- Genres
- Magical, Fantasy, Supernatural, Sci Fi, Steam Punk, Noir, HORROR, and I'm willing to try Romance.
This Roleplay is currently open to Five participants. If the spots are filled and you still want to be a part of the rp, express interest. I may have room for more.
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(Optional. Voice Over intro to music)
"All concerns of men go wrong when they wish to cure evil with evil."
"Where there is a choice of two evils, most men take both."
-AUSTIN O'MALLEY, Keystones of Thought
-AUSTIN O'MALLEY, Keystones of Thought
The year is 1873. Railroads criss-cross the back of the United States like maniac stitches. In the wake of the Civil War, the country hopes for a New Age of prosperity and advancement. Stirrings in the North speak of four-man dirigibles, and a steam-based street tram is being installed in Los Angeles. No one speaks of war, not today, but unrest is a catching sort of fever and the West has never seemed tame.
From April through August, a rash of crimes in California and Arizona leaves the residents in nervous terror. Johnny 'Black Heart' Williams, a former lieutenant in the Confederate Army, has turned his skills to a different sort of battlefield. Bank heists and murders are the tip of his operations and he leaves a black calling card stuck in the hearts of his victims. Villainy takes many forms and men are quick to don them if profit may arise.
Johnny rides at the head of a gang called the Sundowns, named for their eerie habit of attacking when the sun sets with neither torch nor lantern light to guide them. Perhaps more terrifying are the rumors that savages now ride with Black Heart and his men, providing curses and mystical travel. Identified among them is the supposed dead man Captain Jack of the Modoc tribe, riding stride by stride with Scarface Charley, phantoms championing their revenge from beyond the grave.
But the recent news is too much to ignore. Ten children have been spirited from their homes by the bandits, for reasons guessed but never uttered, and in each case there is word of neither break-in nor conflict. The Governor of California scrambles to formulate a response. His best men could not catch them, the guard cannot catch them, and in desperation he turns to the ruthless and the wretched. Legends in their own right.
A sum of $2000 will be paid for the head of Williams, and a $100 award for each of his band. And, in a surprising gambit, the governor has offered one last prize…one too precious for even the most hardened of criminals to pass up.
A full pardon in the state of California...in exchange for the safe return of the children.
With the reward warming the guns of every outlaw in California, the governor sends personal letters to a chosen few he hopes can bring down the famous outlaw. This group now rides to meet in the small mining town of Mariposa, ready to fight for gold, clemency, or something more personal.
The Ransom is set, the Bounty chosen.
But the question on the minds of the governor and his loyal entourage is a fundamental one, a pressing doubt cast on the urgency of the situation.
Can Evil cleanse Evil?
From April through August, a rash of crimes in California and Arizona leaves the residents in nervous terror. Johnny 'Black Heart' Williams, a former lieutenant in the Confederate Army, has turned his skills to a different sort of battlefield. Bank heists and murders are the tip of his operations and he leaves a black calling card stuck in the hearts of his victims. Villainy takes many forms and men are quick to don them if profit may arise.
Johnny rides at the head of a gang called the Sundowns, named for their eerie habit of attacking when the sun sets with neither torch nor lantern light to guide them. Perhaps more terrifying are the rumors that savages now ride with Black Heart and his men, providing curses and mystical travel. Identified among them is the supposed dead man Captain Jack of the Modoc tribe, riding stride by stride with Scarface Charley, phantoms championing their revenge from beyond the grave.
But the recent news is too much to ignore. Ten children have been spirited from their homes by the bandits, for reasons guessed but never uttered, and in each case there is word of neither break-in nor conflict. The Governor of California scrambles to formulate a response. His best men could not catch them, the guard cannot catch them, and in desperation he turns to the ruthless and the wretched. Legends in their own right.
A sum of $2000 will be paid for the head of Williams, and a $100 award for each of his band. And, in a surprising gambit, the governor has offered one last prize…one too precious for even the most hardened of criminals to pass up.
A full pardon in the state of California...in exchange for the safe return of the children.
With the reward warming the guns of every outlaw in California, the governor sends personal letters to a chosen few he hopes can bring down the famous outlaw. This group now rides to meet in the small mining town of Mariposa, ready to fight for gold, clemency, or something more personal.
The Ransom is set, the Bounty chosen.
