Prince of Vengeance (Dark fantasy. OOC.)

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IC ^

The country of Derega, a land of green fields and blue seas, is in turmoil.. Civil war rages across the land and blood soaks the fields all because of two men: The king and his son. For the past several years many believed the young prince to be dead and once he returned to the surface he brought an army with him in his march to the throne. The broken and forgotten followed him; deserters, murderers, thieves and traitors... to the point where he received the nickname "the prince of the damned"
Only a few know the true story behind the mysterious past of the damned prince, but many prefered to ally themselves with him rather than the old king. This was because for the three decades the king sat upon the throne he has waged countless wars with the barbarians of the northern mountains, the sea raiders of the Western islands or the horsemen of the eastern steppes. The people have grown tired and weary of endless battle and ceaseless suffering but still stand ready for one final struggle for peace and rest. Something the prince promised in exchange for a throne.

The land of Derega is surrounded by mountains to the north, east and south, while the entire western border is water. Only a handful of passages allow entrance to the country by land and these are heavily defended by strong fortresses and thick walls. While the wester border has many fishing villages and ports, there are three coastal cities which are most important of all: Clearsilver Bay, the most northern of the three and named after its clear water and rich silver mine.

Crescent moon bay, the one in the middle of the three and named so after its large bay in the shape of a crescent moon. This one is the largest of the three and holds the largest import of trade.

And lastly there's Hibernia, a city of sea raiders, mercenaries and other scum and villainy. All the money that comes from this city comes from its bars and brothels, which in turn get it from warfare and plunder.

In the center of the land lies its capital, Anor Respin, Literally translated "the Golden city". A city of golden stone and high rising towers. While it seem rich and plentiful, Poverty strikes the streets and the gap between rich and poor is immense.

To the north are the wildlands, mountains filled with barbaric tribes who live off of scraps and rocks voluntarily as they believe that the harshness and coldness of the land will break them down to their true self and give them strength. Something for which their gods will reward them. Some say they would be able to conquer the world if they would just stop fighting each other for long enough.

To the east is a mountain range protecting the land from the nomadic horseman of the eastern Steppes. The mountains are littered with crumbling forts and hidden underground fortresses from the days of old. Many believe the mountains to be haunted with the souls of lost warriors and prefer to avoid them causing many veins of iron and gold to remain untapped. The prince now hides in these mountains with his forces, in hard to conquer forts and even harder to find caverns.

Other info: There is magic in this world but it is limited and extremely hard to find out or control. Many will go for ages without ever knowing they had any magical powers, others kill themselves by accident before managing to control them. Only some are able to master them and these are few and far between. In other words, your magic (if you have any) Will be either weak or hard to control OR you have an extremely high position in the land.​

character sheet:




loyalty: (loyalist or usurper)







positions available:











prince (taken)
Laurentius the third "Prince of the damned"



He wasn't born with his powers, nor were they given to him, he stumbled upon them by accident. When his father banished him, he was sent to the deepest darkest dungeon in the land. A place devoid of sunlight and hope and was left there to die. And die he did, but he came back for his time upon this world wasn't done yet and his vengeance still raged. But that didn't remove the fact he spent time as a corpse and so his touch became that of a dead man. Ice runs through his veins and when he touches the skin of his foes they feel the same touch of death as he did as they slowly and painfully freeze to death. On top of that, death now comes harder for him and he is able to survive without air, food or water longer than others but not indefinitely.

As a prince, he was educated in all forms of combat including archery and was expected to excel in all of them. On top of that he was a master tactician, a rare mathematician and big reader. He knows things about the land he was planned to rule while others had forgotten it.

Born as Laurentius, third of his name, he was destined for greatness right from the start since he was his father's only child. He was raised secluded in the golden castle of Anor Respin and was trained by military captains and scholars alike. Unlike many of the court members he had a talent in both mind and muscle making him a desired suitor for an arranged marriage for more than just his title.

In time he began wandering out of the castle and beyond and found the people... less than eager to welcome anyone from the royal family. Laurentius realised then that if something wasn't done about the growing discontent of the populi, he would never truly be able to rule over his people. He began to appease the people: Sending what little troops he had to deal with bandits which were popping up more and more due to the constant warfare of his father, sending funds to the repair and maintaining of roads, he even went as far as visiting war orphans to attempt to raise their spirits somewhat. Most saw it as the sign of a benevolent ruler, but some knew that Laurentius did it for his personal gain as much as it was done for public gain.

In time people began to love him and the more they loved him, the more they hated his father. News of this reached the king's ear and he was less than pleased. The king, already paranoid due to several past assassination attempts, and restless, due to his constant warfare, feared a coup d'etat from his son and ordered his capture.

In the dead of night Laurentius was dragged from his bed and into the dungeons where his father waited for him. His screams filled the halls all night and day to the point that servants claim that his pain and spirit will walk the halls long after his demise. Once the king grew tired of not getting the answers he feared, he ordered Laurentius to be taken to the pit; a large hole in the ground shaped like a bottle where many of the country's greatest enemies are kept.

The pit is a place of ceaseless torment, there is little food, little water and no sunlight. Many who go there wish to die after as much as several days, but the place is cursed making its prisoners unable to kill themselves and forces them to stay alive no matter what the cost. It is a cruel place designed to make its inhabitants suffer as long as possible.

Rikard spent his days there wandering aimlessly as did many others. The lack of sunlight, food and water made him weak. The inability to tell what time of day it is drove him mad. What little he ate were rats if he was lucky and centipedes most other times. Water he sucked out of the mud and dirt. In time he became a husk, hollow and lifeless. And then... he died.

Darkness took him, the cold fingers of death gripped his heart and he felt himself slipping further and further from life. Every minute he spent dead in the real world equelled a century in the ethereal plane. But he refused to give in, his lust for vengeance, the anger burning in his heart was stronger than the ice of death and he came back stronger than ever.

