Remnants of Mana - Lore


カンザキイオリ - 不器用な男
Original poster
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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Horror, Scifi, Fantasy


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I will do my best to keep this up to date, but but for the most up to date info check the doc.

This is currently up to date

Magic Items
Magic Beasts
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Nearly all humans have their own natural mana pool. However, in order to actually perform magic, runes are needed to "shape" the magical energy. It is possible for a person to have no mana, however this is extremely rare (<1%). Creating a spell is like creating and solving a math problem. It requires understanding rune theory and how the runes interact with each other. All classes of magic will have a base set of around 200 runes that are most commonly used for that class. Mages usually only study and gain a basic understanding of how their magic class's base runes interact. Although it is impossible to completely understand runes unless you are a Runecrafter, those who specialize in rune theory and creating spells can have a very good understanding of the runes and rules used within one magic class.
Runes do not have to be written before casted; the correct runes simply have to be visualized in the caster's head. After visualizing the runes, they will appear in the air and the spell will be cast. When casting with a magic circle, the magic circle will first appear and then the spell cast from it. Casting without a magic circle is called "direct casting." It is faster than casting with a magic circle, but much less efficient. A spell can also be cast by channeling mana into written runes, but written runes will disappear immediately upon use, unless a magic circle is used.

Possessing magic does increase one's lifespan, but only slightly. On average people with magic live to be about 120 years old. Masters tend to live to be around 150.


The most important thing when casting magic is efficiency. When casting a spell, some of the mana expended will be lost. This is because it is very difficult to precisely direct mana, and it is not possible to direct 100% of your mana into a spell. Magical efficiency is the percentage of mana expended that is used in the spell. For example, if a spell is 70% efficient, that means that 70% of the mana used when casting the spell goes to casting the spell. The rest is lost. Two spells may have the same end result, however, due to the runes used, one might be more efficient than the other. Most spells have been optimized for efficiency over years of testing and experimentation.

The use of magic circles greatly increases magical efficiency, allowing a mage to cast more powerful spells with less mana. A magic circle increases efficiency by around 7%. Casting aides can further increase this by about 1-2%. The difference between using an optimal rune combination can be anywhere from 2-6%. Most mages will cast at around 80% efficiency (with a magic circle and aide). None (not even Mana) have been able to cast at higher than 94% efficiency.

A spell cannot be casted at less than around 55% efficiency. Below this, the spell will die out before casting can be completed. Attempting to cast a spell with less than 30% efficiency can cause the spell to backfire and cause injury to the caster and those around them. The more skilled a mage is, the better they are able to channel their mana properly into runes and keep efficiency at a constant and high rate while casting.


The first version of the magic circle required one to make unique calculations for each spell and could only be used by Mana. A base set of runes that could be used in all magic circles was eventually discovered. After this discovery, magic circles quickly became nearly universal and the preferred method of casting. Magic circles made casting much more stable and efficient, allowing for stronger and more precise spells to be casted. Casting with a magic circle is slower than direct casting, but the huge increase in efficiency is well worth the trade off.

It's most important application though, was that it allowed runes to be written on surfaces and reused indefinitely. Before the magic circle, written runes would immediately disappear after use unless inscribed on bone. Mages would have to memorize or perform calculations for every spell on the spot. The magic circle allowed mages to write down spells and use them without memorization. This allowed mages to cast faster and have a larger repertoire. Because of their permanence, they also allowed for the creation of permanent enchantments and the creation of machinery that uses mana as a power source.

They also have many unique properties. Magic circles use a base set of center runes that hold the magic circle together. The spell is written in a circle around the base runes.The base runes differ depending on the material the magic circle is affixed to. When channelling a spell through a magic circle, mana will be channelled through the runes sequentially from the inside out, rather than all at once. This allows sequential and conditional spells to be cast, which was not possible before. For example, the magical elevators in the Academy take advantage of this sequential casting. The first part of the spell is used to detect if there are people inside the elevator. Once a person is detected inside, the second part of the spell is activated and moves the elevator. This sequential casting can also be used to make spells have different effects based on the subject. For example, you could make a spell that has this sequence of events: If X then Y happens. If not, then Z happens. In addition, sequential casting makes it easy to combine multiple spells without having to calculate a new, longer spell because each individual spell can be written and sequentially cast without having to worry about the runes interacting with each other.