But the question on the minds of the governor and his loyal entourage is a fundamental one, a pressing doubt cast on the urgency of the situation.
Can Evil cleanse Evil?
• Abide the rules of Iwaku
• The Genre for this game is Weird West. While we aren't swinging around claymores or hurling fireballs, there will be aspects of folkloric magic and strange coincidence. Most of these 'abilities' are covert rather than overt, enough to build a legend but not enough to make you a walking monster. Remember the genre.
• Collaborative Storytelling means we are all telling a story. This is a chance for everyone to shine in the spotlight a few times and for every writer to WANT to see their fellow writers glorified for their writing and contributions. This is OUR story, let's make sure it stays that way.
• I hold the final say on character sheets. Not that you can't convince me otherwise, but if I don't think it fits…best to roll with it and we'll find a compromise.
• I reserve the right to Asmo-jack if necessary. I will always check first to make sure it's alright for anything overt, but sometimes action scenes flow smoother if all described in one narrative. The worst I'll do is have you dodge things and if I want to injure you, rest assured you will know well ahead of time.
• I expect at least one post a week, barring severe circumstances. If you cannot make that commitment, this roleplay is not for you. If there is more than a week or so of no posting and we need to move the plot, I may take control of that character till you return. Should you drop out entirely, let me know please...and I will feed your character to the dramatic narrative machine.
• Any questions? PM me. I'm a friendly guy, even if no one knows who I am.
• Have fun with it or I shall be forced to feed you to Grumpy.
• The Genre for this game is Weird West. While we aren't swinging around claymores or hurling fireballs, there will be aspects of folkloric magic and strange coincidence. Most of these 'abilities' are covert rather than overt, enough to build a legend but not enough to make you a walking monster. Remember the genre.
• Collaborative Storytelling means we are all telling a story. This is a chance for everyone to shine in the spotlight a few times and for every writer to WANT to see their fellow writers glorified for their writing and contributions. This is OUR story, let's make sure it stays that way.
• I hold the final say on character sheets. Not that you can't convince me otherwise, but if I don't think it fits…best to roll with it and we'll find a compromise.
• I reserve the right to Asmo-jack if necessary. I will always check first to make sure it's alright for anything overt, but sometimes action scenes flow smoother if all described in one narrative. The worst I'll do is have you dodge things and if I want to injure you, rest assured you will know well ahead of time.
• I expect at least one post a week, barring severe circumstances. If you cannot make that commitment, this roleplay is not for you. If there is more than a week or so of no posting and we need to move the plot, I may take control of that character till you return. Should you drop out entirely, let me know please...and I will feed your character to the dramatic narrative machine.
• Any questions? PM me. I'm a friendly guy, even if no one knows who I am.
• Have fun with it or I shall be forced to feed you to Grumpy.
Name: (Self Explanatory)
Age: (Likewise)
Appearance: (Picture preferred, but a good paragraph will do fine. If there is deviation from the picture at all, scars and such, note them below the picture.)
Equipment: (Everything you feel is worth mentioning)
Legend: (This is for all the information publically available about your character. Some of it may be true, some of it false, and maybe some eerie facts may come to light...either way, this is where you should build your reputation. I'm looking forward to the creativity in this section)
Ability: (Limited to one. Remember the theme. Uncanny luck in combat, ritual magic taught by native Americans, The ability to come back from the dead (at a cost) and many more. Be creative! Abilities and legends are the fields I will be watching the closest.
Motive (Money? Freedom? The thrill of the Hunt? Revenge? What is your character doing, heading to Mariposa?)
Age: (Likewise)
Appearance: (Picture preferred, but a good paragraph will do fine. If there is deviation from the picture at all, scars and such, note them below the picture.)
Equipment: (Everything you feel is worth mentioning)
Legend: (This is for all the information publically available about your character. Some of it may be true, some of it false, and maybe some eerie facts may come to light...either way, this is where you should build your reputation. I'm looking forward to the creativity in this section)
Ability: (Limited to one. Remember the theme. Uncanny luck in combat, ritual magic taught by native Americans, The ability to come back from the dead (at a cost) and many more. Be creative! Abilities and legends are the fields I will be watching the closest.
Motive (Money? Freedom? The thrill of the Hunt? Revenge? What is your character doing, heading to Mariposa?)