His eyes changed to a light blue colour and his hands and body became colder than ice. When he touched a fellow prisoner, the man's veins froze before his eyes and he fell dead to the ground in less than a minute. Laurentius also found that he no longer needed to eat or drink as much and often found himself forgetting to breathe. This was his chance.

He began digging into the walls, something that would be suicide in any other situation but not for him. Time and time again he got buried beneath the dirt, time and time again he would've suffocated if he was anyone else. Until eventually he crawled from the ground and into the open air and sunlight.

Ever since he's been gathering an army of whatever he could find and declared war on his father and the kingdom he planned to rule.

"If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."


loyalist military leader










Prince's right hand (taken)
"Monarchy is nothing but a foolish game of trial and error, the people should rule themselves... but if I must have a king, I wish it to be him..."

Katalena Elaheh Calatia
"Lena" - A name that serves almost as an alias, all her co-workers known her by this

"Kat" - Though she has been titles this in the past she doesn't like this nickname very much and only allows her siblings to title her this, in everyday life she either goes by the nickname above, her middle name, last name or a variant of one of the two




The Prince's right hand

Her magical potential is strong and he blood sings and radiates with power, however Kat does not have the mental training needed in order utilize it at will. She and her siblings are the descendants of a witch, her blood is an ancient one, and her soul, old. When her emotions are at high peaks is the most common time for her magical abilities to surface, so when her passion or angry bubbles over the top you might see a flame or two, however blood seems to act as a kind of fuel for these abilities. While asleep her wounds heal overnight as do those of the people she dreams of if they are in such a state that healing is needed, but she cannot force healing to respond consciously. Instead she relies on common the medical knowledge of herbs and bandages as well as physical experience in fights.

All forms of close combat are Kat's specialty, hand-to-hand combat more so, but she's not pathetic in matters of weapons handling and the disarming of opponents. She's especially adept at running, due to her years of theft, however nowadays her pride and stubborn nature combine dangerously to make it difficult for her to flee unless there is no other option. Kat is unforgivably poor at long range weapon handling, the use of bows and arrows, as well as javelins is not an option for her, the closest thing she can manage is throwing knives.

For the first eleven years of Katalena's life, she was relatively happy, her suffering was minimal except for a smidge of teasing at school due to the rare, but not unheard or, coloring in her hair and eyes. Her mother was a seamstress, and her father, a soldier. Their marriage was a happy one, rarely they fought, and never in front of their children, Kat never truly realized how good she had it, that is, until everything changed... What caused that change you ask? A war to the north during a time when the king had sought to expand his kingdom, it didn't much affect the Catalia family, they missed their father while he fought among the darker skinned peoples, they were told to come to terms and learn to accept that war was dangerous, and that he might never return but it was only when the family received a letter that he'd fallen victim to the arrow of an enemy that the reality hit them. Hard. From that point in her life and one Kat found that the only way to satisfy this need for some kind of revenge was to blame another, and send all her feelings of rage and grief toward that person.

She chose the king, she blamed him, blamed him for everything that had ever gone wrong in her life, when she went to find employment in order to aid her mother with finances she said it was the king's fault that the job market was so poor, she pinned her father's death on him and she blamed him for her mother's suicide after she was unable to coop with having to care for three small children. Years of believing that the king was everything wrong with this world manifested itself into a dark loathing that consumed her and gave her an unquenchable thirst from revenge, she'd reached the edge of her control when he came to her, the banished prince offered her everything she hungered for in exchange for her loyalty and help in overthrowing the king. She accepted his offer and has thought of herself as an extension of the boy himself since, she was simply another set of arms to him, something that could be disregarded, used and thrown away on a whim, so long as her family is avenged, and her siblings cared for after her passing, she couldn't care less about whether she lives or dies...

[ Family ]
Two younger siblings, one seventeen year old brother who joined the king's army in order to provide his family with the benefits soldiers get as well as a younger sister who only just reached the age of ten. Both are valued by Kat, the only thing she truly loves in this world and are, in all likeliness, her only emotional weakness. Often she and her brother practice swordplay and other styles of fighting together so that she is able to defend herself if ever need be, naturally this suggests that he knows nothing of her affiliate with the rebels, he teaches her the typical techniques used in training the king's soldiers, information which she relays to her superior, the prince.

Katalena's most notable feature would definitely be her odd purple locks that fall to her lower back, she usually keeps her hair tied back and out of her way due to convenience. She has a lean body, toned from years of training and fighting, for a long while she contemplating joining the army for it's benefits but was scared away by the prospect of dying the same way her father did, instead of that she is employed as a waitress at a local tavern, she tries to work part time when she can, but always prioritizes the prince. To some, the girl is considered quite pretty among her people, of course that also depends on their taste, some find her desirable because of her figure or hair color, or captivating eyes that burn with a cold fury and a need to be compensated, they like her fierceness, while others detest her sharp tongue and independent nature. She has a thin, barely noticeable scar on her jawline as well as a number of others hidden beneath her clothing and commonly she wears light armor beneath her everyday guise.












King's mistress










nobles (there can be more than 1)
"Equality, like immortality, is something unattainable that men will forever chase... they are dreams that are almost tangible, something you can nearly caress, yet they remain out of our grasp eternally..."

Keryne Acacia Voltaire
"Ryn" or "Eryn"



[ Her Father and the rest of the Voltaire line have sided with the King, however Eryn has known the Prince when they were children, and pities the poor folk who suffer under the rule of the king, therefore she finds herself on the line between personal preference and family matters. As of late she took it on herself to seek out the Prince and talk to him, they came to an agreement that she would aid his plan to take the kingdom right from underneath the feet of his Father ]


Though she excels in magic used for combative purposes her greatest strength is healing, combining her powers as a witch as well as the correct herbs she can save someone's life who lies in the palm of death. At the moment she is the most well trained sorceress in all of Derega, she had some of the greater teachers to be found, having been hired secretly by her mother who had always been interested in the magical arts but had never pursued it, however her family's magical blood is weak due her Great-Grandmother being the only known practitioner of the art, her Great Grandmother was actually the first in the Voltaire line to devote herself to the gods as a complete witch and the thing about magical lineage, the longer it's been there, the stronger and therefore, better it is, like wine. This means, that Eryn is drawing on solely on four generations of magical power, this also means that she can never truly be the greatest enchantress, however she is still exceptionally useful.

