Private Pokemon RP(SteelMoon & Roche_777)

Hiro jumped, surprised at the sudden voice behind him. In his frantic fall to the floor he also kicked Quilava, who was resting on his feet, off the foot of the bed. Hiro looked up from the ground, Lilly was sitting on the window seat, explain how her parents had said no. Quilava jumped back on the bed and scowled at both of them, 'Grumpy ass.' Lilly broke down crying, and Hiro's face went skeptical. 'She is totally trying to get me back for earlier. If her parents had said no, she would of came in her yelling and started throwing my things around the room. She had totally skipped to step three on this one.' He wasn't gonna let her get away with this one. While her head was down at her knees, Hiro grabbed a slipper from under the bed. He took aim and bounced it off Lilly's head, and on Hiro desked Raltz started laughing.

"Why are you ninjaing into my room for, what would you have done if I was naked, huh? You trying to seemy sexy body all, uhhh ahhhh oooh yaaaa," Hiro got up, and started dancing like a stripper. Ralts and Torchic tried to mimic his moves from his spot on the desk, and To. Hiro stopped and crossed his arms, "You suck at lying." Hiro flopped back on his bed, "So why are you really here, besides trying fuck with me?" Hiro placed his hands behind his head to support it, he could feel heat from Quilava even though he was emitting no flame.
Lilly looked up from her knees with a disappointed look. Maybe the kid wasn't so stupid after all, in fact, she now looked like a royal moron "Well... if you must know..." she started, trying to stop herself from breaking her best friends neck for dancing like that in front of her, Hiro really know how to over do it a little "Mum and dad let me go. Though not without about an hours lecture on me and you being together for such a long time..." she grumbled, pushing herself off the window ledge and into the room "I just thought I would let ya know in person" she said with a small smirk, whacking Hiro quickly round the back of the head before plopping herself down on the bed. She couldn't help but let out a long sigh before laying back "I can't believe how awesome this is going to be, two best friends taking on the whole region to get eight badges in singles and eight in the doubles... It's going to be awesome!" She laughed.

That's when she looked up at the small orange Pokemon that still seemed to be taunting her on the desk, was that a Torchic? Wow... they were always so cute to her! It was pretty much the nickname she gave Hiro when they were little, calling his brother Combusken and his father Blazikin... But to see a real Torchic was way cooler "Nice new Pokemon Hiro! but with that your six are gonna be filling up fast!" she grinned. This was getting better by the second.
Hiro didn't mind Lilly's intrusion, not like she hadn't done the same thing a thousand times over. It wasn't like he didn't want her here, she was his only true friend. He remembered that he was always bigger and stronger then the other kids because of his martial arts training. Nobody ever wanted to play with the rough boy who lived at the dojo, and would never battle him because he had special training and they said it wouldn't be fair. Lilly was the only one who didn't ignore him or run away. She played games with him and was always willing to battle. He listen to Lilly go on about about the things they would do, enjoying her excitement.

"Nice new Pokemon Hiro! but with that your six are gonna be filling up fast!"

Hiro picked up his head and looked at Torchic, "That's right, I hadn't gotten to tell you." He laid back down, and called Torchic onto the bed. He ran across his desked and jumped the small gap, wings flapping vainly, and landed on the pillow. It cheeped in excitement, and ran around the covers. "Ya my dad gave him to me. He said I have to train it to become a strong Blaziken before I can become the Gym Leader." Hiro let out a deep sigh, he had a lot to accomplish in the next year if he was gonna take control of the Gym. Did he really have what it would take to accomplish everything. Could he stand up to his family's legacy like his dad and brother. He turned to Lilly, "Why did you run away like the other kids?" What he really wanted to ask was how was did he get so lucky to have a best friend that always stuck by him, even now when he was leaving the village.
"Well Hiro, if any bumbling idiot can train a Torchic it's you" She said proudly, patting him on the head half mockingly. The little bird was cute, she liked it, especially seeing as it was a fire Pokemon she could actually pat on the back, unlike Quilava, who would burn her hand off. But then Hiro asked her a question she was ready for, something she had never really thought about, especially with it being so long ago... 'why did I hang out with Hiro? Was it because we were somewhat similar?' she asked herself, looking her friend up and down with her hand tapping her chin, lost in thought, 'it might be because all the girls around my age sucked at battling... they just wanted to groom Pokemon.' she thought again, laying back on the bed.

"I think it's probably because you were the biggest challenge Hiro" she said with a slight cocky grin "I mean, even now I hardly beat you in a Pokemon battle, and now you have three Pokemon to my two I'm done for" she laughed, glancing over at Hiro "But you know, you're a good friend! Don't you remember the smack talk of our first battle? How all the kids in the school gathered round and were cheering for me but I still got beat?" I ask, daydreaming about the memory like it was yesterday "Remember how everyone was so upset but I still gave you a congrats and a hug? I guess... In all it was because I wanted to be better than you, but I also thought that a trainer so good shouldn't be going without human friends... Does that answer your question?" She asked curiously, she Lilly had rambled on a bit... She did that sometimes...
Hiro listened to every word, remembering the same battle she spoke of. It was a close battle really, Totodiles type advantage made up for his age and lack of experience. If his water gun had been as big as it was now, Cynaquil wouldn't of been able to dodge it. She became his friend because he was strong, huh? The same thing that drove everyone away was what drew her in, but that was because she was strong, too. He had trained since he was five to battle, yet Lilly was still able to keep up with him. She was an adept trainer, and her pokemon trusted her.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yes,...sorry, that was kinda weird." Hiro sat up, clasping his hands together. "You know, if we are really going to collect all eight badges, we will both have to get much stronger." Hiro looked Lilly in the eyes, "Are you ready for an adventure?"

