Random Medieval Fantasy rp (Closed)

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I felt the insects warm up and burst into flame. It was a nice sensation, like breathing fire, but they stayed still. I wasn't being harmed by them, since fire often traveled through this part of my body, so it was immuned to it. Did anyone honestly think they could hurt a fire-breathing dragon with fire? Fucking retarded!
The great dragon would hear a faint whisper in her ear. "Quite the interesting creature now, aren't you? Its been far too long since I've seen one of your kind.."

It was as if the voice was coming from nowhere, yet everywhere at the same time. Of course Azul knew the locust wouldn't burn a ~dragon~, but hell, he thought it was amusing.

At this point he was still creating a physical form suitable to walk this dimension. The locust coming from the ground greatly increased in number, growing to an easy two thousand in a matter of a minute.

The skeletal hand that came from the ground began forming flesh as another emerged from the earth, both hands gripping the rocks as a way to pull himself up. Any watching would see the horned skull, each stretching to about a foot long, and twisting in opposite directions.

His level of awareness grew increasingly, his mind absorbing the very fabric of the area. All living plants, trees, and grass began to wither. Their once vibrant colors turning different shades of brown, before eventually becoming black.

Azul was using the natural essence of the world to quicken his ascendence. It wasn't very long before his body had form the needed bodily material.

The next thing to come was his clothing. Fine silken fabrics began forming over his extremities. They wrapped around his form exquisitely, giving him a look of wicked nobilty.

If one were to gaze upon his face they would see strong handsome features, contrastiong with the malevolent aura he was projecting.
Standing to his feet he cracked his neck from left to right, loud snaps being heard in the process.

He carefully eyed those around him, crimson pupils gazing at those around.

The sky boomed a monstrous sound of thunder, as lightening bolted from several spots in the cloudless sky.
I growled uncertainly at the new person. Why does everything and everyone have to interrupt me!? They're making this take SO long! "IF ANYONE ELSE DARES MAKE A SOUND OR COMES TOWARD ME, I'LL DESTROY THE VILLAGE BECAUSE EVERY NEW PERSON IS MAKING THIS TAKE LONGER!"
Aria groaned when a new presence made its way into the clearing. This really was a bad idea. This new presence was q threatening one. She could feel thecmalice of his magic in the air and watched as the around the figure withered and died with his every step. The sky darkened, locust flew through the air and things began to crumble. That was one heck of an entrance. Sensing that there would be a problem with this one Aria began to focus on the magic in the air, steadily drawing it in. She never wasted her time doing this as it took so long and sleeping produced better results, but she couldnt sleep and right now she needed all the magic she could get.

The bigger threat now seemed to be this guy. He didn't seemed worried about the dragon at all... great another overconfident male. Aria turned to face him, her worries about the dragon behind her lessened as it was replaced by red hot awareness. She took deep breaths and stared into the face of the newcomer.
Aimi was minding her own business when she heard a lot of voices. Following the noise, she stumbled upon a clearing. Instead of walking further, she stopped right at the entrance. Hiding behind something, the young girl watched with wide eyes as the group argued and yelled at one another. Apparently, they were suppose to be taking down a dragon, but it doesn't seem to be working out in anyone's favor. The yelling made Aimi's ears flatten against her head and her tail to go between her slender legs. She frowned slightly as she continued to watch the group with curiosity glowing in her eyes.
Shivers went down The males spine ,at this newcomer he was tired of negotiations. It was time to take act. Without another word Ryo bolted toward the newcomer. "Finish your talk I'll handle this creature! Also Mighty beast Please don't make me regret this."

His emerald eyes now rested on the new person. His hand twicthes as he grew ready to Draw his weapon the sand twinkling from the hour glass began to discreetly form a circle around Ryo. "Who are you and why is nature behaving like this!!??!" He demanded at the horned man.
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