clary under his wing. He designed her a super suit that matched him, and named her 'Bloodhound' because of the way her ability came in handy when tracking someone.

Things were going great- Clary had never been one for spotlight, so she didn't mind staying in the background and being the sidekick. Until one day, her and Leviathan were in his lair and he flicked some crumbs on the ground. To normal people this wouldn't have been a big deal- but to Clary it was huge. Leviathan had always been very messy, and the crumbs were Clary's breaking point. She suddenly blew up and threw a fit, resulting in her being fired. Leviathan's reasoning? "She showed substantial amounts of disrespect and was a pretentious brat, who's ability had very limited use." He did have a point- her ability didn't benefit her in combat at all, which led her to wonder whys he had let herself think she had a cool gift for some time.

Super Suit:
"Not really sure how the suit made me better... Leviathan designed it for me, and when I was fired I just kept it."
. But red instead of blue, and she has a black mask [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"Purple is my favorite color. Can you tell?"
. [spoili]

"Ever feel like you have the best intentions, but you make one mistake after another?"
  • Thank You
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So what's everyone's favorite superhero?
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Now that I've been accepted, I'm making propositions for relationships with my character. Feel free to decline my suggestion or give an idea of your own- I am very much open for discussion! ♥

@Wonderful Thing
  • Pearl Owens (Katastrophe) - I think Pearl and Clary would be the type people who worked well together, but did not exactly like each other. So, Clary wouldn't really like Pearl's occasional snippy attitude, and Pearl would be annoyed by how Clarissa needs everything to be clean, but they'd never actually fight, and they would still work fine together when they needed to. Thoughts?
  • Josef Smith (Dynaboy) - Firstly, interesting character! I really like his biography. Anyways, I think Josef and Clary would get along pretty well. They both like to think things through before acting, so I can imagine them talking things through with each other when given the opportunity. So, what do you say? Friends?

((Little notes to myself: Wondeful Thing is still working on Eric Khan, read him whens he is finished. Mystique is working on a character here, read it when it is finished.))
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Now that I've been accepted, I'm making propositions for relationships with my character. Feel free to decline my suggestion or give an idea of your own- I am very much open for discussion! ♥

@Wonderful Thing
  • Pearl Owens (Katastrophe) - I think Pearl and Clary would be the type people who worked well together, but did not exactly like each other. So, Clary wouldn't really like Pearl's occasional snippy attitude, and Pearl would be annoyed by how Clarissa needs everything to be clean, but they'd never actually fight, and they would still work fine together when they needed to. Thoughts?
  • Josef Smith (Dynaboy) - Firstly, interesting character! I really like his biography. Anyways, I think Josef and Clary would get along pretty well. They both like to think things through before acting, so I can imagine them talking things through with each other when given the opportunity. So, what do you say? Friends?

((Little notes to myself: Wondeful Thing is still working on Eric Khan, read him whens he is finished. Mystique is working on a character here, read it when it is finished.))
Thanks for that, Brea.

For Josef's relationship with Clarissa - I think being buddies stemming from their chats about powers, problem solving, etc. would work, though Josef snores (it started after he broke his nose), so there might be a little trouble between them there. Though I suppose it's impossible to have a relationship without ANY issues. I think that a little occasional annoyance would make the relationship feel a lot more real.
Josef's going to be the book-learning type, and will probably be coming up with new and interesting ways to use his power. I think the "thinking things through" statement you made is definitely fair. I don't think Josef is a slob at all, probably above average for a young man, and very clean for a student.

@Wonderful Thing
For Josef's relationship with Pearl - I'm going to say Josef isn't an animal person, but doesn't go out of his way to avoid them. not allergic to anything aside from, uhh, lets say he has pretty bad hay fever over the summer. Gets all bunged up. personality wise, I'm going to say that Josef thinks Pearl is attractive physically, but thinks her personality isn't all that much to write home about (not that he'd ever say anything rude of course, he's a good boy, wouldn't want to hurt any feelings.)

