Red VS Blue [OOC]

Btw, a couple of days ago, I introduced a couple of people I rp with on Spore to Iwaku. Their usernames are: Spore;midnight1999/Iwaku; Queen Midnight, Spore; nuke21/Iwaku; Atomic Cactus.
Neat! Spore players! =D

Though if we're not going to roleplay on this thread anymore, then I'm probably going to delete it.
We should probably save it to a text file in case we do ever make that adventure series.
Maybe we could find new inspiration if mid and nuke join the RP.
Of course there's also that Danny and Danny in the Mojave RP.
Me and Midnight have a currently running RP, if you want to hop in I can ask her.
No thanks. ^^ I really need to get back to making ANA. It's been like, what? A month since my last part? o_O"
Fair enough. I'm probably going to try to finish Keys 2 part 2 tomorrow.
Safudor and Mark's characters have changed a lot since the end of this.