


What quote from a movie/video game did you find incredibly meaningful (aka reached down into your chest cavity and gave your feelings a squeeze)?
William Parrish : I thought I was going to sneak away tonight. What a glorious night. Every face I see is a memory. It may not be a perfectly perfect memory. Sometimes we had our ups and downs. But we're all together, and you're mine for a night. And I'm going to break precedent and tell you my one candle wish: that you would have a life as lucky as mine, where you can wake up one morning and say, "I don't want anything more." Sixty-five years. Don't they go by in a blink?

From Meet Joe Black. This quote has special meaning to ne because despite my desire on that fateful day to simply fade away, I know I can't because of the connctions I've made and ny greater desire that those I leave behind will be contented. It is also true that time seems to go by quicker and becones that much more precious.
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Gordie: What's asshole about wanting to be with your friends?
Chris: It's asshole if your friends drag you down! You hang with us, you'll be just another wise guy with shit for brains. You could be a real writer someday, Gordie.
Gordie: Fuck writing! I don't wanna be a writer! It's stupid! It's a stupid waste of time!
Chris: That's your dad talking.
Gordie: Bullshit.
Chris: Bulltrue! I know how your dad feels about you, he doesn't give a shit about you. Denny was the one he cared about, and don't try to tell me different! You're just a kid, Gordie.
Gordie: Oh gee, thanks, dad!
Chris: Wish the hell I was your dad. You wouldn't be going around talking about taking these stupid shop courses if I was. It's like God gave you something, man. All those stories that you can make up. And he said: This is what we got for you, kid, try not to lose it. But kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look after them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it then maybe I should.

Stand By Me is my favorite movie, man.
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the things you hold dear
your friends
your family
your beloved ones..
..are the ones who hurt you the most
you'll have to deal with that

an excerpt from an Instagram post that was released during the same period as the movie:

oh dear i'm slowly coming online
do you remember this or has it not happened yet?
you called me when i was new
before this part

Death Grips made me a sucker for visual arts, whoops.
"Stories never really end.... even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They no more end on the last page then they begin on the first page." Like that quote is so raw. I love it as an author.

Secret to Life, the Universe, and Everything...