Hiro talked with Lilly for a while longer, before complaining about sleep and telling Lilly she better be up in the morning or he would leave her behind, not really. As he stared at the ceiling, Hiro imagined all the things he may see on his journey. Quilava laid at his feet, and Ralts and Torchic slept around his head on the pillow. Hiro drifted to sleep surrounded by his pokemon.
Lilly soon reluctantly left her friends room and walked back into her home. When she finally pushed the door to her room open Totodile and Skiddo were fast asleep on her bed... Oh those two, they must have been waiting for her to get home and play some more with them... Atleast they would have plenty of time together for the next year. She gave the two a small kiss on the head before she too drifted off the sleep. It took a fair while, due to her being so excited for tomorrow but eventually fatigue took over and she was gone. Two little rascals resting at her feet.

When she awoke her two companions were still at the foot of the bed asleep, they had done an awful lot of activity yesterday to it was understandable. She put the two back into their Pokeballs and clipped them onto her bag, ready to be grabbed whenever she may need them. Then, after a quick lunch and about an hour of goodbyes and reassurance she made her way outside. This was it, the first step in her journey, but if there was one thing Hiro was wrong about, the two were going to need to get stronger. Much stronger.
Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm on Hiro's Pokegear meant it was morning. Hiro groggily turned off the alarm, and stretched. His pokemon began to stir, Quilava already awake watching Hiro's every move. Roche went to the bathroom to relieve himself and take a shower. He walked back to hi room, a towel around his waist and all his clothes in his hands. He put on clothes he had laid out the night before, a hooded long sleeve shirt, a pair of cargo shorts, his gloves, and a pair of hiking sneakers. His bag was already packed laying by the door of his room. He had a few changes of clothes, a survival kit, food for himself and the pokemon, 3 potions, 2 antidote, and some spare pokeballs.

Hiro fed his pokemon and let them use the restroom before returning them to their pokeballs, hooking them to his trainer belt. His pulled his bag over his shoulder. Downstairs he said his final goodbyes to his family. He also visited the dojo to pay his respects, and pray for strength and safe travels.

He made the small trek from his families estate to town, looking back one last time fondly. When he got to town, he could see Lilly in front of her house. 'At least she got up.' He closed the distance between himself and her, waving in greeting. When he got to her, he gave her a quick hug. "Morning! So you ready to get going? Got everything you need?"
Aah good! It was great to see that Hiro had made his way out. She was sick of waiting... Too anxious to get on with adventure. Giving her friend a quick hug back Lilly grinned at her friend, patting the Pokeballs on the chest strap of her heavy bag that she patted beside her. Inside it held a few changes of clothes, survival things, food for her and her companions, a couple of Pokeballs. Along with 2 potions, an antidote and a Burn Heal. All just in case "Yea I'm ready to go. So we're going up the mountain firs right?" she asked, looking over to the large hilly area that looked over the town "You ready to go? Because I am!"

This was going to be amazing... The chance of a lifetime. Lilly grabbed her friends hand before giving it a reassuring squeeze "This is gonna be awesome Hiro. You want to lead us off?" She said with a sweet smile, squeezing her friends hand again "It's gonna be a long road... But if we stick together, and remember where we came from and why we are doing it. We'll make it there." With her little inspirational speech done Totodile burst out his ball to ride upon Lilly's back. He too seemed rather excited to get going.
"Let's get going then!" Hiro pulled the first ball off his belt throwing it in the air, "Quilava." The black furry pokemon's back erupted in flames, "Quuiii!" The group walked down the road, passing the edge of the village, and into the world before them. Route 109 was a decent kept dirt road, that wound its way through the mountains, and down into Scarlet Village. It was suppose to take three days by foot. Quilava walked near Hiro, taking in the new sights and scents.

They had probably been walking for two hours now, the woods getting thicker and more wild. Along the road Totodile had found himself some berries he had greedily ate down, and Quilava spooked a group of Spoink that were off to the side of the road. Hiro chatted with Lilly as they walked, the two friends enjoying themselves. He picked up a small Caterpie that was clinging to a tree, and set it on Lilly's shoulder. All an all it was fun, and Hiro was glad Lilly had come with him. Things would of been too serious with just him and Quilava.