Eryn is a scholar through and through, unlike many throughout the kingdom, she is able to read and write, in several languages in fact. The girl can always be seen carrying a massive book in her arms or with a large satchel that is stuffed to the brim with papers and other belongings. Often girl girl goes out into the field in order to study nature and become more acquainted with the woods, she's very reliant on her intelligence and with good reason, she's studied enough in her lifetime to be able to list off a multitude of different plants that can be found throughout Derega, as well as a description of them and where in the land they are found commonly. The girl is not well built for things like hiking and running but can manage it if need be, she is also very reliant on her magical abilities and when she's in trouble that the first thing she'll turn to if talking herself out of the situation doesn't work. Unfortunately the girl is not a very capable fighter, however she's got a good reaction time, she's fast and keeps a hidden blade up her sleeve simply so that she can at least bring someone down with her if the need ever arises.

Keryne grew up just as an other noble daughter would, with the finest of everything, living in luxury studying in a warm chateau, away from the grievances of the world. While at times life was bland from some Eryn often found the most of it, her brothers constantly complained about their studies, wishing that they could go out to try archery or swordplay, while Eryn was content curling up by the hearth and indulging in books of both fiction and non-fiction standing. The girl grew to love her studies, namely when she turned seven, for that was when her mother introduced her to the hidden and forbidden world of magic. She was constantly surrounded by other educated peoples, everything at her beck and call, the only exception that set her apart from other noble ladies was the powerful connections her family held with the other nobles in the land. This advantage gave her far more opportunity, and therefore, far more freedom and knowledge.

You see, the Voltaires are the one line that is connected to every house worth mentioning in one way or another, even the distant, hard-hearted and cold-blooded Deveraux men have a faint line with them. This connection is especially true in regards to the King's family who had many Voltaire ladies that were wed throughout generations to members of the royal family who would never receive the throne, or perhaps a King of the distant past had received a Voltaire woman as a queen... or concubine. You understand the point, they had influence with the higher ups, and therefore they had strong political power, when she was nine the Voltaires tried to make their bonds with the Royals even tighter by plotting something with their only daughter and the young Prince, in the end, it didn't work out thanks to the Prince's banishment. Her family moved on quickly, however Eryn lingered on him constantly, the boy she'd known for seven years, the boy she'd learned to care for, was suddenly gone. She strengthened her magic, and moved on with her life as her parents wanted.

However, for years she never grew close to forgetting her dear friend and often sent spells his way, minor things to help him navigate in the dark prison and find food scraps and decent water. From a distance she helped him survive, strengthening their bond through magical means by focusing on him and his needs, she nurtured an odd bond that resulted in something unexpected. She discovered one night that she could see what he was seeing as she dreamt or focused on it, she could envision him as he carved his way through the earth, and felt suffocated and breathless alongside him as the tunnels gave way, and she was present when he saw daylight once again, crying tears of joy for him. Ever since she witnessed when he'd been living in she'd been set on finding him, her mind made up on helping him and seeing if she was willing to hand her loyalty over to him and kneel down as his unwavering follower and pawn. Her family however, has different plans...

[ The Prince ]
The Voltaires were close enough to the Royal family, that the two noble families with children of the same age were able to arrange time for the two to spend with one another, for a long time, before the Prince 'disgraced his name and spat on his family's honor' there was talk of marriage when the two grew old enough. However Eryn never wanted to see him in such a light, to her he was simply Lauren, nothing else, aghast as she was at the idea of wedding him she had never wished hardship upon him in such a cruel manner

Eryn is a small woman of medium build, the girl is physically, very slender due to genes, not because work or fighting toned her body in such a manner, in fact, it seems like she hasn't much muscle on her at all, however, lugging around books the way she does she has managed to build enough strength to drive a blade into the belly of a man. The girl has odd red locks, deep orange hair that look to be the hues of fire and blood mixed into one. Her hair is a kind that is quite common, is still considered quite in demand in regards to the black market, while her eyes stand out amongst her cropped hair in a stunning green color, like a pair of emeralds that shine, namely when she's excited. Her clothing is commonly a dress of some sort, topping with a traveling cloak and on her person jewelry is not uncommon.


Loyalist soldiers (limitless)
Nephele Lancastor



The King

King Soldier

At a young age Nephele always ran a high temperature. When she was eight her family found out why. She had been outside sparring with her father and brothers when her oldest brother had teased her, telling her that she wouldn't be as good as any of the boys or do what they could. This angered her greatly. This would be the last time they would pick on her. She had trapped her brother in a ring of fire. Shocked by what she had done, her father and other brothers had finally put it out, she vowed to control it to the best of her abilities.

Nephele is strong when it comes to combat, having sparred with her three older brothers and father for several years. Her favorite is one on one combat but group combat his just as good. Her magical skills are second in line with her combat. Nephele's fire skills are mediocre at best but weak at most. She has never been able to recreate the ring of fire since that fateful day. On her best day she can shot fireballs or even a string of fire, often ending with everything on fire, but hey she wasn't complaining. Most often then not she just ignites her swords. When the fire is out of control she often sets herself on fire.

Nephele grew up in the outskirts of the city. Her family was poor, but they made the most of it with five children between them all. She was happy, if not most feared in her family. She never understood why she was the only one in her family who had powers. Her father was in the military having been killed when she was ten. Her three older brother's also join, to help their mother with the fiances. Finally when she was Sixteen she joined as well, never having been the stay at home, maternal type. Even against her mother's wishes she left. She had to work twice as hard to prove herself against the other guys but it was worth it.

