Pretending to be my Brother

"But you are going to have to work with him Tae Kyung too," Shinwoo said with a gentle smile that he used on everyone. "You got to think that he must be lonely, with his sister in Africa and no one else to congratulate him on getting to be part of us." Of course he didn't' know anything about what had "happened" in Africa and so the words were simply coincidental.

Hyeon had moved slowly closer and was silently listening in as the manager and owner chatted at him and each other about the luck that Hyeon had for joining such a good group. She turned from them and smiled at the three boys clustered around the barbeque. "Y-" She started to say before her cell phone went off in her pocket. She quickly scurried away before pulling out a light blue phone with a heart dangle on it. She put it to her ear and listened before talking quickly into the phone.

"No, I can't I'm busy, I'm sorry Joe, really. No, I'm not weak you know that very well, I just can't make it to calm Kuli down. You'll just have to do it yourself. Remember, hold eye contact, talk commandingly, you'll get her to calm down. Please you can't let Kuli run the church like that. No, I swear I'm not laying in bed right now with a book. Seriously Joe! Go, stop her before I come and shoot you myself."

By the end of the phone call she realized that her whisper had turned into a shout and she looked at the phone to the group and back to the phone. "Um," she said, looking at the ground as she stuffed the phone back into her pocket. Today is not my day
"He's right, we should take care of our new band member." Jeremy said and put on a half angry expression that would help Tae Kyung decide faster. Of course he knew that Jeremy wasn't able to be angry so it was obviously just fake anger. But in the end Tae Kyung sighted and looked towards the boy that were talking on the phone, actually it seemed like he were whispering. "Fine, but in return, don't ask me for any favors again." He told them then right after both he and Jeremy got surprised by the shouting that Hyeong were doing. Both he and Jeremy turned their heads towards there, the only difference were that Jeremy were worried and kept looking while Tae Kyung turned away his head after a couple of seconds and took a seat instead, uninterested in what the phone call were about.

"Did something happen?" Jeremy asked Hyeon, trying to not sound to serious or worried so that the party mood wouldn't be ruined.
"Y-No, no, everything'll be okay. Um," Hyeon said, a small blush finding its way onto her cheeks. "An old friend of mine was having trouble with another friend that can be a tad bit... dangerous when she doesn't do what she's supposed to. I'm normally there to calm her down but seeing as I'm busy here, he'll just have to deal with her." How could she tell them that a homeless person was waving a gun around a church full of innocent people when the real Hyeon was so anti-religious that he never once stepped a foot into a church since he'd left the orphanage?

Shinwoo frowned a little and looked at Jeremy. "Maybe you should go and make sure everything's all right Hyeon? I mean, if she's dangerous and normally listens to you when she's like that, then it would be better if you go wouldn't it?"

"N-no," Hyeon said with a forced laugh, "No, it- I won't be able to go every time they call me so it is better that Joe learns hwo to handle the situations without me. Please, don't think about it again. I'm sure they'll be fine." She walked over and looked at the food on the grill, "Jeremy, I think its starting to burn."
What a liar. Tae Kyung thought, it was obvious, for him at least, that Hyeon just were denying how bad it really were. But he wouldn't comment it nor think more about it. It had nothing to do with him after all.

Jeremy looked a bit worried at Hyeon but smiled when he said that it would be fine. "Well if you think it will be fine then we should get back to the party." He suggested as Hyeon walked towards them. At first Jeremy couldn't understand what Hyeon meant by what he said "Burn?" He asked, what could burn? Then he turned his head and remembered that he were doing barbecue. He hurried to the grill and took off the meat before closing the grill that had actually started a little fire. It would die out by itself after some time when the cover where over it. Some of the meat were badly burned but some of it still looked edible, but it wasn't enough for all of them and it would take some time before the fire would die out. Jeremy looked at his ruined food like a sad puppy.

"Should we order a pizza instead?" Tae Kyung asked, feeling the smell of burned food all the way to his seat.
Hyeon looked at the burned food and walked over, taking a piece that was the worst burned out of the lot and popped it into her mouth. She looked thoughtful as she crunched through it until she tasted the inside and it's juicy meat. She smiled and swallowed, washing the charcoal taste down with a sip from her drink. "Don't worry Jeremy, even burnt they are delicious. But a pizza would be nice for those that don't like burned meat," she said before reaching out and taking another piece and biting into it before going to sit across from Tae Kyung.