"I am, a trainer, of pokemon! I'm just, making it up, as I go along. Don't cross my path, or I beat you, in a battle! I don't know, where my journey, will take me! I am, a trainer, of pokemon! I'm with my buddy, Lilly Santana, on my journey!" Hiro was horribly ad-libbing a song to fill the silence in conversation. Hiro could sense his song getting to Lilly, and started jumping around her like a monkey singing it louder. "I AM, A TRAINER, OF POKEMON! I'M SINGING, TO ANNOY YOU, 'CUZ IT'S FUN! EVERYBODY, LOVES MY SONG, BUT YOU!"
Lilly could only sigh. How embarrassing. It's a good thing the only living creatures that could hear Hiro's horrible excuse for a 'song' were the Spoinks and the Caterpies on the path. But she'd let him have his fun. She summoned Skiddo from his Pokeball and gave him a wink "Skiddo, if Hiro opens his mouth to sing vine whip for me. Right about..." she stopped, smacking her friend hard on the bottom with a slight smirk. Of course, Skiddo knew what to do.

But as they walked she let out a long sigh, apart from the odd 'tune' that came form Hiro this was rather relaxing! She thought that maybe the pack would be super heavy or the pokemon would be attacking left and right but no... It was calm and almost tranquil. Some might even call it beautiful. "Hey Hiro. Thanks for letting me tag along. If I wasn't coming to do this I'd be bored as hell at home" she muttered before looking at her Poke Gear, making sure to send Hiro a message simply reading

-- YOU SUCK --
--Love Lilly <3 --

There. That should keep her entertained. It was at that point that Lilly realized that she should be reminding Hiro of this often. And so she would. She didn't use the Poke Gear nearly enough anyway!
Hiro continued with his horrbile singing, not paying Lilly no mind, until someone smacked his butt. "Hey, hands of the produce!" Hiro was started to get tired of his stupid song anyways. He continued at a normal pace, taking in the scenery and pointing things of interest out to Quilava.

"Hey Hiro. Thanks for letting me tag along. If I wasn't coming to do this I'd be bored as hell at home."

Hiro's attention was still elsewhere, not really processing what Lilly had said, "Ya, of course." He ran off the path a little ways chasing after Quilava who had become enthralled with a Butterfree. "Come on, Qui!" The fire pokemon took another look at the strange bug, then bounded back to Hiro's side. He cut back to the road and continued walking with Lilly. 'Beboo beep.' Roche pulled the Pokegear from its pocket on one of the backpack straps. That sound meant he had a message, but who would be...

The message was from Lilly, and Hiro didn't know how to take it. He knew Lilly was watching him, so he punched her arm, "You suck!", and started laughing. He put his Pokegear away, but he mulled over the message in his head. It wasn't like she meant anything, she was just trying to fuck with his head again, she always was. Besides, didn't he love her as a friend too, nothing weird about that. It was weird that she would send him a message when he was right here with her, at least he thought it was. But he really shouldn't think too much about it. That would just leave his head all confused and in a mess, just let it go.

He felt his stomach gurgle, and decided a snack was in order. As they walked, Hiro pulled his bag off of one arm, and rummaged around until he found two energy bars. The kind with all the nuts and dried fruit that were packed with protein. Hiro loved eating foods with protein, they were so feeling and energizing. He tapped one against Lilly's shoulder, "Want one?"
She laughed a little and took the bar that was tapped against her shoulder, looking over at Hiro with a grin "Sure thing, thanks" she said with a wider smile, soon unwrapping the bar and taking a large bite. It wasn't bad, she expected it to be more than a little awful but hey, it was edible it was then she noticed where they were walking. Hadn't her mother and father always warned her about tall grass? "Hey Hiro. Is it true that Pokemon attack in small grass or is that just a children s tale they tell you?" She asked curiously, suddenly making sure of where she was stepping, not sure of why she was suddenly so nervous "Because haven't we been walking in this tall grass for a while now?"

She looked up at Totodile and made sure Skiddo was keeping close, suddenly the reality of being alone caught up with her. Hopefully if something attacked the five Pokemon between the two trainers should be able to handle it. Even so they kept walking. They'd been at it for a fair few hours now and luckily none of the two seemed like they wanted to stop any time soon. Lilly pulled out her bottle of water and took a long sip, holding it out for Hiro "Hey you want some water? It's still cold" she said with a friendly smile, though still keeping an eye on the large grass they trekked through
Hiro already knew they were in the tall grass, because he had led them that way. The map on his PokeGear showed the that the road doubled back on itself, but if they cut through the thick it would save a lot of time. "Well really, pokemon attacks can happen anywhere, but they are reportedly less common in heavily trafficked areas. Your fine as long as you don't pass through an aggressive pokemon's territory." He accepted the water from Lilly and took a big gulp.

Quilava was the first to notice their assailant, his ears pinning back as he let out a low growl. "What's up Quilava?" The movement of the grass in Hiro peripheral caused him to quickly turn. "Watch out Lilz!" Through the top of the grass, he could see a silver plated back. "Go, Quilava!" Quilava ran forward before jumping high above the grass. Soaring through the air his flames erupted bigger as he released an Ember, pellets of dire raining down. The wild pokemon never missed a step. Quilava landed in the grass. Hiro couldn't see what happen, but Quilava was thrown through the air, Hiro barely able to break his fall in time. The pokemon was quickly close enough to identify. It was a Lairon, and it was pissed.