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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
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playable species (and races) in ykglenda

elves of ronaan
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of sixty years
  • Common eye colors: brown, blue, green, grey
  • Common hair colors: brown, black, blonde, red
  • Common height: 5'5"-6'2"
  • No human has been known to be attuned to more than four Elements.
  • The most common human magic users are: Mages, Spellweavers, and Spellslingers
  • The rarest human magic users are Doorways and Sorcer/ess

The human population greatly outnumbers their elven counterparts. Spread across the three continents, humans are a species of great passion and strength. Distinct from the elvenfolk and Sylphaerans is the human capacity for violence. There have been wars among the elves but never to the scale, nor frequency of the humans. Yet, innovation and technological advances have sprung from their wartime frivolities.

Coming of age ceremonies are unique to each homeland, but it's known for each civilization, no matter how far apart, to have one - wedding ceremonies as well. The human population has split themselves into kingdoms, nations, and theocracies across the Three Lands of RoNaan.

Interestingly enough, humans or by extension, half-elves, have made the most contributions to technology. In the past fifty years alone, three humans and two half elves have created or improved upon five innovations that has nearly changed the world thrice over: sky-barges, windsails, fireseed guns, and "loadable" RoNaan Stones.

  • Humans are attuned to two tiers of the Tetrad, the Low Elements and the Doorways.
  • Humans are the only beings to form bonds with beasts. Half-elf bonds have been created due to their human half.
  • The human population is spread throughout the world and there are only two known places that are devoid of humans: Arannova of the Eastern Mountains and the floating Sylphaeran Isles.
  • The son of a half-elf and a human created the now popular sky-barges.
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of a thousand years
  • Ears are pointed, slanted downwards slightly, and longer than five inches
  • Common eye colors: Blue, gold, grey
  • Common hair colors: Gold, blonde, brown
  • Common height: 5'8" - 6'5"
  • Wing color varies and commonly compliments their eye color.

Sylphaerans are ancient immortal beings that were created well before the Dawn of RoNaan. They're winged creatures that are incredibly strong, incredibly fast and attuned to the High Elements of the Tetrad. They are said to be the precursor of the human and elven races. The Sylphaer people are powerful and influential to the nations they live around, often influencing culture and architectural designs, if from afar. They are revered by the eastern elves as Guardians of the Realm and it's often said that they eastern elves are direct descendants of these beings.

The Sylphaeran homeland is high in the sky and inaccessible by the commonfolk. Humans and elvenfolk alike are known to travel on sky-barges and windsails just to catch a glimpse of the floating Isles they call home. Despite their isolationist natures, Sylphaer's are truly welcoming to one creature: storm-demons, or as they refer to them, 'Syashi'. To the Sylphaer, Syashi represent what has been lost in this world.

They live in lavish homes made of a mysterious substance most commonly referred to as "cloud-brick." Only the Sylphaer know how to harvest and use this light as air and stronger than brick substance and all of their castles-in-the-skies are made of this. Each Sylphaer, regardless of gender, is expected to create one of these castle-in-the-skies when they come of age. (This is around their two hundred and fortieth year.)

The Sylphaeran culture dictates that one must Walk the Path of Guidance. This has everything and nothing to do with their religious beliefs. Sylphaeran's are a monotheistic people who believe in the One God. To Walk the Path of Guidance, a Sylphaer must spend an equal amount of time travelling the world, collecting histories and beliefs, and staying within the Isles, archiving their findings and contributing to the upkeep and expansion of their homeland.

  • Like their elven brethren, the Sylphaer have extremely long gestation periods. Eighteen months is the average period but a full twenty four months is not unheard of. They are also slow to procreate as they live extremely long lives and it must also be mentioned that they are not sexually driven as most species are.
  • Incredibly rare, as they as a species are extreme isolationists, Sylphaers are most commonly found in south western lands such as Oraheim and Arora. The eastern elves that idolize them have founded a period, one spring every four years, where they travel across the world to visit them.
  • Though they're attuned to the High Elements, Sylphaeran's are known for their ability to harness magic from any tier. Most believe this is due to the fact that their initial attunement is that of the highest tier.
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of a thousand years
  • Thin pointed ears slanted upwards
  • Common eye colors: Brown, hazel, amber
  • Common hair colors: Brown, black, red
  • Common height: 5'5" - 6"

The Elves of the Eastern Mountains, or as they call themselves, Esjensari, are a suspicious lot riddled with odd religious beliefs. Pure blooded Esjensari's are rarely seen away from the homeland and the Empress (or Emperor) is not allowed to leave the Dominance. They're government consists of an Empress and High Kings and Queens who rule in her steed across the dominances.

