RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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Have to take my dog to the vet today. Waiting is the hardest part. It started out as little things that we could treat at the house, but things have been stacking and I want answers.
got a call from my doctor's office. they checked into my referral to the gender clinic here. they did indeed receive the referral

the waiting list just happens to be one to two years

i'm almost 27 years old. i can't wait that long. i've waited more than half my life already

i am broken
My new roommates are super nice and that's great, but after 2 years of living with a roommate from hell, despite my other roommate, Roommate A, being fantastic, I don't know how to deal with decent roommate behavior from most people let alone strangers and I'm literally having an anxiety attack over it.

I'm gonna fuck everything up somehow, oh my god.
Forgot my passcode to my phone two times in a row... Already factory reset the first time... Wasn't able to save any of my stuff... and now, I'm certain I won't be able to save any of my stuff the second time... Very frustrating and I don't like passcodes for this very reason.
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We needed a bug bomb for bed bugs, NOT fleas!

You said that you were okay with buying the bug bomb. I should have known you've have gone behind my back and bought the flea one because you can't admit that we have bed bugs. You are convinced that it's fleas, though have you noticed none of the animals are itching. I am the only one with bites on me! It's not fleas, but because you are so far up your own ass you can't see the light of day!

I'm moving out. I cannot handle your fucking issues. I'm so tired of you not listening to me, I don't give a shite what reasons you have. You are not the one effected, they are in my room so you felt comfortable not listening.
I thought there was a bright spot when a friend gifted me an Ipod classic 160gb. Turns out there was no bright. The bright spot was a lie. It's broken.
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i dont want to die, at least not yet. i just want to have never existed in the first place.
Today is just a randomly horrible day for no reason that makes any sense. I wake up at 6:30 and can't go back to sleep. Why did I wake up? I still don't know, but when I went downstairs I discovered that my cat is sick. Great! So I make him some kitten formula and at least get something into him. I get him upstairs and resting comfortably and try to go back to bed when my daughter wakes up and starts throwing a fit. Okay. Another thing to deal with for the next three hours.....

I finally get my daughter calmed down, my cat is starting to perk up and I think that the day might turn around when my husband calls to tell me that the check engine light is on in the truck we literally just bought. Fucking wonderful! What else can possibly go wrong today?

This day can seriously go fuck off, and when it's done fucking off, it can fuck off into eternity.
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It's been a whirlwind recently. I can only hope something really good is coming my way to balance it all out.
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I keep having dreams where my mom has died
Idk man. How many times can I say it? I hate my laptop. It's a piece of junk and I need to replace it. It shouldn't even be having problems like this, it's not very old. Thanks, Dell! You're the best.
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I miss my mom. I'm trying so hard to convince myself that I don't, but the fact is that I miss her and it wounds me deeply to have to keep her at a distance. I can't fucking believe that after all the bad things she's done to me, I still wish I could talk to her. Even though she, very clearly, doesn't care enough about our relationship, let alone my family, or me as an individual. Godammit, mom. I let you try to make things right and you fucked it all up. Way to let me down...
(Didn't happen on here)

No, no no. You do not message me just telling me that I can simply have my story back and that you, you uncreative gutter weasel, scrapped the story you were writing. I wrote it, and you tried to steal it, then got caught and are now throwing a damn tantrum because you were confronted about it. It was never your story, and your message just tried to lift theblame from yourself.

Let's go down the list of what you stole, shall we?

-Tribes both faced a mass extinction? Check.
-Tribe's only surviving member is alone for many years and has to learn how to cope? Check.
-He must learn to sail and way find? Check.

It was my fucking story, not yours. You revision doesn't make me respect you, it makes me wonder if it's genuine or not. But we will see.

I'm sorry that I was never the older sibling that my b*tch of a sister needed. I'm sorry that I ended up being the wrong one most of the time when I know I was doing the right thing.

But no. Even if I knew what they're saying was completely biased and give no f*cks to what I just said, I have to end up agreeing to their words just to not escalate the arguments further. I have to sit down, be a good daughter they want me to be, and listen to what they said and try to find the sense they were making out of their words.

Oh, and what did I hear? They got affected from a post I shared that COMPLETELY DOES NOT CONCERN THEM WHATSOEVER? Oh wow, really just. Wow. Since when have I ever posted something that involves how I think about my parents? And since when did they start to interpret cute cat pictures and upcoming horror cinema dates as overreacting depression coming from their daughter? And those sappy sad posts my friend tags me on? Those were meant for HER feelings and NOT MINE.

And my sister. My b*tch of a sister. I'm sorry that I didn't have lunch with her because I'm SICK of seeing her damn unforgiving face who always manages to get away with everything that could've helped her mature as a person. But noooo, she ends up being like one of those stereotypical gossip girls in 7th grade and fails hard on her studies.

Also, she got backstabbed by one of her peers? Yeah, that always happens with her. And when I give her advice on how to deal with them? SHE NEVER LISTENS.

Oh wow, my parents are upset at me for not being there for her? Oh! I'm sorry that she couldn't LEARN HOW TO USE HER F**KING BRAIN FOR ONCE.

I'm tired. Everything my parents said that I did wrong in the family always manages to put me in the blame. I can't blame them. When you're the older sibling, all responsibilities, mistakes, scars, are all on you. Things will start to get on your head eventually. You might end up being the immature one just because you're doing your best to ensure your parents' happiness, despite some things being unfair. And you have to deal with that imbalance. You have to put your true happiness aside just so you can ensure them a future where you're sure that everyone is happy but you. You can't be happy if they're not. You'll never be.

I guess I'll never be. I've become too much like them.
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Can we just not set fires Maggie?

In the last week, you have:

-Eaten the leaves of a poisonous plant, you were treated and saved
-Got a tick
-Tore apart two squirrels
And now you've got a hold of a cat.

Can you stop with your shite already?! For fuck sake you lunatic.
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Sometimes I'm asked why I work more than one job. I know the answer, but I push it away and try to ignore the obvious.

It's so I don't have to think about why I don't have any friends, why I choose to not have any friends, or even attempt dating.
I can just be busy and that's my excuse.
I'm bored, and I am boring.
I've resigned from life.

You know what's pathetic? Vacations mean nothing to me. I just piss the time away.
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I feel weird. At the present moment not doing too well either with a hurt throat, headache, and general feeling of tiredness. I love my job but when I say I used to love it... It feels strange. I love the people, but the job itself... It's not as fun as it used to be. I feel like it's because when I had more hours, I felt way more productive than I do now and I'm guessing I was productive– I was able to get overtime no problem.

I felt good because I got up at 8:30 am each day and I went to work happy because I had something to fill in all those gaps when I felt like I didn't have anything to do at all. Plus, I could pay the few bills I had.

Now, getting less hours and not anywhere near full time... I feel less productive most days and I feel tired because my "routine" is fucked up and I'm struggling financially all the time now because there are things that I actually need and realistically, I can't afford them (I can't even afford a simple pack of socks from Walmart I am that poor).

I'm glad I got another job... Maybe I'll like it better that I want to leave Panera Bread altogether and simply have one full time job. I'm just exhausted of trying; I've told them I want to help out, I want to learn food, I'd love to take on more hours and help out where needed, etc. etc. They haven't even at least given me an opportunity to learn food at least when they have their food people leaving and coworkers struggling because there is only so many people who can actually do food...

I'm trying but I don't know what I'm doing wrong... My managers have even given me personal recognition from time to time... One told me they think I'm doing great; I'm not faltering on anything. Another said they appreciate it when I pick up shifts or cover someone's shift. So what's going on? Obviously I need to improve somewhere...

This is an existence I don't want to live.
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