Now Nephele is one of the best in her group. Often that last straw needed to win the fight. Nephele grew up to never detest the King. She knew not the true nature of his ways.


usurper warrior(limitless)
Rikard The Highwayman




Warrior (Frumentari/spy)


His many years on the road thought him many things, most of which are illegal. He is a master pickpocket, capable of cutting a person's purse and getting away before the victim even realises what happened. The same goes for lockpicking; he always carries a set of hidden lockpicks and can open a lock in a matter of seconds. The guards have chased him often enough for him to get exceptional at two things: parkour and stealth.

If chased, Rikard can easily use his environment to his advantage by doing things as climbing onto rooftops, breaking things to hinder his pursuers and throwing knives and other projectiles behind him. When it comes to stealth he has trained himself to be quiet and one with the shadows. He avoids wearing leather because of it since it squeaks and most of his clothes can be wrapped tightly around him as to not make a sound when moving.

He is also no stranger to murder or torture as he found that many people will pay top money to see someone else die. As long as there are two people left in the world, someone is gonna want someone dead. When torturing someone he has found that people speak more when preparing for a torture than during a torture itself; as such he has found ways of mentally torturing someone before starting physically.

To make matters worse for the people around him; he is not bad looking and has mastered the art of flirtation and charisma. He knows this and it doesn't bode well because of his sadistic side. More often than not he will lead a woman or girl on, seducing and toying with her before the kill of her or someone she's close to.

He is a nobody, lowborn and poor. His family is dead and no one who still breaths can claim they know him. He wandered the land from city to town stealing, killing and assassinating all the way. But no one can keep that up for long; one day he got caught, made his captors pay dearly for his life, and got put in the second worse jail of the land.

He was given a cell which was to small to stand, or even sit up in and not deep enough to lie down in. On his knees and elbows he was kept there without rest, without relief and without food or water. A human being can last for weeks without food, but the dehydration caused terible headaches, nausea, fatigue, delirium, constipation and seizures. Rikard wanted to cry, but he had no tears. He longed for death, encouraged it to take him... but it did not come. Instead one day his cell opened and he crawled out covered in hardened blood, piss and feces. As he stood, broken on his weakened legs he saw the young prince standing there. Rikard is a person who doesn't like having debts, so he swore then and there that he would help the prince get his throne as payment for his freedom.

His skills proved invaluable and he was made the head of the frumentari order. A fancy way of saying spies and assassins. A position he filled perfectly.

"I'm afraid that tonight, madam, it is your money AND your life."


Locke Carnelia, known as the Hound Knight.



Effectively None, although serving under the Prince under his contract for the moment.

Usurper Warrior (Can very easily change, determined more by who pays him.)

Locke possesses no inherent powers or magic, to his knowledge. (Feel free to make a plot point, Mr. Game Leader, if you want. If not, no biggie.)

* A Thousand Battlefields: Locke is a brilliant swordsman, his skill gained through years of conflict and service across a thousand different battlefields. In one on one combat, he is easily the equal of any well-bred knight, and more commonly, their better.

* A March Of Many Miles: Locke is an extremely durable and stalwart man, hardened through his youth and continuing to the day. This is what allows him to wear his armor for long periods, and what allows him to survive harrowing experiences. Mentally and physically, he is extraordinarily tough.

* A Hammer Of War: Locke is quite strong, a result of his youth spent as an apprentice to his father and as a soldier later on. He also possesses quite a lot of skill at blacksmithing, or, at least enough to ensure that his equipment is well-prepared.

* The Hound's Coffin: A heavy suit of steel armor, treated in a charcoal fire to blacken and preserve the armor against corrosion. The armor itself is a combination of ornate, yet macabre styling and rigid efficiency, able to keep many blows away. The helmet is crafted in the shape of a hound, hackles raised. The entire ensemble is, well, terrifying to look at, looking as if the wearer is a black hound come from the pits of hell.

* Caladbolg: Ironically, despite having a quite impressive name, Caladbolg is a simple bastard sword. When Locke breaks one, he simply buys another or reforges it, and renames the new blade Caladbolg again.

* Steel Buckler: This is a strapped-on buckler attached to Locke's left arm. It is emblazoned with a simple snarling hound mural.
"So you seek an answer about what sort of man I am. The answer is simple: I'm no man. I'm a dog."

The man who would become one of the most famed and decorated mercenary known to the kingdom was born in a surprisingly simple and humble way. The son of a blacksmith in the rural villages on the outskirts of Anor Respin, one of many small fiefdoms controlled by nobility members that supplied the city and such with food, Locke grew up learning his father's craft, first stoking the forges and then working upon various chores and tasks, his strength and endurance growing from the strenuous work. This life, although hard, was at least a happy time in his life. At 12 years old, the King began his endless sprees of war and chaos across the land. Levies were raised, and his father was amongst the men who were raised by the local nobility to serve. The last words his father ever spoke to him were simple. "Be good, lad, and mind yer mother. I'll be back in a few weeks."

He didn't come back. No one actually knew where his father went, although the prevailing suspicion is that he died a rather grisly death at the hand of any number of the foes that the army was sent up against to crush. Locke's mother sunk into a sickness when she realized that her love was never to return, although this sickness was not of the body, but of the soul. Eventually, she died two years of what apothecaries said was some manner of plague, but it was commonly accepted that she had died of a broken heart. Locke did the best he could during these last two years of his mother being alive, although there really wasn't much he could do. They lived at the edge of squalor, the young boy taking whatever jobs he could in order to survive. Once his mother died, there was nothing tying him to the land anymore, and so he willingly signed up for military training at the age of 14, joining the King's Army.

At first, he served as little more than another piece of cannon fodder to be thrown into the fray, but as time wore on, and the young boy simply refused to die, his status within the military rose, until at the age of 16, he was serving as a full-fledged man-at-arms, clad in armor, and serving as a shock troop. In this role, he served remarkably well, although due to a number of decisions where he overrode the noble commander, he was discharged from the army. The reason that he wasn't given an execution was simple: They were terrified of him. When fighting, it was like he fought with the savagery of a wild hound, slaying and killing around him as if he was a whirlwind of destruction, with a calm, completely silent center.

