The evening air was cooler than usual. An overcast of thick gray clouds had colored the sky with no threat of rain. Only a shadow that would be cast over the large village. This day favored her arrival well. Lunaria had become quite the object of local folklore lately, word of her having spread far and wide. This village was no exception. People spoke of the girl as if she were not mortal. Ironically, Lunaria herself did not consider herself mortal. Although the reason to why she was an object of folklore was easily realized upon encounter. Rumors spoke of the girl with ethereal beauty- a woman of few words and impeccable modesty. In truth, Lunaria was a noble woman from Romania. Her father, Lord Valeriu, had sent her off in hopes that she would meet a worthy suitor. She came from a powerful family. One of steady wealth and vast influence. Though Lord Valeriu wished to spread his influence as far as possible. And marriage would be the ideal way of obtaining it.
Villagers were gathered around the courtyard to watch the renowned noble arrive. And of course, plenty of the Lord's own servants were there as well. Lunaria seemed to slip out from the distance, accompanied by her father. The two seemed to appear from thin air and into the fog that was drifting about. All the servants stared at the noblewoman, unsure if to fear her or just think her strange. The girl had many legends and tales of her being far more twisted than any other girl. She was said to even be of Satan, or some sort of sorceress. But just as she was dark, she was captivating. Every step she took was graceful and effortless. Her long black hair set in loose waves cascaded down her back. It was unnerving. The comparison between her father's hair, and her own. It was the deepest black, unlike the silver her father wore. Her skin was pale, smooth like porcelain. And her eyes were a light blue resembling the very dead of winter. Her waist was small, creating an hourglass with her well endowed bustline. The dress she wore was just as black as her hair, and had a haunting look. Her face was completely expressionless as she gazed at Monroe. "My daughter." Valeriu said, gesturing to her. The girl simply curtsied, but never said a word.
Valeriu was an impatient man. And when sending messages of such high importance, he figured the job is best done when done by himself. His snow white hair blew behind him in the breeze. His eyes were a piercing icy blue, that were ever so radiant despite his pale skin. They struck fear into the hearts of many, for one stare felt like cold blood. And so his gaze fell on the prominent Lord. "I am Lord Valeriu Drakul of Brasov." His voice echoed throughout the courtyard. It was powerful, but subtle. Able to send chills down anyone's spine. "I've found your village to be particularly convenient. It is close to the Royal Castle, and is a prosperous village." He said. "You are a man of title, and you own many lands. I have come to make you an offer. Allow my daughter to stay at the estate, and seek out a worthy suitor. If you accept, I will gladly supply funds for your hospitality." As mentioned, Valeriu was impatient and would not await an answer. He would leave, knowing he may have left his daughter to fend for herself if the offer were to be declined. "I shall take my leave. Do what you will." He announced, turning swiftly and disappearing back towards the front gates. With that, the audience of villagers were left in a bustle of gossip. Lunaria merely gazed up at Monroe, still remaining silent. It was not that she was a shy girl. But she was well-mannered, and would not speak unless spoken to. Obviously her lack of bold speech had contributed to the mysterious aura rumors had created for her.