Requesting music recommendations

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Parov Stellar remindes me of Dead Horse Beats.

Also, thanks for Parov Stellar.
Hm, since you say you listen widely, and the list you have there appear to be a list of bands that sing. I present to you... ELECTRIC!

There're a lot of different song makers in this genre, but I usually go to Tasty for the convenience. Here:

And what led me in is this particular song. Which I got from this video:

EDIT: Dastardly codes wouldn't let me cut it off at the right time. The segment in question starts from 4:18
Cheers for all the suggestions people. I got a 5 hour flight today so you can imagine my appreciation.

@Dervish Hah, I was wondering how long it'd take for ska to pop up :p

@Atlas Child If you're into that, check out caravan palace, possibly goldfish.
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Somebody had to bring up ska haha. And good lxuk pn your flight!
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