They have poor relations with Roanites and humans. They prefer to trade with other elves, and hate that they're forced to trade with humans to receive what they need. They're often haughty and easily offended, though they're not violently inclined. Esjensari's are pacifists, preferring to stay out of any and all wars. The architecture in their homeland proves this, as they're incredibly difficult to get to, even by air. Esjensari's are all very secretive of Esjenne and are said to go to extreme measures if it's location is revealed to a human.

  • The Esjensari are one of few elven races created before the Dawn of RoNaan.
  • The eastern elves revere the Sylphaer like Saints. They believe that they're Guardians of the Realm and every four years, during Spring, migrate to the Floating Isles where they're granted access for three weeks.
  • They are attuned to Low, Middling, and High Elements.
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of eight hundred years.
  • Ears are slanted slightly up and backwards, average length is three and a half inches.
  • Common eye colors: Brown, amber, gold, green, yellow
  • Common hair colors: Brown, black, dark blonde
  • Common height: 6"-6'7"
  • Their nails are rather claw-like and are often used as weapons. They're said to be as strong as steel.

The Lecyrian elves are animalistic in appearance and extremely prideful in nature. They're an old race of elves that strayed from civilization for far too long. After the Dawn of RoNaan the Lecyrian's, thrown from their homeland, split into two groups. Their modern day counterparts now make their place known in the Rughena Jungle of the south east and the Lecara Territory of the south west.

They're known for their excess of hair and animalistic appearance, but they should be known for their incredible artistry and craftsmanship. Lecyrian's often sport magnificent beards and extravagant hairstyles to compliment their simple, utilitarian robes. Jewelry is often used as an accent in their hair and beards. They were once hunter and gatherers, and many still are, but trade has flourished and their aloof nature is beginning to fade. Most think Lecyrian's to be wild, uncultured, pagan beings that know nothing of the modern world; and three hundred years ago that might have been true. That is no longer.

In the Lecara Territory, Lecyrian elves have a bustling capital boasting a hundred thousand citizens of mixed race. Lyf is a unique city with very few crimes, (Lecyrian's, despite their haughty nature, are not at all violent and are in fact quite rational.) few below poverty, and a government without an aristocracy, which is quite rare for the area. Like the tribes of Rughena, the Lecyrian's in this part of the world have the concept of peace and chaos in their beliefs. They however, believe that everyone has a sliver of peace and chaos inside them and must choose which one to surrender to.

The tribes of Rughena are quite quaint, preferring to live on their jungle island in the middle of the Bay of Tears, only reaching out to society when they need to. Thirteen tribes dot the island landscape and all help contribute to Trade, and therefore the survival of their island. Though haughty and easily offended, they're extremely patriotic and wish to keep their new homeland completely theirs. Though inner-tribe conflicts are common, they're quickly diffused by either battle or peace treaties. The Rughena tribes are unique; peace and chaos are twins in their philosophy, and they believe that one or the other is the inevitable decision for everything in life. Physical, one-on-one "duels" are quite common to settle conflicts, especially those of insulted pride.

  • The Lecyrian's were one of the few elven races created before the Dawn of RoNaan.
  • They're either wolfish or feline in appearance.
  • Gestation period is the average elven length: eighteen months.
  • Queensburg supplies their wealthiest trade agreements.
  • The Lecyri are attuned to the Low, Middling, and High elements.
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Despite being the most prosperous group of elvenkind, the Roanites have integrated so far into human culture that much of their own history and mythology outside of RoNaan's March has been lost to time and neglect.

As a whole they are known to be capable and passionate people,


  • Lifespan: Upwards of four hundred years
  • Wide pointed ears upwards of four inches
  • Common hair color: Black, brown, blonde, red
  • Common eye color: Green, brown, grey, blue
  • Common height: 5'6" - 6'4"
  • Some rare few Roanites are known to have silver-tinged skin when using magic.
The Elves of RoNaan or Roanite Elves are the most populated (and popular) race of elves. They also produce the most half-elves and thankfully, welcome them completely to their way of life. The Elves of RoNaan are capable, passionate, and good at what they do. And they do just about everything. Having well developed connections with the human populace, the Roanites and humans pose a substantial threat. The integration was quick and there are very few all-Roanite settlements left.