Magic Classes


Each person has an affinity towards a certain class of magic. You will be much more efficient at casting magic in the class of magic you have an affinity for. Your affinity can be determined through what's called the rock test, which is simply channeling mana into a rock with a special magic circle on it. Once you find your best class of magic, it's easy to figure out your worst based on the Affinity Circle. Efficiency decreases by about 2% each step you move away from your class on the circle. These are 9 classes of magic, with some of them further divided into different types.

In general, every person is able to cast spells from every class with the exception of arcane mages who cannot cast elemental spells. A person does not necessarily have to pick the same class as their affinity. An affinity is simply what you're naturally best at.

Elemental magic allows you to cast magic that manipulates the elements. Elemental magic is unique in that each person can only use one kind of element. All elemental spells are exactly the same for each person, however, the element will be different depending on the person. Nearly every person has an element. The exception would be those who have an Arcane affinity. They do not have an element and therefore cannot cast elemental magic. Especially skilled elemental mages will be able to modify their elemental skills and use a secondary element. Even if you are not an Elemental magic user, your element can carry over into different classes of magic. (i.e. a Summoner summoning a fire based spirit). It is considered the most well rounded of the magic classes.
Elemental types
  • Fire; secondary-> Lava
    • Rock test results - rock will warm
  • Air; secondary -> Electricity
    • Rock will float
  • Earth; secondary -> Metal
    • Rock will change shape
  • Water; secondary -> Ice
    • Rock will become wet
  • Medium mana costs
  • Fast cast speed
  • Common ~20%
  • 195 base runes
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Arcane magic is magic in its purest form. It is casting with pure magical energy. It is considered to be a very explosive class of magic with very powerful, high cost spells. During the rock test, the rock will explode. Any magic that does not fall into any other category is usually arcane magic. This includes shielding, levitation, invisibility magic, flying and teleportation. People with an affinity for arcane magic cannot cast elemental spells. Elemental magic users can cast arcane spells, but when they do, their element will be added (e.g. shield -> fire shield).
  • High mana costs
  • Fast cast speed
  • Rare ~ 4%
  • 210 base runes
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Invaders are mages who specialize in reading someone's mind. They are called invaders because, reading someone's mind involves quite literally, invading someone's subconsciousness. This kind of magic is rare now, as after it's discovery it was decided to be too dangerous and its use was outlawed and all magic books containing the spells were supposedly destroyed. They still exist in the underground though and supposedly, every royal keeps an Invader on hand "just in case." Invaders can be countered by either building a wall around your subconscious and keeping them out, or fighting them within your subconscious. Losing a mind battle can leave you with brain damage ranging from some mild memory loss to being left in a catatonic state. The magic that lets one invade someone's mind merely connects the two minds, so it is possible for an invader to become the invaded.

Enchantments are spells placed on items. These enchantments can make things stronger and give them special properties. Enchantments must be cast directly on an item. Enchanters benefited immensely from the invention of the magic circle, which allowed them to cast permanent enchantments. Enchantments and Hexes require the most intensive magical calculations. Enchanters and Hexers both study their base runes extensively. Luckily, these two classes of magic do not tend to stray outside of their base runes.
During the rock test, a rune will appear on the rock.