Shinwoo stared at the singer as if he were a crazy person. "I'll get the normal pizza for us, what kind would you like?" he asked the owner and manager that agreed on a pizza and then he turned to Hyeon. "Really Hyeon you needn't eat that. What kind of pizza do you like?"

Hyeon looked up as she wiped her fingers on the napkin in front of her, having just finished her second piece of the burned meat. "Um, I'm good for anything really. I'll just steal a slice from one of the other pizzas," she said with a small smile.
((Hey, what happened with simply never simple? xD ahaha))

Tae Kyung stared at Hyeon as he started to eat the burned meat, it would have been one thing if he had eaten the least burned pieces but instead he took the worst burned. That guy were really weird, but maybe he just wanted to cheer Jeremy up. But both Tae Kyung and Shin Woo knew that Jeremy would be as much cheered up when the pizza arrived anyways so he hadn't needed to do such a thing. What an stupid impulsive person that guy were. If he were impulsive then he were probably a bit chaotic to, Tae Kyung didn't like that at all, such a person would just be bothersome.

Jeremy also stared at the new guy. "You don't need to eat it, we can just have a barbecue another day." He said fast, so that Hyeon wouldn't try to take more of the burned food.
Hyeon looked at them with a kind smile and shrugged, "It tastes better than what I normally have at--" she stopped mid-sentence and looked at the manager who seemed to panic a little from her statement. "At the restaurants I normally go to for food. I look forward to your cooking when you do make it then." The girl reached out to grab another piece of the burned meat but was stopped by a hand on her wrist from the manager. Hyeon had actually enjoyed the meat. At any other day she would have been eating left overs that were most likely burnt that the homeless people wouldn't eat. Comparatively, the burned meat was much better.

Shinwoo looked at his two band mates and raised an eyebrow before going down to order the pizza, coming back a few minutes later. "They say they'll have the food here as quickly as possible.
Jeremy looked at Hyeon, what kind of restaurants did he go to? "Well, if they serve such food then you should go to better places. We can take you to some really good restaurants someday." He suggested with a smile. Tae Kyung only sighted, more places he would get dragged to if Jeremy thought that the whole band should go there. If it had been Shin Woo's idea then he wouldn't have been worried about it, but Jeremy were a person that often wanted to do stuff with everyone and not just one person. But it seemed a bit strange, if a restaurant served food that were worse than burned food then why hadn't they been forced to close yet? Was this guy hiding something from them?

Shin Woo came back and told them that the pizza's would come as fast as possible. Jollie looked up at Jeremy with begging eyes and Jeremy laughed and took one of the few pieces of meat that weren't burned and gave to Jollie. She started to move her tail in happiness as fast as she had eaten the meat. "I hope it goes fast, I'm starving." He said and had completely forgotten that he were the one that ruined the food and forced everyone to wait.
"You don't have to do that Jeremy," she said quickly, a small smile on her face as she shook her head. She didn't want anyone to do anything that would cause problems for them. There was so many things already that she'd lied about and the look that Tae Kyung was giving her every time she spoke something new didn't help. "You know, why don't you let me pay for the dinner? Since I was the one that distracted Jeremy from the cooking." She wasn't extremely rich, but she had enough pocket money on her to pay for some pizzas.

"Don't be silly, we couldn't let you do that at your celebratory party. That's be horrible of us," Shin Woo said, shaking his head. "Isn't that right Jeremy? Tae Kyung?" This lad was one of the strangest he'd ever seen or met for that matter.
"Of course you shouldn't pay, it's your party after all. And I insist on going out and eat with us, as a band we should show ourselves outside now and then anyways." Jeremy said with a childish grin. "Shouldn't Tae Kyung pay for them? It was he who suggested pizza and he is the one that helped least with everything." He continued and looked at Tae Kyung still with that childish smile on his lips.