For Josef's relationship with Eric - I'll do this when his background/personality's done.

Also, Wonder, Do we know who of the group moved in first? will one or two of the characters be the "new kids"?
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"Everyone stay frosty."

"It's kind of hard to pronounce, so just call me Edee."

Eadyln Ahren Chase

Sidekick Name
"I think it suits me, I like it!"

"Fresh out of high school Baby!"

"Okay look, I understand that I have a smaller chest than most girls, but that doesnt mean I look like a guy!"

Sexual Orientation
"Oh, oh! I know the answer to this question!"


"Watch this!"
Freeze Breath

Side Effects

Opposite Tempertures: Eadyln is constantly cold and the higher the temperature, the colder the young female is. If it's 101 degrees outside, you better expect Eadlyn to either stay inside where her house is freezing cold or showing up with a big poofy jacket. However if it's the below freezing, Eadyln will show up wearing nothing but shorts and a tank top. Her body seems to switch temperatures and blends in with the cold rather than the heat.

Frozen heart: After using her powers, Eadyln gains the opposite personality of her current one, she goes from being bright and bubbly to a very logical, no nonsense type of person. She loses all sense of emotions and because almost robotic like. She doesnt feel anything for an hour or so, she cant cry, cant laugh and cant sympathize with those around her.

Colder:Within three hundred feet radius, the air gets visibly colder around Eadyln. It doesnt matter the temperature, if it's 100 degrees it'll drop down to winter temperature, if it's negative 1 then it'll drop even lower. Most people tend to stay away from her because they dont want to feel cold.


Distance: Eadyln can breath up to a 300 feet radius, so not very far. She's tried to expand it and she can extend it to 302 but that usually takes too much effort so she usually doesnt do that.

Time Limitation: Eadyln encases her enemies in solid ice, but it only lasts for about five seconds before it actually wears off. In extremely hot summers, the time is also cut down to at least 2.5 five seconds.

Energy: She can probably breath ice up to ten times before she runs out and gets tired. Like with her time limitation, in the extremely hot summers, it's cut down in half and she can freeze up to five times.

Former Assigned Hero/Power
"Please do not even talk to me about him. He is a terrible, terrible man."
Freezoid: can create ice, freeze over large bodies of water, make anything out of ice

Reason(s) why fired
"I...rather not get into that."
There are two reasons why Eadyln was fired and one was because she had frozen Freezer one two many times in a very important fight, causing Freezer to get seriously injured. But the other reason was because she refused to fall victim to his charms and refused his advances. That wounded his ego and thus he fired her.


"Haha some people would say I'm too energetic."
Energetic ll Optimistic ll Caring ll Loving ll Goofy ll Sensitive ll Extroverted

Eadyln is an extremely goofy girl, bouncing all around and not being able to settle down, most people believe that she had ADHD (which she doesn't) but is always proven wrong. The girl loves to tell stupid jokes and lame puns, getting a kick out of them even when others just roll their eyes and tell her to shut up. She's very optimistic, always looking at the brighter side of things, knowing that it'll get better. She believes that most have a good side unless proven other wise and she always tries to remember (if people are rude to her) that some have probably just had a bad day and need to be alone. Eadyln is very caring and loving, as well as loyal and she could be compared to that of a dog. She's willing to take a bullet or anything for a friend of a close loved one, leading her to be rather reckless from time to time. Because of her energy and optimistic attitude, this tends to make her extroverted and she will literally go up to a stranger and ask if they can be friends. However, dont let this bubbly and bright girl trick you, she's very sensitive and puts on a brave face. If someone yells at her and calls her terrible things, doesnt invite her to a party of something, she'll simply smile and say it's fine but when she's at home, that's when she'll let the tears fall or she wallow in misery by herself.

"Oh gosh, you sure are in for a story!"