When released, he began doing jobs as a mercenary, gaining a reputation and eventually earning enough to order his custom suit of armor, his nickname now growing traction amongst those who had heard of him. Tales were told of his presence, and how he left no man alive, be it bandit or soldiers that he faced. And some men suspected that he wasn't a man at all, but a shapeshifter, a demon disguised as a man to bring sorrow and chaos to the world.

Those were simply, well, dumb rumors. Eventually, however, he was hired by a new master, who had heard of the might of the Hound Knight. Now the Dog of War serves a new master, a Prince of the Damned. A fitting place for a man such as him, at least in name.

Locke is not nearly as brutal or destructive as many would think him to be. He operates on a very strict code of honor, refusing to slay unarmed women or children, although armed are more than fair game. His overall mannerisms are melancholy and serious, and his voice is a deadpan, almost monotone sound. He is a man that has been beaten down by a world that he believes to essentially be against him. Jaded and cynical, Locke does not expect things to get any better underneath the Prince's rule. He serves not out of any desire to make the land better, but because the Prince pays well, and because his code does not allow him to betray someone he is serving for more coin. This is stipulated quite clearly in his contract, which he holds to firmly.

Locke is a man without hope. A warrior who takes no joy from his killing. And a man that thinks the world is beyond saving. He doesn't live for anything, but has no reason to die.

civilian (limitless)
Dantarian Blackthron


whoever pays best.

hired mercenary.

He has a small amount of power over the element of air. whilst some monks, in far away kingdoms, may be able to control it into tornadoes and the like, he can do only simple things, like speed himself up a little, or glide down on the air, and propel his jumps.
  • Dantarian is a master of stealth, disguise, espionage, and close-up combat. he changes his name every job, and mostly wields a shortsword he bought a long while ago. He is also a rather good engineer, having created several of his own devices to help him. these include:​
  • A crossbow powered by steam, which fires bolts at hight velocity.​
  • a special full-body under-suit, which holds several hidden weapons, for emergencies.​
  • some special climbing gear.​
When he was a young boy, his village was raided in the night by a group of bandits. he hid in the basement for some time, and, whilst there, he found an old workstation, which had not been used for many years. he read some of the concepts, and, to his surprise, understood them perfectly. he set to work on creating one of them, a small dagger, that fired itself out on a piece of reinforced wire, and could be drawn back into the hilt in an instant. once he had finished it, he went outside to see whether or not the raiders had gone, but, sadly, they had not, and one of them began to attack him, slitting one of his eyes out in the process. Dantarian cut the man in half with his dagger. he then saw the bloody corpses of his entire family, and went into a blood-lust rage, slicing his way through all but one of the bandits, who had run in fear of this monster child. He then ran away from the village, as fast as he could, running far into the mountains, where he stumbled upon an old hermit, who was meditating on the ways of the elements. he was taken in, his wounds healed, and for the next 15 years, trained in the way of the wind by the old hermit. eventually, when he was twenty-two, the hermit died. Dantarian gave him an honourable funeral, and made his way into a nearby town. he was hungry, and starting to feel tired, but had no money, as the hermit was a poor man, with few physical possessions. he then saw a poster on a nearby wall. it read "Wanted, Dead Or Alive: Hethrick Albark, thief and murderer. REWARD: 200 gold pieces.". he took the chance to get some money, using rumours from the townsfolk to track down Hethrick, and capture him, by cutting off one of his legs, tying him up, and bringing him to the town Marshall. he took the gold, and went to the tavern for some food and sleep. he has been a bounty hunter and mercenary ever since, and is currently sitting in the town tavern, waiting for some work.


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I'm pretty sure I killed an armoured cave troll in that cave... I like the city pics you found though. Consider me interested and if I still am in a couple of days then ill have posted an app.
Say about Skyrim what you will, but they have some really interesting locations.
And thanks, I'll be waiting. Or not.
haha yeah they do. oh, one last thing - do you have a plot idea set out already or is it like what I do with DnD and just make it up as you go along to suit character development?
"Monarchy is nothing but a foolish game of trial and error, the people should rule themselves... but if I must have a king, I wish it to be him..."

Elaheh Calatia
"Lena" - A name that serves almost as an alias, all her co-workers known her by this
- Though she has been titles this in the past she doesn't like this nickname very much and only allows her siblings to title her this, in everyday life she either goes by the nickname above, her middle name, last name or a variant of one of the two




The Prince's right hand

Her magical potential is strong and he blood sings and radiates with power, however Kat does not have the mental training needed in order utilize it at will. She and her siblings are the descendants of a witch, her blood is an ancient one, and her soul, old. When her emotions are at high peaks is the most common time for her magical abilities to surface, so when her passion or angry bubbles over the top you might see a flame or two, however blood seems to act as a kind of fuel for these abilities. While asleep her wounds heal overnight as do those of the people she dreams of if they are in such a state that healing is needed, but she cannot force healing to respond consciously. Instead she relies on common the medical knowledge of herbs and bandages as well as physical experience in fights.

All forms of close combat are Kat's specialty, hand-to-hand combat more so, but she's not pathetic in matters of weapons handling and the disarming of opponents. She's especially adept at running, due to her years of theft, however nowadays her pride and stubborn nature combine dangerously to make it difficult for her to flee unless there is no other option. Kat is unforgivably poor at long range weapon handling, the use of bows and arrows, as well as javelins is not an option for her, the closest thing she can manage is throwing knives.