Tae Kyung snorted and turned his head away. "Fine, but you two do the dishes afterwards." He said, money wasn't a problem for any of the three idols. They have earned a lot since they got in to the music business, Tae Kyung also had pretty much money from his family and he barely spent any of it anyways.
Hyeon started at them and shook her head, not sure what she was going to say. She felt like a burden on these people. Her brother would have had no trouble accepting the free food. She liked to either pay for the food herself or earn it, and so far she hadn't earned it. At least not to her mind she had. "You guys don't need to. I don't mind paying," she said softly before Shinwoo interrupted her.

"Deal. It was Jeremy's and my idea for this party after all," Shinwoo said, smiling at Hyeon, "Please, Hyeon, don't worry about it. It'll be your turn to pay soon enough."

(Sorry it took so long. >< I was getting food. ))
((I went to bed anyways xD hahaha))

"He's right Hyeon, this is a welcome party for you so we can't let you do anything else than having fun and eat a lot. You can treat us to something another time." Jeremy agreed and smiled at Hyeon. That girl like guy seemed so innocent, it was really funny.

Tae Kyung regretted that he came, he should be working on his music instead of sitting there with them. The barbecue had started to burn so he didn't get what he wanted, instead he got pizza that he could eat any day anyways and on top of that he had to pay. Damn that Jeremy, not because the money mattered, it was only what the money got spent on that mattered. He really didn't want to do anything that made that new guy to feel welcomed and paying for all the pizza could give the wrong signals. Well, he could always give that guy a living hell during training the next day. But he still needed to write on the song, what did Shin Woo mean with overworking? He never overworked. It was just weaklings that overworked themselves.
Hyeon ended up just looking at her lap before an idea came to her. She leaned over to the manager and whispered quickly with him. She rose and excused herself quickly, before heading into the house and navigating the halls like the manager said until she found the bathroom. There she washed her face a little and used the toilet before leaving and heading towards the door, her wallet in hand. She was going to pay for the pizza. She opened her wallet--or at least her brother's wallet--and pulled out enough money to pay for two large pizza's and waited by the door.

Shinwoo watched Hyeon leaved and then turned to the manager and Owner, curiosity on his features. "What did he mean by the burned food was better than the restaurants he normally ate at? Where did you find him?" he asked, not at all unapproving of them; just curious, like little kitten new to the world.

The manager laughed a little and looked at the owner who was drinking already. "He used to sing in bars and stuff for a living for himself and his sister. He was probably referring to the church food that they ate and didn't want to admit it. They stayed at a church for most of their youths," the manager admitted with a shrug, the drink in his own half already half-full.
Jeremy would probably have asked the manager himself if not Shin Woo had done it first, he looked curiously at the manager. His eyes widened as he told about Hyeon. "That must have been tough, trying to take care of himself and his sister." Jeremy said sentimentally and if there had been any tissue close then he would probably had blown his nose to make it even more dramatic.

"He probably have a reason for not telling us, better not letting him know that we know about it." Tae Kyung said before Jeremy would throw himself at Hyeon because he felt sorry for him.
Shinwoo was staring at the manager and was about to say something when Tae Kyung told them to not speak about it. "That guy must have been pretty good to get you as manager and get this far from singing in bars," he said, his estimation of Hyeon raising a little bit.

Just as he finished talking, the doorbell went off. Hyeon stuffed her wallet back into her pocket and rushed to the door and opening it with a friendly smile. She took the pizza's and passed the money over before turning and nudging the door closed.

((-pats Hyeon- :3 Wait til Tae Kyung finds out dearie.
Hyeon: ._. Why? ))
Tae kyung heard the door bell ringing and went down the stairs to open the door just to see Hyeon closing the door while holding the pizzas. "Do you really want to make everyone so disappointed?" He asked Hyeon, "If you can't accept peoples hospitality then you shouldn't come to their place to begin with. They just asked you to not do anything for just one day and you can't even do that." Tae Kyung said and turned around to start walking up.

Jeremy looked at Tae Kyung as he started to walk down to pay the pizza delivery guy. "Maybe he is some kind of musically genius." Jeremy said before looking at the clock on his arm. "Shouldn't Hyeon be back soon? He has been gone for a while now." He said and looked towards the stairs.
"You don't have to tell them Tae Kyung," the young woman said, standing where she had turned to find him looking at her. "I refuse to be treated like someone that needs to be fed by three rich men. I work for my food Tae Kyung and I'm not going to start letting you all feed me for nothing. Just tell them that you paid and I helped you carry up." She walked after him. She had her pride. She wasn't going to cower before this man that could probably snap her like a foot stepping on grass. "And it saves you twenty bucks. And I won't feel like a useless rock like the people I'm used to dealing with."