Eadyln knew she was different, so did her parents but they never said anything. Growing up, Eadyln never had anyone by her side, or anyone to hang out with her. At this time she didnt know she had her powers, but she knew that most people didnt like to hang out with her because around her it was always cold. Some teachers had even asked for Eadyln to stay home for fear of getting other children sick. She was the little girl that would play by herself in the park, get bullied for being a weirdo.

Though that never really bothered the small girl. She learned to block it out and just treat everyone with a smile and she could always go home and cry about it. As she got older, her parents noticed that she was colder in the summer and warmer in the winter and that was something they couldnt understand either until Freshman year. While getting angry and finally snapping, Eadyln had frozen a rather popular girl in her spot. Boy was that a story to tell. Everything seemed to have gotten worse for Eadyln and her parents pulled her out of school to home school her.

One day she was walking around, alone as usual, a small frost starting to cover the few things around her when a male stopped her. Skeptical at first, she only made small talk until he showed her something, something that related to her and immediately she was hooked. Joining up with Freezoid, Eadyln was happy as long as she could help, she didnt care that she didnt get the spot light. To her, all was well. A day before graduation, there was a huge fight and well...the young teen froze Freezoid one too many times which angered the male.

With a fear that he was going to ditch her, she apologize profusely after the fight and he told her that he would forgive her...for a price. She had to pay with her body. With anger coursing through her, Eadyln slapped the male and yelled at him and he yelled right back, firing her on the spot and telling her that he'd find some other girl who would welcome his advances. Keeping a strong facade, Eadyln left and ran back home, feeling all alone once more.

Super Suit
"I think it's pretty cute."

"Some people consider it on the guyish side, but I like it."

"Guys just chill out."
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  • Like
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"Everyone stay frosty."

"It's kind of hard to pronounce, so just call me Edee."

Eadyln Ahren Chase

Sidekick Name
"I think it suits me, I like it!"

"Fresh out of high school Baby!"

"Okay look, I understand that I have a smaller chest than most girls, but that doesnt mean I look like a guy!"

Sexual Orientation
"Oh, oh! I know the answer to this question!"


"Watch this!"
Freeze Breath

Side Effects

Opposite Tempertures: Eadyln is constantly cold and the higher the temperature, the colder the young female is. If it's 101 degrees outside, you better expect Eadlyn to either stay inside where her house is freezing cold or showing up with a big poofy jacket. However if it's the below freezing, Eadyln will show up wearing nothing but shorts and a tank top. Her body seems to switch temperatures and blends in with the cold rather than the heat.

Frozen heart: After using her powers, Eadyln gains the opposite personality of her current one, she goes from being bright and bubbly to a very logical, no nonsense type of person. She loses all sense of emotions and because almost robotic like. She doesnt feel anything for an hour or so, she cant cry, cant laugh and cant sympathize with those around her.

Colder:Within three hundred feet radius, the air gets visibly colder around Eadyln. It doesnt matter the temperature, if it's 100 degrees it'll drop down to winter temperature, if it's negative 1 then it'll drop even lower. Most people tend to stay away from her because they dont want to feel cold.


Distance: Eadyln can breath up to a 300 feet radius, so not very far. She's tried to expand it and she can extend it to 302 but that usually takes too much effort so she usually doesnt do that.

Time Limitation: Eadyln encases her enemies in solid ice, but it only lasts for about five seconds before it actually wears off. In extremely hot summers, the time is also cut down to at least 2.5 five seconds.

Energy: She can probably breath ice up to ten times before she runs out and gets tired. Like with her time limitation, in the extremely hot summers, it's cut down in half and she can freeze up to five times.

Former Assigned Hero/Power
"Please do not even talk to me about him. He is a terrible, terrible man."
Freezoid: can create ice, freeze over large bodies of water, make anything out of ice

Reason(s) why fired
"I...rather not get into that."
There are two reasons why Eadyln was fired and one was because she had frozen Freezer one two many times in a very important fight, causing Freezer to get seriously injured. But the other reason was because she refused to fall victim to his charms and refused his advances. That wounded his ego and thus he fired her.


