Original poster
So I found a sticky or something that was supposed to link to a guide of some kind, but the link was dead. This below:
But the link was dead. So I Googled for it, but I don't have permission to view it? No big deal, so I just lurked. I'm wanting to make sure I have the right idea before I jump in and make a complete fool of myself. Already feel a bit foolish for asking for something like this, but I would rather make sure I'm right about this. (And if there is a source for this kind of thing that I missed, just give me a good kick in the rear in the right direction.)
So basically, before you make/join a roleplay, you go to the signup forum. So then after you have/accept enough people, then you make the thread itself and those people go to it and from there it's roleplay. Something important I miss, or is that all? (Any rules on not allowing people in based on not thinking the character will work well, or is that too subjective and you have to allow all? Didn't see anything on that either, and haven't seen anyone rejected.)
Our Iwaku Roleplay 101 guide provides simple step by step instructions on how to get involved in roleplays across the site. There is also a guide with tips for brand new roleplayers.
But the link was dead. So I Googled for it, but I don't have permission to view it? No big deal, so I just lurked. I'm wanting to make sure I have the right idea before I jump in and make a complete fool of myself. Already feel a bit foolish for asking for something like this, but I would rather make sure I'm right about this. (And if there is a source for this kind of thing that I missed, just give me a good kick in the rear in the right direction.)
So basically, before you make/join a roleplay, you go to the signup forum. So then after you have/accept enough people, then you make the thread itself and those people go to it and from there it's roleplay. Something important I miss, or is that all? (Any rules on not allowing people in based on not thinking the character will work well, or is that too subjective and you have to allow all? Didn't see anything on that either, and haven't seen anyone rejected.)