Race Against Time: Tooth and Nail (with Ashaekin)

Sakura's face turned a light shade of pink...

"Let's just get moving..." She said weakly.

She had known that his intentions were good and she just wanted him to know that she wasn't a damsel in distress. Sakura walked in front of him, trying desperately to hide her face. She was hoping that a zombie would appear so she could get this look off her face. Alex had called her cute... She hadn't been called cute since she was young and then the infection came and Sakura hadn't had time to experience male company. This was definitly new to her. She could see the gas station as they were about a mile away.

"We're gonna need to turn the power off that gas station so the alarms don't go off and attract infected." She said quietly.
"Actually, I think it best that we turn on the alarm. First, we need to find a car with a little gas and will start right away. Have you pull up next to the closest pump to the door. I'll jump in, grab supplies, and turn on the pump. You get the gas, while I stock up. Sound good?" He said in one breath, giving a warm smile at the end. He knew that the alarms would attract walkers. But that was good, considering they wanted them to stay and not follow. If they did it fast enough, they'd ride off without a hitch.
"There's a car over there," Sakura pointed out.

It was a red car and looked to be in the best shape compared to the other ones. She couldn't follow his line of thinking about setting off the alarms, but whatever she guessed. She looked at the nearest pump by the door and then nodded at him. She did not return his smile only gave him a look that seemed to say; This better work. Sakura didn't like to be stranded and left for dead. She looked at the red car. Half a tank full of gas what luck.
Alex had ran up to the front of the station. There was one window that wasn't barred by a metal cage. He then kicked the glass in, setting off the alarm. He then ran to the register to turn on the pump. And that's when he senses it. "Executioner!" He exclaimed. Why didn't I sense him earlier? We're screwed. I can fight physically, but he's built like a tank. Alex ran out to warn sakura. When he stepped out, a big hammer the size of a horse crashed into him, sending him flying across the lot.

Sakura did not know what an executioner was. This was the problem. She did not understand the English version of the infected, but when she saw the giant infected, she realized that he was pointing out what she called Kira. Pulling out her double barrel shotgun, thinking a pistol wouldn't work here. She tried shooting the thing in the hand in hopes that it would drop whatever it was holding. She had to calm herself down as she started to realize that she had never fought one of these before. Sakura looked around for something with a little more fire power. If she could just lure it back inside the store perhaps she could shoot a gas tank or something to try and burn it. Watching it carefully Sakura shot it a few more times, probably doing nothing more than piss it off.

"くそ (shit!)," She muttered.
Alex wasn't frightened. All that fear was sucked out of him during the umbrella corporation training. But when sakura shot at it, he grew worried for sakura. Of coarse the giant beast of an infected felt no pain, so he had now way stunning it. Thinking quickly before the beast's giant axe hit him, he rolled to the side. Pulling out his machete, he slashed at its side. Seeing how it wasn't fast, he could try and weaken it. But he was wrong about the hand not holding the axe. The executioner swung it's fist at Alex, sending him flying into the car.
Seeing Alex fly into the car, she wondered why he didn't just try and cut it's hand off. At least then it would be harder for it to attack them. Sakura ran to the other's side. Hoping the beast didn't decide to suddenly switch targets. She looked around for a gas tank and realized that she could just as easily shoot a car, but that'd probably attack more of the infected. She cursed yet again, not really knowing what to do. Sakura was facing a rather unfamiliar enemy and it was highly likely that she was pretty much useless in this current situation.

"If we can't really destroy it... How do you at least hinder it?" Sakura asked him, looking at the giant infected.

She wasn't scared just frustrated knowing that she wasn't really much help at this point in time.

"Can we cut off its hands? Arms? Blow it up with a gas tank?" She asked.
Alex got up, shaking off the fall. He laughed at sakuras questions. "The amount of force I used to slash at his arm is enough force to cut through a solid block of still. The only way to kill him is severe his head. Not shoot, sever." The monstrous beast began walking towards them. Standing around 10 feet tall, he could take down an entire division of soldiers.
Sakura grew angry having been belittled. She took out a rather thick knife and threw with such a force that should have been impossible. Sakura had not yet shown the other her telekinetic abilities. If anything though, she used them as little as possible. Even though she was angry and had used her powers, she held back trying to indefinitly cut its head half way through. Sakura figured since Alex thought her questions stupid and illogical judging by his laugh, he could handle the rest on his own. It was blatantly obvious that with her telekinetic powers at work, she could have completely severed its head.
Alex saw the blade slash through the beast head. So to make quick work of it, he grabbed his machete and ran towards the monster. Instead of continuing on his path, hi veered right and jumped on some crates. Bouncing quickly of those, he slashed in the air, connecting with the halfway severed head. Landing gracefully, the beast fell behind him, sending a jolt through his body from the ground. Alex walked over to sakura and gave a polite bow. "Shall we my lady?" He offered pointing towards their new found car.
Sakura rolled her eyes before walking over to retrieve her knife, "Show off..."

She was listening closely. There were bound to be other infected heading towards them at any moment. She actually found herself liking this Alex person less and less. For some reason, he just irritated her. Sighing she blew off his bow and hopped on the car looking for infected. Then she spotted them. Walkers, tons of them. They were heading in this direciton and Sakura really didn't feel like dealing with the lot of them. She didn't want to expend the energy to slay the hundred of them only to face fatigue the next day. It was a vicioius almost never ending cycle.

"There are walkers heading this way. I suggest we get moving." Her voice was emotionless.

This was her version of being nice seeing as she could have said that in a much colder tone.
Alex just nodded. No matter what he did, the girl always saw him more of a giant sack of sand holding her down than a friend helping her out. He hopped in the front seat, being the main one to know where Cali, he should drive. They didn't have time for extra gas or gas tanks. The first of the walkers arriving. Even if they are slow, in crowds, they're devastating. "Hop in." He called to sakura. He knew they'd only make it a third of the way there. And he also knew, the gas stations ahead were empty. He had already came from that way and it was desolate.
Sakura jumped in. Her face bore an expression of slight irritation along with boredom. She had not expended any of her powers to this person yet and she was certain that when she finally used them, he would be shocked. "Since your driving, I'll be shooting the ones that try to stop us on the way there." her voice was sharp, but not cold. She was still slightly irritated with Alex, not understanding him in the least bit. However, she would need his help and that was the only reason she was sticking with him in the first place. Once they made it to the rocket ships, he was on his own. Sakura didn't need Alex to hang around after that. There would be nothing tying her to him. If he really wanted to keep there acquaintanceship, he'd have to gain her trust and favor. And from the way things were going, it was highly unlikely.