"Haha some people would say I'm too energetic."
Energetic ll Optimistic ll Caring ll Loving ll Goofy ll Sensitive ll Extroverted

Eadyln is an extremely goofy girl, bouncing all around and not being able to settle down, most people believe that she had ADHD (which she doesn't) but is always proven wrong. The girl loves to tell stupid jokes and lame puns, getting a kick out of them even when others just roll their eyes and tell her to shut up. She's very optimistic, always looking at the brighter side of things, knowing that it'll get better. She believes that most have a good side unless proven other wise and she always tries to remember (if people are rude to her) that some have probably just had a bad day and need to be alone. Eadyln is very caring and loving, as well as loyal and she could be compared to that of a dog. She's willing to take a bullet or anything for a friend of a close loved one, leading her to be rather reckless from time to time. Because of her energy and optimistic attitude, this tends to make her extroverted and she will literally go up to a stranger and ask if they can be friends. However, dont let this bubbly and bright girl trick you, she's very sensitive and puts on a brave face. If someone yells at her and calls her terrible things, doesnt invite her to a party of something, she'll simply smile and say it's fine but when she's at home, that's when she'll let the tears fall or she wallow in misery by herself.

"Oh gosh, you sure are in for a story!"

Eadyln knew she was different, so did her parents but they never said anything. Growing up, Eadyln never had anyone by her side, or anyone to hang out with her. At this time she didnt know she had her powers, but she knew that most people didnt like to hang out with her because around her it was always cold. Some teachers had even asked for Eadyln to stay home for fear of getting other children sick. She was the little girl that would play by herself in the park, get bullied for being a weirdo.

Though that never really bothered the small girl. She learned to block it out and just treat everyone with a smile and she could always go home and cry about it. As she got older, her parents noticed that she was colder in the summer and warmer in the winter and that was something they couldnt understand either until Freshman year. While getting angry and finally snapping, Eadyln had frozen a rather popular girl in her spot. Boy was that a story to tell. Everything seemed to have gotten worse for Eadyln and her parents pulled her out of school to home school her.

One day she was walking around, alone as usual, a small frost starting to cover the few things around her when a male stopped her. Skeptical at first, she only made small talk until he showed her something, something that related to her and immediately she was hooked. Joining up with Freezoid, Eadyln was happy as long as she could help, she didnt care that she didnt get the spot light. To her, all was well. A day before graduation, there was a huge fight and well...the young teen froze Freezoid one too many times which angered the male.

With a fear that he was going to ditch her, she apologize profusely after the fight and he told her that he would forgive her...for a price. She had to pay with her body. With anger coursing through her, Eadyln slapped the male and yelled at him and he yelled right back, firing her on the spot and telling her that he'd find some other girl who would welcome his advances. Keeping a strong facade, Eadyln left and ran back home, feeling all alone once more.

Super Suit
"I think it's pretty cute."

"Some people consider it on the guyish side, but I like it."

"Guys just chill out."
For a second I thought you were Brea and got confused. xD

I'm cool with the relationships. ^^

Everyone is being recruited at the same time. The characters could have arrived at different times during the day though. If someone takes the ninth spot after we've started, they'd be the newest recruit.
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For a second I thought you were Brea and got confused. xD
Ahaha thanks! And I'm almost done with my guy! I'm looking forward to rping with all of you!
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Finished my second character! :D
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"And I guess I'll never come to understand what it's like to feel wanted."


"Matthew is just fine."
Matthew Thomas Jackson

Sidekick Name
"I truly dont know how I ended up with such a stupid name.""


"Do you have a death wish?"

Sexual Orientation
"One more stupid question and you're dead."