For the first eleven years of Katalena's life, she was relatively happy, her suffering was minimal except for a smidge of teasing at school due to the rare, but not unheard or, coloring in her hair and eyes. Her mother was a seamstress, and her father, a soldier. Their marriage was a happy one, rarely they fought, and never in front of their children, Kat never truly realized how good she had it, that is, until everything changed... What caused that change you ask? A war to the north during a time when the king had sought to expand his kingdom, it didn't much affect the Catalia family, they missed their father while he fought among the darker skinned peoples, they were told to come to terms and learn to accept that war was dangerous, and that he might never return but it was only when the family received a letter that he'd fallen victim to the arrow of an enemy that the reality hit them. Hard. From that point in her life and one Kat found that the only way to satisfy this need for some kind of revenge was to blame another, and send all her feelings of rage and grief toward that person.

She chose the king, she blamed him, blamed him for everything that had ever gone wrong in her life, when she went to find employment in order to aid her mother with finances she said it was the king's fault that the job market was so poor, she pinned her father's death on him and she blamed him for her mother's suicide after she was unable to coop with having to care for three small children. Years of believing that the king was everything wrong with this world manifested itself into a dark loathing that consumed her and gave her an unquenchable thirst from revenge, she'd reached the edge of her control when he came to her, the banished prince offered her everything she hungered for in exchange for her loyalty and help in overthrowing the king. She accepted his offer and has thought of herself as an extension of the boy himself since, she was simply another set of arms to him, something that could be disregarded, used and thrown away on a whim, so long as her family is avenged, and her siblings cared for after her passing, she couldn't care less about whether she lives or dies...

[ Family ]
Two younger siblings, one seventeen year old brother who joined the king's army in order to provide his family with the benefits soldiers get as well as a younger sister who only just reached the age of ten. Both are valued by Kat, the only thing she truly loves in this world and are, in all likeliness, her only emotional weakness. Often she and her brother practice swordplay and other styles of fighting together so that she is able to defend herself if ever need be, naturally this suggests that he knows nothing of her affiliate with the rebels, he teaches her the typical techniques used in training the king's soldiers, information which she relays to her superior, the prince.

Katalena's most notable feature would definitely be her odd purple locks that fall to her lower back, she usually keeps her hair tied back and out of her way due to convenience. She has a lean body, toned from years of training and fighting, for a long while she contemplating joining the army for it's benefits but was scared away by the prospect of dying the same way her father did, instead of that she is employed as a waitress at a local tavern, she tries to work part time when she can, but always prioritizes the prince. To some, the girl is considered quite pretty among her people, of course that also depends on their taste, some find her desirable because of her figure or hair color, or captivating eyes that burn with a cold fury and a need to be compensated, they like her fierceness, while others detest her sharp tongue and independent nature. She has a thin, barely noticeable scar on her jawline as well as a number of others hidden beneath her clothing and commonly she wears light armor beneath her everyday guise.

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raitoningu: The rough red line is there but it's mostly just making stuff up for character development.
"Equality, like immortality, is something unattainable that men will forever chase... they are dreams that are almost tangible, something you can nearly caress, yet they remain out of our grasp eternally..."

Keryne Acacia Voltaire
"Ryn" or "Eryn"



[ Her Father and the rest of the Voltaire line have sided with the King, however Eryn has known the Prince when they were children, and pities the poor folk who suffer under the rule of the king, therefore she finds herself on the line between personal preference and family matters. As of late she took it on herself to seek out the Prince and talk to him, they came to an agreement that she would aid his plan to take the kingdom right from underneath the feet of his Father ]



Though she excels in magic used for combative purposes her greatest strength is healing, combining her powers as a witch as well as the correct herbs she can save someone's life who lies in the palm of death. At the moment she is the most well trained sorceress in all of Derega, she had some of the greater teachers to be found, having been hired secretly by her mother who had always been interested in the magical arts but had never pursued it, however her family's magical blood is weak due her Great-Grandmother being the only known practitioner of the art, her Great Grandmother was actually the first in the Voltaire line to devote herself to the gods as a complete witch and the thing about magical lineage, the longer it's been there, the stronger and therefore, better it is, like wine. This means, that Eryn is drawing on solely on four generations of magical power, this also means that she can never truly be the greatest enchantress, however she is still exceptionally useful.

Eryn is a scholar through and through, unlike many throughout the kingdom, she is able to read and write, in several languages in fact. The girl can always be seen carrying a massive book in her arms or with a large satchel that is stuffed to the brim with papers and other belongings. Often the girl goes out into the field in order to study nature and become more acquainted with the woods, she's very reliant on her intelligence and with good reason, she's studied enough in her lifetime to be able to list off a multitude of different plants that can be found throughout Derega, as well as a description of them and where in the land they are found commonly. The girl is not well built for things like hiking and running but can manage it if need be, she is also very reliant on her magical abilities and when she's in trouble that the first thing she'll turn to if talking herself out of the situation doesn't work. Unfortunately the girl is not a very capable fighter, however she's got a good reaction time, she's fast and keeps a hidden blade up her sleeve simply so that she can at least bring someone down with her if the need ever arises.

Keryne grew up just as an other noble daughter would, with the finest of everything, living in luxury studying in a warm chateau, away from the grievances of the world. While at times life was bland from some Eryn often found the most of it, her brothers constantly complained about their studies, wishing that they could go out to try archery or swordplay, while Eryn was content curling up by the hearth and indulging in books of both fiction and non-fiction standing. The girl grew to love her studies, namely when she turned seven, for that was when her mother introduced her to the hidden and forbidden world of magic. She was constantly surrounded by other educated peoples, everything at her beck and call, the only exception that set her apart from other noble ladies was the powerful connections her family held with the other nobles in the land. This advantage gave her far more opportunity, and therefore, far more freedom and knowledge.