  • Low mana costs
  • Near instant cast time, but calculations can take a long time
  • Common ~17%
  • 230 base runes
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Hexes are spells cast on people. They can be negative or positive. Permanent hexes require runes to be carved on bone. They will appear as a mark on your skin and constantly drain your magic. They can be broken by destroying the runes carved into your bone, but most people will add a spell of protection into their permanent hexes that prevents the hex from being cut/broken (the body can still be injured). Putting multiple permanent hexes on a person can cause them to interfere and corrupt each other.
Temporary hexes can be used to buff or weaken someone in battle. They are placed on the skin and have a time limit. Like permanent hexes, the hex is destroyed if the runes are destroyed. If the runes in a hex are simply damaged but not completely destroyed, this can corrupt the hex. In most cases a corrupted hex will simply stop working. For permanent and especially powerful hexes, the hex may change to have different, unintended, and often dangerous effects.
Enchantments and Hexes require the most intensive magical calculations. Enchanters and Hexers both study their base runes extensively. Luckily, these two classes of magic do not tend to stray outside of their base runes.
During the rock test, a rune (different from enchantment) will appear on the rock.
  • Low mana costs
  • Near instant cast speed (but must make contact with sufficient amount of skin, and often requires calculation)
  • Uncommon ~13%
  • 230 base runes
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Light magic includes light magic and healing magic. Most of the time people will specialize in one or the other. Light casting allows you to manipulate light. This allows you to blind your opponents and light up dark spaces, but also lets you manipulate light waves to create visual illusions. Healing magic allows you to heal injuries and sickness. Healing spells still require knowledge of how the human body works. However, regrowing limbs, curing birth defects, or chronic disease is not possible, although healing magic can help relieve the symptoms. People with chronic diseases can often live mostly normal lives so long as they receive regular treatment.
  • Medium mana costs
  • Slow cast speed
  • Uncommon ~12%
  • 190 base runes
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Dark magic includes shadow magic and disease magic. Most of the time, people will specialize in one or the other. Shadow magic allows you to manipulate shadows and use them to attack or conceal yourself. Disease magic allows you to cast magic that gives people symptoms of diseases, or exacerbate an illness or injury that's already present.
  • Medium mana costs
  • Slow cast speed
  • Uncommon ~11%
  • 190 base runes
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Animation allows you to create magical puppets out of various materials. This class of magic includes the dark art of necromancy. During the rock test, the rock will move. People will specialize in creating animations from one specific material. Animations can follow simple commands but are not capable of thinking for themselves. Mana must be used for each puppet made and command given, but puppets do not require a constant source of mana. More complicated commands require higher mana costs.
Animation, along with summoning, is considered the class with the highest mana costs. Many animators/summoners will use mana crystals to cover the costs of the initial creation of the animations/summoning.
  • High mana costs
  • Medium cast speed
  • 200 base runes
  • Rare ~4%
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Summoning allows you to summon a spirit that will take the form of a magical beast. The most skilled you are, the more powerful your spirit is. Spirits are capable of making decisions and thinking on their own but require a constant source of mana
  • High mana costs
  • Slow cast speed
  • 200 base runes
  • Rare ~5%
Note: stats are just a general guideline and vary by spell

Runecrafters are the rarest kind of mage. Although it has become more common since Mana's time, less than 1% of people are Runecrafters. They are considered to be a special class. They do not have an affinity and can use all classes with equal efficiency. Runecrafters are the only ones who are able to truly understand how to read runes. During the rock test, nothing happens. Although they do not have an affinity towards any one class, most Runecrafters will specialize in whatever class they find most interesting.
Runecrafters are the only ones able to understand and read runes, however they are not able to explain how to do this to others, as it is instinctual. Many describe it as the magic/runes speaking to them. Although they are able to read and understand runes, they still need to perform calculations, it is just much easier for them. There have been some instances though were runecrafters talk about the solution to a particular magical calculation suddenly coming to them, as if the magic helped show them the answer.
Runecrafters can cast all magic with equal efficiency, but they tend to have much smaller mana pools than the average person. There are many theories to why this is, but no one is certain. The most accepted theory is that Runecrafters actually have normal amounts of mana, but a portion of that mana is always being used in order to understand and read runes. In drawn out battles, a Runecrafter will almost always lose due to mana differences.
Runecrafters disproportionately suffer from abusive parents or become orphaned. They are highly valued on the slave market and some parents will attempt to abuse their children in an attempt to make money with their abilities.

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Almost all mages will carry an item with them to help focus their magic. They are not required, but they help increase magical efficiency and casting speed. Almost all casting aides will have magic stones embedded in them.