"I can show you better than I can tell you."
Elemental Control

Side Effects

Body Temperature: Matthew's body temperature tends to sky rocket, almost as if he has a fever (which he doesnt.) He's learned not to really notice it, though he does realize that he suddenly feels hotter than normal, but it doesnt bug him as much as it did when he was younger. (He does worry a lot of people, afraid he's just going to randomly collapse)

Hot Head: Though usually calm cool and collected, when Matthew uses the element fire, he tends to become very hot headed and barely anyone can get through to him. He ends up going on a rampage, yelling at anyone and anything about whatever it is he's upset about.

Parched: Matthew gets very thirsty, almost like a dog who had been sitting in a very hot car all day long with no water. Give him a pitcher of water and he will drink all of it, and it still wont be enough. He needs at least four pitchers before he's satisfied.

Wet Clothes: It doesnt matter if Matthew is standing in front of the firing range or not, he always ends up sopping wet if he uses the water element. He's learned to carry extra clothes with him and luckily his hero had assigned his suit to be water proof after learning the hard way.

Dirt: It's strange and weird and Matthew hates it, but after using the earth element, he starts to crave the need to shove...dirt into his mouth. Sometimes he's able to resist until the urge subsides, other times the craving is so strong the poor male sadly gives in.

"Are we almost done?"

One at a time: Matthew can only use one element at a time, and even switching element, there's a five minute waiting period. So he usually tries to stick with one element. Though if he needs to switch, he waits five minutes, if he needs to switch again, he has to wait ten minutes. The time keeps going up by five minutes each time he has to switch.

Fire: Though this is one of his go to powers, Matthew cant use it for a long period of time or else he starts to burn up and then he will pass out. Either he burns up, and starts sweating profusely or he starts to choke on the smoke that surrounds him.

Water: Matthew rarely uses this one and mostly because there is not always water around. He needs a large surplus of water by his side to be able to use it and last. If there is enough water though, Matthew can only use it for at least fifteen minutes or until the water supply runs out.

Earth: He has a time limit on this and can only use it for about fifteen minutes, (twenty if he's lucky). Though he has to dodge his own attacks and Matthew hates using this because he's not too fond of craving dirt at the end.

Air: He gets very light headed after this, almost to the point where it's like he's drunk. Matthew cant walk straight and he has to lie down. He can only use this for ten minutes since it's very strong and powerful.

Former Assigned Hero/Power
"Tch, dont even mention her."
Salamander: Control all fire, breath fire, eat fire, does anything he wants.

Reason(s) why fired
"I really didnt do least I tried not to."
Honestly, it mostly has to do with ego. Sure there were a few times that Matthew had embarrassed Salamander with the fact that he ate dirt after using the element of earth. But the biggest reason that he got fired was cause Salamander was afraid that he was going to steal the spotlight (which wasnt Matthew's attention) even though his side kick didnt have strong powers whatsoever.


"some people think I'm too serious."
Serious ll Observant ll Caring ll Logical ll Realistic ll Calm

Matthew is a very serious, no nonsense type of guy. He hates the thought of fooling around while there should be work going on, or goofing off while there is still work to be done. He'll fool around when work is done...that is if you count planning to renovate his room, or come up with a new game as fun. He is very observant and can pick out most detail, which leads him to have a very stoic expression, his features never changing, never cracking a smile or even smiling. Nothing can shake him, there could be an explosion for all he cares and he would stay calm, commenting that it needs to be taken care of without any worry or panic on his face. Though he's very serious (sometimes too serious) Matthew can be very sweet and caring to those that he considers his friends. His actions may be small, but he believes that actions truly speak louder than words. He's not one to praise someone or compliment them out in the open, instead he gets people little things, maybe their favorite chocolate, their favorite drink or something small that he needed. Though it doesn't seem that way, he's very considerate. While Matthew believes that optimism is a good train and so is imagination, he's also believes that being logical and realistic is just as important and if someone comes up with a "stupid" idea (one that he deems as unrealistic) he's not afraid to shoot it down.

"I'd run if I were you..."

