NAME: Kyle Lennox

AGE: 29


PERSONALITY: Clean, orderly, precise.

HISTORY: His sister was killed in a hit-and-run when he was 12. He withdrew into himself and had the usual dose of bullying at school. He took to writing poetry, found Nietzsche, started body-building. He was 23 when he lost his virginity, and became abusive from the first relationship he entered. His field is mind-games, emotional torture and the threat of violence. He starves his girlfriends - regulates what they eat, how they exercise. He forces them to have cosmetic surgery, to dress the way he wants, to act according to his conception. He targets the weak-willed, the insecure, the desperate romantics. His last girlfriend almost died of malnutrition before she ran away.

I'm considering your offer, Trance.

So do I have to make a character sheet?
A roleplay with TK, Asmo, and Paorou...

Is this TK exploiting nostalgia? >>;
I will! I just... ended up getting drunk Friday cause it was my dad's birthday. And then I spent the weekend outside.