  • Book of spells
  • Strengths
    • Can hold a large amount of spells
    • Greatest increase in efficiency (2%)
    • Stones can easily be embedded in covers
    • Easy to carry - large customizability in size
  • Weaknesses
    • Requires flipping to the correct page
    • Mages will often put small spells on the spine or inside covers of the book that when activated will quickly flip the book to a page
    • Minimal increase to casting speed
  • Usually carried by mages who don't require quick casting such as summoners and animators.

  • Strengths
    • Medium increase to cast speed
    • Spells can be carved into staff and magic stones easily embedded
    • Can be used as a weapon in a pinch
  • Weaknesses
    • Can be cumbersome to carry

  • A wand is more like a short staff. Think of Lux's wand from League of Legend. Not like a fairy wand.
  • Strengths
    • Easy to carry and customize
    • 2nd biggest increase to cast speed
    • Can be used as a weapon in a pinch
  • Weaknesses
    • Limited space to carve spells

  • Weapons can also be used as casting aides by those who incorporate magic into close combat
  • Swords most common
  • Strengths
    • Biggest increase to speed
  • Weaknesses
    • No area for spells


Magic Stone
Special stones that are mined for their ability to store mana. Can be recharged either from a natural source or a person. Overuse of mana stones will result in mana poisoning. Symptoms include tremors, insomnia, black veins, paranoia, hallucinations and eventually death. Mana poisoning is very easily reversible by simply not using magic, but the high of using more mana than you're able can be addictive and withdrawal symptoms are intense.

Flying stone
A special stone with a flying magic circle engraved on it and a mana crystal. Staple for any magician. Can store anywhere from 8-20 hours of flight, can be recharged. Used for travel and battle. Can be a huge disadvantage to not have a flying stone during battle.

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It is possible for mages to create a Bond with a magical beast. Mages that are Bonded to a beast will be able to communicate with them, draw upon their stores of mana, and have them assist in magical calculations. Currently it is illegal to make contracts with legendary beasts in every country except Soria, which allows them under special circumstances. Bonding is a fairly common phenomenon and a bond can form even if you weren't intending to make one. Approximately 10% of all people are Bonded with a magical creature.


Divine beasts are the most powerful of the magical beasts. They have high levels of intelligence, are able to communicate with humans, and are extremely powerful. However, with the exception of the Kirin, they have all been hunted to extinction. The dragon Mana Bonded with was a shock to the whole world, as even back then, dragons were thought to be extinct. Mana's dragon was considered to be the last Divine beast in existence. However some believe that Divine beasts still exist and have just hidden themselves.

Dragons lived solitary lives and mostly hunted other magical beasts. They lived for anywhere from 200-500 years. It is believed that in the ancient past, dragons were fairly common and many mages Bonded with them. They were most known for their elemental breaths but have also occasionally been recorded performing various magical feats such as freezing entire lakes, turning stone into diamond, and causing volcanic eruptions or other natural disasters.

Phoenixes cannot die of old age. They possessed powerful fire magic and were notorious for being extremely proud, easily offended, and short tempered. In ancient times, having your village being destroyed by an offended phoenix was a very real fear. Because of this personality, only about 10 people in history are known to have Bonded with one. In the past some countries worshiped them as gods, supposedly in an attempt to appease the beasts.

Werecats were the most common of the Divine beasts. They could change their form from a large cat form to human. Although they had no offensive magical abilities, they could see the past, future, and present, and were the most intelligent of all Divine beasts. They had a life space of about 300 years and lived in clans. About 500 people in history have Bonded with a Werecat.


Legendary beasts, like Divine beasts, were heavily hunted in the past. They have recently been making a comeback due to various protections. Only Soria still allows Bonding with legendary beasts, and only after special permission has been granted.
Fire Lizards
Sea serpents


Mythical magical beasts are essentially animals with magical powers. They are more intelligent and powerful than normal animals and are capable of some magical feats. Most of them usually only have a few magical traits and/or are capable of casting a couple simple spells. Examples of abilities magical beasts have been shown to have include (but are not limited to): changing size, limited control over one element, flying, shielding, and healing. Mythical beasts can be found in the wild, but these days there are also breeders that specialize in selling mythical beasts as familiars to mages.