Abandoned at a young age, Matthew has never known the love or warmth of parents. Not even foster parents wanted to take him in, sensing that he was different. So in the end he grew up in a orphanage, forced to grow up faster than he wanted. He went to school, sometimes went to the store to get groceries and went back to take care of the children. Slowly he started to realize his own powers and that's how he would entertain the children sometimes, the children that loved him dearly. Though one day one of the caretakers saw him playing with some water and entertaining the kids. She screamed and they threw him out.

He was only thirteen.

Out on his own, he wandered the streets, until he ran into someone. Now already upset, he lost his cool and immediately fire swirled around him. The man known as salamander noticed this and took Matthew in, paying for his education and helping him hone his powers. All was good for awhile, though Matthew still lacked the love of parents of the feeling of belonging, he was content. Everything was going well until he turned eighteen and things started to change.

Salamander seemed to get more aggressive, got angered easily and yelled at him a lot more. Matthew didnt really understand it so he just brushed it off as the male having a hard time with the higher ups, so he made sure to lay low, though that didnt really change. One certain day, being told to use the earth, Matthew listened and the ending resulted in him on the ground, shoving dirt into his mouth and Salamander yelling at him, others laughing. When they finally got back, he got a huge scolding and he was then fired on the spot. And so with a nod of his head, Matthew quickly packed his things and left.

Picture of super suit
"I guess the suit is alright...pretty sure he copied the look from Black Widow though..."

Picture of room in Rev Squad HQ
"It's pretty nice. I'm able to do what I want without interruptions.

"I am a soldier. I fight where I am told."
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I feel like I could handle another female, reserve a spot?
I mean, if that's okay with you.
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I think I'd like Josef to have a slight dislike for Matthew. A little bit of jealousy for the fact that Matt is so powerful compared to the rest of the rev squad, and maybe Josef likes to read Salamander's comic books.

"And I guess I'll never come to understand what it's like to feel wanted."


"Matthew is just fine."
Matthew Thomas Jackson

Sidekick Name
"I truly dont know how I ended up with such a stupid name.""


"Do you have a death wish?"

Sexual Orientation
"One more stupid question and you're dead."


"I can show you better than I can tell you."
Elemental Control

Side Effects

Body Temperature: Matthew's body temperature tends to sky rocket, almost as if he has a fever (which he doesnt.) He's learned not to really notice it, though he does realize that he suddenly feels hotter than normal, but it doesnt bug him as much as it did when he was younger. (He does worry a lot of people, afraid he's just going to randomly collapse)

Hot Head: Though usually calm cool and collected, when Matthew uses the element fire, he tends to become very hot headed and barely anyone can get through to him. He ends up going on a rampage, yelling at anyone and anything about whatever it is he's upset about.

Parched: Matthew gets very thirsty, almost like a dog who had been sitting in a very hot car all day long with no water. Give him a pitcher of water and he will drink all of it, and it still wont be enough. He needs at least four pitchers before he's satisfied.

Wet Clothes: It doesnt matter if Matthew is standing in front of the firing range or not, he always ends up sopping wet if he uses the water element. He's learned to carry extra clothes with him and luckily his hero had assigned his suit to be water proof after learning the hard way.

Dirt: It's strange and weird and Matthew hates it, but after using the earth element, he starts to crave the need to shove...dirt into his mouth. Sometimes he's able to resist until the urge subsides, other times the craving is so strong the poor male sadly gives in.

"Are we almost done?"

One at a time: Matthew can only use one element at a time, and even switching element, there's a five minute waiting period. So he usually tries to stick with one element. Though if he needs to switch, he waits five minutes, if he needs to switch again, he has to wait ten minutes. The time keeps going up by five minutes each time he has to switch.

Fire: Though this is one of his go to powers, Matthew cant use it for a long period of time or else he starts to burn up and then he will pass out. Either he burns up, and starts sweating profusely or he starts to choke on the smoke that surrounds him.