Shinwoo was looking over his shoulder at the stairs that led downward. "You are right. He'll miss all the pizza if he doesn't hurry. I'll go see if he is okay. Maybe he got lost. It is a new house after all," he said before getting up and going down the stairs just in time to hear Hyeon tell Tae Kyung to just forget about it and act like he had paid for the food. Shinwoo stayed out of sight by shifting into an adjacent hallway and listened, his frown deepning as Hyeon kept talking. He had some guts, Shinwoo admitted to himself.
"It's not like we will feed you every day, it was just for one day. And I don't have any intentions on telling them that you paid for it, but I won't tell them that I paid if they asks me." He told Hyeon, he wasn't interested in getting involved in something that guy had messed up. But he wouldn't lie to the others, they were like brothers to him, it had to be something really important to hide if he were going to lie for it. For that guy to tell him that he save twenty bucks on it, that was just laughable. Twenty bucks was barely any money at all, that new guy knew that they all three had a lot of money and still he insisted on paying when he didn't seem to have much money, what an idiot.

As he came out to the others Jeremy almost attacked Tae Kyung, mostly because Hyeon hadn't been able to walk in yet. "Where's the.." He started but then he saw that Hyeon was carrying them. "Tae Kyung, that was mean. How could you make our guest carry the pizza, if you weren't going to do it then you could just have asked me to come down and do it." He said while Tae Kyung were brushing off his shirt where Jeremy had taken a grip on him. He just shrugged and walked to the table to sit down and Jeremy made his way past as Tae Kyung moved aside to take the pizzas away from Hyeon. "You shouldn't let him boss you around, say no if he orders you to do things for him. It took a while for us to learn that but you shouldn't spoil him in any way." Jeremy said like if Tae Kyung were a kid that they were forced to raise.

Tae Kyung muttered at his seat but so silently so they wouldn't be able to hear what he were saying. As if he had told that guy to do things for him, he were the one that had done it without him saying anything.
((I missed you so much~))
Hyeon stared at the way Jeremy was reacting, blinking several times. "Um, Jeremy, you don't have to be like that. I offered to carry them," she said with a bright smile as she deposited the pizza's on the table quickly so that the men would get distracted by the pizza and stop bickering among themselves about being 'fair' to her. If there was one thing she learned form being in a church of homeless people then that would be that if one put food down, all differences were mended and they quieted. She didn't notice until it was too late that Shinwoo had stepped up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.

Bending close he hid his mouth behind some hair, "You really shouldn't have paid," he told her before smiling and going to his seat, pulling out a few pieces of pizza for himself. "So, Hyeon, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself while we eat? You've more or less learned about us through our interaction. All we know about you is that you have a sister that is in Africa."

Hyeon blinked up from the piece of pizza she had taken and had started to eat like someone that hadn't eaten a decent meal in a long time. Swallowing she put the pizza slowly down and looked down at her hands and then at the manager and owner. Both men were uselessly drunk. "Um," she said softly, trying to find something to talk about.
((Of course you missed me, who wouldn't? xD haha))

Hyeon didn't give Jeremy any chance to take the pizzas away from him. "You're to nice, if you keep being like that towards Tae Kyung he will eat you alive." He warned him jokingly just before Shin woo came. Tae Kyung just snorted at Jeremy's comment, he didn't want anything to do with that guy, as if he would gain anything in using someone as useless as Hyeon. But Jeremy still had a point, if he found something that could help him get rid of Hyeon then he would use that.

"Yeah tell us something." Jeremy encouraged Hyeon as he seemed to be thinking about something to say. "Like, what do you like for music. Or how many girlfriends have you had? Do you have one now? Have you.. " Tae Kyung stopped Jeremy when he noticed that it didn't seem like he would stop anytime soon. "Maybe you should let him answer a question before going on to the next one." He recommended before taking a bite on a pizza piece.