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Isunia is a magic school founded by Orion Alston, king of Yoendra about 500 years ago to study the rune code. Isunia has since grown into more than just a school and is now one of the largest cities on the continent. About 150 years ago, Isunia was officially recognized as its own country. Although Isunia is officially neutral, they are on very good terms with Yoendra and they are Yoendra's most frequent trading partner. In addition to the main city, there are several Isunia funded/run facilities scattered throughout the continent. Although there are native Isunians in the city, a significant number of the population comes from other countries, due to accepting students from all around the world. The city is run officially by a mayor, however, the 9 masters of the school hold a significant amount of power. Since the masters often come from other countries, they cannot officially hold political power since they would be biased towards their home countries.

Isunia is the only country in the world where everything runs on magical energy. This is due to the fact that Isunia is located in the caldera of the largest volcano in the continent and powered by the magical energy harnessed from it. King Orion originally chose the location because of the mountain's central location in what was then neutral territory. Mana was the first person to suggest harnessing the volcano's energy and converting it into magical energy. Although she laid the groundwork for it, the task wouldn't be completed until after her disappearance. Because of it's limitless supply of mana, Isunia uses technology that is not present anywhere else in the world. Currently there is research being done in harnessing and storing mana from other natural sources (such as wind or the sun) to allow other countries to use Isunia's technology.
Because there isn't enough room in the caldera itself for large farms or factories, Isunia relies heavily on trade, with their main export being magical artifacts and spell books. In the past, this prevented the city from growing large due to the fact that there is only one mountain pass that leads into the city. However, since the invention of airships, trade exploded and the city has flourished.


Isunia has an 8 year program divided into two parts. Typically, this begins at the age of 16. Those who are exceptionally talented, may be admitted/graduate earlier. About 300-500 students are admitted each year. During the first 5 years, students will live on school grounds in dorms and attend classes. The first two are for general classes, while during the latter three, students are given the option to specialize. Some options for specialization include: combat, research, healing, rune theory, and magic technology. During the second part of the program, students will be expected to find apprenticeships and gain work experience. Apprenticeship can be found both inside and outside the city. Only about ⅓ of students will successfully complete the second part of the program. This is partly because of the difficulty of securing an apprenticeship but also because completing the 5 year program is still a very commendable feat, and many students do not feel the need to complete the apprenticeship program. Every student is issues an enchanted robe and an ID plate. The robe is enchanted to keep you warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. Putting up the hood makes it hard for people to pay attention/remember you. The ID plate is used to let you enter University buildings and can get you discounts at some shops around town.

The school is run by 9 masters, one for each magic class, and has several professors for each magic class, except Runecrafters, which only has a master. Masters are elected every 5 years, although many masters hold their positions until they decide to retire unless they commit a serious crime. Despite Runecrafters making up less than 1% of the population worldwide, one class will typically have 5-10 runecrafters in it. This is because Isunia aggressively recruits Runecrafters, often rescuing them from slave traders and orphanages or offering their parents benefits if they agree to let their child be raised under the care of the school. Because of this, many Runecrafters spend a large amount of their life in Isunia and go on to work in Isunian funded facilities.


Once a year, students will team up and compete against each other in various challenges. Teams vary between random people getting together just to have the opportunity to compete, groups of friends, and long standing teams that have auditions to replace older members when they leave the university. Over the years, the games have gained immense popularity, to the point where the University started holding some of the rounds outside of Isunia to give more people the chance to watch them. Every year, the city becomes overcrowded by the amount of people attempting to enter the city to watch the finals, either in person in the stadium, or on special magical screens in the various shops. Many long standing teams are famous around the continent with dedicated fan clubs, and star members of these teams are often treated like celebrities for the few years they are on the team.

Isunia's clothing style is anything goes. High quality clothes in styles of all the other countries can be found here, as well as magic clothes that cannot be found anywhere else. Clothes that are made of vines, or branches. Clothes that change color. Clothes that change shape. Clothes with special smells. You name it Isunia has it or, at the very least, has someone who can and will make it for you.

