Restaurant Heat



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Tetsu's Restaurant was a well known, 4-star restaurant deep in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. This particular Chinese-themes restaurant was known for its delicious meals with affordable prices. Even the less-wealthy could come in and ask for a lowered price in their meals. The owner was a kind-hearted man who graduated from a culinary school with a dream to simply cook for everyone. He took his savings, opened up a restaurant, and hired people who had no issue with an average pay to serve the customers.

Suko Asahi was one of those dedicated employees. She loved having conversations with the customers and delivering the delicious meals to them. According to uniform, she wore the typical Chinese dress to enhance the interior decor of he restaurant. Her other job as a Manga Artist gave her her large pay, while she worked in Tetsu's for the mere fun of it. It was a normal night at Tetsu's, and Suko walked out to one of the new arrivals with a gentle smile on her face. "Welcome to Tetsu's. Would you like to start off with some of our Green Tea? How about an alcoholic drink after a long day?"