You see, the Voltaires are the one line that is connected to every house worth mentioning in one way or another, even the distant, hard-hearted and cold-blooded Deveraux men have a faint line with them. This connection is especially true in regards to the King's family who had many Voltaire ladies that were wed throughout generations to members of the royal family who would never receive the throne, or perhaps a King of the distant past had received a Voltaire woman as a queen... or concubine. You understand the point, they had influence with the higher ups, and therefore they had strong political power, when she was nine the Voltaires tried to make their bonds with the Royals even tighter by plotting something with their only daughter and the young Prince, in the end, it didn't work out thanks to the Prince's banishment. Her family moved on quickly, however Eryn lingered on him constantly, the boy she'd known for seven years, the boy she'd learned to care for, was suddenly gone. She strengthened her magic, and moved on with her life as her parents wanted.

However, for years she never grew close to forgetting her dear friend and often sent spells his way, minor things to help him navigate in the dark prison and find food scraps and decent water. From a distance she helped him survive, strengthening their bond through magical means by focusing on him and his needs, she nurtured an odd bond that resulted in something unexpected. She discovered one night that she could see what he was seeing as she dreamt or focused on it, she could envision him as he carved his way through the earth, and felt suffocated and breathless alongside him as the tunnels gave way, and she was present when he saw daylight once again, crying tears of joy for him. Ever since she witnessed when he'd been living in she'd been set on finding him, her mind made up on helping him and seeing if she was willing to hand her loyalty over to him and kneel down as his unwavering follower and pawn. Her family however, has different plans...

[ The Prince ]
The Voltaires were close enough to the Royal family, that the two noble families with children of the same age were able to arrange time for the two to spend with one another, for a long time, before the Prince 'disgraced his name and spat on his family's honor' there was talk of marriage when the two grew old enough. However Eryn never wanted to see him in such a light, to her he was simply Lauren, nothing else, aghast as she was at the idea of wedding him she had never wished hardship upon him in such a cruel manner

Eryn is a small woman of medium build, the girl is physically, very slender due to genes, not because work or fighting toned her body in such a manner, in fact, it seems like she hasn't much muscle on her at all, however, lugging around books the way she does she has managed to build enough strength to drive a blade into the belly of a man. The girl has odd red locks, deep orange hair that look to be the hues of fire and blood mixed into one. Her hair is a kind that is quite common, is still considered quite in demand in regards to the black market, while her eyes stand out amongst her cropped hair in a stunning green color, like a pair of emeralds that shine, namely when she's excited. Her clothing is commonly a dress of some sort, topping with a traveling cloak and on her person jewelry is not uncommon.

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Namora, I'll put your second character under "nobles"
Are we allowed to choose a position other then the ones provided?
Roxie: Of course

Khaleesi: Probably, what did you have in mind?
But... warrior is provided. It is known, Khaleesi.
Either way, I see no problem.

Nephele Lancastor






The King


King Solider


At a young age Nephele always ran a high temperature. When she was eight her family found out why. She had been outside sparring with her father and brothers when her oldest brother had teased her, telling her that she wouldn't be as good as any of the boys or do what they could. This angered her greatly. This would be the last time they would pick on her. She had trapped her brother in a ring of fire. Shocked by what she had done, her father and other brothers had finally put it out, she vowed to control it to the best of her abilities.


Nephele is strong when it comes to combat, having sparred with her three older brothers and father for several years. Her favorite is one on one combat but group combat his just as good. Her magical skills are second in line with her combat. Nephele's fire skills are mediocre at best but weak at most. She has never been able to recreate the ring of fire since that fateful day. On her best day she can shot fireballs or even a string of fire, often ending with everything on fire, but hey she wasn't complaining. Most often then not she just ignites her swords. When the fire is out of control she often sets herself on fire.


Nephele grew up in the outskirts of the city. Her family was poor, but they made the most of it with five children between them all. She was happy, if not most feared in her family. She never understood why she was the only one in her family who had powers. Her father was in the military having been killed when she was ten. Her three older brother's also join, to help their mother with the fiances. Finally when she was Sixteen she joined as well, never having been the stay at home, maternal type. Even against her mother's wishes she left. She had to work twice as hard to prove herself against the other guys but it was worth it.

Now Nephele is one of the best in her group. Often that last straw needed to win the fight. Nephele grew up to never detest the King. She knew not the true nature of his ways.




Sorry this took me so long my six year old kept running back and forth to his room.

Hope ya'll like her.
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You're a bit overpowered there, love, like I said if you want to decently control magic you'll be in a high ranking position. Or if you want to keep this position you'll have to adjust your capabilities with the fire. It's up to you. This is because if for example my Rikard faces off against your Nephele, you can simply create fire around him and win in the blink of an eye. It's unbalanced.
So until you sort that out, I'm afraid I can't accept you.
Ok my bad. She wasn't suppose to be that powerful just like fire balls or a string of fire. Ill fix it in a couple of hours when I get home. >-<
Dantarian Blackthron


whoever pays best.

hired mercenary.

He has a small amount of power over the element of air. whilst some monks, in far away kingdoms, may be able to control it into tornadoes and the like, he can do only simple things, like speed himself up a little, or glide down on the air, and propel his jumps.
  • Dantarian is a master of stealth, disguise, espionage, and close-up combat. he changes his name every job, and mostly wields a shortsword he bought a long while ago. He is also a rather good engineer, having created several of his own devices to help him. these include:
  • A crossbow powered by steam, which fires bolts at hight velocity.
  • a special full-body under-suit, which holds several hidden weapons, for emergencies.
  • some special climbing gear.
When he was a young boy, his village was raided in the night by a group of bandits. he hid in the basement for some time, and, whilst there, he found an old workstation, which had not been used for many years. he read some of the concepts, and, to his surprise, understood them perfectly. he set to work on creating one of them, a small dagger, that fired itself out on a piece of reinforced wire, and could be drawn back into the hilt in an instant. once he had finished it, he went outside to see whether or not the raiders had gone, but, sadly, they had not, and one of them began to attack him, slitting one of his eyes out in the process. Dantarian cut the man in half with his dagger. he then saw the bloody corpses of his entire family, and went into a blood-lust rage, slicing his way through all but one of the bandits, who had run in fear of this monster child. He then ran away from the village, as fast as he could, running far into the mountains, where he stumbled upon an old hermit, who was meditating on the ways of the elements. he was taken in, his wounds healed, and for the next 15 years, trained in the way of the wind by the old hermit. eventually, when he was twenty-two, the hermit died. Dantarian gave him an honourable funeral, and made his way into a nearby town. he was hungry, and starting to feel tired, but had no money, as the hermit was a poor man, with few physical possessions. he then saw a poster on a nearby wall. it read "Wanted, Dead Or Alive: Hethrick Albark, thief and murderer. REWARD: 200 gold pieces.". he took the chance to get some money, using rumours from the townsfolk to track down Hethrick, and capture him, by cutting off one of his legs, tying him up, and bringing him to the town Marshall. he took the gold, and went to the tavern for some food and sleep. he has been a bounty hunter and mercenary ever since, and is currently sitting in the town tavern, waiting for some work.