  • The most famous Roanite is of course RoNaan himself.
  • Roanites can be found all throughout the realm but are found heavily within Orcosea and Marsea.
  • Roanite elves are attuned to the Low, Middling, and High elements.
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of two hundred years
  • Ears are wide and slanted sharply upwards
  • Common eye color: Brown, hazel, gold, green
  • Common hair color: Black, brown, dark blonde
  • Common height: 5'8"-6'3"

The Ka'lene elves are found only in Marsea and the surrounding islands. Tattooed upon their dark skin are magic rites the Ka'lene has undergone and studied. The more tattoos one has, the more knowledgeable (and therefore powerful) he's said to be. There are over seventy known rites that can be tattooed upon a Ka'lene. Each rite has a specific place upon the body and tattooing is considered a sacred experience. The ink is always molten gold in color and has been spelled to prevent fading.

The Ka'lene, driven from their homeland of what is now known as the Mesovian Kigdom, have drifted into northern Marsea and befriended the Esjensari. They are loyal allies and one can find many a Ka'lene in Esjenne. The Ka'lene, like the Esjensari's - although for different reasons - have never appreciated what RoNaan did for the realm. During his March to Arannova, RoNaan forced the Ka'lene out of his way as they attempted to blockade him from entering the Nevrine Mountains. Unlike the Esjensari elves who tolerate the Roanites, the Ka'lene completely segregate themselves from them.

  • They're attuned to Low and Middling Elements.
  • They were born during the Dawn of RoNaan and were said to step aside during his March to Arannova.
  • Half elves are not given tattoos but are integrated into their society.
  • They consider Adori their homeland.
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of a hundred and eighty years.
  • Ears are thing and slanted backwards
  • Common eye color: grey, brown, green, blue
  • Common height: 5'6"-6'2"
  • Common hair color: black, brown, blonde, red
  • Males shave their entire head while weapon shave both sides, leaving the top long and oft braided.

An entire half-elf population born from the Elves of RoNaan and humans of the western lands, the Peygawi elves are unique and oft misunderstood. These elves have turned themselves into pacifist monks who prefer scholarly pursuits than any other. These elves call Mount Pegawa home and though not against visitors, make them swear vows of non-violence within their borders. Though a vassal of Rezamere, Peygawi have extremely prosperous relations with Kingsport. Peygawi use their magical attunements in tandem with their pursuits of technological advance. Mount Peygawa is quickly becoming a common destination, due to it's connection with Kingsport. By having helped perfect and maintain Kingsport's skyrails and windstations throughout the west central dominance of Orcosea, they have ensured themselves rations, supplies, and protection.

Many Peygawi's are alchemists, theurgists, and conjurers. They believe in a pair of gods who contrast and compliment each other. Peygawi's are intensely curious about the elements Solis and Luna.

  • Peygawi's are attuned to the Low Elements and the Doorways.
  • Most Peygawi's born within the past three generations have been "pure" half-elves.
  • Though a vassal of Rezamere, Mount Peygawi has good relations with their southern neighbors, Kingsport.
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  • Lifespan: Upwards of a hundred and eighty years.
  • Ears are thin and slanted slightly up and backwards
  • Common eye color: amber, gold, green, and grey
  • Common height: 3'2"-4'10"
  • Common hair color: black, brown, blonde
The Halflings are a very old race that was around long before the Dawn of RoNaan. They prefer to live far away from humans and elves, sticking to their difficult to reach homelands. Unlike most of the realm, the Halflings were not fond of RoNaan but nevertheless respected what his March to Arannova stood for.

Unlike most of the monotheistic and polytheistic religions throughout RoNaan's Realm, the halflings do not believe in gods per se, but of eternal spirits that reside in everything. They build their homes out of natural materials and are known for their exquisitely detailed elemental manipulation. They call many of the realm's swamps, forests, jungles, and caves home. And where halflings dwell, pixys swarm. The two species have always lived side by side and though they do not share Bonds, they have forged something even stronger: an eternal friendship. By giving the pixys a way to keep their freedom, halflings have formed an incredible alliance.

By no means pacifists, halflings, however, have always known to pursue some form of diplomacy before committing themselves to war or skirmishes or conflicts of any kind. They are willing to compromise, but would never let themselves be forced into something they do not want. The halflings, hidden in landscapes difficult to navigate and fight in, are hard to beat due mainly to their use of guerrilla style warfare. Known to use poison tipped weapons and surprise attacks then immediate retreats, halflings are truly a force to be reckoned with.

  • The halflings were the ones who created and legitimized Pixy Contracts.
  • Halflings, though found throughout RoNaan's Realm, are said to have originated in Orcosea.
  • It is said that halflings have formed a Guild of Assassins that can be bought for an outrageous price but guaranteed to fulfill any contract that falls into their lap.
  • Halflings are attuned to the Low and Middling Elements.
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