Are you heartless and think this is pure comedy like I do?
Well it was certainly entertaining and creative, I was sorta rooting for the dad honestly.
Think the dad is in the right?
As EG said there are MUCH worse punishments for stunts like that. She got off easy. I don't think its our place really to say whether he was right or wrong, he'd already made his choice and what's done is done.
Think he is a bad parent?
I'd give him more of a creative parent. as EG once more pointed out...that was probably HIS money that he just trashed to teach her and others a lesson. Yes some of it was probably just anger, but he has a right to be angry. I don't think he's a bad parent for 'punishing' his kid. He has his right to.
What say you, Iwaku?
Here's what I have to say about this. It's an overly emotional 15 year old girl who is venting on a PUBLIC forum. A) She knows facebook is public. B) Yes she's an angsty, whiny, woe is my life blah blah blah nothing good will ever come teenage girl. We all know of them. However her choice of wording is VERY disrespectful, as the father pointed out. Does the father have a right to punish her? Oh my god yes absolutely in my opinion. Even me, who has said and done my own share of stupid things in my teenage years, believe the punishments I got were quite deserved. Even if she is just being a normal complaining teenager, there are certain lines you should not cross and children need to be disciplined.
There is a time and place to vent, yes, I do it all the time in writing. You shoudl SEE soem of my 'teenage' year poems about my parents with curse words and hate/rage through them. Yes my parents found some of them and oh my lord did we have some wicked fights, but that's part of growing up. Now about the father shooting his daughters laptop. Honestly, yes he was obviously pretty pissed off and had a right. However it was a LAPTOP an inanimate object that is just a material possession really. Since his daughter doesn't have a job we can guess that HE paid for it anyways, and he was nice enough to give her all those nice upgrades and such before destroying it, and i'm sure he KNOWS all this. So really yes, i think he had every right to shoot the thing if he wanted to. It's better he decided to shoot the laptop instead of his daughter or give her a wooping (well she might have anyways...)
Kids will be kids (teenagers will be teenagers) and parents will be parents.