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Locke Carnelia, known as the Hound Knight.



Effectively None, although serving under the Prince under his contract for the moment.

Usurper Warrior (Can very easily change, determined more by who pays him.)

Locke possesses no inherent powers or magic, to his knowledge. (Feel free to make a plot point, Mr. Game Leader, if you want. If not, no biggie.)

* A Thousand Battlefields: Locke is a brilliant swordsman, his skill gained through years of conflict and service across a thousand different battlefields. In one on one combat, he is easily the equal of any well-bred knight, and more commonly, their better.

* A March Of Many Miles: Locke is an extremely durable and stalwart man, hardened through his youth and continuing to the day. This is what allows him to wear his armor for long periods, and what allows him to survive harrowing experiences. Mentally and physically, he is extraordinarily tough.

* A Hammer Of War: Locke is quite strong, a result of his youth spent as an apprentice to his father and as a soldier later on. He also possesses quite a lot of skill at blacksmithing, or, at least enough to ensure that his equipment is well-prepared.

* The Hound's Coffin: A heavy suit of steel armor, treated in a charcoal fire to blacken and preserve the armor against corrosion. The armor itself is a combination of ornate, yet macabre styling and rigid efficiency, able to keep many blows away. The helmet is crafted in the shape of a hound, hackles raised. The entire ensemble is, well, terrifying to look at, looking as if the wearer is a black hound come from the pits of hell.

* Caladbolg: Ironically, despite having a quite impressive name, Caladbolg is a simple bastard sword. When Locke breaks one, he simply buys another or reforges it, and renames the new blade Caladbolg again.

* Steel Buckler: This is a strapped-on buckler attached to Locke's left arm. It is emblazoned with a simple snarling hound mural.
"So you seek an answer about what sort of man I am. The answer is simple: I'm no man. I'm a dog."

The man who would become one of the most famed and decorated mercenary known to the kingdom was born in a surprisingly simple and humble way. The son of a blacksmith in the rural villages on the outskirts of Anor Respin, one of many small fiefdoms controlled by nobility members that supplied the city and such with food, Locke grew up learning his father's craft, first stoking the forges and then working upon various chores and tasks, his strength and endurance growing from the strenuous work. This life, although hard, was at least a happy time in his life. At 12 years old, the King began his endless sprees of war and chaos across the land. Levies were raised, and his father was amongst the men who were raised by the local nobility to serve. The last words his father ever spoke to him were simple. "Be good, lad, and mind yer mother. I'll be back in a few weeks."

He didn't come back. No one actually knew where his father went, although the prevailing suspicion is that he died a rather grisly death at the hand of any number of the foes that the army was sent up against to crush. Locke's mother sunk into a sickness when she realized that her love was never to return, although this sickness was not of the body, but of the soul. Eventually, she died two years of what apothecaries said was some manner of plague, but it was commonly accepted that she had died of a broken heart. Locke did the best he could during these last two years of his mother being alive, although there really wasn't much he could do. They lived at the edge of squalor, the young boy taking whatever jobs he could in order to survive. Once his mother died, there was nothing tying him to the land anymore, and so he willingly signed up for military training at the age of 14, joining the King's Army.

At first, he served as little more than another piece of cannon fodder to be thrown into the fray, but as time wore on, and the young boy simply refused to die, his status within the military rose, until at the age of 16, he was serving as a full-fledged man-at-arms, clad in armor, and serving as a shock troop. In this role, he served remarkably well, although due to a number of decisions where he overrode the noble commander, he was discharged from the army. The reason that he wasn't given an execution was simple: They were terrified of him. When fighting, it was like he fought with the savagery of a wild hound, slaying and killing around him as if he was a whirlwind of destruction, with a calm, completely silent center.

When released, he began doing jobs as a mercenary, gaining a reputation and eventually earning enough to order his custom suit of armor, his nickname now growing traction amongst those who had heard of him. Tales were told of his presence, and how he left no man alive, be it bandit or soldiers that he faced. And some men suspected that he wasn't a man at all, but a shapeshifter, a demon disguised as a man to bring sorrow and chaos to the world.

Those were simply, well, dumb rumors. Eventually, however, he was hired by a new master, who had heard of the might of the Hound Knight. Now the Dog of War serves a new master, a Prince of the Damned. A fitting place for a man such as him, at least in name.

Locke is not nearly as brutal or destructive as many would think him to be. He operates on a very strict code of honor, refusing to slay unarmed women or children, although armed are more than fair game. His overall mannerisms are melancholy and serious, and his voice is a deadpan, almost monotone sound. He is a man that has been beaten down by a world that he believes to essentially be against him. Jaded and cynical, Locke does not expect things to get any better underneath the Prince's rule. He serves not out of any desire to make the land better, but because the Prince pays well, and because his code does not allow him to betray someone he is serving for more coin. This is stipulated quite clearly in his contract, which he holds to firmly.

Locke is a man without hope. A warrior who takes no joy from his killing. And a man that thinks the world is beyond saving. He doesn't live for anything, but has no reason to die.
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