The buildings are the same. They are made out of every material and in every shape. Also, due to limited space, many of them are built right next to each other and upwards.


Yoendra is the largest country on the continent. Originally three smaller countries, Yoendra was united into one large country under King Orion and has grown steadily in size since. Due to their large coastline, they were known for having a near monopoly on trade with the Western continent due to their large coastline, but the invention of airships has lessened this. They are ruled by a king and council of 24 dukes - one for each province. The king can only rule with approval of the majority of his dukes. Each duke has their own personal army, and should the king lose approval the dukes can declare civil war against him to remove him. The richest live extravagantly and the poorest have almost nothing, though the current king has been working on improving this. The country has an active slave market, and slaves are common even among the lower-middle class. They have a historically poor relationship with Soria, but about 80 years ago the late king made efforts to create a treaty and repair relationships.

Yoendra's clothing style favors colorful flowing fabric. Long open sleeves, and flowing skirts and robes are popular. Their buildings are made mostly of stone and there are many large cities.

See google doc for some pictures fo what their clothes might look like


Soria was once one of the strongest countries on the continent. They were known for outstanding and well trained military and extremely fertile land. However, Soria's strained relationship with Yoendra caused them to fall behind in adapting to the introduction of magic. In addition, it was discovered that many of Soria's mountains were an excellent source of high quality mana stones. Soria quickly went from being a military powerhouse to the most invaded country. Over the years, both Yoendra and Draesa have chipped away at their territory, with Yoendra taking many of their lands and Draesa claiming their mountains. Often during these times of war, Soria became known for using morally questionable tactics such as breaking dams to cause flooding and kill thousands of citizens or holding citizens hostage. To them, the ends justify the means. This plus the fact that they are the only country to not outlaw Bonding with Legendary beasts has earned them a bit of a bad reputation among the other countries.

Soria now has a mandatory draft for all of their citizens, save for those with medical conditions. Every citizen has to serve 2 years in the military and can be drafted at any time should another war begin. Compulsory military service must be completed between the ages of 17-27. Sorians who are accepted into Isunia typically either finish their draft before applying, or complete it after the first 5 years of classes. They are ruled by an absolute monarch and it is the only country where slavery is banned. Because of their history of constantly being invaded, the citizens often have a strong sense of pride/protectiveness of their country and value the collective over the individual. Tensions can sometimes run high between the Sorian and Yoendran students at Isunia, as the last invasion was only about 80 years ago.
Although there are class divides, they are not as pronounced as in other countries. Sorians believe that they must help each other so it is common for communities to come together to help those in need. Soria as a whole is poorer than other countries due to being constantly invaded and having much of their best land stolen by other countries. They are also slightly behind in magic technology compared to the other countries due to having to commit so many of their resources to rebuilding all the time, but have made significant strides in the last 50 years.

Sorian dress was traditionally very formal military style wear, but it has gradually evolved to be anything with three components: high collars, pointed shoulders, and dark colors. They are often decorated with beautiful embroidery. Gold embroidery is for those in the military. Silver is for royalty. Their buildings are mostly made of wood (excluding the large manor homes of the rich) and homes are multigenerational. Rather than a palace, their king/queen lives in a large manor.

See google doc for some pictures fo what their clothes might look like


Draesa is a medium sized country located mostly in the mountains. They are ruled by a 36 person parliament elected by the people. Using magic, the Draesi people have been able to tunnel deep into these mountains and build cities inside of them. They are the number one producer of magic stones. They also dominate the air shipping business since air ships require large quantities of mana stones in order to operate. Slavery exists in Draesa but not the same extent as Yoendra. They have fought both with and against both Yoendra and Soria. They are known as a country that will make sure they are always on the winning side no matter what.

Draesi dress is similar to a steampunk style. Although they live in the mountains, it usually isn't too cold as they are literally inside the mountain, so they don't usually require thick winter wear. Majority of the population lives inside the mountains, where there aren't really buildings. Those who live outside the mountains are mostly nomadic tribes who live in the desert area. Most of the land that is not desert of mountain is dedicated to agriculture

See google doc for some pictures fo what their clothes might look like

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