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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

January 14th, 2017
- Forum was opened
- Threads are being created. Please refrain from posting until the OOC is up!

January 15th, 2017
- OOC was opened
- Please do not post outside of the OOC until the forum is completed.

January 19th, 2017
- Queries have been opened. If you have a serious, roleplay related question(s) please post a thread with the proper prefix. The F.A.Q. will be created by the end of the weekend.

January 31st, 2017
- The beginning is near. There are a few things left to finish but I'm (thankfully) nearing the end of the forum construction. If all goes well, character sheets will be opened sometime next week.
- I will be posting the first three storylines with blank interest checks. The text will be updated once character sheets have been opened.

February 13th, 2017
- I would like everyone to know that after the update this weekend, (it's scheduled for the 18th!) RoNaan's Realm will officially open!

February 20th, 2017
- RONAAN'S REALM is officially open for applications!

February 21st, 2017
- The RONAAN'S REALM discord server is officially open!

March 15th, 2017
- Roses and Stars, the first RR Installation has officially opened.

July 2nd, 2017
- Character APPS for Roses and Stars will close July 20th.
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❖ All Iwaku rules apply.

❖ Please respect any and all rules I may instate for my roleplay.

❖ I require respect and tact from my roleplayers, especially within OOC. Please be kind to one another, we're all here to have fun and write. Salty attitudes are not fun.

❖ No godmodding/powerplaying/whatever-the-hell-else-it's-called.

❖ All posts must be written in 3rd person, past tense.

❖ All players must read the given lore and information, if not, (and it will be easy to tell if you haven't) there will be no acceptance. Along with that, all players must read every post within the IC. We're here to roleplay and one cannot roleplay without reading what has already been written, whether it's regarding your character or not.

❖ All players must first submit a pre-character application. This is a small character sheet (and writing prompt) that will give me, as well as other players, a glance of what your character will be like. If your pre-cs-app is accepted, it doesn't necessarily mean your character has been accepted - this is a preliminary step before you complete your actual character profile which gives me insight to how well you write and develop your characters.

❖ All players must have a writing sample attached to their character sheet. A prompt will be given and it mustn't be over five hundred words. If there isn't a writing prompt attached, your character cannot be accepted. The only exception to this rule is if we've roleplayed together before.

❖ Players will post their pre-cs-apps in the Directory with the correct prefix. Once accepted, players will create another thread within the Directory with the prefix "Character Roster" where all their characters will be placed.

❖ Though this roleplay is primarily sandbox/open-world in nature there are short-term and long-term plots that will be in focus along with individual character arcs.

❖ This roleplay is character driven, meaning that though I will set up the world and short/long-term plots, you, the players, will be the main factor in driving the plots forward.

❖ Multiple characters are allowed and in fact, encouraged. I'd like to keep the number of characters for each player below three at the start of the roleplay however. And yes, each character will need an pre-cs-app.

❖ Players are free to create as many NPC characters as they please as long as they're lore-worthy and serve a function to your PC's. Frequently mentioned NPCS must have their own CS that gives detailed information to other players if they wish to interact with them.

❖ Please be aware that app-threads will be routinely archived. They will still be viewable from within the Vault, however.

❖ If for whatever reason you need to quit the roleplay, please let me know. The same goes for a hiatus. If I receive no notice of your leave of absence your character's fate will be determined by yours truly.
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So for the past few months RL has taken a toll on me. And as most of you will know, real life will always take precedence in my roleplays. Be it you, me, or any player within RoNaan's Realm. However, that doesn't excuse my tardiness... So I want to take a moment to apologize while simultaneously thank y'all for sticking around.

I have a few updates and notices to hand out, but first off:

The next GM Post will be posted next Saturday (11/25)! ◆​

As it has been quite some time since the last GM Post, I'll be handing out a few notices throughout the week via PM if your character will be booped forward in time. If you don't hear from me, great! That simply means time will pick up with your character as it currently stands in the roleplay.

I also want to reiterate that you are all welcome to start working on your individual plots! We're a slow moving group, and sometimes inspiration strikes at odd hours! As long as your post is focused on what we've discussed for your individual plots (and doesn't detract from the current plot, of course) feel free to let your muse fly.

And as always, if you have any questions, hit me with em!


◆ Over the next few months you may see some changes/alterations to the subforum. Don't worry! Things will come and go as I continue to upload and polish current details. Which brings me to my second update...

◆ In the same vein as @Effervescent and @Elle Joyner, at the turn of the new year, current players will be able to create separate group roleplays, side stories, and 1x1s. Concepts should be run by me first, to ensure both our visions line up in a lore worthy fashion! You're more than welcome to recruit players from outside the current group! You may use the current character roster set-up or request threads for OOC and Sign up purposes! You may also request a side-channel in the RoNaan's Realm server or create one of your own.
Please note that all Iwaku rules will apply and star activity outside of FtB is not permitted. Breaking these rules will result in the roleplay's termination and archival within the vault.

◆ Hold your pants! I plan on keeping steady with the GM Posts here on out -- y'all cheesy homefry's deserve more. :p <3

◆ Around the beginning of the new year I plan on opening another thread for RoNaan's Realm. But, before I start getting ahead of myself, I would like to ask you guys something:

Would you rather choose your favorite out of three GM-Guided rp's or create a project together, inspired by @Elle Joyner's wonderful Weight of the Crown?​

I leave the choice up to y'all and anybody else who sees this and might be interested!

Anyways, it's getting late, and I've rambled enough. I hope you all are well and in good spirit for the holidays to come!

@CloudyBlueDay @Dismas @Doctor Jax @Effervescent @Elle Joyner @Radio Jelly @Red Thunder @Shizuochan @Ner0
@Tyrannosaurus Rekt @Bears

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