Private Role Play (Invite Only)

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I didn't have power anymore. No control over people. She thought and began to hyperventilate. She had literally nothing but the two bags of money the girl had given her.
Rosilin start thinking about her decisions.
will i get to eat today?
will they notice im not her and kill me?
or throw me in prison?

she started to panic as she thought of all the possible things that could happen.
and she sunk down in the middle of the courtyard trying to breath
she gulped as she sat there in deep thought.
What if something happened to her while she was out here. Like thrown in jail- or executed! That girl would have to keep her throne. Her husband, her life. She glanced behind her, debating on if she should go back and call off the deal. Call everything off and just go back to being miserable and locked away.
" oh no no no i can't do this......yes you can rosilin......nooooo you can't"
she bit the tip of her thumb nail as she panicked
"....on the one hand cushy life........on the other hand painfull agonizing death..."
she bit down harder
" on the one hand food.........on the other.....gulp....death....."
she was in a battle between her brain and her desires.
She stood up and began to head back, then shook her head. She couldn't back down on a deal, it wasn't a very diplomatic move...
" ahhh maby i'll grab some no i have to call this off before i get killed..."
she stood up and turned to the wall when she heard someone behind her.
" oh dear god this is is!? gonna die..."
she froze and didn't move, she thought if she didn't move maby they wouldn't see her.
Felicia began walking down the road again and looked around her. Where was she? She had never seen this road before- or maybe she had but when she was in the carriage. "Where am I?" She asked herself and knew that familiar feeling of being scared.
she stayed still holding in her breath waiting for him to pass by or leave.
this is what she was used to after all it must have looked veary odd though.
"Ah are you lost little princess" Robin said, leaning against a nearby building eating a apple he had stolen. "I could help you but it would cost some money" he said, noticing the bag of money she had.

Roland put away his sword and continued to guard the room door. He began to think the sound he had heard was just the wind.
Rosilin quickly darted towards the back yard trying to avoid any gaurs possible. She had accomplished her goal she, when she rounded the next corner she slammed into a young guard who was guarding the door she was trying to get in
"How do you know who I am?" She asked and looked at him, her hand tightening around the bag in her hand. "And why would you help me, to say you met the princess?" Felicia smirked and shook her head.
"I'm so sorry" he said, turning around to face the person who had knocked into him. Being the clumsy person he is, he thought that he had knocked into her.

"You need my help if you like it or not" he said, crossing his arms and smiling at her cheekily.
Felicia opened her mouth and then remembered what the girl had said, trust no one. She shook her head and backed away from him. "And what makes you so trustworthy? All you want is my money…" she said with a bit of a smirk.
Rosilin let out a small squeak as she he apologized, she was used to being screamed at so she reacted before he finished.

" i i.....ahem...yyy yeah its fine can you get me in please?"
she was shocked he didn't notice the difference between her and the princess.
Felicia's hair was brown and her eyes were quite dark, as Rosilin's hair was blonde and her eyes were a shade of green.
maby he never met the princess yet?
that would explain it but what would she do as the others saw her?

" um....c could you escort me to my room quietly and without notice?"
she was hoping he would just agree, not knowing who he was or what his position was she assumed he was servant or something?
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