Water: Matthew rarely uses this one and mostly because there is not always water around. He needs a large surplus of water by his side to be able to use it and last. If there is enough water though, Matthew can only use it for at least fifteen minutes or until the water supply runs out.

Earth: He has a time limit on this and can only use it for about fifteen minutes, (twenty if he's lucky). Though he has to dodge his own attacks and Matthew hates using this because he's not too fond of craving dirt at the end.

Air: He gets very light headed after this, almost to the point where it's like he's drunk. Matthew cant walk straight and he has to lie down. He can only use this for ten minutes since it's very strong and powerful.

Former Assigned Hero/Power
"Tch, dont even mention her."
Salamander: Control all fire, breath fire, eat fire, does anything he wants.

Reason(s) why fired
"I really didnt do least I tried not to."
Honestly, it mostly has to do with ego. Sure there were a few times that Matthew had embarrassed Salamander with the fact that he ate dirt after using the element of earth. But the biggest reason that he got fired was cause Salamander was afraid that he was going to steal the spotlight (which wasnt Matthew's attention) even though his side kick didnt have strong powers whatsoever.


"some people think I'm too serious."
Serious ll Observant ll Caring ll Logical ll Realistic ll Calm

Matthew is a very serious, no nonsense type of guy. He hates the thought of fooling around while there should be work going on, or goofing off while there is still work to be done. He'll fool around when work is done...that is if you count planning to renovate his room, or come up with a new game as fun. He is very observant and can pick out most detail, which leads him to have a very stoic expression, his features never changing, never cracking a smile or even smiling. Nothing can shake him, there could be an explosion for all he cares and he would stay calm, commenting that it needs to be taken care of without any worry or panic on his face. Though he's very serious (sometimes too serious) Matthew can be very sweet and caring to those that he considers his friends. His actions may be small, but he believes that actions truly speak louder than words. He's not one to praise someone or compliment them out in the open, instead he gets people little things, maybe their favorite chocolate, their favorite drink or something small that he needed. Though it doesn't seem that way, he's very considerate. While Matthew believes that optimism is a good train and so is imagination, he's also believes that being logical and realistic is just as important and if someone comes up with a "stupid" idea (one that he deems as unrealistic) he's not afraid to shoot it down.

"I'd run if I were you..."

Abandoned at a young age, Matthew has never known the love or warmth of parents. Not even foster parents wanted to take him in, sensing that he was different. So in the end he grew up in a orphanage, forced to grow up faster than he wanted. He went to school, sometimes went to the store to get groceries and went back to take care of the children. Slowly he started to realize his own powers and that's how he would entertain the children sometimes, the children that loved him dearly. Though one day one of the caretakers saw him playing with some water and entertaining the kids. She screamed and they threw him out.

He was only thirteen.

Out on his own, he wandered the streets, until he ran into someone. Now already upset, he lost his cool and immediately fire swirled around him. The man known as salamander noticed this and took Matthew in, paying for his education and helping him hone his powers. All was good for awhile, though Matthew still lacked the love of parents of the feeling of belonging, he was content. Everything was going well until he turned eighteen and things started to change.

Salamander seemed to get more aggressive, got angered easily and yelled at him a lot more. Matthew didnt really understand it so he just brushed it off as the male having a hard time with the higher ups, so he made sure to lay low, though that didnt really change. One certain day, being told to use the earth, Matthew listened and the ending resulted in him on the ground, shoving dirt into his mouth and Salamander yelling at him, others laughing. When they finally got back, he got a huge scolding and he was then fired on the spot. And so with a nod of his head, Matthew quickly packed his things and left.

Picture of super suit
"I guess the suit is alright...pretty sure he copied the look from Black Widow though..."

Picture of room in Rev Squad HQ
"It's pretty nice. I'm able to do what I want without interruptions.

"I am a soldier. I fight where I am told."
I'm not too crazy about the power since its a superhero power, but the bad outweighs the good in terms of side effects, so, Accepted!
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